Within the context of dating, a "nice guy" is someone who is submissive, compliant, and agreeable, in the hopes that he will gain the approval of the woman he likes, and that she will eventually allow his penis into her vagina. Essentially, he uses kindness as a means to an end, not the end itself. He's using kindness as a manipulation tactic to get what he wants. This is obviously repulsive to women.
A "bad boy" is someone who is the stereotypical loud-mouthed obnoxious "alpha male" jerk, with tattoos, muscles, backwards baseball cap and who treats people like sh!t.
They are both caricatures representing the dichotomy that "dating gurus" employ to state the tired platitude "bad boys get the girls, nice guys finish last."
In my experience, obnoxious a$$holes who treat people like sh!t are angry, insecure, and socially inept, and are no more attractive to women than meek people-pleasers.
Being a "nice guy" and being a good guy are different things. You can be a good guy who is kind, treats people well, and is liked by others, while still being confident, assertive, socially fearless, and enforces personal boundaries with a willingness to walk away.
Women are generally attracted to status. A$$holes who are disliked by people don't get very high up on the social status ladder.
The exception being, of course, classically tall and handsome men who are essentially the male counterparts of spoiled brat hot women. Ie, that small segment of the human population that the black and angry red pillers b!tch and moan about here on SS.
For the rest of us, kindness with strong personal boundaries will get us farther in life -- whether with women, or in general.