i must have sex in the next 3 months

Mad Manic

Aug 11, 2007
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Leeds, UK
LostAndConfused said:
Then you pulled the wrong message from the movie I'm trying to have you get across, troll.
What message is that? If there was some equivalent 40 year old virgin movie where a girl can't get laid we may look at it more lightly. I don't find it funny that a guy doesn't get laid till 40, settles for a granny, wasted youth whilst she and every other girl has had their fun from age 16.



Oct 22, 2006
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LOL like ten years from now he is all goin to come back her saying "So suave.com saved my life" lol


Don Juan
Dec 1, 2007
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VashStampede said:
Get a hooker or hang out at parties where girls get totally trashed and sleep with random guys. You will pick a girl up easily and then you will see that sex is not what you expect. You are putting too much importance on it, like most virgins do =P Its like drugs. You think its this big thing until you do a bunch of them, and then you laugh at how people talk them up like they are the fkn devil hahaha
Tell me more about these parties. Now that I am out of college, can I still find and go to one of these? Do I actually need friends who party? I'm hoping for an easy lay with a girl younger than 21, young=hot=turns me on!


Don Juan
Nov 3, 2007
Reaction score
Mad Manic said:
What message is that? If there was some equivalent 40 year old virgin movie where a girl can't get laid we may look at it more lightly. I don't find it funny that a guy doesn't get laid till 40, settles for a granny, wasted youth whilst she and every other girl has had their fun from age 16.

EXACTLY that was precisely what i was thinking
ILikeGirls<3 said:
Tell me more about these parties. Now that I am out of college, can I still find and go to one of these? Do I actually need friends who party? I'm hoping for an easy lay with a girl younger than 21, young=hot=turns me on!
i thought i already asked him that but he didnt asnwer, but mayube i had the wsindow open and frogot about it. i want to also konw where 2 find these parties. i need the answer to this part of your post epscially:

Do I actually need friends who party?


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2007
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So, If you don't loose your virginity your gonna kill yourself. But, you are willing to die a virgin? You are in a loose; loose situation my friend.


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
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sav said:
you my friend put too much emphasis on sex, hence not getting it...
if you reframe yourself and see sex as nothing more then just a natural act, you might get somewhere...

I don't agree. It's like those guys who have money say money is not important. You can't tell someone what they can't get that its not important, it will only infuriate them more. I'm 29 and still pure. I've watched so much porn that it scares me to have sex. The way the choke and hit the women while they are having sex doesn't seem too appealing to me.


Don Juan
Nov 3, 2007
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this week i found out the week was off. i cant remember any other time where i was unhappy for college or school to not be on. i had talked to some during exams and im hopign this cna help me somehow even tho i nmade a fool out of myself i think. now i got such terible news that i am stripped of a week. i havent been outside out of anxiety.

i now have less than 2 weeks. you'd think it would give me a last shot of determination but its just making me more sad, scared, worried and deprssed. i have failed while others have not onyl won effortlesly but have been winnign simultaneously while i was failing, with not a bother. they have a whole different world to mine. i am tired now and canot write properly so bye.


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
sigh dude, i would totally take you under my wing, but I doubt you live any place near me.


Don Juan
Nov 3, 2007
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ok im sitting here wiht the knife to my ****in neck and i am hesitating but seriosulyt wantto kill myself. i am only pushign it and its just scratching and made small cut but i just have to psuh it in and then pull it ******s to cut my throat. i knwo i have 6 days to go but want to cut it short becayue i am in pain and resentment. i have failed. i ont have any friends so i cant go out becasue ifi go out ill be a loseron his own and i dont deserve that at this point esp[cially where harldy anyone has that problem. i am sik of others havign a rich life and had it easy wiht women. i cant make friends because i was never taught growing up and shouldnt have to learn now. i want to go away from thgis and as for my parents **** them i didnt ask t o be born. i just wnat it to end right now.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2007
Reaction score
you sound like a dumb retard. so you re saying, if one day some guy knocked on your door and told you that you would be dead if you didn't get laid within the next 3 months, you wouldn't be able to do it?

the problem with you is that you are self-defeating yourself. this whole thread is just an excuse for you to whine about your miserable life. well guess what? you re the only one who can improve it, and sitting around typing about dumb ass pseudo-suicide attempts ain't gonna help you...
Jul 31, 2007
Reaction score
Killing yourself is pointless because you are going to die eventually anyway. May as well just stick around until then and possibly follow this advice...

You go out at LEAST 3 nights a week, and NO MORE than 5 nights a week.

You approach 5 girls per night, open, then hang in there and escalate in whatever way you can until you get blown out.

After your 5 are done you can do more if you want to, if you're in state or if you're just feeling keen.

But you ABSOLUTELY have to approach 5 chicks. And yes, a group of 5 girls still just counts as ONE approach.

You do 5 approaches a night.

Unless you pull, obviously.

Each approach you play TO THE WIRE. You do not do 'trial approaches.' You play that **** out until you get blown out.

You do not number close.

Yes, you heard me. You cannot **** a phone number, so you don't ****ing take them until AFTER you've ****ed a girl.

You do not have a wingman.

Yes, you heard me. You tell yourself it's for backup, but really 90% of the time that 'backup' is just something for your ego to hide behind.

Be merciless with your ego.

Take the pain.

Take it all.

Don't *****, don't whine, don't complain. Be a ****ing man. Take it.

You approach scary sets, impossible sets, easy sets and anything else that looks like it has a vagina.

You go to this website: www.eckharttolle.com

You buy ALL of his audio products.

You go to this website: www.apple.com

And you buy an iPod.

You put NO MUSIC on your iPod. You listen to Tolle relentlessly. Relentlessly.

Whenever you can, you listen to him. You fill your brain with his voice.

You get industrial about this. This is not self-help.

This is self-destruction.

You do this for two months.

Then you take a fortnight off.

Then you do it for two months.

Then you take a fortnight off.

You continue this process.

If you cannot do this because of your job, quit.

If you cannot do this because of your friends, ditch them.

If you cannot do this because of money concerns, drink water when you're out, go to bars with no cover charge and do it anyway.

Or kill someone and steal their wallet.

If you cannot do it because you are scared, face your fear and face it down.

Keep your method SIMPLE and YOURS.

You do not want to be THINKING. Steer clear of 'tactics' based game as you would steer clear of ****ing a leper.

Check out RSD's wiki (www.rsdwiki.com) and read the instructor's articles.

Click this link and read the article it links to. http://www.rsdnation.com/showthread.php?t=11273

If you are looking for a product to buy, buy an RSD product. They are all awesome and all of them will help you massively.

If you can afford a bootcamp, take one. If not, just ****ing go out and punch through that ****ing wall with your bare fists.

Success is nothing more than pressure over time, so be relentless.

Never accept your excuses.

Push yourself way, WAY beyond your pain threshold.

Be savage with your training, and you will see extreme improvement.

And remember - if you give up on this you are resigning yourself to a life of mediocrity.

Which, to any right thinking man, is way, way worse than death.

Now get up.

Get up now.

Turn your ****ing computer off and get up.

Get on your feet. Get out that door.

Whatever time of day or night it is, you get up. Now.

*hands you a rifle*

Get on your feet, soldier.

Don't you know there's a war on?


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2007
Reaction score
comte de monte cristo this is golden advice! however, how many pple will have the strength to follow through?


Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2007
Reaction score
San Francisco
OP should just hang himself. One less person to suck on Social Security. But then one less to pay into it....hm, gentlemen, we have a conundrum.


Don Juan
Nov 19, 2007
Reaction score
All I can say is how pitiful u are pen15 i use 2 be like that 2 and when i look back at myself i feel disgusted and stupid!!!! Only a miracle will prolly change you...


Senior Don Juan
May 4, 2007
Reaction score
this thread makes me laugh because so many of us have been in ur shoes

i remember one day having only one friend i barely saw
and then a few weeks later having tons and juggling two prospective girls
although i ****ed up a lot, life can change all of a sudden

it sucks to be in ur boat but just get by one day at a time by not focusing on what u don't have

i wanted to kill myslef too but now i have friends a good financial future and sanity....

p.s. if u gonna kill urself at least counterfiet some money and go shopping or to the strip club...might as well

best of luck


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
at our house
p3n15 said:
in 3 months i am 20 years old and i cannot bear the shame and failure of failing to lose my virginity, so i have decided to hang myself before i turn 20 unles i have sex. i will report back heere every day maybe. then again maybe not.
what a waste!!!
i dont know what pisses me off more, the fact that you say you would contemplate killing yourself over sex or the fact that you want us to tell you how to go get laid.

the only advice that anyone on a message board can bring to you is, that you need to grab your own balls, find a way to raise your own confidence, figure out what you want to do with your life , and eventually stop being too scared of asking a chick out.

the sex will come when it comes, your life is not supposed to revolve around it. make your life meaningful, by finding out who you are and what you stand for.

and who the heck is going to know if you have had sex or not?
how will anyone know?
who cares so much about your sex life, that the fact really matters?