Mr.Positive said:
There seems to be the school of thought that women are either:
1) Friends. No sexual or relationship desire at all.
2) Potential lovers or lovers. We go after the sexual relationship.
While this may be fine for the guy just looking to get laid all the time, for those of us that are looking for a quality woman, it's not so binary, 0's or 1's.
There are friends that we find attractive, yet are not suitable for seeking out for a relationship.
I have a few friends like this, they are good people, attractive, and yet would not be compatible with me. Attractive women have attractive friends, and I've dated some of their friends, etc.
It's all about having control of your emotions, as long as you aren't friend-zoned by them and have oneitis, I still think you can have attractive female friends.
I'm right there with you on this, and I get blasted constantly for having this school of thought, so I know where you are coming from.
You hit the nail on the head. Why should you "throw away" a female who for whatever reason doesn't meet your criteria for a mate, simply because you might be the slightest bit attracted to her?
For me it's all about understanding that I could easily eat the fruit, but it's much more valuable to me to plant it in the ground and let it grow into something that bears much MORE fruit. If I do decide to eat the fruit we all know that there is a price to pay. Usually that price is that she will want something more, so I am particular about who I get sexually involved with.
The key to it all is knowing when to eat the fruit and when to plant it. When a woman fails the test for a relationship you have three choices. You can eat it (fukk her or at least try), plant it (allow the relationship to continue acknowledging the fact that there IS sexual chemistry), or throw it away.
Why would you throw something away that has the potential to benefit you?
Guys who only have an on/off switch when it comes to women, IMO, are missing out on a lot.
I have SOOOO much more opportunity with women now that I have a lot of female "friends".
I say "friends" because, as Rollo says, with most of them there are unresolved intimacy issues. I acknowledge that. It's the fact that I can recognize it and control the situation that allows me to pull it off without any problems. The guy who hangs around women hoping for a scrap is setting a dangerous trap for himself.
Matter of fact I kind of like the spice that comes from having women around who might fukk you and who you might consider fukking if the conditions were right. I don't have to prove I am a man by acting on the slightest sexual desire. I am content to know that I COULD likely bang most of them, if I am so inclined.
We have all heard of social proof, no?
I will be so bold as to claim that I have UBER social proof, because I am usually around a decent size group of guys and girls. One or two chicks in your group that are sexually attracted to you in the slightest bit drives other women crazy. If another woman is attracted to you, she becomes hyper aware of her "competition" and it amplifies everything she feels toward you.
I can't tell you how many times i get women who are interested in me tell me "You have quite the fan club". I just play dumb and blow it off "'re crazy!" which intrigues them even MORE because they can feel other women giving off sexual vibes and they are curious as to why you won't own up to it and possibly brag like some guys would. One chick that I was seeing last year even made a comment about how such and such women are into me, but I am too modest to even acknowledge it, so I know I'm doing it right.
Things have slowed down socially for me over the past several months, but I wouldn't trade my social life today for my social life at any other time in my life, including when I was bartending at a popular local bar at age 21. There's no comparison.
Pretty much every weekend i meet new women (many of whom are often attracted to me) through one of several female "friends". Good looking women attracted to you even BEFORE they meet you? (women talk about men they like) I don't even have to lift a finger. Wouldn't trade it for anything.