"I sort of have a boyfriend" need advice ASAP please


New Member
May 4, 2006
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I was wondering if you can give me a advice on what to do.

here is my story: i met this girl in college in our class. we
have many things in common and we hit it off pretty good, all that. we didnt get a change to now each other that good because i didnt want to end up in the "friends list" i wanted to keep the suspense you know something mysterious. And because we only see each other like 2 or 1 day per week but i did give compliments and all and by now she knows i like her.

Now i also sit next to other girls and always talk to them and im pretty outgoing make them laught and all. Then this day i decided to ask her out.Before hand, i investigated and for a fact knew she did'nt have a boyfriend at all and shes online dating. after class i said " i just though i should let you know that you are a very interesting girl and i would like to know you better" and before i said anything else she thinks for about 2 seconds and says, "i sort of have a boyfriend". My response was "ok its kool" and i acted like i didnt care and kept talking. But i didnt know what else to say i could'nt find a comback, because i got so mad she had lied, i mean we got along fine and she lied!

Anyway i only get to see her again one more time
for our final exam. how can i make her feel like she has something to
loose or what can i do to get her interested. should i tease her on how
she "sort of has a boyfreind" cause i mean geez she didnt even believe it
herself! or should i get her jelous with other girls act
like i didnt care at all and then give her my number and say something
like "i ll still go out with you", of course in a funny i dont care kinda
way. I really want her.
thanks :) :woo:


Don Juan
May 4, 2006
Reaction score
Don't get so worked up over it. Girls do that all the time because they don't want to just say, "I don't find you attractive," to your face.

Anyway, you already told her that you wanted to get to know her and she already turned you down, so what more do you think is going to happen? You already said you barely have gotten to know her, so it's not like you've lost a lot of time you've invested. It would probably be better to just find another girl in that class that you make laugh so much as you said and just go after them instead.

Then again, I don't have much experience on this, so I'm just thinking this through theoretically. It's what I would do, but I wouldn't know if it would work. So whatever.


Don Juan
May 28, 2005
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA

From my buddy Captain Jack
Whether she has a BF or not really doesn't matter.

Like many of the PUAs before me I've actually found it EASIER to close a chick with a BF (or husband).

Also, notice that WHEN she tells you communicates different things.

If she tells you very early (i.e. before you qualify her) it means:

1) You made her feel like you were hitting on her and made her a tad uncomfortable...or

2) She uses it as a standard discourager to ALL potential suitors

If she tells you in Comfort it means: You were playing potential BF game and she can only have ONE BF...therefore she is telling you to tone down the comfort and switch to more attraction and seduction based Game.

If she tells you during S1,S2,S3 it means she wanted you to know so she didn't feel like SHE deceived you.

If she tells you afterwards it means she wanted to get f-cked before you found out but now she feels like she should tell you so you don't f-ck things up for her by being clingy or by telling someone in her peer group if you see her out again.

In most cases, I just acknowledge it, act like it is no big deal and game as usual.

The fact that another PUA (neo-rio I think) stated that all HBs "sorta" have a BF is true and is why I primarily run non-BF type game because AFTER you've f-cked them it is MUCH easier to make them a GF if you want. You can just gradually suck up more and more time until she ditches the BF.

Remember, loyalty only exists among Wings, PUAs and fellow pirates (AAAAARRRRRR!!!!)

-- The Real Captain Jack Sparrow


Don Juan
May 1, 2006
Reaction score
^true. But if you think she is lying about having a bf, then say something like, "So you sort of have a boyfriend? That's like being sort of pregnant". She should explain what she means by "sort of", and if sort of really means no, then keep her around. If she was just saying that to keep from hurt your feelings, FORGET HER. But if you think she was just letting you down easy, it might be best not to say anything and be friends(if you want), if not then just move on.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
Why waste time "asking" a woman out...if you have not set the ground work first? You MUST cultivate "attraction", before even asking somebody out. Comes down to that...IMO.


Don Juan
Apr 6, 2005
Reaction score
Flip the Script

The problem is you gave complements and by now she knows you like her. Unless this girl is really ugly, several guys every day do exactly what you did. It’s logical and makes sense, what else would you do? That’s what all of them are thinking. Imagine if there were girls just like her all over the place and always letting you know that you could have them. What would you do? Eventually, you would get to the point that only a really exceptional one would be worth your time. Imagine if there was one that you couldn’t seem to get. You would start to want just that one and no other would do.

This is what you need to do. You need to keep her somewhere in between accepted and rejected. If you completely blow her out and let her know there is no way she could have you, she would give up and look for another. If you let her know she can have you absolutely, she would find that boring and most likely tell you she has a bf or something. However, if you let her know that you like her, but she just isn’t quite good enough, she will start trying to win you over. This is what they call sexual tension. Instead of saying, “You’re cute”, say, “You’re cute, but I could never go out with you.” You can bet she will ask why.

Then give her some arbitrary reason, like, “You’re too short. I only go out with girls this tall.” Make a hand gesture to indicate how tall. Or “I only go out with blonds.” Or what ever. It doesn’t matter.

You have communicated that she almost, but doesn’t quite, measure up. This is like a guy friend saying “There is no way you could possibly beet me at basketball today.” You get this competitive feeling and decide you will beet him no matter what even though you didn’t even feel like playing before. You will make her qualify herself to you. This makes you the prize for her to compete for.


Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
Latinoman said:
Why waste time "asking" a woman out...if you have not set the ground work first? You MUST cultivate "attraction", before even asking somebody out. Comes down to that...IMO.
yep, totally agree.


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2003
Reaction score
tobeyou1 said:
I was wondering if you can give me a advice on what to do.

here is my story: i met this girl in college in our class. we
have many things in common and we hit it off pretty good, all that. we didnt get a change to now each other that good because i didnt want to end up in the "friends list" i wanted to keep the suspense you know something mysterious. And because we only see each other like 2 or 1 day per week but i did give compliments and all and by now she knows i like her.

Now i also sit next to other girls and always talk to them and im pretty outgoing make them laught and all. Then this day i decided to ask her out.Before hand, i investigated and for a fact knew she did'nt have a boyfriend at all and shes online dating. after class i said " i just though i should let you know that you are a very interesting girl and i would like to know you better" and before i said anything else she thinks for about 2 seconds and says, "i sort of have a boyfriend". My response was "ok its kool" and i acted like i didnt care and kept talking. But i didnt know what else to say i could'nt find a comback, because i got so mad she had lied, i mean we got along fine and she lied!

Anyway i only get to see her again one more time
for our final exam. how can i make her feel like she has something to
loose or what can i do to get her interested. should i tease her on how
she "sort of has a boyfreind" cause i mean geez she didnt even believe it
herself! or should i get her jelous with other girls act
like i didnt care at all and then give her my number and say something
like "i ll still go out with you", of course in a funny i dont care kinda
way. I really want her.
thanks :) :woo:
Be more assertive. She said that too you because she's immature and doesn't want you. She just didn't want to say it to your face, like I would have if I was a girl.

Sarge on!


Master Don Juan
Aug 30, 2001
Reaction score
don't make her explain what she means by "sort of..." that gets you nowhere and just digs the hole deeper.

the compliments were a mistake as noted above -- killed all the tension and means she doesn't get a chance to attract you. compliments = she got to you, means she won, game over, and then she's looking for the next one

pull back. be nice - don't avoid her, but now just go hang with the others as you say you do. maybe she'll try to get your attention again


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2006
Reaction score
Omaha, Nebraska
A boyfriend means nothing. A girl I work with doesn't just 'sort of have a boyfriend' she HAS a boyfriend. Has had one for two months-ish. Significance? The girl is dripping from my nuts. Always putting her hands on me. Smiles when I wink. Always finds an excuse to talk to me. Asked me to wait with her in her car tnite when I was waiting for my ride. Gets jealous when I have girls come visit me at work. A boyfriend is meaningless. Unless it's me ;). Chances are, like has been said many times, you took the challenge out of it. When you compliment a girl like that, its like saying "Hey guess what, let's play a game. Oh you won." Doesn't sound like fun eh? It's not. Hence the shut down.


Don Juan
Apr 27, 2006
Reaction score
one of the thing you can say is "its okay i am not jealous ...so you want to go out with me?" make sure you smile and said it in a playful manner though
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
After some thought she says, "I sorta, kinda, maybe have a b/f" means she is NOT interested - do NOT pursue her!!

She does not have a b/f - it was an excuse to let you down easy.


Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
You could've busted her balls for that statement "Sorta have a bf" to put you one rung higher than her. But given your story, I don't think it would've been applicable anyway.

But like the other DJ's out there, I'd steer clear if she says that. What I do, I think is pretty chauvenistic. If she says "i've sorta have a boyfriend" I'd reply with "Sorta? So is that like having the cake without the icing?" and then u can go into a routine like.. ohh.. i dunno - "My ex girlfriend still says 'she sorta has a bf' to other guys. Unfortunately for them, I'm the cake and they're the icing.." or some crap like that.

Bottom line is, don't bother using the Ex Bf-Destroyer technique. You're a Don Juan. Attract the other girls. She'll come to u eventually.


New Member
May 4, 2006
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DarkChoas: yes your right what more can i expect from her. i did find some other stupid lies from her part hehe.liar liar pants on f**king fire!

Asian Playboy: i think it was the number 1 that applied in this case.

librito: haha yes ill admit it. lets see... for the past semester i have met about 9 girls in college and about 3 outside. However, none of them have cheked the majority of the sqaures on my check list. its like trying to find gold. She was the most closest but well to bad for her we wouldve had a good time. o well live and learn.

Theman425: yeah she just didnt wanted to hurt my feelings. i rather get the damn truth however. To be honest i didnt really care about the rejection part, the liyng is what got me.

Latinoman: Yes ill have that in mind next time dont worry. Im always buidling the attraction with women i dont really care about haha and the one that i want for something serious, i mess up. but it wont happen again.

Coder: ok ill admit i made a mistake on that one also. before i had given her any compliment she would smile at me and shake her little hand like saying "come on" afterward its like wahatever. but still that doesnt excuse her from lying. i only gave her one however but i guess it still apllies.

Bat: its will not happen again Sir.

Workerouter: i guess a women having an age of 20 is still immature which seems about right. people age but never graduate aye?

TesuqueRed: yeah i know its good now.
yeah we all have loads of girls we can get, ill hang back with the others.

Skilla Staz: yeah your right. or she was playing hard to get, but yeah right! thats not going to make me want her more.

kingofnewbie: that wouldve have been good to say.

Last man standing: i went easy on her to by saying "ok its kool" cause man if had'nt gotten angry ha ha. but
i mean why would a women put her self in an misunderstanding of her own person. its like "so you sort of have a boyfriend" so i guess you sort of "sleep around " i mean thats pathetic. is that really intellligence there?

Slique: yes like i mentioned to LAST MAN STANDING i dont think i would have said anything nice to her. But think it would have been applicable; its just a manipulation of words would have worked. One thing i do know about women and it has happened to me and im sure to all of you is that when you stop paying attention to her they start to want it more. they like the bad life.

Well hey thanks for your comments and advices DJ's. I learned a lot. If you have anymore comments or advices i would greatly appreciate it if you post them. After all this will help other men out there too. we have to stick together!

Peace out!


New Member
May 5, 2006
Reaction score
I would recomend you take it easy from here on. just dont ignore her and talk like nothing happened. That is what I would do. Another thing, you can also try remain friends and see how it goes from there, thats if you really want her.


Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
whether or not she's lying, just be cool about it. Next you run into her or see her, just continue on as if you had never asked her out. maybe talk to her less than you used to. If anything it puts you in good standing with her, showing her that you're not desperate or mad either way and the rejection doesnt bother you.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2006
Reaction score
Omaha, Nebraska
tobeyou1 said:
DarkChoas: yes your right what more can i expect from her. i did find some other stupid lies from her part hehe.liar liar pants on f**king fire!

Asian Playboy: i think it was the number 1 that applied in this case.

librito: haha yes ill admit it. lets see... for the past semester i have met about 9 girls in college and about 3 outside. However, none of them have cheked the majority of the sqaures on my check list. its like trying to find gold. She was the most closest but well to bad for her we wouldve had a good time. o well live and learn.

Theman425: yeah she just didnt wanted to hurt my feelings. i rather get the damn truth however. To be honest i didnt really care about the rejection part, the liyng is what got me.

Latinoman: Yes ill have that in mind next time dont worry. Im always buidling the attraction with women i dont really care about haha and the one that i want for something serious, i mess up. but it wont happen again.

Coder: ok ill admit i made a mistake on that one also. before i had given her any compliment she would smile at me and shake her little hand like saying "come on" afterward its like wahatever. but still that doesnt excuse her from lying. i only gave her one however but i guess it still apllies.

Bat: its will not happen again Sir.

Workerouter: i guess a women having an age of 20 is still immature which seems about right. people age but never graduate aye?

TesuqueRed: yeah i know its good now.
yeah we all have loads of girls we can get, ill hang back with the others.

Skilla Staz: yeah your right. or she was playing hard to get, but yeah right! thats not going to make me want her more.

kingofnewbie: that wouldve have been good to say.

Last man standing: i went easy on her to by saying "ok its kool" cause man if had'nt gotten angry ha ha. but
i mean why would a women put her self in an misunderstanding of her own person. its like "so you sort of have a boyfriend" so i guess you sort of "sleep around " i mean thats pathetic. is that really intellligence there?

Slique: yes like i mentioned to LAST MAN STANDING i dont think i would have said anything nice to her. But think it would have been applicable; its just a manipulation of words would have worked. One thing i do know about women and it has happened to me and im sure to all of you is that when you stop paying attention to her they start to want it more. they like the bad life.

Well hey thanks for your comments and advices DJ's. I learned a lot. If you have anymore comments or advices i would greatly appreciate it if you post them. After all this will help other men out there too. we have to stick together!

Peace out!
Wow. Talk about detailed response.


Don Juan
Apr 6, 2005
Reaction score
Dude, women lie all the time. You have to understand, they do not think like we do. Imagine if a girl you didn't want was coming on to you. What would you do? You could be truthful and tell her she's a dog and you will never want her. That would be mean. You could go ahead and f*ck her just to be nice...HAHAHA! Like that would ever happen! Unfortunately, that's what most AFC's are hoping for - a mercy f*ck. That's about as likely as winning the lottery. Or maybe a third option, like the BF card. The LJBF card would have been better, but that not what she choose. In her mind, she did the moral thing by not hurting your feelings. This is the BIG SIN for women. It's all about how they FEEL and how they make other people FEEL.

The cool thing is, unlike the 250 point fatty that you need to lose, you can immediately become sexy again with your actions. If she sees other girls looking interested in you, she will be attracted again. Or if you start the sexual tension like I said. Lots of ways. The point is, women have a totally different moral code than we do and the big sin is making someone feel bad, not lying or stealing. And it is your actions and body language that cause attraction, not your looks.