OP, you're too arrogant and you don't even realize that you are still a nice guy. I know this because you can't even get a younger woman to like you. The fact that you can only get older women is because they are too desperate to be in a relationship. Don Juans (real men) are rare. As DJs gets older, they will get the best women (younger ones). Women know this fact. This is why as they get older, they settle for nice guys because nice guys are easier to tame than Don Juans (real men).
Who you are, attract what kind of people who wants to be with you.
Younger women have more options than older women. It means that they aim for the best men they can find. This tells a lot about your personality. Your life is your reflection of your mindset.
If you aim to give a perfect image about yourself to every woman, then you will only be rejected. By not showing any vulnerability, you are also not talking in women's language which is: to feel. Why would she be with you if you can't even feel all sort of emotions. Why would she be comfortable in you if you can't even be comfortable in your own feelings? In order for intimacy to begin, she must feel comfortable around you.
We're giving you these advices based upon our own experiences. We've been though that phase in life. But you keep debating us. If you really want to how to be good with women, then you must be willing to let go those poisonous beliefs you hold so dear.
Arrogance will seep though your sub-communications (non-verbal communications such as body language, tone of voice, even on how you react to everything she says). Women are better than than us at perceiving nonverbal communications. This is why eliminating arrogance and any desperation is necessary to attract women.
If a woman is attracted to us, she wants someone who is not easily attainable (being a challenge). It means that we can't brag about our greatness. This challenge will ensure her to think about us when we're not around. This kind of investment in her part will keep the attraction alive. There are other investments that will keep her attraction alive but I just want to focus on why we must not be arrogant.
Arrogance kills attraction while true confidence attracts women. Lose your arrogance and keep your confidence and you will start to notice big difference in your interactions with everyone.