Originally posted by Spirometric
Well i'm 5'3 and feel like crap since no girl wants a guy at such a height and everyone is either taller or wants a taller guy
Wow, someone shorter than me! I'm 163cm, (that's a bit over 5'4), the shortest guy in my grade (I'm a Senior, almost finished). I'm half Asian (Filipino) and was born 3 months premature, is why. What's your nationality?
But do you know the average height of a girl here in Australia, and I'd assume it's the same in America, is 5'4. That means, aprrox 50% of girls are
below our height.
Now personally, I wouldn't date a girl taller than me, I'm just not attracted to a girl taller than me (like most guys). But that doesn't matter, I still got half the female population to choose from, and so do you Spirometric! Not
everyone, especially girls are taller than you.
Sure it is harder for guys like us, but that doesn't mean its
impossible. As many people have said, you can make up for your shortness in other ways.