Originally posted by Dayr0n
Most women with good self-esteem would have probably dumped you, so you're lucky
I know i was wrong but this girl would die for me we been going out for 6 months and she loves me to death i just wanted to teach her that i don't like that eventhought she never say it but now she won't do it again
Just blew right past the main point of that comment, didn't you?
So stop and face it: most, if not all, women with good self esteem you'd've chucked your @ss for good after that.
Your chick has issues if she a) chooses someone with a predisposition for violence (over dumb-@ss shyt like being called "stupid"--wtf???

I thought we all worked past that stage in 4th grade, right?) - and then b) stays around after getting hit.
Promising it won't happen again is just words. What'll happen if she escalates her language (and she will) in order to get a response out of you? She'll home in on your emotional jugular and go for it hard-core in the middle of a fight -- she'll verbally fire for effect -- and you'll escalate your physical response: a slap will turn into a push, or a punch.
Her being willing to "die for you" after 6 months (dude, lose the cheap pop-song language, Ok?) is beside the point, doesn't justify her sticking around or anything -- she has self-esteem issues. And other issues, too, my guess...