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Master Don Juan
Nov 21, 2005
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Nasman said:
First of all I just would like to say I don't think your what u claim to be, and that is me being honest(As far as ladies go).

Post some threads were people can learn some shvt.... Your posts are not helping people get better at getting azz......
First of all... the response you quoted, I was not talking to you, but Mr._Red_Neck. Second... I was agreeing w. you! In that peeps need to contribute some positivity!

But in response to your post...This is the last time I'm going to tell you! Go read my past 600+ posts. 90% of them are nothing but solid advice! Thats my M.O. here, as its always been, besides calling out a troll here and there. Cough cough.

And trust me, you don't want to be throwing that word this way, considering you already have 1/3 (a FVCKING THIRD) of my posts, in a matter of a month, when it took me a year! lol... so, check yourself.

U sound more like a guy that belongs in a buddhist forum.
I'll take that as a compliment, thank you. :up: :D

I tell you ur good with words, U should be writing books. You are talented in that aspect. There is no way people could write like that...I could never write like that...
I'll take that as another compliment. Much appreciated. Am I sensing some number one fan styles myself? :p

Remember darklight I am a guy with a lot of pride and faith and honesty and will tell u the way I feel... Good or bad....rubs people the wrong way.... I am always honest...
Good man, nobody wants you to be otherwise. I'm honest myself. Thus sharing of plenty and plenty of real-life stories, revelations in growth, etc etc etc.

Now lets c how honest u are??? U have said that they should ban me.... Now what do u think about guys like LMS and Karma sutra How the fvck are they still on this forum.

I never said they SHOULD ban you. I said you'll probably get banned. Big difference. Anyways... I'm not so familiar w. the totality of either of them. I just read a post of Karma's which I absolutely agree with. It was in regards to NOT needing to validate yourselves via this forum, and a bunch of other dudes online. WISDOM!

I'm a straight up cat, and call it like I see it as well. Know that! Its well apparent in my every very opinionated posts. As you can see. So rather than trying to pit the measure of my integrity against me, through prodding me to call someone else out... fight your own fights. Its more commendable. But, I appreciate the pychology 101 tactics you employed. You must have got your Master's at the same school Mr.Douch_It_All did.

Nasman... funny enough, our squabbles here have alchemized things into a more comical note. Go ahead and post your sh!t. If I disagree and think your a fool... I'll tell you. As I'm sure you'll do the same. So in that line of understood honesty... alls good. (But I still don't need to validate myself to you through a number... Nor send a picture of myself for Mr.Jerks_A_Lot to masturbate to).



Master Don Juan
Nov 21, 2005
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Mr_knowit_all said:
I love this shyt..LOL...we got "Dark" who comes on here trying to act intelligent, but he can't even spell...and it's not just a FEW words. By the way, I too have a Master's degree.

LMAO... I love it! Your such a twit.
The first sentance you mock me through a few mispelled words. Hinging my entire intelligence on it. (The weakest angle in online debates by the way, but I can't blame you, in that you have nothing else, as well as limited resources upstairs). Anyways... then after mocking my intelligence, you esteem me w. a presupposed Master's degree! LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!! :up:
Good one, dipsh!t. Where did I say I have a master's? Maybe in your insecure mind? lol. Its ok... one day you'll live up to your name. No need to rush things.

Anyways... you need some gems, just search my previous posts. Might be time for another master's degree.


P.S. Pimpin... sorry this thread has turned into ground zero, but some people are just too dense not to call out, in hopes of shedding light.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
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DarkLight said:

LMAO... I love it! Your such a twit.
The first sentance you mock me through a few mispelled words. Hinging my entire intelligence on it. (The weakest angle in online debates by the way, but I can't blame you, in that you have nothing else, as well as limited resources upstairs). Anyways... then after mocking my intelligence, you esteem me w. a presupposed Master's degree! LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!! :up:
Good one, dipsh!t. Where did I say I have a master's? Maybe in your insecure mind? lol. Its ok... one day you'll live up to your name. No need to rush things.

Anyways... you need some gems, just search my previous posts. Might be time for another master's degree.


P.S. Pimpin... sorry this thread has turned into ground zero, but some people are just too dense not to call out, in hopes of shedding light.
Who said you had a Master's degree you fvcking geek? LOL..I said I too have a Mater's degree like some others on this board. Not only can't you spell, you can't read either. And you question my resources upstairs? By the way, it's YOU'RE a twit-not YOUR Not only are you functionally illiterate, but you don't know what a CONTRACTION is either.......You really are making an ass out of yourself...LOL:crackup: By the way, pointing out that someone doesn't have even basic grammar skills isn't a weak angle. How many times must I punk you out on here????

I'll tell you what tinkerbell, why don't you private message me? You seem to like to argue out in the open, but lets take this off the forum so we don't detract from it.

We already know you're too much of a pvssy to show who you are, perhaps you won't be that way about debating in private.

I love when people who can't read or spell call me dense.

Come on punkass...private message me...:yes:

This is my pic>>>>>>>>>> http://profiles.yahoo.com/marine_sergeant0311

Dark-light-in the loafers won't put his up. But you can't blame him. I heard the bytch looks like Urkel....
Mar 18, 2006
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Nasman said:
Ps..... Name me one post that pr lover said anything useful about anything... He uses sarcasm to hide insecurities

Ban LMS. come on mods look at the crap he puts out...
Now now NASty boy - you have used the word "ban" 37 times in the last 24 hours -- this is very odd considering the quality of posts coming from those you wished banned.

Your last 100 posts keep saying the same thing and most of them are flames!!! Your contribution to this site is lacking.- get with the program!!!

You started a thread yesterday that you were not posting any more - and then you start fighting with everyone in the next 100 posts!!!!

Quit trying to be a hero!!!!


Oct 13, 2005
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Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
Fvck off Nas2mylou . . .

Like I said earlier, go get a dictionary and then go play hide and go fvck yourself.

I see the hatred spreading for you and your idiocy.
Dec 15, 2006
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what a sign as to what men you all are....instead of discussing what i posted about women, you would rather just fight with yourselves........wow.......


Senior Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
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I agree, but the word "value" here is pretty close to "attraction". You know, she "values" what you have or she is "attracted" to you, it's all pretty much the same thing.

But yeah, you've gotta know what it is about YOU that chicks value. Or said differently, you've gotta know what kind of chicks value what YOU have.

Like, me, I know my "target market" pretty good. To this group, I am very attractive. But to a whole different demographic -- eg artsy kind of girls, who are into "the issues" of society, like saving the whales -- probably I don't have much appeal at all (nor am I interested them either, so win win).
Dec 15, 2006
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danielzxc - BINGO, it is so difficult to be the kind of man that just attracts EVERY kind of woman, this is why if you are a stud who plays football, you WILL attract the 10's who are preppy bubbly type girls, but you most likely stand NO chance with the emo chicks (some of which are VERY hot by the way), because those emo chicks do not value who you are and to them, you have no value at all. That was just an example, but there are lots more examples
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