I Have Anger Problems/I Don't Know What To Do


Jul 28, 2009
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North America, probably an airport

"There was a time when pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps worked, but when they have taken your bootstraps, taken your boots, and sliced off your hands, how do you build yourself up by your own bootstraps anymore? Again like I said, it's why a Socialist like Bernie Sanders is doing so well, people are waking up to our Global NWO/Fraud/Fascist System. Never before in history has a Socialist been THIS CLOSE to the White House."

Both Sanders and Trump are populists more than anything else. And they are touching something out there in voter land - the wish that someone will take care of you and give you what you want - i.e. your mommy.

Sanders isn't a socialist, he's the candy man, promising things that he knows will never happen because there is nowhere near enough money to pay for them or enough legislative support to get them done. People that believe his shtick want to believe, they are children.

Meanwhile, a Trump is a human Grinch shoveling his own brand of bullsh*t, little to none of which will ever happen either. His flock want to believe too.

True believers always get run flat by the people they want in power. It's the price of being an idealist that will wade through rivers of other peoples' blood while wrapping themselves in either nonsense about 'the people' or 'the flag' when all they want is life on easy street paid for by others.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score

"There was a time when pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps worked, but when they have taken your bootstraps, taken your boots, and sliced off your hands, how do you build yourself up by your own bootstraps anymore? Again like I said, it's why a Socialist like Bernie Sanders is doing so well, people are waking up to our Global NWO/Fraud/Fascist System. Never before in history has a Socialist been THIS CLOSE to the White House."

Both Sanders and Trump are populists more than anything else. And they are touching something out there in voter land - the wish that someone will take care of you and give you what you want - i.e. your mommy.

Sanders isn't a socialist, he's the candy man, promising things that he knows will never happen because there is nowhere near enough money to pay for them or enough legislative support to get them done. People that believe his shtick want to believe, they are children.

Meanwhile, a Trump is a human Grinch shoveling his own brand of bullsh*t, little to none of which will ever happen either. His flock want to believe too.

True believers always get run flat by the people they want in power. It's the price of being an idealist that will wade through rivers of other peoples' blood while wrapping themselves in either nonsense about 'the people' or 'the flag' when all they want is life on easy street paid for by others.
I totally agree with you in relation to what a lot of what these guys are pushing could never get passed, especially the stuff Sanders is pushing by wanting to give everybody free college degrees by taxing Wallstreet, or raising taxes to 90% on the "rich".

But my point is that while you guys in this thread have tried to make me out to be some "conspiracy looney toon", I am NOT the only one in this country that thinks something is completely fvcked up with not just the dating market, but also our financial markets, job market, higher education system, political system, etc. I think most of Bernie Sanders supporters know damn well 80% of the stuff he's pushing for can't get passed, but they are voting for him REGARDLESS because they are pissed off with the current RIGGED market and want to do something (anything) to protest against it.

MGTOW is the same way. It's a group of guys that can see the dating relations with women are RIGGED from the beginning (you lose with most women even if you win, if you know what I mean) and they are looking to do something about it. Their way is to opt out of dealing with women altogether. I personally can't do that because I need to GET OFF, but damn if they didn't have that vagina box in between their legs I would have left these stupid pieces of shyt alone YEARS ago.

The reality is that most women are just a pain in the a.ss and bring NO value to your life. But I know, that's not "positive enough" so....seeing as though I'm trying to see the "bright side of things"....let me flash a smile :)


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2014
Reaction score
From the Heart and Soul, of a Woman
First post in this thread, December 31, 2015
I'm afraid that I'm going to SNAP. I'm being honest. I have been flat out going off on women for years now and when I go off, I GO THE FVCK OFF.

I haven't physically hit anybody (YET)...

I have been going off on women and verbally abusing them for at least 5 years straight now, off and on.

I'm afraid the next step is I'm about to physically assault one of them...
if they didn't have that vagina box in between their legs I would have left these stupid pieces of shyt alone YEARS ago.

The reality is that most women are just a pain in the a.ss and bring NO value to your life.
I post your words back, not to judge them in any way.
I post them back, like a mirror, so you might really see yourself.
Read them again and consider what others might see.

What I see are feelings like hurt, anger, rage, betrayal, disappointment, frustration, loss, grief, hardship, and maybe hate.

What I want to point out is that "The" career, job, income, car, clothes, fit body, good-looks, good credit, social skills, humor, nice clothes, etc, DO NOT cover up and hide those feelings, thoughts and beliefs, from the rest of the world.

Even if you never share those feelings and thoughts outwardly, they are still perceived indirectly by others. I think on some level you believe that women only receive the perception you consciously intend them to have of you. They get that. They also feel a whole lot more. Incongruence between the two is something they also perceive.

I believe that if and when you resolve and heal the hurt, anger, rage, betrayal, disappointment, frustration, loss, grief, hardship and hate, (or whatever feelings are true for you) then your experience with women will truly have the capacity to change for the better. Until then, I believe you will always have a wall that separates you from really getting close.

Even if the market, as you see it now, were to magically shift to your version of ideal, without healing the above feelings, thoughts and beliefs, I believe you would still find a wall between yourself and truly connecting with your preferred type of woman, in a deep and meaningful way.

No judgement. No further direction. Just more food for thought.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2014
Reaction score
From the Heart and Soul, of a Woman
Part 2

Regardless of a terrible or an ideal market:

Are these the thoughts and beliefs that will attract the admiration, respect and loyalty, of your preferred kind of woman? Are these the the words of a man, she will feel proud to be with?

Are these the thoughts and beliefs you would want your son to emulate, someday? Are these the words of a man he will feel proud to call his father?

Are these the thoughts and beliefs you would want your daughter to know, as your beliefs about her and her mother, as women? Are these the words of man she will feel proud to call her father?

What kind of man do you want them to know?
What kind of man do you want them to see?
What kind of man do you want them to experience?

What kind of man do YOU want to be?
What kind of legacy do you want to leave?
Be/Become that man.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
Live Your Dream,

You make some good points and trust me I know, I have anger issues lol. I want you guys to continue adding to this thread, I'm going to be a little "quiet" in relation to this thread as I work on the things I listed above. I will have a report and update this thread in about two weeks.

But as mentioned this has been a great thread, there's something for everybody in this thread.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2014
Reaction score
From the Heart and Soul, of a Woman
Live Your Dream,

You make some good points and trust me I know, I have anger issues lol. I want you guys to continue adding to this thread, I'm going to be a little "quiet" in relation to this thread as I work on the things I listed above. I will have a report and update this thread in about two weeks.

But as mentioned this has been a great thread, there's something for everybody in this thread.
P.S. (ahead of time) I did NOT re-read this to correct my typing/spelling, etc, before I posted, as I know I will only be tempted to judge it and censor it. I know that it all came out of me from the heart and is intended for only the highest good. I trust that whether my typing svcked along the way, you will get the essence that was intended. Yes, it is crazy long, somehow it was just what wanted to said.

You are good man. You have a good heart. You have amazing courage to stand here and allow in what others offer. It is even more courageous to really look inside and let go of what no longer serves us. I see a greater vision of you can be in this world and what you can offer. First, you must heal yourself, truly and deeply. That is not a process for the faint of heart. It takes guts and willingness to see and feel the most unpleasant and that which has hurt us the most. It's hard as hell, or can be for some. If you have the willingness to go deep inside and face those hurts, not to justify your view of them, but to allow compassion and growth and the realization that in someway, there is purposefulness in all of them, beyond the hurt and disappointment and betrayal.

There is no judgement for your anger or other emotions. Please do not judge yourself, it helps no one. Shame serves no one as well. What does work well in my experience are preferences. Preferring not to live in anger has a different tone and experience, for me.

What you have experienced, and all that has brought you to this point and is the fuel and catalyst for who you can become, if you choose it to be. I can not emphasize or encourage enough that as you look back and clean house inside yourself so to speak, that you take what you see and feel and you shower it with loving. I know that is a word that makes people constrict a bit, but it's the truth in me to share. So, I am going to say it as I know inside myself. As you look back at all that has occurred, and event by event, situation by situation, you bring your loving now, to all that occurred then.

I can imagine your thinking, more new age or new thought bullish!t and I understand that may be your initial response. It's making me chuckle because that very same resistance is what had filled these pages. It's not (entirely) about resistance to the method or your idea that it is new agar or new thought, it is, in my view, more about your resistance to spending and feeling time with the feeling and emotions that devastated you so much, earlier in your life. Why the fvck would anyone want to go back there? I get it. I really do. I have spent decades avoiding my own. I am not here because I have it all figured it out. I am here because you are a mirror to me and many others.

I could delude myself and make this all about helping you and leaving it at that. The deeper truth is, the posts to you are a wake up call to me. As much as your hurts and unresolved experiences are creating walls and defensiveness and altered perceptions, so are mine. I am no different. Mine just have different story lines. The stories themselves are not is what is important. It's bringing love to the child, the adolescent, the young adult, the son, the brother, the boyfriend, the man you wanted to be and become. It's letting those experiences know and feel that while hurt and disappointed, betrayed and devastated, all involved were truly doing the best they could at the time.

I know that may not be a popular sentiment. I am not here looking for popularity or approval. I am here because I feel moved inside to share with you. So I am. I get you may question what I say, resist it, judge it, scoff at it and throw it away even. Something in me knows, that somewhere in you, some part will know there is truth here. There is love here. Whether it just finds a crack and works it way to your heart, something in me believes it will find a way to your heart. Something in me believes that little bit is like sunshine upon a seed waiting to grow. I don't know if you have ever held an acorn in your hand. It's amazing to contemplate that acorn becomes a mighty oak tree that provides shade and much more, for many. The mighty oak tree grows from an acorn into an embodiment of strength.

Tenacity, there is something in me that knows, believes, sees, and I suspect all the others that have hounded you with their posts here, have done so not to get off from being critical or judgmental, but from a place of caring and loving (I know that word again.) and seeing the greatness that goodness that lies inside you. An acorn needs some good soil, sunshine and water so all inside can be set free and it can transform into the mighty oak. I see all the sh!t that has occurred in your life as the soil and fertilizer (if you allow it to be.) The sunshine and water well I'd say there has been a lot happening here. Most importantly is what you choose.

Your choices are what matter above all. Your choice to post back and say you had decided you would be quiet on this thread for a while is a statement of change. It's you creating the opportunity for you to transform your life. There are lots and lots of people here rooting you on, those who have posted and lots of others who have simply read. There is a Tencity of some sort in all of us. We all want you to be the best version of yourself. If you did, we can do it to, and vice versa.

I am cringing as I know this has become crazy long and I imagine all the head shakes and cringes. It is what wanted come forward. I caution you (get this loud and clear) to not distract yourself with trying to report back the changes you are making. The idea sounds great. I get it I really do. Here is the concern in an analogy. As you make changes they will happen on levels you will not even be aware of, IF YOU REMAIN OPEN TO THEM. However, if you are looking to define them and label them you will miss them and (I suspect) distract yourself away from the FULL POTENTIAL of the process.

Here is the analogy, an acorn (yep-that again) becoming an oak tree. It's planted and gets water and sunshine. Try to describe what has happened after 2 weeks. Report the change. Another 2 weeks, report the change. Another 2 weeks, report the change. What you "see" and can report is minuscule and does not even touch the immensity of potential and future unfolding that is ACTUALLY occurring.

It's like when a sperm fertilizes an egg and implants to become a leader amongst us. In the beginning one would see cells multiplying and multiplying into a ball and other weird shapes. Looks like a cluster of who knows what. Any words you could put on THE CHANGE that has occurred would not even tough the immensity of what is actually happening. That cluster of cells has delineated the types of tissues that will become your skin and organs. What becomes your spinal cord and brain are already forming as is the heart that will keep you alive, moment by moment, without your direction, for the rest of your life. (This is no pro life agenda if anyone gets off on that track.) This is an example to say what you could see and write back or post about what was occurring that your view would become limited in ways you may not understand. I don't know how to say that more clearly. It's like the example of an infant to a toddler (just an example) the change over time is dramatic, physically, emotionally, mentally, their capacity to interact the world--and if you tried to break those changes down into reports on a regular basis, you would miss the immensity of he whole change.

I get you like this thread and see benefit it it continuing. I understand. I just encourage you to step back even farther from reporting "what you perceive" as changes happening in you and in your life and KNOW that like those watching an acorn sprout and become a mighty oak or a infant (example only) become a toddler and then a young adult and someday a leader, the growth and change is UNMISTAKEABLE to those looking from the outside. Everyone can see it already. It's in our view by who you are BEING, not by reports you write back needing to show it.

In closing this crazy long post (from the heart), let me say that you have NOTHING to prove to anyone here or anywhere. Who you are, already, is enough. There is no inherent lack or wrongness that must be fixed or corrected or grown to be loved. You are loved. (I know that word.) The pages of people here caring are proof if you need to be reminded. This isn't about fixing yourself from brokenness or lack. This is about remembering the wholeness of who you already are. May you know that always.



Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
I also still believe you guys need to stop being so ANONYMOUS. I've offered to do web chats, telephone chats, hell even an email chat, but you guys want to remain under ANONYMOUS usernames and I have no damn idea why?
The reason why I remain anonymous on this site is because I've had problems with stalkers and 5hit in the past. I had to change my username on here due to things that were being relayed to my (ex)wife. It wreaked havoc in my life and I don't need to go through that bull5hit again. There have been many others on here who had to change their usernames due to similar things.

If you wanna chat via skype or some 5hit, I'm all for that. I just can't reveal myself online because I don't need my personal life getting fvcked up again.


Mar 10, 2010
Reaction score
The Wacky Races
The man went on and on for 15 minutes telling about all the political/financial injustices in this country. I responded with one simple question, "How does this focus help YOU?" As this man continues to focus or blame the market (although he is right!), he wrongs himself by failing to focus on the glaring (financial) problem ... HIM. If he had a genuine intent to effect change upon society, how could he do it as a hobo? First, he would need to work on himself. Build himself up. Work hard. Attain power. Attain assets. Then he might be heard. The man continued to state that he will orchestrate a protest ... yada, yada.
Money and women are two entirely different things.

If you want more money, go study something that is in demand, get a job and save money.... easy. If getting quality women were that easy, this site wouldn't even exist.

The hobo and his millions? How to get out of that situation.... hobo should go to a soup kitchen with 5 dollars. Setup a monthly meal plan. Get a job at McD's. Rent a cheap place with social assistance. Work for a year and save 60% of his income, then take a forklift license and bang, hobo finds a job working in the dockyards of some small industrial town.

Hobo is now middle class and in a position to do any education you can find in that small industrial town. Anyone can get anywhere in life with just a little hard work. So the hobo goes about working at his forklift job, which isn't bad mind you... its fun to drive those things around and fairly easy to learn, he is making 5 dollars more an hour, has a small but clean place to live and 3 square meals per day. One day the hobo decides he wants to pursue bigger and better things so he goes to college, makes some friends and learns to code. 4 years later he has a bachelor of computer science but wait, there are no computer jobs in his industrial town. So hobo starts his own company, unfortunately there is no business or interest for this type of thing and his business flounders from the minimal attention. The hobo continues to tell his friends about fun and interesting computing tips and tidbits but they ignore it because it doesn't fit their lives. What must hobo do ? His computer friends in Silicon Valley start to tell him that if he just flies over, there are people literally begging for coders and web designers and he can make 10x his current salary.

Hobo sits down, looks at his small apartment and starts listening to his dockworker friends and co-workers, they tell him that there is nothing for him there and that they have heard from a friend of a friend that he will likely fail. "The grass is not greener dear hobo!!! You must make yourself better in the place you are in!!!". Hobo considers this and goes back to driving forklift to pay the bills and fund his small computer business. Hobo continues on working as a forklift driver and wondering if this is all there is... eventually hobo becomes frustrated, gives up, lashes out... gets into the booze and ends up on the street telling people how hard life is and how ONLY the rich have got the best opportunities. If hobo had just made a SMALL effort to take a trip over to silicon valley, he would be on his way to those millions. I guess even money is location dependent sometimes.

I recommend reading The Alchemist for those who haven't yet.
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Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
Money and women are two entirely different things.

If you want more money, go study something that is in demand, get a job and save money.... easy. If getting quality women were that easy, this site wouldn't even exist.

The hobo and his millions? How to get out of that situation.... hobo should go to a soup kitchen with 5 dollars. Setup a monthly meal plan. Get a job at McD's. Rent a cheap place with social assistance. Work for a year and save 60% of his income, then take a forklift license and bang, hobo finds a job working in the dockyards of some small industrial town.

Hobo is now middle class and in a position to do any education you can find in that small industrial town. Anyone can get anywhere in life with just a little hard work. So the hobo goes about working at his forklift job, which isn't bad mind you... its fun to drive those things around and fairly easy to learn, he is making 5 dollars more an hour, has a small but clean place to live and 3 square meals per day. One day the hobo decides he wants to pursue bigger and better things so he goes to college, makes some friends and learns to code. 4 years later he has a bachelor of computer science but wait, there are no computer jobs in his industrial town. So hobo starts his own company, unfortunately there is no business or interest for this type of thing and his business flounders from the minimal attention. The hobo continues to tell his friends about fun and interesting computing tips and tidbits but they ignore it because it doesn't fit their lives. What must hobo do ? His computer friends in Silicon Valley start to tell him that if he just flies over, there are people literally begging for coders and web designers and he can make 10x his current salary.

Hobo sits down, looks at his small apartment and starts listening to his dockworker friends and co-workers, they tell him that there is nothing for him there and that they have heard from a friend of a friend that he will likely fail. "The grass is not greener dear hobo!!! You must make yourself better in the place you are in!!!". Hobo considers this and goes back to driving forklift to pay the bills and fund his small computer business. Hobo continues on working as a forklift driver and wondering if this is all there is... eventually hobo becomes frustrated, gives up, lashes out... gets into the booze and ends up on the street telling people how hard life is and how ONLY the rich have got the best opportunities. If hobo had just made a SMALL effort to take a trip over to silicon valley, he would be on his way to those millions. I guess even money is location dependent sometimes.

I recommend reading The Alchemist for those who haven't yet.
That's one particular hobo. This particular hobo worked at Goldman Sachs. So he could simply change his focus and instead being so painfully distracted by the "problems" he feels exist in society, to focus on his goals and objectives to return to be a productive member of society.

This particular guy spent all this time obsessing over these problems figuring how it all tiies together and just is setting back watching life pass him by!


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
Wanted to update this thread like I promised I would.

Listen, right now it's best that I take about 3 months off from women right now. I'm starting it today, the weekend of Valentine's Day, mainly to save myself money because I'm not spending a damn thing this weekend on anybody. I'm going GHOST on every chick I've been talking to starting today.

Tried my little experiment and these women are all turning out to be the same thing, very fickle with just fvcked up personalities/attitudes. At least my Chick 1 and Chick 2's I was able to have a good damn time with for goodness sakes!

I mean I'm not even having a good damn time with these women, any "joke" or "light-heartedness" is met with all types of skepticism, stuck up in the air "boogie-ness", and damn if I hear another "I just got saved yesterday so I'm a CHRISTIAN woman, thus you have to treat me like QUEEN Elizabeth" type of damn statement from a woman I'm going to scream!!

Every woman I get with there is a major damn issue with her, let me run them by you once again:

- Chick One: Has weight issues.

- Chick Two: Has financial issues and/or too many kids.

- Chick Three: Fickle as fvck, mixed signals, she loves me at 2:00, hates me at 3:00, loves me again at 4:00, hates me again at 6.

- Chick Four: Same as Chick Three but just add a very high maintenance type of personality to her, she might also be having financial issues or have too many kids.

Look I have restructuring going on in my career right now, I'm also still battling whatever has been going on in my stomach right now as well. I don't have fvcking time to keep dealing with the stress of these stupid a.ss women. I'm done.

3 months time off.

In May I will come back and bump this thread with a new focus, new direction, etc. I might just be in a very bad part of the country. I'm in Clinton Township, Michigan but this is a suburb of metro Detroit, so I'm 20 - 40 minutes away from all of the major metros like Troy, Rochester, Bloomfield, etc. So I'm meeting these women all over, the problem I think is that a lot of people MY AGE have left Michigan and are in the South.

A geographical change might be needed, but I know god damn well this recurring 6 year issue of continuing to only get the SAME four types of women, is not coming from me. Contrary to popular belief I'm not the only "constant" in this situation, the other constant is the metro Detroit, Michigan market.
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Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
Just last night I was out for beer with the boys at a random venue. Table next to us sits down two very attractive younger women. (7 and an 8 for those keeping score)

As the night went on the drinks went down and we eventually started talking to them. They were both single, very cool and very receptive to us. Both had good jobs, no kids, no obvious attitude of any kind. Good laughs and very smart senses of humour. Single buddies exchange numbers and I'm hoping to see those girls again. They were very fun to hang with.

It's like shootin' fish in a barrel.

Get outta Dodge man!


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
They were both single, very cool and very receptive to us. Both had good jobs, no kids, no obvious attitude of any kind. Good laughs and very smart senses of humour.
What city was this? So you are telling me that where you guys hang out, there's TONS of women who are:

- Decent in looks
- Good finances
- No kids
- No attitude problems
- Good sense of humor
- Not fickle

What city is this? Over the past 6 years that I've been serial dating different types of women, I think I ran into maybe....3 women like this. I do admit that I fvcked up those 3 relationships, I fvcked 2 of them and I could have fvcked the other one but again, I fvcked it up.

I haven't been keeping count but I know I've talked to/dated at least 100 women over this time period, might be closer to 150. It's why I'm tired of this shyt, I've been out here going through the motions with a lot of women.

Also 99.5% of these women were black, so again, maybe that's also the problem. I'm just more physically attracted to black women, I can't help it.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
What city was this?
Anonymous guy here. Sorry.

So you are telling me that where you guys hang out, there's TONS of women who are:

- Decent in looks
- Good finances
- No kids
- No attitude problems
- Good sense of humor
- Not fickle
I wouldn't say TONS of women, but as I've said before I meet cool chicks all the time through my work, through friends, and just going out around town. I'm a pretty outgoing guy though. I'm not afraid to chat up strangers or groups of people I meet. Friends of mine who are more introverted tell me they never meet chicks and we frequent a lot of the same places.

Also 99.5% of these women were black, so again, maybe that's also the problem.
No experience here so I can't really comment.

I've never been one to say that location matters. I'm pretty well travelled and I've had good success with women wherever I've gone. I've visited friends in their home town and had them tell me there are "NO chicks" around at all. They make the situation out to be incredibly dire. Then later that very night we hook up with 3 cool chicks and have a great time. IDK, I just don't get it.

I've never been to your area but at this point I think you owe it to yourself to go on a little trip to satisfy your curiosity.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
Anonymous guy here. Sorry.
Well, you aren't helping me man. You guys and this anonymous stuff smh lol.

I'm just NOT happy when it comes to the women I'm getting. It's just a major issue with each chick I get that makes me just not want to be around them that long. Also for the simple fact that I'm noticing "four types of chicks" I keep getting, is also weird.

My entire life in relation to women has been weird. Growing up through grade school and early college, I didn't get hardly any pvssy because I wasn't apart of the THUG LIFE movemen. Now here in adult hood, I'm getting pvssy, but I'm looking for something fulfilling and I'm not having any good luck with it.

I honestly don't even like being around women anymore. I need a damn break from these people. They get on my damn nerves, sometimes I just want to screammmm.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
"It is not the consciousness of men that determines their being, but, on the contrary, their social being that determines their consciousness" -Karl Marx

Your consciousness lacks perspective from outside your own little world. That's your roadblock right now. It's keeping you from being happy and fulfilled, and it's also affecting your love life.

90% of stray animals picked up in Detroit right now are getting euthanized. You're thinking - what does that have to do with me? Well, nothing, right now. But it could if you wanted it to. It doesn't have to be animals, but you are in desperate need of a passion that is larger than yourself. That's what's missing in your routine with women, and that's why you come off as a player who just wants to get laid.



Oct 13, 2015
Reaction score
In a nutshell, this thread accentuates the difference between one generation of pvzzified men--and--men who actually do something about their problems.

Bravo tenacity.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
I have serious cognitive dissonance going on.

- The MGTOW in me says, "Fvck women, they are all manipulative, evil bytches. Run away from them or only use them for sex, but never trust them, never seek to love one of them."

- The Don Juan in me says, "Most women are fvcked up, but some aren't and I can manage the women that I get who aren't fvcked up and look at doing something long term/legal with one of them such as making a kid eventually."

I'm so torn on the inside. Anybody else go through this shyt? I keep saying I'm taking a break, but I can't stay away....ending up texting/calling some plates back tonight :(
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Die Hard

Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2009
Reaction score
Yeah I go through this sh!t, lol.

I can't get any connection with women beyond fvcking them. In part because they're all shallow bytches who are not worthy of getting anything more than my dyck. But another part of the equation is that I've become kinda rigid in protecting my own feelings. I hate exposing myself and being in a vulnerable position, I try so hard to be immune to any disappointment that I rob myself of my own potential.

Why do you think I am so passionatetly trying to convince Desdinova that he's walking the wrong path? It's because I feel the tendency to walk that path too now and then... But I won't, I never will, I will never give up.

I find it very difficult to maintain balance between protecting my feelings on the one hand and optimizing my chances of achieving a deeper connection with a nice woman on the other hand. I have a good life and have accepted that chances of sharing that life with a woman are slim. Yet, deep down I hope I will, someday...

It ends when it ends, you know. When you throw up a coin 99 times and it shows heads every single time, it's natural to give up on the hope that it will ever show tails. But chance is a funny thing, the 100th time might actually be tails but you won't experience that because you threw the damn coin away after 99 times of bad luck...

There is always hope!

But staying hopeful is just one challenge. The other is to keep improving yourself and keep optimalizing the circumstances to achieve what you wish for. You got a lot of issues, Tenacity, your upbringing was seriously compromised and it left scars all over your inside.
Same thing here, I had to endure lots of negativity as a child and I sometimes feel like the whole purpose of my life is to overcome that negativity. People are supposed to get a good, loving, positive upbringing so they are ready to develop into happy adults. But when that upbringing wasn't there, you'll struggle with becoming happy later on in life.

I'll admit something here...
I meet good girls now and then, through work, social life etc. You know, girls who grew up in that warm, positive, loving environment and are just mentally healthy! I recognize them right away... They are always reasonable, they try to avoid conflict, they are just nice to other people and expect to get it back. That's because this is what they've learned as children form their parents: When you're good to others, they'll be good in return. Their parents also gave them a positive attitude and emotional balance, which enables them to deal with it whenever another person isn't good to them. It doesn't make them hold back, they'll STILL keep treating others nicely and expect to get it back, coz that's the standard they experienced while growing up. When people don't treat them nicely in return, that's an exception to the rule they've always experienced.
They don't hold a grudge or feel the tendency to raise up their guard with other people because of this ONE person who fvcks them over.

Things were the opposite with me. I learned that treating my parents nicely, only set me up to get hurt by them. I learned that I always had to keep my guard up emotionally coz they were abusive... See, to me the standard is that peolple are gonna treat me bad and hurt me when I act nice to them. Getting nice behavior in return is the exception to the rule, that's what I've learned. So my basic attitude is to go into interactions with that mindset: keep your guard up, don't just act nice to the other person and expect it to be returned.

But when you act that way to people, they're not gonna be nice to you anyway lol!!!! Self fulfilling prophecy and all that...

To make a long story short, when I talk to those good girls, deep down there's this realization that I am different and that I don't fit in with a woman like that. It makes me feel insecure and it confronts me with my own shortcomings, and all the pain and negativity that CAUSED these shortcomings. When I think about these things, I feel a tendency to get depressed, curl up on the floor and just be miserable....

Truth is, I would have a very hard time handling myself in a serious relationship with a good woman!

I try not to think about these things consciously. I just keep focusing on making a career, going to the gym, having lots of fun in life, fvcking hot women etc. And I do! I do have a great life in many regards and when it comes to the physical aspect, I am quite succesful with women. In the meanwhile, something keeps missing and deep down there's that feeling of misery. I am too busy enjoying life to consciously realize it, but in moments of quiet, that feeling of misery boils up to the surface from deep down inside of me. No matter how many things I achieve in my life, deep down those feelings of mis misery still rot inside of me...

I don't want to address those feelings and all the negativity I experienced as a child. Like I said, it evokes strong feelings of depression and misery when I think about this stuff. I have to prepare sh!t for work tomorrow, I have to go to the gym and meet up with a friend afterwards. If I allow myself to think about those bad things, it will paralyze me and I'd rather sit at home feeling depressed instead of doing all the other things I'm supposed to do.

So I don't, I don't think about them. Just occasionaly, like now that I'm writing this post. Better to leave that sh!t buried, it has too much of an impact on me.

But at the same time, and that's the whole point of my post, YOU CAN'T LEAVE IT BURIED. Coz this sh!t right here is the biggest reason why I'm a guy in his mid 30's who never found himself a nice girl, started living together, started making babies and do all that sh!t a healthy human being is SUPPOSED to do! Forget about feminism, forget about beta pussies fvcking up the market, forget about society inflating women's egos, forget about all the arrogant bytches and the fact that the market SUCKS.... Coz when you don't have your things straight and don't adress such deep issues like this, you will never be happy. Even if the market and all those outside factors would line up for you, you wouldn't be able to take advantage of it coz YOU are still fvcked up.

It takes one to know one, Tenacity. I know you are also fvcked up and as long as you don't deal with it, you'll never achieve what you truly want. I'm not saying I have the answer, I struggle myself. I'm just telling you how it is...
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