I hate having friends.


Dec 15, 2004
Reaction score
The Juan and only said:
Well that really sucks for you dude. I'm not trying to rub anything in here but I personally love to hang out with my friends - we always have fun and they always have something new and witty to say whatever the subject. Plus I know we can discuss almost any issue completely openly, it's very refreshing actually. Especially as we all like to do the same things anyway.

My advice would be to get some new fvcking friends; people more like yourself.

p.s if they were really your friends any phone convos would go something like this:

friend: hey, you wanna hang out/go to a bar/suck a lemon
you: nah, cant really be bothered today, maybe sometime next week.
friend: k, no prob
*doesnt bother you for a week*

I always have fun with my friends when I hangout, but I'm tired of interacting with people in general. My gf would get the boot if she didnt provide good sex. I think that I will always have the core group of friends, but they'll have to get use to my standoffishness -spllng-

The Juan and only

Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2005
Reaction score
United Kingdom
I always have fun with my friends when I hangout, but I'm tired of interacting with people in general. My gf would get the boot if she didnt provide good sex. I think that I will always have the core group of friends, but they'll have to get use to my standoffishness -spllng-
Well if that's how you feel then your name is pretty ironic. If you don't want to interact with people, then you're either in some kind of phase (in which case it'll pass), else you have some serious issues concerning your outlook on life. Interacting with others is the only thing that makes this life worth living, almost all our concepts of pride, shame, love, etc are dependant on the society we live in. Look at each new interaction as an opportunity for fun. outlook is all its about.

In short, interacting and meeting new people is fun; or at least it should be.

Two options are: train yourself to be more social, or hit some hard drugs.


Dec 15, 2004
Reaction score
You don't get it! I'm already a hyper social person that can own any room I enter. I just feel like escaping everyday life for a while and creating my on walden pond.

I agree thar meeting new people is great, but I'm working on something that is way bigger than having a social life. I was talking to a SS buddy on aim today about how I'm giving up the internet, tv, music, and my social life in order to focus 115% on a project that I'm working on...

I am so beyond everyday conversation, and the issues that common people have...


Don Juan
Jun 27, 2006
Reaction score
Southern California
You don't get it!

I am so beyond everyday conversation, and the issues that common people have...
I had a long reply ready but I lost it when I hit the wrong "x". :D :cheer:

Point is, I understand the tedious task of talking to people who (at best) come off no different than having a second-grade mentality. Marriage, kids, 9-5, bills, blah blah.. etc. They might as well be on Mars and be speaking Klingon.

Stick with it and follow your gut. It sounds like we're both in the same process and will ultimately be in a position to make the call about who we want to associate with one day.

Until then, keep your nose to the grindstone and your eye on the prize. It will get better.


Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
You're just pissed off.I felt like that few years ago and spent a year inside the house only messing with some birds here and there.

It's not worth it IMO.

Find new friends,take a break from you're old freinds,and decide which ones need to get dumped.

Men and women are not meant to be freinds.Either relationships,sex or nothing ..they will drive you crazy within DAYS.

TRust me on this one.You're just tired of the routine,you might have to put some clown in his place most likley like I had too.


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2006
Reaction score
The Grass is always greenier on the other side.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score

My snipits...

BE thankful for the people and connections you have in the moment you have them. Some people have no friends. Some people are involved in wars. Some kids won't approach the age of being aware of what a friend is. Stop yer bytching!

Next...people are people. They won't CONFORM to your expectations of anything. How to act. What to do. Would they be people if they did?

Having many acquaintances and a few friends is good. The most successful people have lots of connections. I'd rather know alot of people, than just a few. In moments when I've encountered some "shyt", knowing a guy, who knows a guy, that could vouch for me REALLY counted. Even in college, I knew lots of people, but didn't HANG with them regularly. I remained civil, respected who they chose to be, and always greeted them. One night, when I was accused of slandering some guys name all over campus, he approached me just outside my dorm room drunk. Mind you, he was a rought and gruff guy from Jersey, perhaps the toughest bloke on campus, as well as an amateur boxer. All 250 drunk pounds of him wanted to beat on me "just a little." Since I was with a group of people, my gf at the time included, and my desire not to fight over fake non-truths growing, it helped that the "Black-Belt" in karate was also a dorm-mate I slightly befriended. Though this fighter was drunk, too, he calmed his friend down and vouched for my reputation, noting "he would never do such a thing, TRUST me."

I've had friends who were proclaimed friends try to take my girl, and go so far as kiss her. I've had friends I loaned money to, who never paid it back. And I had friends who mooched on my apartment couch for months, only to come after me with their attitude that "I wasn't a good friend." In the end, it's THEY who will have to sit before their maker and deal with the Karma that DOES comeback around. And yet, in the end, PEOPLE always want to KNOW a good friend or a good person. It pays DIVIDENDS to be a standup person, REGARDLESS of how people treat you, and to live by principles, RATHER THAN REACTIONS.

Yes, we tend to OVERanalyze friendships, where the bond that bars bring, or sports, or videos, seems to amplify a perceived relationship to brotherly bonds. That much I get. So don't do it. If they aren't blood, then your relationship is based on how much of a balance between pleasure and BS you derive from it. Guys who've claimed to be friends, only to be more pains than they are worth obviously don't last long with me, and I end not calling them. OR, I call them out on it and walk away until they can have a face-to-face convo.

TO HAVE good friends, you must BE a good friend. I personally think that those who are griping, are not grateful for their friends AND, are not meeting good friends because you don't put yourself in good situations to MEET good friends. I've got tons of people I can on at the drop of hat, some spread through out the country, because to me, a relationship has NO expectations and NO restraints.

If you don't want friends, DON't have any. You're not forced into it. And I'm sure if your friends knew of your attitude toward them, they'd choose to not be friends with you anymore, anyways. I had buddies in bands who's lives were/are music and being at bars. That's fine. When i want to have a good time there, I know who to call.

This website doesn't make anyone better to OTHER people. It only benefits you. That's it. And just b/c you're awake to something, doesn't mean it can change the times you had. Sure if you're interests change, then your bonds are likely to change. But if you're bonds are talking about THIS type of stuff, then you'll probably be friends forever.

One of my best friends who has moved north about 1hr, I met on a company trip. We were both drinking tons of beers at a minor league baseball game and picking up chicks. And when we didn't get chicks, we still had fun. We talk tons about meeting women, played tons of Halo 2, play loads of golf, and just make fun of whatever comes up.

Friends will come and go on their own, and perhaps come around again, too. I wouldn't want to be the friend telling some guy who's so INTO his gf or wife, that he's being a pvssy, then watch the relationship crumble or succeed and be like "TOLD YA SO." That sux. Each person has their own personal evolution and beliefs to uphold on this planet, and if you're fortunate enough to cross someone's life and be apart of it, and they apart of your's, be greatful, not full of spite, and hate, and expectations.

Posts like these are the BAD side of Sosuave and so-called IMPROVEMENT. Guys might not yield ANY results, but their attitudes change. And the big thing they miss is, IT ISN"T YOUR FRIENDS FAULT. It's your's. You're still CHOOSING to be friends with them and hang out with them. If all they want to do is VIDEO games, SO BE IT. Maybe they invent game systems and become Bill Gates and marry a hot chick, or an ugly one. SO WHAT! The only life you have to LIVE IS your's.



Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
TO HAVE good friends, you must BE a good friend. I personally think that those who are griping, are not grateful for their friends AND, are not meeting good friends because you don't put yourself in good situations to MEET good friends. I've got tons of people I can on at the drop of hat, some spread through out the country, because to me, a relationship has NO expectations and NO restraints.

I agree.


Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
I agree completely with you A-Unit, except for one thing.

And that is that "hating my friends" (I wouldn't call it that way), is not what I would call their fault. It's just a realization something I found out. I don't blame them (I pity them for some things, but it's their choice, so I'm happy with it as well).

Nice post though, I completely aree, if you don't mind, I want to quote that on my weblog which I haven't started a long time ago.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score

To go one step further, this gets to the point of BOUNDARIES and PUTTING YOUR FOOT DOWN (or BEING A MAN). What is being a MAN or any of the other RESPONSIBILITIES we men have?

Well, for one, making a choice, regardless of the outcome and sticking by it. Many people MAKE CHOICES, but waffle because the outcome isn't what they had hoped or can handle. Yet, a man will make a choice, BECAUSE it is the right one, and STAND by it, EVEN IF HE DIES. It might sound extreme, but it takes that kind of GUT devotion to right these women and snatch better babes. Think back to the HOTTEST girl who are worthy of any noble man? Was her Dad perhaps TOUGH on her, yet loving? OF COURSE! When he knew the babe he was raising would have men flocking to her, he made a hardline and KEPT IT. Those pretty girls are TOLD they are pretty from a young age, and its reinforced throughout THEIR lives, so they are USED to getting what they want based on attitude, looks, flirting, etc.

I have a cousin who will become GORGEOUS as she ages. She's beautiful now, and mind you but ten years old. I'm her oldest cousin and I see her SENSE of entitlement. She has 3 brothers who push her around and make her stronger, she's rough and tumble, and yet, AFC's will SWOON to her, but they'll crumble because she's had YEARS of training. Only a man who's had SIMILAR training can hope to coral such women. This might be an extreme example, but I use the AGE to emphasize how DEEP and LONG this goes on. It isn't something where a CHUBBY girl becomes HOT, because those girls are EASIER than ULTRA beautiful girls who've had it FOREVER. Girls who go from FAT to HOT, still normally, retain that under-inflated self image, so they tend to DATE below them. SOME, do get overzealous and overestimate their self-confidence and looks REGARDLESS of the guys they meet.

And what this gets back at is...if you have friends, prodding you to do things you don't want to do, or who are very non-social, THEN stand your LINE and do what you want to do, WITH NO EMOTIONAL REACTION TO IT. The MINUTE you react, you've tipped your hand that you WANTED a different outcome than you've gotten. OF course we naturally perhaps WANT to control physical reality, but as of yet, to my knowledge, it is not happening. So go with what is, and what will be.

Believe me, at the height of My going out, I was in the same situation. It was very much a blur. In fact, I think I spent nearly 7 days at local bars. Fortunately I was making the kind of cash that I could support such a poor habit, and had enough friends all around that nobody tired of it, but when I WANTED to back off, they thought I was "CHANGING." My reaction? So what, we all change, and I yearned for something different. Didn't mean I wouldn't appreciate their friendship, it just meant that what I DO was going to change. And change it has. If our friendship is only contingent on WHAT we do, we're no more different than CO-workers, because all we have in common is what we do, not who we are.

Thing is, THIS is how you know who's friends and who aren't. Who are acquaintances and who are just USERS, of your time, money, energy, effort, or emotions (i.e., you're my friend so DO X, Y, and Z for me). They're FRIEND-SHYT-TESTS. That's it. They're not INTENTIONALLY setup, rather you live your LIFE and see who comes ALONG for the ride. Being WHO YOU ARE, once you uncover the masks you've so long worn is of the UTMOST importance. Once you free the shackles of BONDAGE limiting your mind and creativity and spirit, go live as YOU. BE you. BE TRUE to that. And see who respects and loves that. See through ACTION who has similar philosophies.

My closest friend is also my oldest friend. He's 40, going on 41. You wouldn't know it though. He's a tennis pro, and still picks up mid-20 girls. He passes for no more than 30, and when not in a relationship, he likes picking up girls at chill spots with me. We're similar in how we act. There's no pressure over hanging out, and if we don't chill for a month or two, it's ok, we pick up where we left off. We both know we have goals, both big n small, and we respect what we must do to accomplish that. Also, if either of us are slacking, we're bold enough to tell each other "you're being a fvck head." And we end it there. He's one of many, but he's my closest friend. And yet, I obviously never went to school with him since he's 15 years older.

We've all had those friends who never went to College and become nothing in our eyes, and then we have friends who don't go to college and become well off by 22 (I have one or like that, and a cousin well on his way with his own cement company). Friends don't serve OUR purposes. Take off the rosey glasses and VIEW THEM AS PEOPLE, not as things, or experiences, or emotions, but as PEOPLES. If they conformed TO ANY ideal we set or expected, they'd be nothing more than actors in our play, which they obviously aren't. It's their unpredictable, spontaneous, yet separate and defiant nature that makes them FRIENDS. That's it. Anymore upset or complaining ultimately falls on you.



Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
That cousin story made no sense to me, compared to the rest... Except for her dad who made a decision and sticks to it. But I disagree. It are the great men, who can anticipate on the situation. If you make a decision and you stay with that decision, while you notice during the process that sticking to that path is going to end wrong, by all means, make a new decission and go against your old, original decision. Don't be a stiff idiot. I don't know if you saw double your dating from david D'angelo, but he has an example of that about stocks. Good one.
A-Unit said:
And what this gets back at is...if you have friends, prodding you to do things you don't want to do, or who are very non-social, THEN stand your LINE and do what you want to do, WITH NO EMOTIONAL REACTION TO IT. The MINUTE you react, you've tipped your hand that you WANTED a different outcome than you've gotten. OF course we naturally perhaps WANT to control physical reality, but as of yet, to my knowledge, it is not happening. So go with what is, and what will be.
I disagree with the bold text. You can react with emotion, as long as you get over it fast enough (where fast enough is pretty subjective...). What's wrong with emotion, if you are going to emigrate, and you ask a friend if he wants to join you, and you thought he would, and he says no. You are like "wut...damn". But if you realize quickly enough that if you want to go, you should actually go, then there is no problem in my opinion.


Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
Desdinova said:
The problem I have is my friends are so goddam pvssy-whipped by their gfs and wives, that I have to wait until they're temporarily off the leash to hang out with them. When we do make plans, something usually "comes up" (they never say what) or they just don't show up. It fvcking pisses me off that they let their women have so much control over their lives.
pretty much the same with a friend of mine. except he's not whipped, he just makes excuses...even when he was the one that made the plans. These people i dont even bother calling up to hang out anymore.

Redpill made a great post, most of my friends are 2's which is just sad. Sometimes hanging with them can be depressing cause we just do the same thing every time.
They never want to try out new things or normal things like hit bars, meet women, socialize!

I too am a bit of a loner, as are most people. But hey im the open minded type that socializes when i have the energy.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2006
Reaction score
I have a good friends. However, none of them do the stuff I wanna do (partying, meeting girls, doing stuff). They ether are too into their girlfriends, have too hectic schedules, or play video games all day.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score

I know the stock one from David D, and from the "Market Wizard Books," and I can enlighten you to how it can also be interpreted...

In Stock Trading, very often, a trader will buy a stock, perhaps of a company he likes, perhaps above all other stocks, such as DIS or MSFT. The trader will set his stop loss at 8-10% (depending on your methodology and your the true range of your stock). Yet, because it's a stock YOU LIKE, with some emotion and affection, you give it GREATER leeway. Then...it begins running away from you even more. And now instead of being out 8-10%, you're out 15+. And then 20. And you hold on thinking it will come back like so many DOT-COMMERS. And now it's down 50%, and you're quite a bit of recovery capital. What happened here?

You deviated from ULTIMATE PLAN.

You couldn't PREDICT the future action of the stock, so you act TODAY based on the current information and you stick it. If in that same example the stock MOVED UP, then you would adjust your stops UPWARD, pyramiding your purchases. THEN, you would also keep in place stops. Do you see, that in either example you have a plan? There's no adjustment to it. David D missed that point BIG time. Of course a man should think on his feet and be confident that he can handle ANY outcome regardless of his experience with it. But it's when you tie emotion to such things that you get befuddled.

Many times you're bummed about something NOT HAPPENING, there's an equal "fun time" around the corner there to balance it out. How often have you made plans with a friend, to have one cancel, and then another come in and take his/her place? Or maybe it was a girl, and she was meant to flake.


Have we heard the story of the farmer and the horse? No. I'll enlighten thee.

There was long ago a farmer who had a son and a farm. On one fateful day, the farmer's son let the horse loose. The townsfold would reply:

"What Bad Luck, Your Horse is Gone!"

And the farmer would reply: "Good? Bad? Who's to Know?"

A few days later, the horse returned, bringing back with it 2 horses.

The townsfold replied: "What Good Luck, Your Horse Came Back and With 2 More horses!"

And the farmer replied: "Good? Bad? Who's to know?"

Then one day, the boy was riding one of the horses that was brought back with their own horse and was thrown from the horse and broke his leg.

The townsfolk replied: "What Bad Luck, Your Son Has Broken His Leg!"

And the farmer replied: "Good? Bad? Who's to know?"

About a week later, soldiers came to the farmer's farm requesting enlistees for the army. The farmer's only son was saved because of his broken leg.

And the townsfolk replied: "What Good Luck, Your Son Has Been Saved From Enlisting!"

And the farmer replied: "Good? Bad? Who's to Know?"

This is a very common story that I've butchered well, but has been copied from many NLP and self-improvement books which highlights something about the human psyche. How many of you thought losing your TRUE LOVE was the worst thing EVER? And yet, it's probably what GOT YOU here. Out of a necessary situation, a great benefit came to you. Had the relationship NOT hit the skids, many guys, perhaps 50% might not have come and awoken to their plight.

I can even claim the same. I was with a GF during my freshman year of College (stupid, I know). She did the basic flaking out on me, "I want you," "I don't know if I want you," yada yada yada. And I took it, to some extent. Finally, I woke up and said screw it. I wasted too much time then on needless back-n-forth bs. And from that MANY greater benefits came, and much wasted emotion was preserved.


What my point on friends was...you can't determine what the good or bad outcome of it would be. Many nights I've gone OUT with the idea that it would be slamming, it seemed a good time, we met some girls, then arguments ensued because I supposedly TOOK the girl my friend wanted. The end result of the night completely negated ANY benefit derived from the time spent. So what is supposed to happen, DOES happen, and there's little control to it, especially in this universe. The only thing you CAN control is yourself, your emotions, and your reaction to life around you. Getting all awash in how friends act/react, what they choose to do, etc, is wasteful, because all that is COMPLETELY natural, IMO.



Master Don Juan
Mar 17, 2006
Reaction score
A-Unit didn't finish the story:

Then the kid with the broken leg was in his neighbor hood one day and the invading army came and decided to kill them all and proceeded to behead all the disabled men first.

The townsfolk said "oh my god! this is horrible!?

And the old farmer said, "goddamit, this is pretty fvckin bad!"


There is always good and bad. Living like that serves no purpose. If you fail/make a mistake, accept that you made a mistake that it is something BAD and you will never repeat it. Sure you learn stuff from it, but that doesn't make the mistake itself GOOD.

ie. If your mom dies, but you get money from her life insurance, can that be good? HELLNO.

you can't link those two into one entity. You have to separate the events.

A. Mom dies: BAD
B. You get money: GOOD

There we go. I used to like that farmer story, but then drawing upon my infinite wisdom I realized it's bullsh1t.

Don't always be the one putting yourself out for her. Don't always be the one putting all the effort and work into the relationship. Let her, and expect her, to treat you as well as you treat her, and to improve the quality of your life.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.

6-heads lewis

Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2006
Reaction score
Kerpal said:
I hate not having friends :(
"if you cant beat em, join em
and if you cant join em, f*ck em!"

Don't sweat it bro. I don't have any friends now, and can't say I've had any for the past 7 years.

It sucks sometimes, but the void can usually be filled with prostitutes, porn, and deadlifts. If it gets really bad, just go to sleep early. On Fridays and Saturdays I often sleep at 10pm, just to avoid thinking about what else I could be doing.

Boxing really helped, I think you do MMA. Find a solitary hobby, for me its eating, reading and playing harmonica.

Most friends are dolts. Most of them end up wasting your time, gas, money, food. Some of them will cause you to end up in jail or in really bad situations. You make rash, emotional decisions when around them... While you aren't getting the benefits of friends, you aren't getting the drawbacks either. Just like with women.

Watch Ghost Dog, Once upon a Time in the West, Heat, Predator, and Good, Bad and the Ugly. Appreciate the gunslinging loner.

Mr. Highroller

Don Juan
Jul 30, 2005
Reaction score
since hschool i have lost many friends. I went away to college far from my hometown and as each year went past i started losing contact with alot of ppl. it basically boiled down to where i have 3 friends. I can go out and chill with ppl if i wanted but i usually get bored and want to leave after 20 mins. My old friends are not in my league at all. It hurts my head when im drunk and i hear some of the stupid things they say when they are wasted. besides my girlfriend i do not really chill with anyone and she is even getting on my nerves

I feel its becoming a problem and i need to address it. I used to be able to go to a party, meet knew ppl, and be center of attention. Now i just want to stay in cause its pointless to go out. It sucks cause i dont want to waste away my 20s in the house. I think the only way to solve it is to move to a trendier hip city where ppl think more like me