I have a confession to make and need some advice (for once)


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2005
Reaction score
do you think she will ever solve her problems (she must be really fvcked up is it's taking her this long). If you don't think she is strong enough to fix her life, you have to make a concious decision to move on. As in, move on completely. Cut her out of your life, no msn, no phonecalls, no notting. Even tho you broke up with her and started dating other women, you havent let her go. And to truly move on, you have to let her go completly..... If you really bolive in that "one" and "faith" then it'll hapen no metter what you do about it. You can move to China.....but if it is ment to hapen it will.... in the mean time, you have to let go.

The Bad Ass Canadian

Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2003
Reaction score
In all honesty, just getting this out in the open has made me feel better. It' not like i'm wallowing in pain, or anything... it's just one of those things that keeps nagging at me from time to time.


It is really a complicated scenario and I don't know if she'll come around. I don't really believe in "the one" but every so often, you run into a girl who is your perfect match and this one has been hard to get over... but I will get over it.

The funny thing was that it took until 3 months post-breakup for these feelings to come out.. before hand, I was just kinda numb and was out in the field picking up chicks to keep myself occupied.

Being out of the game for the past month, working, has finally let me think about stuff that I haven't dealt with, yet.

She IS just another girl, but I'm usually good at letting things go, cause there's always another right around the corner... this time, though, all the girls I meet don't live up to my expectations.

Thanx all.

The Bad Ass Canadian

Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2003
Reaction score
Re: Re: I have a confession to make and need some advice (for once)

Originally posted by NumenMalefic
you are a wimp get over it.

Not hard to guess your age

I smell a troll.... gotta love that ignore function.


Dec 12, 2005
Reaction score
Re: Re: Re: I have a confession to make and need some advice (for once)

Originally posted by The Bad Ass Canadian

Not hard to guess your age
what about my age you loser.

you are the one wipped, *****in about a hoe


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2004
Reaction score
jacksonville, FL
Re: Re: Re: Re: I have a confession to make and need some advice (for once)

Originally posted by NumenMalefic
what about my age you loser.

you are the one wipped, *****in about a hoe
I sense a flame war about to possibly begin...:down:


(just had to throw in the insult to add to the fun):p


Master Don Juan
Sep 13, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by The Bad Ass Canadian
In all honesty, just getting this out in the open has made me feel better. It' not like i'm wallowing in pain, or anything... it's just one of those things that keeps nagging at me from time to time.


It is really a complicated scenario and I don't know if she'll come around. I don't really believe in "the one" but every so often, you run into a girl who is your perfect match and this one has been hard to get over... but I will get over it.

The funny thing was that it took until 3 months post-breakup for these feelings to come out.. before hand, I was just kinda numb and was out in the field picking up chicks to keep myself occupied.

Being out of the game for the past month, working, has finally let me think about stuff that I haven't dealt with, yet.

She IS just another girl, but I'm usually good at letting things go, cause there's always another right around the corner... this time, though, all the girls I meet don't live up to my expectations.

Thanx all.
you are placing too much "expectations" as you put it, you have to just let loose and have fun.


Don Juan
Nov 22, 2005
Reaction score
San Bernardino, ca
i'm there with you right now...it's been 9 months for me. I'm not over mine yet either, but the truth is that with time we WILL get over them. if you are not over a girl in a year don't come to the false conclusion that it's because she's "the one"...it's because you need proffessional help


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
The city that sleeps. Sometimes.
i know exactly where the original poster stands.

i broke up with my LTR (i forced the break up) and now, 8 months later, I am still not over her despite being with multiple women afterwards and cutting off ALL contact.

crazy how those things go...


Master Don Juan
Mar 10, 2002
Reaction score
Vancouver, BC
BD Canadian,

I can see how you associate those thoughts about your ex. I was in a situation like you not too long ago. The emotions are running crazy and you really don't know where to turn. This board was a good start.

What I did was leave the girl alone. I haven't talked to her in months. I looked at all her flaws and I realized that I am way too good for this girl. I took a long hard look at myself and I realized that I deserve nothing but the best. So why waste my time with someone who isn't, no matter how hot she is?

You are associating all the positive emotions you had with this girl in your head. Therefore you are putting her up on an imaginary pedestal. This will completely ruin your life! Disassociate these feeling you have with her. Do not think that this girl is the "one" and only that you could ever be with. Although it is tough to break emotional patterns, you must do this for your life to progress forward.

All you really need is the "belief" that you will succeed and find someone special. This belief will completely guide your life and shape your future. It is extremely motivating to know that you will be successful. It makes your life worth living.

All you need is a belief. For me, I believe I can get any girl I want. So what happens when I go out anywhere??? I unintentionally go up to the hottest girls I can find and ask them out. What do you know... mysteriously I'm dating these hot girls and I only changed my way of thinking.. It's frick'n amazing what the mind can do!


*Not Tony Robbins*


May 10, 2003
Reaction score
Northern Ontario
I know what your going through. It took me 3 years to completely get over "the one". The most important thing to remember is that she is only "the one" because you have created this image or facade in your mind. I have you no doubt that you truly believe she is "the one". Only you can will your life back.

For years I tried to will my life back to no evail. Like you, I followed all the DJ advice and moved on. I was w/ probably at least 20 women in the 3 years following my breakup w/ "the one" and that didn't get me over her. The reason is because I, like you are fighting the most powerful opponent, your OWN mind. You truly believe in your mind and until, you make a conscious effort to change that, your going to spend the next umpteen years in love purgatory.

For me, one of the things that helped to open my eyes, was through some councilling with an old indian medicine man who basically told me the same thing that I read somewhere (David D I think) that society over the past century has built up this illusion that we are suppose to have this perfect wife someday and that life will be happily ever after. REALITY CHECK - you can choose to make any one "the one", however what makes any relationship work is the commitment by BOTH people involved to making the relationship work.

The other thing that helped me was the good old fashion adage of throwing your iron in the hot fire again. With all those women I was with, I was unable to give them myself completely because I truly felt that HB9 was "the one". However what one of these other women taught me was that I can laugh again, I could continue to find more meaning to life even without "the one".

What finally helped me over the edge was realizing that I found an amazing women and tossed her aside because of the facade in my mind of "the one". I had this amazing women, who totally accepted and loved my daughter, but I couldn't give my heart to her, even though she was perfect for me, and my daughter but I tossed her aside because I still had this image of the one and only women for me that my mind created.

To help you break this image in your mind, one thing you have to do is stop thinking about all the reasons why she is "the one". Sit down and make a list of all the things that are wrong w/ her and why you decided to break up w/ her. Focus on all her negatives. Use some NLP, and create a trigger to bring these thoughts to your mind, as soon as you think of her.

Finally, start focussing on yourself, find out what it is that you truly want for yourself and what you expect in a partner. From this you will slowly start to get your life back. It is a long slow process, remember it was you and your mind that created this image in your mind and only you can undo that. I think it will probably take you twice as long to break the habbit as it did for you to create it. Habbits are much harder to break than to create. Don't be discouraged though. Whatever you do, remember to go out and live life and have fun in the meantime.

You may break more hearts (even your own) in the process, hopefully at the end of the day you are a better person for it. Regain your life, one thought at a time.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 25, 2003
Reaction score
The OC

I was with a girl for 1 1/2 years and she left me for her ex boyfriend almost 5 months ago. I was a fvcking wreck and turned to desperation in order to get her back. Well, it didn't work and I'm glad it didn't!!

When I finally realized that I had to move on I knew things had to change... and fast. I stopped drinking, got a better job, took up flying (everyone should!), started working out and eating better. To be honest... I don't even care that we aren't together anymore. Why?? Because I'm so damn busy with my own things that if I were to take her back I'd have to give some of it up... and I don't want to.

All girls can get laid on any given night... but the one thing that eludes them is the 'TOTAL PACKAGE'. Use this time to come as close to that as possible and you'll have to throw phone #'s away in no time.