I feel like sharing.


Don Juan
Apr 23, 2007
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So I'm was trying to find a file and I cam across this letter that I was going to give to this girl back when I was a MAJOR AFC. Never ended up giving it to her thank god. Just reading it makes me cringe... have fun.

Oneitius Girl,
Before I met you I thought I had my life under control. I thought if I was cold and dead to the world, I could prevent life and people from hurting me like in the past. It worked; I was in control, I let no one in and I let no feelings out. I just did my job, living life one day to the next. Never paying attention to the world or people around me, never really listening to what any one has to say (It’s like when I’m working the front door)

I know I’m not the most normal guy in the world but if you knew my past I’d think you would understand why I have been hardened to the way I am now.

When I first met you

Another problem with guys is that when a woman gives us any sign of attraction we immediately interpret it as a sign of “Total Interest”

One of the problems that got me so stressed out about you is the fact that I never knew how you felt about me. Did you consider me you’re friend, or just some guy that comes in and nourishes your Cinderella complex (correct me if I’m wrong).

I’m a guy, and guys don’t pick up on subtle hint’s, heck guys don’t even pick up on major hint’s. Guys act first and think later… if we ever get around to thinking later.

The past week I have been a real jerk to you and have blamed it on every thing from quitting smoking to unrelated stress. I’m sorry. When the truth is that I’m scared. Scared that you’ll disappear and I’ll be left alone again with no direction, just a scared little boy. Scared that when you disappear that my life will turn in to what it was before… an empty life. Maybe I need to see a shrink.

I never felt like you trusted me. Maybe it’s because I never seemed trust worthy

If you read all this you probably realized that I don’t have my life all together, it’s in a state of constant flux and it’s driving me nuts
I look at that and relize how much for the better I have changed for my self the past 2 years. The new out look on life that I have now, from then. I still slip up and have my AFC moments, but it's only a moment now... not my life style anymore.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 3, 2006
Reaction score
gotta admit it's well-written. Do you write as a hobby?

Oh and thank God you never sent her that :D


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
at our house
nice letter, good way to vent to yourself and later look back at all your improvements.

i write letters to vent and don't mail them except mine are dumb sounding compared to yours..


dear inventor of agent orange,
i effing hate your guts.
i understand you were trying to effectively kill tons of our nation's enemies, however you also single handedly killed most of your own troops.
they didn't enjoy their long 25-30 yr painful deaths and
neither did my daddy.
eff off
ps i hope your children are soldiers and suffer even worse a fate.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
actually, he was trying to kill a bunch of vietnamese leaves and trees


Don Juan
Apr 23, 2007
Reaction score
Hey, Thanks for the comments on the writing. I like to write and I never have time to it sucks.. or any idea what to write about for that matter.

penkitten, yeah after I wrote that I felt better and forgot to send it. Writing to vent works.

I also wrote this(below) after reading JD Fuentes - The sexual key - How to use the structure of female emotion. Just to see if it was true(and it is).

So I wrote this and went up to women early in bars saying this was a project i was working on for some class and I would like them to read it and tell me what they think about it.

I never seen women get lost in there own mind before as they read this, then after they start telling me about how it made them feel and that they could see the space in the mind. It's just amazing.

Learn to tell a story!

Where is your comfort place? You know the one place that you can feel comfortable, safe, protected. My comfort place used to be back in my childhood home on Main Street. Not in the home, but in the woods. You see, I built my own sanctuary. It was my safe place, my own refuge from reality. Although it was nothing more than a small grassy clearing, no more than the size of a parking space. Protected by a barrier of evergreen trees, that kept everything unwanted out. This was my place, my world, in the middle of the woods; it was more to me than a piece of land, it was my living dream.

This place was serene, it was my own little world locked away in a different reality. A reality protected by the surrounding trees, a secret place known only through me, hidden from the world of life. This place was so still, so calm, so tranquil, that just lying down in the grass you felt all your stress, all your problems, all your fears, dissolve in to the cool breeze that drifted by on the warm summer day. This place enveloped you in its own natural serenity. You would feel this place consume you into its stillness, bringing you closer to euphoria and farther from the anxiety of daily life.

Now that I have moved from that home and grown a little older, I am on the search to find this living dream once more. But my dream has changed; it has morphed in to goal that is fed only by the primal animal instincts of lust and love. The desire to unearth the other half of my soul, the physical, the need to provide.

But this journey is more emotionally dangerous, filled with deception. When once the world was your plaything, you have been converted into the worlds chew toy. Inhabitants misleading the course, leading you onto a path, paved with your own blood, sweat, and tears. Then forced to mop up your own mess, and salvage what’s left of the mind and body. Why? Circumstances… that have conditioned and molded them into an emotionless machine, void of feeling, chasing their next source of counterfeit affection. Held back only by there own fear to feel. Playing it safe… playing it… playing you.
One thing I noted is that they always like the first half more, can you guess why?


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
LOL, damn good writing man.

I think I'm falling in love with you from it haha.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
at our house
writing to vent is perfect for you to get things out.
it really is something for yourself and not to give to whomever you wrote it about.
they are not in your head, they have no idea how your venting works.
they just get dramatic over things...

good job spoons!