You can leave now. Your solution is essentially "lul just werk", followed by a bunch of talk about how essentially I'm a massive failure, as is my dad, and how unfortunate for my mom (btw my brother isn't living at home, you seem to keep thinking that).
That's not useful, please go elsewhere.
I think they're both giving solid advice.
In your position, imo, if the advice isn't atleast a little harsh due to the reality of it, you're being sugarcoated and lied to. I came to this forum when i was 21 in a similar position. Graduated during the great recession, horrible grades, no applicable skills outside of being a former good athlete, math/english/science all complete garbage level knowledge.
First thing I did was acknowledge I fvcked up and am now in a sh1tty position all due to myself. If you can't acknowledge the problem and what caused it, you can't address the root issue and move forward. I acknowledged I made wrong choices believing girls, fighting, and being cool was the path to life, when in reality it was intelligence, studying, resourcefulness, and experience.
Seems like you don't have any of these things, so you will need to build them. I realized this early on and I did exactly what
@Gamisch @All_Kindz_Of_Gainz suggested when i came to this forum.
I stop focusing on women and focused on myself. Instead of 2 years, i did it for 5 years. I worked 60 hours a week to level up myself at work. Initially, i wasn't the best but i worked the hardest. After my first 2 years, I became the best and the hardest working. I paid off my debt. I would try my own side hustle and fail. I lived paycheck to paycheck with $100 left at the end of the month after making my debt payments. Did that until year 3. I would then hire tutors to teach me on weekends to improve my english comprehension and math skills. Read hundreds of books. Some books 3,4,5 or even 7 times.
5 years in, my pay was slightly above that of my peers and debt fully paid off. I went from POS to being average I guess. 9 years in, I became a millionaire. 15 years later, I have a family, assets, no debt, high paying job, traveled the world, moved all over, and overall in a position in life where I can control the decisions I make comfortably.
I did not get there by complaining and refusing to face the music. If you don't have good counter arguments to what these guys are saying, they are likely right. You don't need to be happy about what they're saying but you should try to take-in what makes sense and start taking action. The more time you spend complaining about the situation, the more time you waste on achieving progress.
================================== <---- that's your progress bar. Start moving it forward.