I noticed there has been a banning carnage here

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Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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TheVirtualMind said:
Unfortunately, I can not comment on who got a permanent boot and who just got a small kick. I CAN comment though and say that those that didn't get the full toss will be back sometime around the end of next week, unless they create a secondary account (also against the rules to create another account after being banned.)

While there have been some good, quality debates going on in here, it goes to prove something: Not everyone sees things the same way. Are there still some issues? Yes. Are we (mods) working on them? Definitely.

I'm actually glad about the good, quality discussion going on.
If you step back and look at the context in which the recent "flame wars" took place, you may discover something curious. A certain transplant from loceshack.org, who shall remain nameless (though I'm sure you all know who I'm talking about), starts multiple off-topic political threads on highly controversial subjects, such as gay marriage and police treatment of blacks. He expresses opinions that many people don't agree with. Discussion gets heated; threads get locked. He then opens more threads on the very same topics. Rinse and repeat.

Now this transplant has over 8,000 posts on loveshack.org (which is basically a feminist/white knight forum) and he has ridiculed sosuave in his posts on that board. The very same guy is constantly stirring up sh!t on this forum and getting long-time sosuave members banned. Can't you mods connect the dots?


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
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Moderators should just IGNORE those whining about banned members.

Anyone protesting the banned of any member should also be banned. Period. You do not know the interactions that occurred between moderators and those that got banned. If you want to come here and whine like a little five years old girl about why a so-and-so got banned and so-and-so did not, perhaps, it is time for you to be banned as well. If those that were banned mean so much to you, you should have had their email/phone number by now, I suggest you call and chitchat with them. This is not a "freedom of speech" matter. The forum has rules and regulations that everyone must follow, if you can't follow these rules and regulations, leave or risk being banned. Period.


Jun 23, 2014
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I'm in BOLD

amoka said:
No, it is not. Explain to me exactly how insulting other members would "improve" sosuave? Using your own analogy: if you have a company and a particular customer always disrespects other customers and you failed to do nothing about it, your company/business is doomed to failure. What Espi is saying is that those that were banned received repeated warnings yet they failed to adhere to the warnings. The Moderators only other alternative was to ban them. Period.

How do you strive for "fair" and "balance" when one party directs insults at the other and refused to listen even after repeated warnings?

As I mentioned, if that were the case (the members were harassing and calling other members names over and over without any sign of stopping) then okay, the ban makes sense. But the reasoning is conflicting. One Moderator says it was because of the name calling and another says it was because the member was only discussing political/social commentary and not enough discussion about women. I know personally, there's only so much you can discuss about women.

That explains why you were not selected to be a Moderator. And what does a "consistent and somewhat decent contributor" mean exactly? Does that mean someone that spews nonsensical comments with zero substance?

For example, Fairshake and Embers were consistent and somewhat decent contributors EVEN THOUGH I disagreed with them. SpeedDawg was one, TicTac was one, the guy called Tits, Stagger Lee, just about every one of those guys were consistent posters and decent contributors in my book because they didn't troll all day. To me a troll is someone that doesn't contribute anything discussion wise, they just post for the sole reason to annoy someone or distract the discussion. I don't see how any of those members were Trolls, but again, that's just my opinion.

READ. READ. and READ. It is clearly stated in the Forum Rules what can and can't be discussed. It is no one's fault if you fail to read.

I was under the impression that those rules were for the main Discussion Forum mainly? I don't know, either way, this site is going to be ran however it is. I just recommend that people start a Blog and a Vlog, host it on their OWN website, and drive traffic to it. So you just don't have to wake up and see that you are banned from your Youtube account, or Facebook account, or Discussion Forum account, because a group of people that don't like you continually "harass" the Moderators until they shut you down. I honestly believe that's what happened here.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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Bokanovsky said:
If you step back and look at the context in which the recent "flame wars" took place, you may discover something curious. A certain transplant from loceshack.org, who shall remain nameless (though I'm sure you all know who I'm talking about), starts multiple off-topic political threads on highly controversial subjects, such as gay marriage and police treatment of blacks. He expresses opinions that many people don't agree with. Discussion gets heated; threads get locked. He then opens more threads on the very same topics. Rinse and repeat.

Now this transplant has over 8,000 posts on loveshack.org (which is basically a feminist/white knight forum) and he has ridiculed sosuave in his posts on that board. The very same guy is constantly stirring up sh!t on this forum and getting long-time sosuave members banned. Can't you mods connect the dots?
Man, you do really poor research. If you actually read older threads on Sosuave, you’ll see that there has been disagreements amongst members since the site began, and people have been banned going years back before I joined.

Also, I don’t know why I have to keep saying this...but I am not the only one who disagreed with some of the more negative and close-minded posters on this board. Guys like Tits, Stagger, etc that you are advocating for, have had disagreements with me, amoka, FatalJay, Fairshake, Embers84, Maximus Rex, Backbreaker, Backbeat, Pena, Backseatjuan, Vice, just to name a few. And there are more members that can be named.

I have seen recently banned members bash or get flame wars with all of these posters if that poster disagreed with their social or political views. However, what makes me different is that I have never backed down from the banned posters. I have even received PMs from members praising me for my resilience because many don’t have the patience. However, lately I’ve decided to simply ignore certain members as their garbage was not worth my wasting my daily post limit.

EDIT: I truncated my long post. Its pointless to write up a huge post and explain myself to someone who will ignore the bulk of what I say.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
Reaction score
Espi said:
You do know that there's an Ignore List, right? You're 100 percent free to use it.

And you're free to refrain from responding to guys whom you feel are stirring things up.
The issue is not whether I am bothered by the loveshack transplant (I am not). The issue is the uniform application of Forum Rules to all members. When members A, B and C get banned for supposedly stirring up sh!t and member D, who stirs up more sh!t than everyone else combined, does not, one might conclude that personal antipathies may have come into play when the ban decisions were made. When a moderator specifically states that members A, B and C were banned for predominately making off-topic posts that contributed nothing to this forum....and then it turns out that of the last 15 threads started by unbanned member D, 14 were off-topic political threads in Anything Else (that predictably deteriorated into flame wars), the above conclusion is reinforced.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
Loveshack transplant? I was on Sosuave several months before I ever went to LS. Get over it. I realized I couldnt get all my information from one source so I joined a few different PUA and relationship advice forums (plus guys on all these sites need decent advice). And Ive actually received several infractions on LS because they moderate more strictly. Members here took for granted how tolerant the moderation staff was.

Also realize that LS has quite a few right-leaning men and women involved in debates on the Current Events and Politics forums there. So your ignorant assumptions about the place are far off. The place has as much varied thinking as Sosuave. Neither forum is an echo chamber of group think...no matter how much certain people with Sosuave was.

And dont blame me for the behavior of other men who should behave more maturely here. Is it my fault that those guys have a habit of flaming and insulting numerous members who dont agree with their viewpoints? Nope, thats all on them. They chose to constantly flame people, and then they chose to ignore warnings from moderators.

Anyways, thats the last time I address you regarding this topic. Like amoka said, its kinda sad that grown men are this upset that people were banned from an anonymous forum. Lets do one another a favor though and make use of the ignore list.


Jun 4, 2015
Reaction score
Jaylan said:
Loveshack transplant? I was on Sosuave several months before I ever went to LS. Get over it. I realized I couldnt get all my information from one source so I joined a few different PUA and relationship advice forums (plus guys on all these sites need decent advice). And Ive actually received several infractions on LS because they moderate more strictly. Members here took for granted how tolerant the moderation staff was.

Also realize that LS has quite a few right-leaning men and women involved in debates on the Current Events and Politics forums there. So your ignorant assumptions about the place are far off. The place has as much varied thinking as Sosuave. Neither forum is an echo chamber of group think...no matter how much certain people with Sosuave was.

And dont blame me for the behavior of other men who should behave more maturely here. Is it my fault that those guys have a habit of flaming and insulting numerous members who dont agree with their viewpoints? Nope, thats all on them. They chose to constantly flame people, and then they chose to ignore warnings from moderators.

Anyways, thats the last time I address you regarding this topic. Like amoka said, its kinda sad that grown men are this upset that people were banned from an anonymous forum. Lets do one another a favor though and make use of the ignore list.
Loveshack is a leftist feminist website with few true conservatives. I'm a pro choice republican.


Jun 4, 2015
Reaction score
Bokanovsky said:
The issue is not whether I am bothered by the loveshack transplant (I am not). The issue is the uniform application of Forum Rules to all members. When members A, B and C get banned for supposedly stirring up sh!t and member D, who stirs up more sh!t than everyone else combined, does not, one might conclude that personal antipathies may have come into play when the ban decisions were made. When a moderator specifically states that members A, B and C were banned for predominately making off-topic posts that contributed nothing to this forum....and then it turns out that of the last 15 threads started by unbanned member D, 14 were off-topic political threads in Anything Else (that predictably deteriorated into flame wars), the above conclusion is reinforced.
You all should be banned. That includes you for banning.

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
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The Dirty South
Well, I guess I was one of the temporary bans, because here I am, toes still tappin'.

Run the forum however you like obviously, but I do take issue with this:
Ruler said:
Warnings were issued.
Ruler said:
You can't blame anyone but the members who decided to ignore multiple warnings.
Desdinova said:
They were put in place because, after repeated warnings, they continued to offend people who cannot relate to their country's issues.
TheVirtualMind said:
Warnings were issued, warnings were ignored, bans were given.
Espi said:
My mantra is, you break the rules (usually after REPEATED violations), then you get one warning, and if the warning isn't adhered to, then you get banned--permanently.
Espi said:
Those are the ones who in my opinion are going to get with a justly deserved warning and if necessary a banning.
I don't remember being warned. I don't currently have a PM. It could have happened, but I don't remember. So, whoever supposedly sent me a warning, kindly screen shot it if you don't mind.

Vice said:
I can't speak for the other members, but I pushed for tits being banned because he no longer offered anything but poison to the forums.
I notice Tits is still banned. Just a word of advice, you're losing one of the best posters here by keeping him banned.

Vice said:
Some of those users were banned because they almost exclusively posted in Everything Else for their recent history, and ONLY posted political threads/comments.
So what? The bannings were allegedly about insults and what not. Get your story straight.

Vice said:
This forum is about success with women, not sparking political flame wars. That's what Reddit is for.
It's about becoming a better man, I agree with Desdinova on this:

Desdinova said:
Again, it all boils down to keeping this place friendly for those who wish to not only be more successful with women, but also to become better men.
Desdinova said:
Because I'm a moderator, I've received many, many messages regarding the offending posts. This became a problem for myself, the other mods, the people who are genuinely offended by what was posted, and those who refused to cease their repeated postings about these issues.
Being "offended" is not a masculine quality. You do not see me or others that think like me spamming the bad post button unless it's legitimate spam. Whatever though, I've seen this site that I used to love, delve into a pit of left-leaning cry-baby blue-pill nonsense. If you want to keep it this way then fine, say this, and I will leave. Don't hide behind all the other excuses. When I say I will leave, that's not because I would retreat. I realize now that I and a few other like-minded individuals should have applied to be moderators back when we had the chance a few months ago. I'm more than happy to stop with the insults, I perfectly understand that stance. But I will NOT stop interjecting red pill into posts, because it's IMPORTANT. It's intertwined with being a better man, which is what this site is about.

Carry on..

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
I'm another temporarily banned. I'm not going to make a big issue of it but want to present my side.

1. I never once specifically received any warning in the forum or by PM. I didn't think any of the others did either. It was aggravating to see some mods and especially Jaylan stating there were warnings with no way to dispute that.

2. I don't feel without provocation I ever insulted or disrespected anyone, not on the forum and certainly not in any private communications as a certain member tried to insinuate. In my view, I was not "trolling" or baiting anyone either.

3. Certain other posters, who were not banned, have been insulting, disrespectful and provocative to me and others. We've even posted copies of some of Jaylan's neg reps containing very insulting comments.

So I can't help but believe the bannings were really more about the content and who posted the content rather than how the content was posted. Also, I do appreciate the brave members that stuck up for some of us that were banned :up:.


Ostracism is a tool of the blue-pilled individual, be they male or female. Unfortunately, we have a lot of effeminate males (maybe females?) on sosuave.

I've never neg-repped anyone that I disagreed with on this forum, and I certainly wouldn't ask for their banning; I appreciate opposing points of view and the discourse that follows. Only liberals try to silence their opposition.

Glad to see that y'all are back (speed, Tictac and stagger).

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
The Dirty South
Stagger Lee said:
So I can't help but believe the bannings were really more about the content and who posted the content rather than how the content was posted.
I think this is the only logical conclusion, combined with the moderator silence. Plus, looking at who was originally banned, who wasn't, and who still is banned. If the mods do respond again, I think it will be similar to Espi's response here:

Espi said:
You know what? You guys don't HAVE to understand or respect or agree or even think that my decisions are fair.

In case you haven't figured it out yet, life is not always fair, or perfect. Not everybody is going to agree.

You can choose to accept this, or you can leave the site. It's up to you guys. It's your choice. Delete your usernames if you want and go join other sites where you think they have better quality mods.

Until then, I'll make recommendations with my fellow mods as to who I think deserves to stay and who deserves to leave.
I appreciate that Espi at least somewhat engaged the question, and told the truth - this place is not a democracy. So in that vein, red-pill older guys seem to be out-numbered. They have obviously permanently banned Tits (who has helped numerous guys over the years, me included) so they feel that type of advice is no longer tolerated. I guess we have to ask ourselves is this the site on which we truly want to participate?


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
Wow so they said you guys received numerous warnings and you didn't?

The banning spree made no sense to me and I honestly think it was done because a poster (or two) continued to report you guys to the Moderators and they just decided to do a banning spree one day.

It might be the same poster who gives me Negative Reps everytime I post something on a subject that he disagrees with (Jaylan). I guess his logic is that if you just silence everybody that disagrees with you, then that somehow makes your points valid?
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Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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speed dawg said:
Being "offended" is not a masculine quality.
You are correct that it is not.

However, the purpose of this site isn't solely for red-pillers to come and hash out the issues of the world. It's for the blue-pillers who are seeking answers to their problems with women. These are generally not masculine men. Those who wish to stay, give advice and share experiences are basically doing a voluntary service.

When I first posted on this forum back in 2001, I received some very harsh responses from members here. Their responses weren't insulting, racists or intentionally hurtful, they were just very strong and masculine. I did not consider myself to be alpha nor masculine when I came to this site, and I damn near left due to how harsh I felt the responses were. But I didn't. I decidedly stayed with the thought that I could suck it up and learn from it, or leave with my AFC ego bruised. I'm now a better man for sticking around.

I think we can all agree that we need more red-pillers in the world, but we cannot help those un-masculine men become better if they're offended by a message forum that appears hateful toward people based on their background or skin colour. So like it or not, this place needs to be "friendly" towards blue-pillers if we wish to open their eyes to how the world really functions when it comes to male-female interaction. That has always been the focus of SoSuave, long before the term "red pill" became commonplace on this site.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
I think a lot of these guys complaining need to get out of their feelings. I mean I just went through this with my Mature Man thread lol, consistent responses from grown Men talking about, "Tenacity, your tone is so harsh and negative." Why the hell does that matter? Am I providing truth to the masses or not? If I'm lying about something, point that out.

If a Blue Pill guy comes on this forum and is "offended" to the point he's turned off by the entire forum, because Speed Dawg or Stagger Lee is calling out Michael Brown for not being a Gentle Giant, then that Blue Pill guy needs to seriously grow the hell up. That's probably why he's struggling with women in the first place, it's because he's an over-sensitive little B___. Grown Men SHOULD NOT get "offended" at shyt, I'm sorry, that's what women do as an excuse to be emotional. If something is going on that you don't like, either do something to change it or stfu.

If Conservatives on one section of a Forum (that's not even a large section based on content) are saying things you don't want to read, how about just stop coming to that section of the Forum? It's like me hating a particular TV show or Channel because they show things on it that I don't like, but I keep coming back watching the shyt I don't like just so I can bytch about it?


Master Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
We were being d!ckheads. Obnoxious d!ckheads. I'm sure everyone who was banned knows that. We were not discussing issues we were talking at each other and insulting each other.

This isn't our board and we acted like it was with no consequences. I had no problem with the banning and am surprised it didn't come sooner.

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
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FairShake said:
We were being d!ckheads. Obnoxious d!ckheads. I'm sure everyone who was banned knows that. We were not discussing issues we were talking at each other and insulting each other.
Speak for yourself. I was not being an "obnoxious d!ckhead" or insulting anyone or hating as one mod imagined. I don't think the others that were banned were either but I'll let them speak for themselves. I don't really think you were being a d!ckhead or insulting, but were purposely obnoxious. And I did a few times do a lighthearted wordplay on your username, but I feel you had that coming.

The ones who were being obnoxious d!ckheads and insulting ironically weren't even banned. To be honest I'm not sure why you were banned and the other more egregious bluepill/progressives were not other than your intentionally pushing buttons. I can only think of one other reason...

It sure seems to be about content and who delivered it rather than how the content was delivered.

This isn't our board and we acted like it was with no consequences. I had no problem with the banning and am surprised it didn't come sooner.
That wouldn't be the first time you said something I disagreed with. I don't know how you can hold that position and not say at least two other members should've been banned. I think you are either clowning again or trying to curry favor.

I can't even respond to what some of the moderators posted because it's so far off from my perception. I'm kind of surprised they even think they way and didn't expected it.

I don't think or act like this is my board. I just don't recognize it as the one I remembered. I don't think this board belongs to a few moderators either, and I doubt moderators are all in agreement.
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Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
I am tired of people whining about why they got banned. The forum has rules and if you can't follow these rules, annihilate your account and leave the forum like a man rather than whine when banned. You guys are the same people that neg reps anyone that disagrees with your views. Leave if you feel you are not being "treated fairly". Stop this illusion that a so-and-so has been here for so long that he can do no wrong. If you violate the rules again, you will be banned...and this time PERMANENT.
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