PS - And I don’t see this as a “don’t sh1t where you eat” situation at work. This is a cafe in your office building. Not your boss or subordinate. Big difference.
It definitely isn't a "don't poop where you eat situation". The cafe in the office building isn't that important. It is somewhat dependent upon how often a guy would use a cafe/restaurant within his own office building.
Previously, I mentioned the likelihood of a barista/restaurant staffer to change jobs. In most cases, turnover is high in those locations and a female will change jobs within a matter of months. Another consideration is how often the man changes jobs. I have changed jobs multiple times and when I change jobs, it means I stop going to the cafe/restaurant within that office building of an ex-employer.
There's one thing I recommend for men who work in larger office buildings with multiple companies. I recommend men attempt to attract and seduce women who work at other companies in the same building. It's not "crapping where you eat". There are no consequences there. It's unknown how long she will work for a company in the building and how long you will work there as well. I have found dates in various buildings where I have worked over the years.
In that situation, I think that it is better if she's further away in the building and rarely ever seen as compared to a woman who works for a different company on the same floor in that building or even one floor away. As an example, let's say there's a 20 story office building. If you (as the man) work on the 17th Floor and she works on the 5th Floor, then it's not likely you'll see each other much. In general, you are likely to only see her every so often in the building's lobby. If a rejection happens or if a first-second date with her goes bad, then you won't have to see her often and be reminded of that.
I slipped my digits to a coworker once back in 2021. The broad never reached out to me (even though she repeatedly insisted she would)
I ended up terrified she'd rat me out to HR.
That's weak and passive. If you are going to crap where you eat, at least be the man and lead the interaction.
Fear of HR is a common feeling for men. It a feeling that white collar worker men tend to have regardless of whether their ideology is blue pill, red pill, or black pill. HR managers and HR representatives tend to be mostly female and don't perceive men well in those situations. Men are always guilty until proven innocent in an HR scenario related to mating in the workplace.
I have no interest in giving her my banana. Not because she's unattractive to me. I find her incredibly attractive. Her age is why I have no interest in giving her my banana.
This is an irrelevant conversation then.
She's attractive and you should be interested.
You are only not interested in sex with her because of your oddities related to autism and another possible mental disorder.
A neurotypical would be interested in this situation.
You self-sabotage many interactions due to your oddities. It's you.
I know neurotypical men are prone to misreading IOIs too.
Neurotypical men misread IOIs all the time. Neurotypical men also known for thinking that some service industry worker is interested in them when she's really not. That's why I made that thread in 2020 about hitting on women who work with the public. It's so rare that a woman who works with the public is interested in a customer.