I need advice and IDEAS on How to optimise on Cold approaches


Don Juan
Jun 6, 2006
Reaction score
like you all know i am trying the cold approaching, that is my goal.
i can pretty much flirt around with an attractive girl if i am in her environment if we are both at a place. if she sits next to me. People tell me i am a flirty guy.
but i somehow have trouble with cold approaching. i can do it, i can talk to a girl, i don't give a crap what she thinks.

but how to make a Succesful Cold approach is what i am looking for here. I know is a numbers game and the more i do it the more i will learn.
so far i open girls with.
"hi" but i get a "hi" back with a stalemate
or i tease her in some way. like her shoes, or something. i get a more friendly convo and stuff or a WTF look.
in my mind though i want to try the honest direct approach of
" i was checking you out and i tought you were cute so i decided to come up to you and say hi" (but the whole DJ site theory is against this one, for challenge, power in her part, and what every guy would say (i doubt guys would be so direct))

i guess i would try it next time, but before i keep ranting
i need advice from COLD APPROACHERS on how to
"open" some one

i know there is no magic pill,
i know it takes practice
i know everyone has their style
but i want to here HOW YOU ALL DO IT, SO i get an idea or i can try it and post my results.
in other words i need a map, so i dont go all over the place. like i have been doing. i feel like i am sticking my hand in a basket full of marbels trying to find the red one (the interested one)

INPUT is really apreciated, i am eager to start trying new ideas ASAP


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
Start small work your way up.

Try one or two this week. 3-4 next week. You can't just expect a miracle that one day you will approach 20 chicks.


Don Juan
Jun 6, 2006
Reaction score
yeah i see what you are saying,

trust me dude, i approach
i am not afraid of rejection at all cause i know what i am worth.

i guess what i am saying is i need TECHNIQUES, openers, styles,
i can go out and approach every pretty girl i see, i know i will get a number, but i feel like i am playing a duck duck goose,
duck . duck. duck. duck. goose
i don't know how to explain it better (this is only when i'm out just to approach, cause when i am doing something and a chick comes near me i can pretty much be my charming, cute, smart *ss self, when at work, school, library (and a chick sits near me), i dont know if you get the idea

but when i see an attractive girl, and i say ill go get that one, that is what i am working towards.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
I don't quite get your question.

Openers: Simple questions work.

"So that coffee looks good, how is it?"

Smile, kino.

If you are funny, you could use a funny opener. That takes thinking.


Don Juan
Jun 6, 2006
Reaction score
okay here is what i do.

i see a girl,
and i approach

i say "hi"

or if they are walking around with a puzzle look
"girl are you lost?" in a sarcastic tone with smile

if she is wearing green skirt, green shoes, green purse

" let me guess, mmmm..............your favorite color is gree" (smile)

i get some convos going, i get some numbers, it is pretty easy to keep being my charming, cool, fun self when i see interest on or friendliness on the girls part.

but when i get the (looking away) the, one phrase answer,
or just the "cold vibe"
that is what i am talking about (i know YOU know what i mean)
i usually assume the b*tch is not interested, and leave
but i wonder how to Turn that around
I guess............if i stick around a bit longer and ask something like "why are you so angry, im just trying to be friendly"

{i am brain storming here guys hhehehehehe, i am off tomorrow and i plan to approach everything that looks good an has a skirt)


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
You don't turn it around

In general you just forget about her and move on. Only ways I turn it around is time, or success with another female. The best thing is to not worry about what you did, just move on.


Don Juan
Jun 6, 2006
Reaction score
hehehehehehe okay dude,
yeah so pretty much that is how it is.

BUT YOU KNOW WHAT? i am going to find out, and once i am good at COLD APPROACHING.

it's fun approaching!!! but deep down inside i know there is more to it than the begginer stuff i am doing, i cast a big net and try to catch as much as i can, sometime the net is empty, some times i got some fish cought in there.

but the skilled fishermen, the one who makes a living catching fish, he is pretty good at his job you know. or he will be a pretty skinny fisherman.

when i am at the beach, i usually bring my ballz along (hehehhe)
i go with a friend and i go up to all the pretty girls i see, i ask if they want to tag along with us and play some volley ball, a lot say no, some say yes.
with the ones that say yes, i can start kinoing, being my smart *ss self, and i will get their numbers.

i am starting to see a pattern here though, and in all my approaches, it seems that there are girls who want to know me from the get go and there are others who, need a little push, (some guys here say create attraction)
right now i am shooting with a shot gun at a wide area and i am killing some enemies here and there, but to be a sniper is what i want.

i guess i will really work on this until i really understand HOW to cold approach.


Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
I think you guys are having problems with cold approaches because you're not sure what your initial goal should be. To many times guys focus on subsequent goals and there's no logical way to obtain that goal with a basic "hello."

So my question to you guys is what do you feel your initial goal should be on any approach? And "yes," knowing this a guy can become better immediately. The reason why it takes many guys a long time is because they approach aimlessly, without purpose.


Don Juan
Jun 6, 2006
Reaction score
Francisco d'Anconia said:
I think you guys are having problems with cold approaches because you're not sure what your initial goal should be. To many times guys focus on subsequent goals and there's no logical way to obtain that goal with a basic "hello."

So my question to you guys is what do you feel your initial goal should be on any approach? And "yes," knowing this a guy can become better immediately. The reason why it takes many guys a long time is because they approach aimlessly, without purpose.

my goal so far is to get a phone number ( once on a date, i am pretty good ;))
but see there is something wrong with that already, because a number is just a number. You never know which will give you a fake one.

at my age though the primary goal is to have fun, and get laid:D


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
krasnyiLion said:
my goal so far is to get a phone number ( once on a date, i am pretty good ;))
but see there is something wrong with that already, because a number is just a number. You never know which will give you a fake one.

at my age though the primary goal is to have fun, and get laid:D
You've pointed out something very important, although you believe that the telephone number is your goal, how often have you been able to approach a woman and immediately been able to get her number? Not at all I'm guessing. So I suggest consider something else as your immediate goal, something that will make getting her phone number a bit easier. The question is "what needs to happen for a woman to give her correct phone number?" THAT may be the goal that you should first achieve.


Don Juan
Jun 6, 2006
Reaction score
honestly since i started in my quest to become a DJ
i have approached

let's see,
1 girl in restaurant no number
2- girl at the mall no number
3- other cuttie at the mall / i got a number/ a date and i almost f*cked her but, i next her due to her having issues
4-girl at bank of america = another number, but i didnt call and i think is too late now
5= russian girl i got a number
6-other russian girl, another number (but turns out that oddly enough both russian girls are roomates and they found out i was gaming them both (crap, guess what they don't pick up the phone anymore)
7- girl at the block - not even close to number closing
8- girl at the block - WTF look
9- Girl at the block- No number
and all the girls i approached at the night club not even a dance exept for 2
of them
10- hot asian girl i met at a strip club ( i screwed her and so did my friend that same night .............so i am thinking she is a slvt ;) )
11- girl at the beach i opened with the wanna play volley ball i got a no thanks
12- secon girl, no response
13- 15 year old girl trying to go out with me, but she is way way to young, so i politely rejected her (met her at work, her mom works there)
14 at work i got 6 numbers kissed 2 of them (we went out on dates)
at work i got 2 older ladies trying to sleep with me
(i say no thanks)


Don Juan
Jun 6, 2006
Reaction score
when i cold approach i see this pattern

initial approach
girl either receptive or not
i start asking her her name and age (if below 18, i go see ya)
i start kinda teasing her
poking her or doing light kino, eye contact
and i usually have to go so i ask for the number

the reason i started this thread is that, i go up to every girl i think is attractive
and is like somewhat of a luck thing, to tell you the truth
like i said

duck duck duck duck goose, duck duck goose, goose duck duck duck duck duck duck duck goose duck goose goose goose duck duck goose

sort of thing, i dont want it to be so random
so i asked for you guys advice on thighs that have worked for you
so i can kinda focus my game, instead of being so broad and sort of luck based
so far

eye contact
making comments on how they have a crush on me
or how they find me attractive, or something like " are you coming on to me?"

but i also notice that sometimes i just kinda start talking to ramdom attractiv girls and usually i get more convos that way
when i go out and actually say, this one is cute and i walk up to her
that is where i don't know exactly how to being
usually is something like "what is your name?"
my name is"
i think you are kinda cute
what is your number?"

or i try to find something to pick on , but is not the same as when i am in line let's say at back of america and i am bored so i start chatting up the pretty teller or the girl next in line who i think is cute

i don't know if i am making myself clear though
i want to see a girl consiously go up to her, and approach, get a convo, get her number.
not just naturally start talking to some cuttie cause i am bored.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Like you said, you're doing things that produce random results (mostly negative). It's because you're not going after a viable goal. You're doing things haphazardly.