To go one step further, this gets to the point of BOUNDARIES and PUTTING YOUR FOOT DOWN (or BEING A MAN). What is being a MAN or any of the other RESPONSIBILITIES we men have?
Well, for one, making a choice, regardless of the outcome and sticking by it. Many people MAKE CHOICES, but waffle because the outcome isn't what they had hoped or can handle. Yet, a man will make a choice, BECAUSE it is the right one, and STAND by it, EVEN IF HE DIES. It might sound extreme, but it takes that kind of GUT devotion to right these women and snatch better babes. Think back to the HOTTEST girl who are worthy of any noble man? Was her Dad perhaps TOUGH on her, yet loving? OF COURSE! When he knew the babe he was raising would have men flocking to her, he made a hardline and KEPT IT. Those pretty girls are TOLD they are pretty from a young age, and its reinforced throughout THEIR lives, so they are USED to getting what they want based on attitude, looks, flirting, etc.
I have a cousin who will become GORGEOUS as she ages. She's beautiful now, and mind you but ten years old. I'm her oldest cousin and I see her SENSE of entitlement. She has 3 brothers who push her around and make her stronger, she's rough and tumble, and yet, AFC's will SWOON to her, but they'll crumble because she's had YEARS of training. Only a man who's had SIMILAR training can hope to coral such women. This might be an extreme example, but I use the AGE to emphasize how DEEP and LONG this goes on. It isn't something where a CHUBBY girl becomes HOT, because those girls are EASIER than ULTRA beautiful girls who've had it FOREVER. Girls who go from FAT to HOT, still normally, retain that under-inflated self image, so they tend to DATE below them. SOME, do get overzealous and overestimate their self-confidence and looks REGARDLESS of the guys they meet.
And what this gets back at is...if you have friends, prodding you to do things you don't want to do, or who are very non-social, THEN stand your LINE and do what you want to do, WITH NO EMOTIONAL REACTION TO IT. The MINUTE you react, you've tipped your hand that you WANTED a different outcome than you've gotten. OF course we naturally perhaps WANT to control physical reality, but as of yet, to my knowledge, it is not happening. So go with what is, and what will be.
Believe me, at the height of My going out, I was in the same situation. It was very much a blur. In fact, I think I spent nearly 7 days at local bars. Fortunately I was making the kind of cash that I could support such a poor habit, and had enough friends all around that nobody tired of it, but when I WANTED to back off, they thought I was "CHANGING." My reaction? So what, we all change, and I yearned for something different. Didn't mean I wouldn't appreciate their friendship, it just meant that what I DO was going to change. And change it has. If our friendship is only contingent on WHAT we do, we're no more different than CO-workers, because all we have in common is what we do, not who we are.
Thing is, THIS is how you know who's friends and who aren't. Who are acquaintances and who are just USERS, of your time, money, energy, effort, or emotions (i.e., you're my friend so DO X, Y, and Z for me). They're FRIEND-SHYT-TESTS. That's it. They're not INTENTIONALLY setup, rather you live your LIFE and see who comes ALONG for the ride. Being WHO YOU ARE, once you uncover the masks you've so long worn is of the UTMOST importance. Once you free the shackles of BONDAGE limiting your mind and creativity and spirit, go live as YOU. BE you. BE TRUE to that. And see who respects and loves that. See through ACTION who has similar philosophies.
My closest friend is also my oldest friend. He's 40, going on 41. You wouldn't know it though. He's a tennis pro, and still picks up mid-20 girls. He passes for no more than 30, and when not in a relationship, he likes picking up girls at chill spots with me. We're similar in how we act. There's no pressure over hanging out, and if we don't chill for a month or two, it's ok, we pick up where we left off. We both know we have goals, both big n small, and we respect what we must do to accomplish that. Also, if either of us are slacking, we're bold enough to tell each other "you're being a fvck head." And we end it there. He's one of many, but he's my closest friend. And yet, I obviously never went to school with him since he's 15 years older.
We've all had those friends who never went to College and become nothing in our eyes, and then we have friends who don't go to college and become well off by 22 (I have one or like that, and a cousin well on his way with his own cement company). Friends don't serve OUR purposes. Take off the rosey glasses and VIEW THEM AS PEOPLE, not as things, or experiences, or emotions, but as PEOPLES. If they conformed TO ANY ideal we set or expected, they'd be nothing more than actors in our play, which they obviously aren't. It's their unpredictable, spontaneous, yet separate and defiant nature that makes them FRIENDS. That's it. Anymore upset or complaining ultimately falls on you.