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I Have Anger Problems/I Don't Know What To Do


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2014
Reaction score
From the Heart and Soul, of a Woman
"I Have Anger Problems/I Don't Know What To Do."

Tenacity, you posted asking for help, with WHAT TO DO to resolve your anger issues. I and many others actually thought your post for help was genuine (perhaps you did too) and we replied as such. You received tremendous support and direction from many.

It is clear now that your original post was just a call for attention.
It is clear, at least at this time, you are neither TRULY interested or ACTUALLY willing to do the work required to change (your anger problems).

That is ok. Your life is yours to live. If you want to distract yourself, from actually doing the work, by "debating" with others for another 50 pages, and continuing to ride your merry-go-round then have at it.

Only you can decide (if ever) when you have actually had enough, of living your life as an angry and bitter man, and are truly ready and willing to do whatever it takes, no matter how uncomfortable, to actually change (and not just talk about it).

In the meanwhile, it ruins your credibility here and unfortunately wastes other people's time, when you ask others to help you change, when that is not really your intent, right now.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score

No, I was/am looking for suggestions in relation to my personal anger issues. What I said was that I was going to do a couple of things based on the responses provided from T.O., Hithard and the crew:

- I'm going to take more time and study the personality, gaming and conversation aspects that I'm doing with women currently to find places to improve. Hell no matter how good we are, we can always get even better right?

- I'm going to work on a better filtering system WHILE continuing to screw the girls I'm currently getting because I'm not jacking off or just having blue balls while I find the girl I really want. Basically, I'm going to continue to fvck with the chicks I get until I find the chick I want.

- I'm going to look at foreign women more than I have in the past.

- I'm going to work on forming more closer guy friend relationships as just about all of my relationships now are with women I'm spinning.

So I'm going to work on these aspects IN ADDITION to working on getting to the root of my anger issues. However, I don't want the debate that started here to stop in relation to discussing the market. It's a good debate and it needs to be continued.

That debate in general isn't really about "Tenacity" per say, as it is about a very common difference of viewpionts amongst many here on Sosuave. Only good things can come out of continuing said discussion.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2014
Reaction score
From the Heart and Soul, of a Woman
Let me offer you a brutally harsh analogy Tenacity. It is not harsh to attack you. It is harsh hoping it will wake you up and,help you see yourself the way many others are seeing you and their frustration (for you) with your replies.

You have shared your fitness transformation and become a resource for others wishing to do the same. Let me use a hypothetical analogy, in that venue, to mirror your choices and lack of results.

The analogy--
A man who is severely obese who; primarily has only ever really eaten junk/fast food, has never really worked out in his life, is tired of having no energy, is tired of being rejected by the women he desires and is just plain tired of feeling crappy all the time.

This man sees that some men are fit, healthy and feeling good and enjoying their lives far more than he. He reaches out and asks for help. He wants to know what should he do.

They reply with all kinds of answers. The basics include things like cut food portions, cut out the junk/fast food, eat real food, add regular HIIT, weights to build muscle, and some intermittent fasting. Most respond with what they have personally experienced that will actually get this man results.

They suggest he get on a program. They tell him from their experience that it will be hard and it will take time, but they have done it, so he can too. The results can be his but he has to be willing to put in the work and necessary sacrifice.

They are excited for him. They know how much better he can feel in his body and about himself by making the changes. They know changing his body and how he feels about himself will ripple out into changes in how he experiences life. It is all his for the having, the question is what does the man do. You'd think he'd jump at the opportunity to have what he says he wants. He doesn't.

Unfortunately, this man does nothing really different. He keeps eating the same crappy food in excess and not exercising. He gets really busy talking about the problems in the past, searching for the cause of his obesity. He talks about the fast food giants that are making billions of dollars off the people eating their food. He talks about how the fast food giants should change and serve only healthy food choices, so people like him would not be so susceptible and become fat. He finds others to talk about how years ago there was less processed and packaged food sold and everyone was thinner and more healthy as a result. He wants to talk about the bad things that have happened to people because of the prevalence of obesity. So he talks and looks for others to agree or debate with. He wants to discuss obesity and the sad state of health of people like him, because of how society most commonly consumes food these days. He talks and talks and fills pages talking with others.

Does his perspective change? Does his body change? Does his health change? Does his life change? Does his ability to help others who are overweight change? Does his ability to influence healthy eating in our society change? Has he become a leader and a voice for healthy living?

Not this guy. Not yet anyway. He's sitting on his *ss, snaking on crap typing away about how hard it is to be fat in our society, how hard it is that women discriminate against fat men, how corporate america doesn't want to hire him and how airlines want him to pay for two seats when really it's the big corporations whose food he ate that made him fat. Don't ask him to responsible and take action. First explain, how obesity increases cancer risk and how corporations could be allowed to sell food that causes ill health to begin with. He wants you to explain how the people who have died because of obesity provoked cancers were allowed to die like that. When someone can explain that maybe then he will be willing to take action.

Yes, this is an analogy and it is and harsh. None of it is literal. It is trying to wake you the f*ck up.

Men like you Tenacity, sit in frustration answering the health threads and think if only posters like in this analogy would actually do the work and follow the recommendations, the guy would lose the weight, start to feel better and eventually be posting pictures of his new abs, just like you have.

Simply talking about weight loss and becoming ripped doesn't bring the change. Doing the work and sacrificing as needed brings the change. You know this Tenacity. You've done it. Your new pictures speak for themselves.

This analogy is no different. Right now, you are being the guy asking for help to lose weight and get in shape. When people make suggestions to him like intermittent fasting, he reacts and writes off the recommendations as without merit or dangerous, because he has never experienced it himself and he doesn't really don'y know but it seems unreasonable to the inexperienced, that intermittent fasting could truly help one lose weight in a healthy and sustainable way. It sounds dangerous. It goes against all he know of eating six small meals a day. He thinks it's just a new age fad without science or true purpose. He's not interested in intermittent fasting. He's got issues with HIIT too. He wants results. This "new fad stuff" it's too weird for him. Tenacity, you know it is his loss. The obese man can only see what he's willing to see and experience. You go back to bare basics with him. Start by eating real food. He comes back and says real food is too expensive, there are pesticides, organic is even more expensive and likely a scam too. Besides, fixing real food takes too much time. His prepackaged frozen meals are quick and while they may have lots of preservatives and crap, everyone eats them so they can't be that bad. When he's done creating excuses and distractions for himself there he starts again asking for help. You get he's all talk and no action. He really just wants company to talk with about how wrong it is that the corporations are making so much money off feeding the world crappy food and how people like him and other posters end up unhappy and fat and how it is so wrong.

Those in know watch the man go round and round on his merry-go-round. They wonder if he will ever just simply do what needs to be done and sacrifice what needs to be sacrificed to actually get the result he said he wanted and often repeats again that he supposedly wants.

Healthy food in healthy portions and exercise. Still sounds too simple to him. He's not looking for some fake ride at Disneyland or new age bull****. He wants to know how to REALLY transform himself. Apparently no one seems to be able to offer the answers that he will know are the way. In the meanwhile, eating his crappy food, sitting on his @ss, he'll keep 'debating' how wrong it is that he and so many other people have been led unknowingly to live in obesity and all the complications and discriminations that go with it.

Tenacity you have seen postings and offered to help guys on the health forum who in never put in the work or even show up again.

What you know, and those of us on this board know, that have truly ever undertaken massive change in ourselves and our life, is that it takes tremendous focus, commitment, dedication, sacrifice and the continual will to let go of the old, even when it keeps calling you back. The reward is great for those willing.

There are those who do the work and those who just talk.

Results speak for themselves.

The opportunity is yours Tenacity.

P.S. The analogy is imperfect and not meant as an attack on you in ANY way Tenacity. It is simply offered as a tool to help you see yourself and encourage you to actually move beyond talking and into doing the work and sacrificing whatever is required, in order to change (as you requested), if that is what you TRULY desire.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2014
Reaction score
From the Heart and Soul, of a Woman

No, I was/am looking for suggestions in relation to my personal anger issues. What I said was that I was going to do a couple of things based on the responses provided from T.O., Hithard and the crew:

- I'm going to take more time and study the personality, gaming and conversation aspects that I'm doing with women currently to find places to improve. Hell no matter how good we are, we can always get even better right?

- I'm going to work on a better filtering system WHILE continuing to screw the girls I'm currently getting because I'm not jacking off or just having blue balls while I find the girl I really want. Basically, I'm going to continue to fvck with the chicks I get until I find the chick I want.

- I'm going to look at foreign women more than I have in the past.

- I'm going to work on forming more closer guy friend relationships as just about all of my relationships now are with women I'm spinning.

So I'm going to work on these aspects IN ADDITION to working on getting to the root of my anger issues. However, I don't want the debate that started here to stop in relation to discussing the market. It's a good debate and it needs to be continued.

That debate in general isn't really about "Tenacity" per say, as it is about a very common difference of viewpionts amongst many here on Sosuave. Only good things can come out of continuing said discussion.
It's great see that you are intending action.

Always be clear on what your end goal is and choose actions that are truly congruent to meet that goal.

Just as a round of golf may be considered exercise to some, you know Tenacity that a round of golf is not close to something like HIIT and nor are the results the same, for someone looking to transform their body. Be clear about your intention and that the actions you choose truly serve the transformation/outcome desired. Decipher what will most efficiently and effectively serve you in reaching your goal and what is distraction that looks like you are doing something meaningful. Be wise, purposeful and focused in your choices.

Inner happiness, contentment, peace and satisfaction are an inside job. They are not about changing one's outside world. Sure it's enjoyable if the outside matches one's preferences. If your happiness and inner satisfaction are dependent on people, places, things, and events outside of you, you will always lose. Inner world is top priority. Outside world is secondary. Make sure your priorities reflect this unless you wish to find yourself fighting a never ending battle.

A truly free man is one who knows who he is, and regardless of how outside circumstances ebb and flow around him, his knowingness of who he is, never wavers.


Mar 10, 2010
Reaction score
The Wacky Races
All these arguments of "is the market sh.it" or "being positive is for fairies" is procrastination.
If you want something to happen, you actually have to do something.
Ten seems to think opposing opinion is the enemy. But it's actually time.
I don't want to see him on here for another year on the same position.
Goodluck with it anyway. My other thread got axed so I can bail early.
Are you seriously that dense? Take a walk on over to the MGTOW forum and ask how wonderful American marriage is, all those guys didn't get there by mistake. Being positive isn't for fairies, its for idiots....

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Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2005
Reaction score
Are you seriously that dense? Take a walk on over to the MGTOW forum and ask how wonderful American marriage is, all those guys didn't get there by mistake. Being positive isn't for fairies, its for idiots....

Whoa, whoa, whoa big fella.

Being positive is just an Outlook. It does fuc.k all unless you back it up. Hence all the other talk of what to do. You know having some form of plan and sh.it.
Have your dig and get it out of your system. And don't think a rebuttal on your post is a personal slight.

I thought you were married anyway?
Or are we just hating on US marriages being from Canada and all.
You know there are actual successful marriages out there.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
Reaction score
Positive Thinking For Fairies

Sitting in your room, not doing a damn thing, expecting the law of attraction gnome to deliver you a box of money or a six pack or a perfect girlfriend.

These suckers make the bulk of weight loss industry customers, self help books, and the endless LOA scams out there, AND many "christian" religions.

Positive Thinking For Realistically Minded, Action Oriented Individuals

These are the entrepreneurs that KNOW they will be successful, if they keep trying, keep FAILING, and keep learning from their successes. They know that for every successful startup, there are usually three or four failures behind them.

To see a TRUE STORY of positive thinking for action oriented individuals, check out the movie Ingenious. These two guys, inventors, were consistently broke, lied to, ripped off, but they kept trying and finally they had a simple invention that made them millions. They didn't spend their time on message boards trying to have discussions about whether or not the market was rigged or who was right or which point of view was valuable. They followed the simple process of success:

Try-->Fail-->Learn-->Try-->Fail-->Learn-->Try......WIN! (Sometimes this process takes YEARS, DECADES a positive expectation of eventually success is necessary)

They KNOW deep in their gut that they will overcome obstacles, through action, LEARNING, the inevitable setbacks.

Like the founder of Sony who said, "If you want to double your success rate, double your failure rate."

Or Babe Ruth who was not only the home run king, but the strike out king.


They kept increasing their skills until their skills DOMINATED the market.

Since SO MANY PEOPLE QUIT it's not hard to do. Persistence is key. Years. Decades.

Most people don't have what it takes. That's why the internet is filled with sob stories of how gosh darn hard it is out there.

But alas, self deception is one of the most fine-tuned skill of the human primate.


Mar 10, 2010
Reaction score
The Wacky Races
Fine, the market is great for jobs and yeah a little effort can net you 150k/year. Women and money are heavily LOCATION DEPENDENT. Almost anyone in the 1st world can study and get a job, study some more and pull a really good job or start a business and live in relative comfort. Pretty much no one in the 3rd world can do that except for a very lucky and privileged few, if you were born in the dump you are likely to stay there.

Taiyuu aren't you in Japan? Have you been over to the mainland? Its not all clean streets and host clubs.

Yes, I'm married and I'm speaking from experience. If either of you were to come down to Toronto for a bit, you'd see exactly what Tenacity is talking about. Sure there are TONS of women and you can pick them up, I don't think Tenacity is having any problem getting 'women'... the problem is the market of women in his location and mine (we are almost neighbors) is total garbage.

The large majority of women here:
- Have tattoos
- Are not virgins
- Subscribe to feminism
- Can't Cook
- Have never had to hold a job or provide for a family
- Have government welfare system checks and balances to bail them out if they make bad decisions in life
- Want you to spend $$$ on a wedding
- Have Ultra high expectations for what a man should be.
- Don't mind fvking you over or branch swinging if a better prospect comes along
- Into LGBT rights and other new age garbage
- Have never been sick and without access to medicines, clean food, water or air

The advantages of travelling abroad and dating outside your race are:
- Lack of pretense or expectation
- A willingness to be a wife
- A society which dictates they must treat a man with respect
- No tattoos
- Prefer Engineers over Bad Boys
- No feminism
- Family oriented.

If you truly believe all women are the same, walk into a mosque and ask a muslim wife how many men she 'dated' before she was married off and if she is happy. In North America all of the old world values have completely eroded away and we get both women and men acting like spoiled children. Women from 3rd world sectors are far more in touch with their responsibility, reality and a woman's place in a relationship. All 1st world women know is how to go to school, meet a guy, date and wear a condom. Women today don't even want children in a relationship, they have been coddled so heavily by their parents, teachers, white knights, society and big guv, most don't even know HOW to be a woman or what women are for outside of sex.

I often have the opportunity of speaking with these slags as my friend's all date from the garbage dump universities... women today are brainwashed leftist nut jobs. Both my wife and I can't stand women their bullsh1t attitudes. If you take a really rich Chinese girl and stick her beside a really poor one, there is a very stark contrast. The rich Chinese knows NOTHING, can hardly think for herself and has never had to struggle in her entire life. When money has cured any problem or issue in your life and your only solution to stress is to throw money at it or walk away, you become a useless human being. The poor people of the world have learned TENACITY in the face of adversity. They have skills that allow them to function in any tier be it low, middle or upper class life. They are grateful for what little they can eek out beyond survival. To say that 'the market' at home is perfectly fine, is to deny women their true place in society and rob them of their responsibilities to the human race. By dating 1st world women you are participating in the coddling that is destroying the 1st world. You will not meet the 3rd world poor in the 1st world so dating 'foreign' looking girls will bring you right back to square one.

The 3rd world poor can barely afford to eat let alone take a flight from an airport. I implore you to take a trip outside your western comfort zones to the sh1t areas of the Earth where people truly have to bust their asses for a dollar. Its like comparing princesses to paupers... There is a market problem at home but you don't realize it because you've never been to a better market with higher quality goods. If you are looking for a high quality wife, there is no better than the survivors of 3rd world poverty.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
Reaction score
Just some questions.

- Doesn't bringing these women back to feminist heartlands corrupt them passively or make them actively question why they should have to be good women when no one around them is and society tells them it's right to not be? What is it that makes your wife disdain feminism as much as we do in spite of this?
- Which countries can you speak for in terms of first hand experience?


Mar 10, 2010
Reaction score
The Wacky Races
No, thats a common misconception. If you bring a 3rd world princess back to a 1st world society SHE will begin acting like the 1st world b1tches you see around you. If you bring the 3rd world poor back to the 1st world, they will immediately seek out work to start sending a bit of money back to their families. Go outside and look around AF, there are immigrant restaurants run by hard working immigrant families and women... then there are super spoiled bi1ches who drive around in BMW's and treat their boyfriends like sh1t. It really depends on the kind of man YOU ARE, you need to be a bit old world to attract those old world women. Your 3rd world girl will follow the example you set, so you can't act like a prince and expect her to be the pauper, its all or nothing.

You don't start acting different as soon as you enter a new country do you? I don't... I make tons of money in China but I'm still as frugal as ever, maybe more so there. My friends used to be blown away because I would spend 1/20th of my income on rent and even less on food and clothing. My wife and I would only shop at the local farmer's markets and buy my clothes from the factories. Now my wife cooks at home and we have $$$ in the bank. I spend once in awhile on games and toys but she says as long as I'm not cheating on her I can do whatever I want. You set the example, If you spoil yourself and your 3rd world woman and lavish her in gifts and other stupid sh1t then yeah, that's a recipe for disaster, you are showing her that money is meaningless to you... You need to make your girl pay for her fair share (or in my case pay for both). The only women that I think I would even allow near me or my wife here would be these women from the video, and senior citizens. My friends and hers can't believe she is so cheap and they think I abuse her but if you ask, she gives a really logical argument and relates it back to her upbringing. My wife brings home extra food they throw out at her work place, ketchup packets and extra salt and I encourage her to do more. She works at all the restaurants where she likes the food and learns to make them at home. She only buys stuff that's on sale and feels guilty (as she should) when spending anything on herself at regular price. My wife has everything costed down to the exact amount that it costs to make a lunch for me to take, which is apparently $1.60 right now. Both my wife and mother will go to a buffet and collude before hand how they can take home food in their purses... I think its wierd but my wife enjoys this, why would I take that away from her. In China she doesn't like the company of rich people so in Canada it makes sense that she is not going to take advice from these same rich princesses. Water seeks its own level.

Peru, Mexico, Argentina, Aruba, St. George, Brazil, China, Korea, Japan, Thailand, USA, Canada, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, Egypt, Kazakhstan, Barbados

Tenacity and to the rest of the forum, maybe you should be targeting these 'cheapskate' women and leave the 'hb9's' to their own devices. You should use your 'game' as a reward for HER good behavior, not a reaction to HER bad attitude... but this is where 'plate spinning, sarging and all this other useless sh1t gets dumped'. If you want loyalty, you have to be loyal, if you want frugality you have to be frugal. All sides must be congruent.

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Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
Yes, this is why I want this debate to continue because it's very important and goes above any issues "Tenacity" is having personally. Even though both sides debate each other, the honest answer is that we are both correct and the solution is an integrated aspect of both sides.

T.O.'s side: Life is however you make it, so bring the ambition, passion and tenacity (no pun intended) everyday to your goals/objectives. If you fail, learn what went wrong, fix the inefficiencies, and try again using a different strategy, a different product, a different investor, working in a different market, etc.

LiveFree's side: If the market is inefficient, it doesn't matter how hard you work, how much tenacity (no pun intended) you have, how smart you are, or any other skills/talents/gifts you might possess, your results will still be flawed because you are operating in a bad market.

The reality is that both sides are correct, but it STARTS with having a market that's efficient and once you have identified an efficient market, only then can you apply your passion, tenacity, ambition and skills within said market to create success.

- Why do you guys think foreign people are breaking across the border illegally to get into America? There's more people trying to get HERE than get out, why is that? It's because our economic MARKET is based on a free market capitalistic foundation which means that NOW YOU CAN apply your skills, tenacity, ambitions, passions, etc. to become something. Your skills, tenacity, ambitions and passions mean jack shyt in a foreign country that does NOT have such level of free market structures.

- Anybody ever hear about the mantra in real estate being, "location, location, location"? You can take the most skilled, passionate, ambitious, and tenacious real estate investor, but if he sets his property up in a bad market, he's going to fail or at least NOT have as efficient performance if he brought his system into a efficient market.

What's strange about this debate, is that T.O and HitHard's side seems to believe that no matter WHAT market you are operating in (no matter how fvcked up it is), you can still have excellent performance if you just "try hard enough". This goes against every single business planning mechanism out there. Everything STARTS with what market you operate in, from THERE, you bring the skills, ambitions, tenacity, passions, etc. to acquire market share/success.

Is the American market of women 100% fvcked up? NO. But is the market inefficient compared to what it was 50 years ago, OF COURSE it is. Does the negative affects of feminism and gynocentrism play a part in the high quantity of low quality women in the market today, OF COURSE it does. Despite these facts, can a guy still find a quality woman in this inefficient American market...YES HE CAN....but to act as if that's going to be as simple as just "setting your mind to it and you will achieve it", is just completely off. The market is so inefficient today, it's almost a string of luck to find a girl of quality and MOST of the quality girls in the market, already have boyfriends/husbands. T.O. and Hithard, these are facts dude and you don't have to take my word on it, just do independent study on the American market in terms of dating/relations. There are COUNTLESS studies out discussing this that were done by people who took serious time to conduct the research.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
Reaction score
Yes, this is why I want this debate to continue
This is not a debate. This is you spend a great deal of time picking and choosing posters who ALREADY AGREE WITH YOU, so you can continue to believe it's NOT YOUR FAULT.

You WANT this thread to go on FOREVER because that will simply give you MORE EVIDENCE of YOUR ESTABLISHED OPINION.


You've deluded yourself into thinking this is a DEBATE when in reality it's just YOU trying to GATHER more opinions that you ALREADY AGREE WITH.

I'm out.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score

That's not my agenda (confirmation bias), if that were my agenda I would not have made the thread to begin with. What you recommend falls in line with the New Thought Movement, I USED to be a big proponent of the movement but I'm not so much these days. However, maybe I'm wrong? Maybe the Law of Attraction is real in some type of way and I just don't know it?

Just like you and Hit Hard will never admit there's something flawed with the market, myself on the other hand will admit that you and Hit Hard make some valid points in relation to trying to see life more with a "positive" outlook. I honestly don't function in my everyday life as a negative person, I've put a lot about my life on this board and a "negative" person wouldn't have achieved the things I did.

Also, put it like this T.O. (and others reading). I focus A LOT on this site about "concrete" planning, but I do believe there is another aspect to success that sort of ties in a connection to a supernatural, or a higher being.

Someone suggested that once I find the quality girl, I'll have internal peace, but is that really so? I thought the center CORE of the Don Juan mantra was to have joy, peace and happiness without women and just to invite women into your "happy" world?

When I was 16 - 22, I was heavily involved in the "church", mainly because they taught the New Thought Movement and for some reason, I was the most AT PEACE during that time than I've ever been. And I was flat out broke, wasn't as attractive, etc. I left the church because quite frankly, as I began to critically think more, I saw how the religious procedures were just flat out BS most of the time.

But.....I do lack internal peace, I DO. But I think it might have something to do with a lost connection to a higher power/being, I don't think it's that I'm missing a particular "woman" because I don't believe any woman can bring you peace. But...I could be wrong....
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Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
Reaction score
Just like you and Hit Hard will never admit there's something flawed with the market,

YES! the market is flawed. So WHAT?

Many people are HAPPILY MARRIED in this flawed market.

Many people are meeting QUALITY WOMEN in this flawed market.

I never said anything about "new age"

All I said was take action, learn from your mistakes, and improve yourself. That's not new age. That is old school success principles.

You still think YOU at your present level can FIND a quality women if you shift your thinking.

YOUR CURRENT LEVEL OF SKILLS are not good enough to find a "quality woman."

They only will improve if you admit that.

But since you are trying to so hard to convince yourself that isn't true, you will NEVER accept that YOU need to improve YOUR SKILLS.


Over the course of several YEARS.

But you will NEVER ADMIT THAT. You have convinced yourself it's THE MARKET.

But find all the people to agree with you that you want. Keep banging low quality women because you can't handle a little DELAYED GRATIFICATION.

Good luck with that and your quest for self-rationalization.

I no longer care. Talking to you is TOO FRUSTRATING.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2015
Reaction score
This is not a debate. This is you spend a great deal of time picking and choosing posters who ALREADY AGREE WITH YOU, so you can continue to believe it's NOT YOUR FAULT.

You WANT this thread to go on FOREVER because that will simply give you MORE EVIDENCE of YOUR ESTABLISHED OPINION.


You've deluded yourself into thinking this is a DEBATE when in reality it's just YOU trying to GATHER more opinions that you ALREADY AGREE WITH.

I'm out.
This. Tenacity is a walking case of exactly how NOT to think as a DJ.

He wants this thread to go on for 50 pages because he has ZERO interest in actually changing, only in confirming and legitimizing his paralyzing world view.

Pure mental masturbation.

Ten, perhaps you genuinely want to change - although this thread and the countless others you've made suggests otherwise - but IMO your primary utility on this forum is as a real life illustration of the anti-DJ.

Your loss.


Jul 28, 2009
Reaction score
North America, probably an airport

I listed this link to this book earlier. The book is titled "How I Found Freedom In An Unfree World" and it was published in 1973.

This is not about new age bullsh*t - no crystals, no 'law of attraction', no magical thinking.

You DECIDE to let 'gynocentrism' 'feminism' (and other lame concepts and constructs) to run your life. You LIKE doing this so you can avoid responsibility for yourself and the results you get.

So enjoy the anger you so carefully tend, grow and most of all defend.

And stop your whining and seeking like-minded agreement. It's already ubiquitous in the world anyway.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score

Come on now, I'm not sure why you are throwing this fit here lol. I don't believe any "grown man" is going to agree with any other "grown man" 100%.

There are things you, Hithard, and others on your side are saying that I agree with. I confirmed that I'm pretty much including about 65% of what you said in my "to do/to fix" list, but that's not enough apparently, you want me to add 100%!

I don't agree with what you guys are saying 100%, I've even pointed out how some of the statements were contradictory.

But damn, I agree with you on 65% of it and adding it to my "to do/to fix list", no grown a.ss man is going to agree with another man 100%, that's a follower and if there's anything you ought to know about me by now, I don't follow nobody.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2012
Reaction score
Now.. I have not read the thread... But I can tell you (if it has not been suggested already and if it has then just carry on) that a biofeedback devince can help you control anxiety (anger is very often triggered by the fight/flight/freeze response caused by anxiety and everyones reactions are different) however... Anger is a choice... So if you get a biofeedback device such as the GSR2 it makes a high pitch sound... It fits in your hand like a mouse for a computer and you can control the sound of it with your feelings... Errr anxiety... As you calm down the pitch goes lower... As you get distracteed (which is very easy.. Example is when I used one my wife could say"christmas" .. Just the word.. And the pitch of the GSR2 would climb right away).

As you get good at controlling the GSR2 (very similar to meditation to control it) there is a sensitivity setting on the side of it... When you lower the sensitivity (turn the dial up) you are esentially getting control of anxiety. It scaled from 1-10 ... 1 being on the verge of a breakdown and losing control of yourself to anxiety... (Many people live on this edge) to 10 ... After a few weeks of using the GSR2 I went from a 2.5 to a 4.5 on the dial.... It takes practice and if you want to learn to control anxiety its a great tool...



Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
Reaction score
Taiyuu, you are in fckin Japan dude... how can you not recommend Tenacity go over there???
Once upon a time there was this old guy sitting on the side of the road. A family came by, moving into the town down they way. They asked the old guy:

"Excuse me sir, what kind of people will I find in this town?"

To which the old guy replied:

"What were people like in your old town?"

To which they replied:

"Generally, pretty friendly. Good neighbors. People you can depend on, good times."

To which the old man said:

"Yep. That's what you'll find in this new town."

The old guy sat there, relaxing in the sun. Couple hours later another family came by.

"Say, old guy, what kind of people live in this here town up ahead?" They asked.

"Well, what were they like in your old city?" Replied the old guy.

"Shifty. Not trustworthy. Stab you in the back for a dime," replied the father.

"Yep, that's about what you'll find in this town as well, I'm afraid," replied the old guy.