The problem is that you're still looking for someone/thing external to yourself to fix yourself. That means you still haven't internalized the Red Pill--all anyone can do is offer guideposts, but YOU have to make this journey for YOURSELF.
Depression is a luxury. Self-pity is a luxury. Stagnation is a luxury. Do you think 20,000 years ago anyone had time to be depressed? They were out struggling for survival every single day. You have to be able to trick yourself into that kind of urgency and stress and to create your own purpose. Exercise, no excuses. Sunlight. Intermittent fasting. Those 3 things make a huge and immediate difference.
As for sorting out your internal sh1t, meditation was 100% the best thing I ever did for myself. I made a thread about my method, in detail, here: Commit to doing this for 3 months and tell me it doesn't work
But you have to commit to it and have to do it everyday. You've had 27 years of mental programming and internalizations and, anytime you stop, your mind will revert to those patterns.
And fvck your 9-5 corporate stuff. If that's not you, it's not you. You know you have a passion for traveling--but you're still stuck in someone else's narrative. You're still playing it safe. If you're not starving and homeless, no amount of money will more substantially change your level of baseline happiness and fulfillment as a man than taking chances, rolling the dice, putting in the hustle, just for the chance to live life on your own terms. You're 27--you can always fluff a resume and go back to the corporate grind in a decade if things go south, but at least you'll know you tried. I meant to post on your other thread, but putting this here.
Feel free to PM me--I don't login everyday and I can't do any of this stuff for you; but I do have my own experiences and'll be glad to throw some things your way.
Depression is a luxury. Self-pity is a luxury. Stagnation is a luxury. Do you think 20,000 years ago anyone had time to be depressed? They were out struggling for survival every single day. You have to be able to trick yourself into that kind of urgency and stress and to create your own purpose. Exercise, no excuses. Sunlight. Intermittent fasting. Those 3 things make a huge and immediate difference.
As for sorting out your internal sh1t, meditation was 100% the best thing I ever did for myself. I made a thread about my method, in detail, here: Commit to doing this for 3 months and tell me it doesn't work
And fvck your 9-5 corporate stuff. If that's not you, it's not you. You know you have a passion for traveling--but you're still stuck in someone else's narrative. You're still playing it safe. If you're not starving and homeless, no amount of money will more substantially change your level of baseline happiness and fulfillment as a man than taking chances, rolling the dice, putting in the hustle, just for the chance to live life on your own terms. You're 27--you can always fluff a resume and go back to the corporate grind in a decade if things go south, but at least you'll know you tried. I meant to post on your other thread, but putting this here.
Feel free to PM me--I don't login everyday and I can't do any of this stuff for you; but I do have my own experiences and'll be glad to throw some things your way.