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Dec 15, 2006
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Jariel said:
Hmmmmm, something looks very familiar about this poster.... :)

I'm not saying I disagree with the post, but the attitude is dodgy!

maybe you should post if you have something to say about what I am talking about, instead of trying to be an internet detective. Sorry that is such a loser thing to do of you.
Mar 18, 2006
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pimpin IS easy said:
Let me guess - it's the key to the pantry door that stores all of the food!!! :rolleyes: I'm sick of all these fat hos!!!
Dec 15, 2006
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Scrumtulescence said:
That "many" is a small minority, I assure you.
i dont see any proof of that statement. All i see is proof of a nerd who for some reason is against hip hop, which happens to be the favorite kind of music of MOST girls in the US aged 16-21, and is also the favorite of a good amount of older women. They all love the sound and love dancing to it. I assure YOU geek, that they are impressed to hear someone throw out a few good rhymes. It is something that some women value. Stop with your ignorant assumptions


Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
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pimpin IS easy said:
i dont see any proof of that statement. All i see is proof of a nerd who for some reason is against hip hop, which happens to be the favorite kind of music of MOST girls in the US aged 16-21, and is also the favorite of a good amount of older women. They all love the sound and love dancing to it. I assure YOU geek, that they are impressed to hear someone throw out a few good rhymes. It is something that some women value. Stop with your ignorant assumptions
Nerd? because he doesn't think women like guys who basically "talk" and calling it an art? "Rap" is actually slang for talking you dyckhead.

Most women 16-21???? show me where you get your information from dumbass. I like some rap, but lets face it, it's not what it once was, and the kind of women who would be impressed by freestyle rapping are the same kind of women who think the "thug" look is cool..

For your information...rap was most popular in the early to mid 90's. It went out with gigantic pants and and shaving your eyebrow.
Dec 15, 2006
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everything depends on the women, and some like rap to such an extent that they think it is very hot/high value when a man knows hot to vibe and freestyle. Geek logic saying that hip hop isn't popular anymore is completely ****ed up loser talk


Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
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pimpin IS easy said:
everything depends on the women, and some like rap to such an extent that they think it is very hot/high value when a man knows hot to vibe and freestyle. Geek logic saying that hip hop isn't popular anymore is completely ****ed up loser talk

"Geek logic" so you're saying anyone who thinks rap is crap is a geek?

You're the fvcking loser azzhole. I stand by my statement that any chick who thinks freestyle rapping has value, will be visiting her bf in the penitentiary.

Rap never was cool. Fvckstick


Master Don Juan
Nov 21, 2005
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Mr_knowit_all said:
For your information...rap was most popular in the early to mid 90's. It went out with gigantic pants and and shaving your eyebrow.
Hahahahaaa... Rightright.
Seriously bro... your not livin up to your name (again!).

Don't mind this fool pimpin, he has a serious race bone up his arse. So when you esteem a predominantly black fasion, as value... his neck burns.

To think that the height of Rap was early to mid 90's, along w. big pants and some shaved eyebrows makes your lack of credibility, OFFICIAL!

And furthermore, what your missing Mr_Knowit_All... is that its not necessarily the music the chicks are attracted to. They'd be attracted to your abilities. Your creative flow, your balls to put yourself on the line in front of people and step up w. your rhyme, the confidence in trusting that you got something tight to kick. Understand?

Doesn't necessarily lock it down, that only the baby-mama's would find such an action appealing. You have to understand women (and phenomena in general) on a deeper level. Might help you to avoid situations, where your name would only serve to mock you.


Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
pimpin IS easy said:
many are impressed by it, you don't have an open mind at all.
There was a time when you had to know how to play an instrument to impress a woman.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
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DarkLight said:
Hahahahaaa... Rightright.
Seriously bro... your not livin up to your name (again!).

Don't mind this fool pimpin, he has a serious race bone up his arse. So when you esteem a predominantly black fasion, as value... his neck burns.

To think that the height of Rap was early to mid 90's, along w. big pants and some shaved eyebrows makes your lack of credibility, OFFICIAL!

And furthermore, what your missing Mr_Knowit_All... is that its not necessarily the music the chicks are attracted to. They'd be attracted to your abilities. Your creative flow, your balls to put yourself on the line in front of people and step up w. your rhyme, the confidence in trusting that you got something tight to kick. Understand?

Doesn't necessarily lock it down, that only the baby-mama's would find such an action appealing. You have to understand women (and phenomena in general) on a deeper level. Might help you to avoid situations, where your name would only serve to mock you.


Oh yes, I was waiting for the "RACE" card to come out. See how these fvcking idiots like to use that?

You have to understand that they don't have the intelligence to have a debate, so instead they call you racist.

The fact is, "Eminem" is white, so are a lot of rappers. Rapping isn't "black" it's urban. I guess that kinda fvcks with your "cred" now doesn't it?

Basically rap is a bunch of untalented idiots, who couldn't make it as legitmate artists.

Ignorant fools like you cry racism. The fact is, you're fvcking low life's no matter what color you are.

Show your pics by the way. Such big talk from anonymous fags.

P.S. In this politically correct enviroment, let's not act like rappers don't have "rap" sheets. Sure heavy metal and punk have their idiots too, but rap is notorious for its criminals. To say that is fact. The thug rappers even perpetuate this point. Don't tell me legitimate women will find that attractive.

This is my last word on the subject. I will not let this digress to a racial thread


Nov 26, 2006
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Mr_knowit_all said:
One question: If you're not interesting, or don't have the balls to make a move on these women, how will they ever know about your value?

9 times out of 10 your looks get you in the door, regardless of what a woman values. Sure you can wear a $1000 suit, and that might get you a conversation with a gold digger, but when she finds out you're broke, and took a cash advance to get the suit, you're out the door.

All these theories and techniques don't mean shyt if you can't get your foot in the door first. Being a challenge to a woman who isn't attracted to you doesn't do anything. Having "cognitive dissonance" towards a woman who doesn't give you the time of day doesn't mean anything.

LOOKS---That's what gets you in the door. Once you're there, then you can work all the theories and techniques.

I could not have said it better myself... If a girl thinks your a bust out on the looks department no book or advice will help you. If your a 2 or 3 on looks u can't run game with HB 7 ^ Because you are already closed out.

She is not open to you...


Master Don Juan
Jan 1, 2006
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Nasman said:
Nice post I agree with what u have to say up to a point. But there are times when a woman may fvck a guy that does not have value to her for countless reasons.

Hurt by boyfriend, On spring break or vacation, even though she is hottt she may be insecure and fvck anybody........etc.....

But in the LTR I feel value will come into play.... Nice post
motherfuk, thought u were leaving
Dec 15, 2006
Reaction score
Francisco d'Anconia said:
There was a time when you had to know how to play an instrument to impress a woman.

my friend, playing an instrument is also another thing that beautiful women will value. Certain women love rap and what its all about, and to them a man who can freestyle like a lyrical wizard is one of the sexiest things ever.
Dec 15, 2006
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Mr_knowit_all said:
Oh yes, I was waiting for the "RACE" card to come out. See how these fvcking idiots like to use that?

You have to understand that they don't have the intelligence to have a debate, so instead they call you racist.

The fact is, "Eminem" is white, so are a lot of rappers. Rapping isn't "black" it's urban. I guess that kinda fvcks with your "cred" now doesn't it?

Basically rap is a bunch of untalented idiots, who couldn't make it as legitmate artists.

Ignorant fools like you cry racism. The fact is, you're fvcking low life's no matter what color you are.

Show your pics by the way. Such big talk from anonymous fags.

P.S. In this politically correct enviroment, let's not act like rappers don't have "rap" sheets. Sure heavy metal and punk have their idiots too, but rap is notorious for its criminals. To say that is fact. The thug rappers even perpetuate this point. Don't tell me legitimate women will find that attractive.

This is my last word on the subject. I will not let this digress to a racial thread

you are starting to deviate way way wayyyy away from the point of my thread - take your idioticy elsewhere.

a true to life geek will HATE anything that is hip hop.......i know this because I used to be that geek 7 years ago. Needless to say i was a kissless virgin back then.

do NOT bring anything racial into this thread, my thread has it's point.

some women will value freestyle rap skills, the whole point is, that is ONE of the many traits in men that women CAN and DO value. ONE OF THE MANY


Master Don Juan
Nov 21, 2005
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Mr_knowit_all said:
The fact is, "Eminem" is white, so are a lot of rappers. Rapping isn't "black" it's urban. I guess that kinda fvcks with your "cred" now doesn't it?

Really... no ****!? Thought he was Eskimo!
Anyways... thanks for the clarification that rap isn't black. I guess you truly do live up to your name. Might want to look up the word "predominantly" though. Which it is, predominantly an extension of black culture. And most everyone can agree on that. So what were you saying about my cred? And furthermore... how does again diminish your cred?

Basically rap is a bunch of untalented idiots, who couldn't make it as legitmate artists.

That is the most asynine hater statement, I've read in a long time. Untalented idiots? Granted theres some dog-sh!t rap out there, but to pigeon-hole the totality of that music in such a ignorant manner is, well... exactly that: IGNORANT. You got to be kidding me to think Rap is untalented. These cats are flowing lyrical poetry. Weaving formless tales of imagery from their lives over beats, in total creative mastery. Christ... from a DJ perspective, it astounds me how anyone can not ignowledge the artistry of word play and style goin on here. Maybe you should go read KillaPeteHog's thread "How to win friends, and influence women." Illustrating the KEY component of game being speech/words. Everyone knows a woman's ears are her weak point. So w/sup!? Where's your "know it all" understanding?! Rapping a tight flow to a bird, is thee art. And its not by chance that people use the phrase, "I was RAPPING w. this chick." Absorb and taste this delicious flow that I'm offering. Might just help you out, with your name.

Ignorant fools like you cry racism. The fact is, you're fvcking low life's no matter what color you are.
Cough cough... who's ignorant? And I love how when someone gets so beat-down they start throwing totally stray punches. You telling me facts about myself now, lol?! Low-lifes...? Homey... you have no-idea. Quit projecting. If your into Trailor-Park azz, by all means, enjoy. But don't try to shirk your stank dog pvssy on me, cause I stroll the bunny-fields.

Show your pics by the way. Such big talk from anonymous fags.
LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love this!
You ask to see my pic, then call me a fag!?!?!?!?!?!?! :flowers: :nono:
Once again... projecting?
Its a freudian term... go look it up, after "predominantly."

I was going to tear apart your "P.S."... but after the last line, I think you've been owned hard enough, for one post. :D

Dec 13, 2006
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uh oh, i think a few people from the "looks" thread in the archives are going to take exception to this thread. lol


Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
Reaction score
DarkLight said:

Really... no ****!? Thought he was Eskimo!
Anyways... thanks for the clarification that rap isn't black. I guess you truly do live up to your name. Might want to look up the word "predominantly" though. Which it is, predominantly an extension of black culture. And most everyone can agree on that. So what were you saying about my cred? And furthermore... how does again diminish your cred?

That is the most asynine hater statement, I've read in a long time. Untalented idiots? Granted theres some dog-sh!t rap out there, but to pigeon-hole the totality of that music in such a ignorant manner is, well... exactly that: IGNORANT. You got to be kidding me to think Rap is untalented. These cats are flowing lyrical poetry. Weaving formless tales of imagery from their lives over beats, in total creative mastery. Christ... from a DJ perspective, it astounds me how anyone can not ignowledge the artistry of word play and style goin on here. Maybe you should go read KillaPeteHog's thread "How to win friends, and influence women." Illustrating the KEY component of game being speech/words. Everyone knows a woman's ears are her weak point. So w/sup!? Where's your "know it all" understanding?! Rapping a tight flow to a bird, is thee art. And its not by chance that people use the phrase, "I was RAPPING w. this chick." Absorb and taste this delicious flow that I'm offering. Might just help you out, with your name.

Cough cough... who's ignorant? And I love how when someone gets so beat-down they start throwing totally stray punches. You telling me facts about myself now, lol?! Low-lifes...? Homey... you have no-idea. Quit projecting. If your into Trailor-Park azz, by all means, enjoy. But don't try to shirk your stank dog pvssy on me, cause I stroll the bunny-fields.

LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love this!
You ask to see my pic, then call me a fag!?!?!?!?!?!?! :flowers: :nono:
Once again... projecting?
Its a freudian term... go look it up, after "predominantly."

I was going to tear apart your "P.S."... but after the last line, I think you've been owned hard enough, for one post. :D


I wasn't going to reply to this inbred dink, but I couldn't resist.

I'll try to address your points separately, as to not confuse your pathetic mind anymore than it already is.

1) I love when someone calls me ASYNINE but can't spell it. LOL...that one almost made me spit my apple juice on the computer screen. I also like how you IGNOWLEDGE things...bwhahaha...this shyt is too funny. And I'm the one who should go look up the meaning of words????

2) You seem to think I don't know what the word "Predominantly" means. I do, but here's a point for you to ponder. In a previous post, either you, or your homosexual rap partner claimed that rap was the most popular genre of music for the 16-21 age demographic. Now numb nuts here says that rap is "Predominantly black". Now if blacks make up approximately 12 percent of the population, and say we'll even add a few misguided whites to the bunch, roughly 18-20 percent of people in that demographic like rap. That also means approximately 80 percent of the people in the demographic don't like rap. ---enough said..I'm trying not to get too technical for you here. I know your underdeveloped "rap" brain can't handle it.

3) Rap is not "poetry". Rap is criminals who had too extensive of a background to ever get a job in legitimate society, so they "talk" about songs, and sample other LEGITIMATE artist's rifts. Most rappers can't even come up with their own melodies.

4) As far as pictures are concerned, I think it lends credibility to one's self. "Dark" comes on here doing his best impression of "Ice Tea", but he's probably some fat, out of work waiter, who resembles a giant M&M. Know what I'm saying..."Cat"?????? I bet that talk usually scares "whitey" doesn't it? This "whitey" was a former amateur boxer in the Marines. "whitey" don't play that...LOL

What I would suggest to both of you, is stop listening to so much rap, and go back and get your GED. When you can spell, and put together a sentence more coherently, perhaps we can continue this debate.

I think you're just scared for the rest of to see what you look like. It'll mess with that "internet" gangsta image you want to portray...LOLLL..gangsta....LOOLOLO

I'm through picking on you for this post. You guys have enough problems.


Oct 22, 2006
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pimpin IS easy said:
http://youtube.com/watch?v=eDcdk76ST0I (watch from 1:45 - 1:55)

rapper name - Tonedeff........hell im sure no one ever heard of him, and I want you all to look at HOW ****ING TALENTED HE IS. The point is, one who raps so smoothly is very skilled, and that WILL attract some girls because to them that is high value!
this thread started out bein very good, but now it's just dumb. y dont u guys stay on subject?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
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Raikojo17 said:
this thread started out bein very good, but now it's just dumb. y dont u guys stay on subject?

You're right. It was difficult not to respond to the "Ice Tea" wannabe though.

If either of these pencil dycks want to continue the debate, we can do it by private message.
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