Eh...not my thing but if you want to do it then go for it. One of the more common things that can go wrong is they don't get along and then it gets her in a sh!tty mood. Or since she has no real tie to you since you barely know her and haven't banged her, she may find herself more interested in your friend.
Basically you are creating more potential problems and obstacles for yourself that don't need to be there. There are no pros to this only cons. Risk reward profile doesn't make sense to me, which is why I wouldn't do it. No woman that I have dated for less than 3 or 4 months gets to meet my friends. 3rd date? Fvck no.
So like for lack of a bette word I feel like I just made a massive game error but maybe you’ll see it differently.
No go Saturday she had plans. I just absolutely spent two hours on the phone with this girl, she’s got plans Saturday, learned about her. I wasn’t following half the time, fried . She’s social, lot of life long friends, need to go out at least once a weekend usually Saturday. Traveler, cousin in Miami may go there April . she didn’t want to have phone sex but she told me she was wet, we talked about a lot of random stuff before and after I tried the phone sex. I went into that a bit with her.
She said that it’s obvious I’m not a big dater and sexually was a little aggressive. I got that from a 32 year old over the summer that I was sexually aggressive. But like at the same time after a little probing told me she masturbated this morning thinking about me. The summer 32 was a complete ***** we masturbated on the phone together before we even met just from the tinder / phone. That I had a big D1ck and that it wasn’t off the table just not yet. But then she took it off topic intentionally so like I don’t understand how either of them could say that. I told her too, figuring if she’s one of these ‘let me see if he’s serious’ guys that I was at the end stages of a divorce just to hear what she’d say and she didn’t care. Then after the call she tells me she appreciated me opening up. I didn’t broach the issue on the kids.
She is open to hanging again though, I suggested that she pick. So came up with axe throwing.
Maybe I too focused on getting laid and it’d clouding my judgement