I challenge the core of sosuave


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
Well some new guy comes to this forum and ask a question about somehting. The first stuff he is confronted with is some small guy with massive ego and little **** who shouts " READ THE BIBLE!" other people might respond to a thread about how a guy tried to get a girl but she didn't want him (because he was a loser). They tell him "well you did wrong that time, and you should always follow this rule to be successful with woman".

Well let's look a little closer at the seduction industry on the web. Alot of sites have popped up all preaching on how women can be seduced. These sites are full off unkempt loosers who have no lives but to play video games and collecting seduction books and off course pretend they know everything about human relationships. They are experts on how every relationship works, if they tell something and it is not true there is something wrong with the reality. Off course they fail to see they do not have the whole reality and truth, they have a small bit off it even if they think they know it all. No I do not flame you, I was there a long ago too.

Today we have many great ways on how you succeed with women, some might even have videos on how it's done, featuring... I am so futile and noobie There are also alot of people like Ross Jeffries, david dangelo who tell you what to do so you succeed. Isn't that great? For anyone without personality it's awesome. Unfortunatly I have a personality, and that's too bad because I am not willing to exchange it all for (more) success with women.

I just say, what's up with all the work? Why on earth would you want to approach people on the street and have half off them shoot pepper spray in your face when you can just as easily meet girls through your friends? Why complicate things with girls soo much when it's soo simple as to extend your normal life into the girl department to be successful. The entire mantra on this site is caught with sickness. Most people are losers who have got it all wrong with women. You don't need this ****. You need to look good, know how to talk and how to behave. Not some wierd technique, spite what mASF might say. But be silent or the nerd herd might become angry.

But off course if we do anything that might offend the great allknowing masses of sosuave we might get in our face "that was afc, you should read the bible" or something as horrid. AFC is so bad you can go kill yourself because anyone who is afc can't get any girls (even if they do) because their attitude is wrong. And if the AFC is successful the aspiring DJ mutters and assume there is something wrong with reality. How come people can ignore the fact that most AFCs get more women than the average DJ on these boards. :]

The most pathetic off them all is all these people who preach about mental seduction... oohhh. dooo this and you'll get a women wet. You just have to align your feet in a perfect line to be successful and at the same time think "I want to ****, be horny". Spite their attempts they might sometimes succeed and thus their technique works. Even worse are the people who constantly talk about an ideal that can't be reached and all about mental self help, move that image to the left and enlarge it and make it colorful and you'll get more confident. Or people who say "A DJ does this, a DJ does that".

What is up with approaching and approachign and approaching to become really good for a girl that we MAY meet in our future. Remember your ABCs Always Be Closing... I approach around 0 women per month (not including throgh friends), and I consider myself a master DJ. Why do you have to learn to approach anywhere with the "Supra test tube approach" or sim that some guy have come up with to get "good with women".

And lastly I would like to give a great deal off you people a kick in the back so you might realize something. Most off these "so-called"rules are pretty worthless and alltogether wrong. People who try to look so damn cool by, what was the last thing I read, To hold the hand a little longer so you might seem all sexy and stuff to the girl (who as gav put it "she'll think he want's to rape her"). Or all these *******s who play jerks to get women interested. Too many try too hard and do the wrong things. I don't know how long time it will take to unlearn all the ****ty advice I have got through the years here. Don't take this stuff too far, keep it real and treat girls as you treat your friends with the exception you want to **** them.

What is a DJ, a person who never ever watches TV, play computer, or do something like that, on his spare time he works out, travel, climb mountains, seduce 100000 women, he looks good, he never show fear, he never act AFC, he is a president of Microsoft at least and always is perfect...

Does this sound impossible, does this sound like you, does this sound like someone you could be happy being? Then just becoem what YOU want to be, not whay people here are preaching, do what YOU want, this is what your life is about, not to become some seduction robot who have no life.

* You don't have to approcah women everyday
* You don't have to be perfect
* You don't have to become the perfect seducer, just be happy

Feel free to flame me, just give this a thought.



Senior Don Juan
Nov 12, 2004
Reaction score
You don't have to be perfect.... True because perfect is boring I got that from the DJ bible
You dont have to be a perfect seducer... It's not about being perfect(perfect is boring remember) it is about becoming better... hence self-improvement.. I highly recommend reading the DJ bible or at least parts from fingers, pook, and some of the other greats that came across here. I've been reading it and have came across a lot of mistakes in my train of thought with the ladies. Just my 2 cents


Don Juan
Sep 1, 2004
Reaction score
I think anyone with half a brain will realize how necessary it is to find BALANCE. I agree with just about everything you said here, but I think techniques are more helpful than you make them out to be. They shouldn't be treated as an actual blueprint, but rather a guide to help you understand HOW to get positive reactions out of women.

I don't believe in 'routines' like they teach over at mASF, but I've learned a lot of more subtle things through the DJ Bible & they have really changed the way I think & act towards women.

It is mostly ideals though. Find the underlying point of many of these techniques (leading, maintaining control, etc) & use them in context to your life. These techniques don't need to be followed to the "T", they just need to be understood & applied in your own way.


Master Don Juan
May 21, 2004
Reaction score
I'll be the first to agree that there is a lot of stuff in the Bible that is bad advice, but the Bible itself serves a good purpose. I don't really see at as an end-all solution for women, I see it as a way of deprogramming people from a life of mistakes. You have a lot of guys in this world that keep making the same mistakes over and over again (be it clingyness, showing a lack of confidence, etc) that just don't realize what's wrong. They read the bible and are able to pinpoint a couple of mistakes that brought them failure in the past.

I just say, what's up with all the work? Why on earth would you want to approach people on the street and have half off them shoot pepper spray in your face when you can just as easily meet girls through your friends?
You're right, but you have to realize that a lot of guys here do not have well established networks of female friends. I say female, because hooking up through male friends can be an annoying process (whereas girls are more then happy to play matchmakers, and are much better at it). Even with the way you do things bro (which I agree is much more efficient), you still have to approach girls in order to establish these social networks.

Besides, approaching really isn't all that bad once you get good at it. I still approach pretty often, have a decent success rate, and there is a sense of satisfaction you get from knowing you made it all happen (instead of one of your friends). Plus you don't owe anybody anything.

You need to look good, know how to talk and how to behave.
Agreed, that's all there is to it. But a lot of people that keep failing in relationships don't know how to get the behaviour part right.

Anyway, good post, I enjoyed reading it.




Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
A few things I agree with and disagree.

One thing I strongly disagree with is "meeting women through friends". Possibly the worst thing you could ever do. 9 times out of 10 just causes trouble with your friendships by dividing loyalty when things go bad.

Plus this type of attitude gives people excuses to not improve themselves socially because they're waiting for the right girl they will meet through a friend of a friend or something of that nature. This is a counter-productive socialization strategy and is often practised by the people you so vehemently put down as "unkempt losers who play video games."

The only things I agree with are that the advice on this board isn't infallible. Of course there are many things on this board that aren't generally true and may work only in isolated cases. Somewhere down the line, the definition of DJ and the mission of this system of beliefs was corrupted by a new generation.

Originally the mission statement of an aspiring DJ was to better themselves. No this did not mean having spontaneous sex with a strange woman across the street by applying sly moves. No this did not mean getting 100 K phone numbers a week. No this did not mean treating women like objects. It just was a way of transforming a shy "nice boy" to a more confident, attractive and successful MAN. Yes part of this involved approaching random people/women. This is to just get out of a shell so you can begin to expose a new more sociable and confident person underneath.

Don't hate on the system, hate on the people that bring it down.


Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
Very, very good post. I agree with everything you wrote.

This was one of the best weekends of my life, and not because of a girl. I was able to sleep as much as I wanted, play poker with 5 guys, play video games as much as I wanted, and work out with my buddies.

was I a DJ this weekend? maybe. does it matter? nope. I did what a I wanted and had a blast.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Originally posted by Lifeforce
* You don't have to approcah women everyday
* You don't have to be perfect
* You don't have to become the perfect seducer, just be happy
This is a given. The idea of "approaching 100 chicks per day" and becoming a womanizing-machine is the "FastSeduction" mentality seeping through...people who treat women like a sport.

But YOU DO have to learn to talk to women if you want one for yourself.


Don Juan
Apr 28, 2000
Reaction score
philadelphia, pa, usa
First off, (Lifeforce) I appreciate the critical thought that went into your post. Having the core challenged is always a good thing, if we can think critically about it and be better for it.

I just had to respond to some things:

"I just say, what's up with all the work? Why on earth would you want to approach people on the street ... Why complicate things with girls soo much when it's soo simple as to extend your normal life into the girl department ... "

Some ideas are appropriate for some people and not others. For you personally, you're 20, you're in college, you're surrounded by hundreds of hot women every day, you're invited to parties with almost all umarried girls. Of course street approaches are way too much work for a person in your position, that would be a bad piece of advice for you. Fast-forward 10 years though to someone like me, when every person you know is married with kids, when every friend you call up won't talk to you because they have their own family bubbles to worry about, when all you see day in and day out is the older fatter guys at work and the illegal teenage girls working at the supermarket. All of a sudden "all the work" becomes worth it. At least, it's been worth it for me.

"What is a DJ, a person who never ever watches TV, play computer, or do something like that, ..."

A DJ is someone who cares enough to make himself the man he wants to be. If watching tv and playing games to the exclusion of interacting with other people is who someone wants to be, good for them, but that's not what works for me and a lot of other people.

As for the advice given around here, remember what they say on the "DJ tip of the day" ... "these are just ideas which might be good or bad but the important thing is that it helps you think about things you wouldn't ordinarily think about and take in different points of view." (or something to that effect)

In the end, I'd have to go with what other people said above on this thread: advice is never infallible (including my post here) but it's there to help you think, and being a DJ is about being the man you want to be. If people are forgetting that around here, they should be reminded.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 1, 2004
Reaction score
Rome, Italy
I like it how every month or so, a guy -usually a long time member with plenty of posts- decides to make a post saying 'fvck the bible', 'fvck all this advice that's been given lately' etc.... I mean it's all good, but I feel deja vu every time I open a thread like this.

That being said, I agree with almost everything you said, after reading a few topics and going out to talk to women, I feel awkward, I can imagine a bunch of nerds from this site criticising my every move (you're smiling too much - you're wearing a shirt that will never get you laid - you're not using enough kino, bla bla), I become paranoid and I panic, but when I forget about this site and just do my thing, I find success and I end up happy.

Guys here try to complicate everything, anyone can get laid, the most important thing for a dj and an aspiring dj is to improve himself (mind - body - soul)

I don't agree that you should meet girls from your friends, if you're any where, and you see a girl you think is great, then why should you fight the desire to approach her and get to know her :confused: Do the girls in Sweden really shoot pepper spray in your face if you approach them? 'cause you did mention that in your post, lol.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
Reaction score
I usually agree with your posts, Lifeforce, because I see you have truly found confidence in yourself and I believe you can back up the things you preach. This is a good post which raises a lot of good points and has received some good replies so far.

Not everybody will find their answers in the DJ Bible or in some "master-seducer's" DVDs + audiobook series or even in 100s of cold approaches. Most of the time, a guy's problem with women is down to a personal flaw or many flaws that he needs to identify and eliminate.

For some guys, it's confidence; for others it's image. Learning c+f and routines is not going to help you when it's your nervous stuttering, your obesity or your poor hygiene that's driving away women or causing you misery in the first place.

Sometimes the problem is naivety - not knowing how women play men and getting caught by their games, in which case, it's time to learn the countermeasures.

But above all, I think this board offers motivation and I personally feel much more motivated when I can type my own thread with a problem, question, success story or theory, and get feedback directed to me. The sense of community and encouragement is not something you can get from the Bible or any kind of pre-written material.

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2004
Reaction score
I agree with you , but i think you miss a point. The guys on this site are on different stages on their self development!
I, myself got here over a link to GUNWITCH METHOD - and i thought uhh interesting stuff. And than i bookmarked that site and read some more and more and more.......

If i had gotten a link like "click"
i would just have said omg what the fvck is that idiot talking about?;) and never visited this site again. But now, i find it true, entertaining and motivating.

You first have to unlearn your old thinking and behaviour with tips and techniques, and than you will finally realize that both is
sh1t - your old thinking - and techniques from other people. Than you will develop your own life and do and feel whatever you want.

Also you didnt challenge the core of sosuave, just the big thing around the core =P
The core is the Health and Fitness Forum and the "pook mindset" seen in some very good posts.
And your ideas in this thread are nothing new to me, only your thread title is more ****y than just saying "FORGET ABOUT TECHNIQUES"

I'm also unlearning some "techniques", because i dont want to be a supercool guy anymore. man i was one hell of a challenge like if a girl gives me her beer/longdrink to drink some..... i drank it all without saying thank you. than she asked me later if i get to the bar with her and buy a drink for her after she handed to me 3 beers or so, i only had in my mind "NEVER EVER SUPPLICATE TO A WOMAN" and said NOOO. problem was she was not just a girl but i wanted a relationship with her. i also did weird pushy heavy kino stuff after my heavy challenge(but back than i thought it was the way to go because "LONG TALKS LEAD TO FRIENDSHIP", also she had her "wall of vagina" open!! ) and finally i saw her with new bf - an AFC.
here is how my face changed:

:cool: -->:eek: -->:confused: -->:mad:

Challenge, Kino, C+F, they all work good, but only if they come natural and not as an applied technique.


Don Juan
Nov 29, 2004
Reaction score
Calgary, Can
I also think a lot of your post was good, Lifeforce, in fact i've read a lot of your advice and most of it is excellent.

On the other hand, this site is not completely about SS and mASF. Personally, my success rate w women in the past 3 months (how long i've been reading this site) is not tremendouly better.

The amount of fun i have when around women, however, has increased a hundredfold. I have also become happier in life; no longer do i go to bars and become depressed, because i can actually have a conversation with a random woman and enjoy it without constantly thinking of a relationship!

Most times i don't even number close, i just have a good time and then head somewhere else.

It's not about SS, it's about enjoying your life.


Don Juan
Dec 3, 2004
Reaction score
There are also alot of people like Ross Jeffries, david dangelo who tell you what to do so you succeed. Isn't that great? For anyone without personality it's awesome. Unfortunatly I have a personality, and that's too bad because I am not willing to exchange it all for (more) success with women.
I have a personality, too, and I'm not changing it, but their advice has still helped me immensely. Everybody's personality shows through differently under different situations. It's like a white piece of paper--shine a red light on it and it looks red, shine a blue light on it and it looks blue. Same paper, different situations. Personalities are like that.

And it's been very useful to read about the traits that women find attractive and emphasize those aspects of my personality when I'm around them. I've realized that I was actually acting differently around women I really liked and in a bad way, which explains my strange luck in the past: I used to strike out with every women I really fell for, and get attention from women I wasn't interested in. I thought I just had really bad luck, until I realized that there's a pattern to it: I was more relaxed, more playful and light-hearted, with the women I wasn't interested in, so they fell for me. Around the ones I really liked, I was trying to be super-attentive, super-nice, because I'd been culturally programmed to act like that around them... I was sabatoging my own chances.

Since I've started to read up on it, I've been able to make perfect sense of my past successes and failures and understand how I should be acting around girls I like now. I never use any canned lines or jokes--in fact, I don't think I even know any off the top of my head. But the right kind of situational wit and fun teasing works great. And I've stopped making the effort to be extra-nice... I'm pretty nice by nature and I can't help that, and I don't want to, but I've found that I can keep from being so overt about it and just do some original, really thoughtful thing for her once in a while, and I'll seem both nice and attractive.

All that said, I'd agree that a lot of the stuff on this forum is crap... but there's a lot of great stuff, too. And people who go into it with an open but skeptical mind can gain a lot of valuable insights into whatever kind of guy they want to be.

So Many Ways

Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
I do think you have some valid points Lifeforce, but the thing is, people who go to sites like so suave are people who are desperate and trying to find answers. Guys who have had no problems getting laid or getting girlfriends are not going to come online to get seduction help. It is guys who are still virgins or have never had girlfriends way into their 20's, guys who have no idea what's going on who come to these sites.

As a guy who has struggled with women most of my life some of the stuff I've come accross has been an absolute godsend and it would have taken me years to figure out on my own. For years I watched friends effortlessly get laid and get girlfriends while I struggled. I think it's up to the individual to take what's good and apply to himself. Also, it's natural to stumble and maybe screw up here and there and that is part of the natural growning process.

Can this stuff go too far? Of course, anything can go too far. If you go out 7 nights a week to "sarge", that's going to far. If you memorize 100 different routines and have to practice them 6 hours a day, that's going to far. If you post on a message board bragging about how you stole someone's wife or girlfriend from an "AMOG", that's going too far. On the other hand, if you only approach one woman a year, that's a problem as well. The middle ground is quite obvious if you ask me. If you're happy playing video games all weekend, cool. If you play video games and you complain about not getting laid and do nothing, that's a problem. If you meet women through your social circle and you're happy with that, cool. Nothing wrong with that. Just remember, most guys who come here don't have enough skills to even hook up with friends of a friend or situations like that (raises hand).

I think anyone with half a brain will realize how necessary it is to find BALANCE. I agree with just about everything you said here, but I think techniques are more helpful than you make them out to be. They shouldn't be treated as an actual blueprint, but rather a guide to help you understand HOW to get positive reactions out of women.
Precisely. There is plenty of good in the DJ bible and other sources. Just take the bits and pieces you need to elevate your game and go from there.

Blue Phoenix

Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2004
Reaction score
Another Dimension
Originally posted by Jariel

Not everybody will find their answers in the DJ Bible or in some "master-seducer's" DVDs + audiobook series or even in 100s of cold approaches. Most of the time, a guy's problem with women is down to a personal flaw or many flaws that he needs to identify and eliminate.

But above all, I think this board offers motivation and I personally feel much more motivated when I can type my own thread with a problem, question, success story or theory, and get feedback directed to me. The sense of community and encouragement is not something you can get from the Bible or any kind of pre-written material.
Finally someone that noticed that! Exactly!

That's the "void" I see in David's methods! As you said below:

Originally posted by Jariel

For some guys, it's confidence; for others it's image. Learning c+f and routines is not going to help you when it's your nervous stuttering, your obesity or your poor hygiene that's driving away women or causing you misery in the first place.

Sometimes the problem is naivety - not knowing how women play men and getting caught by their games, in which case, it's time to learn the countermeasures.
No amount of CF/jerk persona you project to girls will solve your issues (that's much deeper)! So you cannot simply base your success with women just by DD's ideas and materials.

That's when this site comes. This site is not just focused in getting laid, but in being someone better! Here you can post about your problems and discuss with a lot of people! This is a nice way to deal with your baggage instead of pretending to be a "jerk" (but full of sh!t)!

Even though, I think DD material is a good start. It helps you to open your eyes and understand better how attraction works! I see as a complement to this site!
Last edited:

Channel your excited feelings into positive thoughts and behaviors. You will attract women by being enthusiastic, radiating energy, and becoming someone who is fun to be around.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2002
Reaction score
To quote Johnny Depp (Lol Capt. Jack Sparrow)

"They're not really rules as much as they are guidelines"

Please don't refer to the methods listed on this site as Rules.

There are no rules, merely suggestions, sometimes they accomplish the task. Sometimes they backfire.

The trick is you analyze each situations, find out what you did wrong and what you can improve upon.

To quote my calc teacher (I'm just full of quotes :p):
"A mentally insane person is one that does the same task over and over but expects a different result each time."

Frankly I don't think anything I've learned on this site to be sh*tty advice. Everything that I've learned has helped me become a better person. A Don Juan is our unicorn, its an idealistic expectation that is not possible to acheive. Thus we must become realistic and create our own goals, hopes to acheive, that is becoming a SoSuave Don Juan.

If you don't want to do everything that some of us hope to acheive, no ones gonna criticize you.

I could analyze your post, but you're doing exactly what you need to do. Anaylize yourself and the things around you. I spent a whole year just analyzing the way I act, the ways people affect me, and the ways I affect people. This also lead to a pretty good understanding of how women work, how people act, and so on.

I'm glad you're anaylzing this site, its a shame when people take it to be the word of god. No one has it perfect, but we got a pretty good idea. Its your responsibility to fill in the gaps.

Cheers mate.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2002
Reaction score
well I stopped reading after hte pepper spray part

that only happens in movies and anti-rape propaganda.


Why not just do it through friends?

Cuz my social circle has sucky chicks, and why should I limit myself to that? It's way more fun to meet stranger chicks, way more exciting for BOTH OF US (the chick and me).

I don't care about methods and mind games and mind seduction. I go for what _I_ want.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Land of the Ruins
Not the way I see this site

You make some good points, but that's not the way I see this site at all.

There are a wide variety of concepts discussed here. And though not every thing has worked for me or even means squat to me, I've improved for being here. Greatly improved.

I give you props for speaking your mind, and am 100% behind the idea that all that is said should be questioned. Without the fresh air of critical challenges, any philosophy will die of suffocation.

But to me the real essence of this site is not "1001 tricks to get more booty." but the inormation about psychology and self-improvement that helps a man attain new levels of personal development and reap the rewards that follow.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2003
Reaction score
In addition to what everyone elses have said, here are my thoughts:

These sites are full off unkempt loosers who have no lives but to play video games and collecting seduction books and off course pretend they know everything about human relationships.

Some of the guys that operate these websites are legit. They are VERY good with women. I sometimes help out on their workshops and the things they can do are amazing.

I just say, what's up with all the work? Why on earth would you want to approach people on the street and have half off them shoot pepper spray in your face when you can just as easily meet girls through your friends?

The things we learn at ASF, sosuave or whereever are not merely techniques. They are PRINCIPLES of SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR - only they are given geeky names. The longer you play the game, the more you realise that these principles are not only applicable to women.

I have used routines effectively during business meetings to break the ice, not to mention using routines during those corporate parties. Just that alone, I have got many clients because I am different from all my competitors. Cold approaching chicks forces you to be able to get rapport with them FAST, and the more you practise, the easier it is, and this is transferrable to other areas of your life.

I have used the body language concepts during job interviews. The concept of qualification, alpha male characteristics and social dynamics are very useful as well.

You need to look good, know how to talk and how to behave.

Simple for some people, not so for others. Ask a talented musician, and he will tell you that you just have to feel the music (or whatever). But to others who cannot play music, that means nothing.

Some people are not blessed with the natural ability to interact with people easily. They might be victims of bullies at school, got into computers way too early or just lack good looks. They dont' come to these sites because they want to get 1000 girls. Most of them only want to experience what everyone else has experienced, but so unattainable to them. Every time they ask their friends, their friends just tell them to "be themselves", but being themselves have gotten them nowhere before.

The most pathetic off them all is all these people who preach about mental seduction... oohhh. dooo this and you'll get a women wet.

That's just funny :)

What is up with approaching and approachign and approaching to become really good for a girl that we MAY meet in our future.

Constant approaching gets rid of the fear of talking to strangers. It changes your previously shy personality to a more open and friendly personality. Approaching gives you confidence because we all know approaching a group of girls requires CONFIDENCE and BALLS.

Plus approaching chicks gives you excitement. I still do it for kicks )although I am quite busy) because you never know what you get from the interactions.

I have many crazy adventures that I would not have had if it wasn't for approaching. I met many important contacts that I would never have met if it was not for approaching.

My current gf was a cold approach. She was easily the hottest girl in the club, and was surrounded by a tight group. I would have never got the chance to speak to her, if it wasn't for my many previous approaches.

Or all these *******s who play jerks to get women interested. Too many try too hard and do the wrong things.

There are SO MANY guys who get trampled on by chicks, and by getting them to become jerks, they might actually come out balanced.

Don't take this stuff too far, keep it real and treat girls as you treat your friends with the exception you want to **** them.

That's true though. But if you are starting from stratch and want to get good, you have to invest in the time.


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
19 replies, Well isnt' that nice :]

IMO the whole concept of techniques is that they are derived from a certain attitude. You can learn all these techniques and do them wrong alot or you could look at what the techniques are derived from. I strongly believe that a message should be sent to all new people that they should not learn all these rules, guidelines if you like. Instead they should focus on being happy and not pleasing people just to please them. Pooks post are really good, however he preaches about an ideal that is simply not attainable for most people when they start out.

So what happens when people come here? They realize they have lived in a lie, this is really good. However most new people then get into a "DJ-stereotype ideal" which is preached about on this site. I can't really describe how this person is made up, but it is way to hard to live up to. They adapt their whole life to this ideal and this is bad. Things are labelled AFC or DJ depending on what the masses think off it. The new person here should focus on what that person will find happiness from and what that persons goals are. The DJ-ideal and "this is AFC" is what my post is aimed at, I want both dead because it hinder the development of people. AFC is not bad, DJ is not good, it all has to do with the person using it.

Another thing I am against is how you should get women. When people come here they may be desperate and live for to get a woman. They may not follow the unlogical reasoning of pook that you should become the prize because the lack off women in their life really stings. I say get into oneitis, be a little desperate, shoot low if you have to, as long as it help you get closer to who you want to be. This is my thought off it anyway.

Also people put too much emphasis on meeting women, they force themselves too much and in their mind say "if I do not approach I am AFC". The approach is not to meet someone who seem interested, instead it's a rule from here that people should approach. I am against all that, IMO you are better off not meeting women for meetings sake. You don't have to do cold appoaches. If we for one moment incorporate meeting women into our life it becomes much easier. You can go to a dance school to learn how to dance, but at the same time you can meet women there. It becomes much easier like that, if you do not think about meeting women. People need to test the boundries and it's good in all that. But do not just do it with women, do it with all people, incorporate meeting women into your life and you can have the same values when you meet women as in the rest off your life.

I know sosuave is not about tricks and techniques. However meeting women has become far to complicated. Can I wear this jacket, what if she want to share the bill, how can I be mysterious. I think too many people have an ideal in their mind on how the perfect seducer should be, or the perfect DJ. This is often tenfold more complicated than how seduction works in real life. You don't have to be mysterious, charismatic, have a magical flow off words or anything like that. Women are very much alike us and they respond to simplicity. I say look on the big picture, do not worry too much about detail. And do not buy into all this "the art of seduction" or "48 laws of power" nonsense.

I strongly agree with M4a1, he makes a very good point. I do not agree that you should NOT meet women if you find someone interesting, you should not meet women for meetings sake.

Jariel, thanks man. I agree with you, this site is mostly for motivational purpose. Showing there is a way to change. The rest people have to do for themselves.

Double, that's too damn funny. :] Never visit the site again. I agree almost completly with you, however I do not think noobies are ready to get into the pook-ideal in the beginning, it is too far away. I'm glad to have some more people being in about the same spot as myself.

Anaxibios, thanks man. You seem to got it all figured out. Even if you have the same success isn't it a hell lot of more fun? :]

Likerofwomen: I understand your point. I'm not 100% in agreement though. There is no need to empahsize certain behaviour with women. If you have some improvement going on then it should happen automaticly when you get better in other areas. I treat women as any of my guy friends (almost). I feel it's better that they adapt to me instead off the other way around. Many will not like it, but IMO it's more fun ;]

mistyC: I feel you man. However there are tons of ways of making new friends, hobbies, online, through sports, throuh parties and stuff like that. Every person on this planet are connected with almost every person on the planet in some way. Just never say no to a party and meet some new people, gather a few phone numbers from people who seem cool.

Bonhomme: Yes I know you have improved. :] So have I and alot of people, that's the great part about sosuave, it really motivates to become better. The sad part is it has some bad teachings on how to do that.

Porky: haha, you sound exactly like me :] Thanks man. I think you are far better off not worrying what's DJ or not. If I'd use the term, you were AFC/Dj, I'd say you were very DJ ;)

Tizzle: Yes, that's straight out of pooks posts. You see pook has been here long and over the time he has developed as a person. BE A MAN and KILL THAT DESPERATION was old posts which are extreme. They talk about an ideal that is very hard to reach. On older (and wiser) days he has changed his pov very much like Perfect is boring and stuff like that. However most people read the old posts first and are caught in a extreme way off looking.

Affliction: yes, that's a really good point you make.

Mindovermatter: Yes the bible serve a very good purpose. The format is just wrong, it teaches other peoples values instead of encouraging people how to change into what they like to be.

I approach once in a while too, it can be fun. But I approach just to meet new people, or to do some chit chat in a store. It's fun. Approaching just to approach is not as good IMO.

squirrels: yes off course

Tilltheendoftime: By meeting through friends I mean you can joing a friend at a party where you do not know people. You don't actually have to hit on the friend. Everything has bad sides.

locrian: actually I'm not in college, I study on distance and haven't met any interesting chicks when I went to the school for examns. However the chicks think differently :] Anyway, there are many ways to meet women in every age group, age is not an excuse not to meet women. You know there are more women in the world than men, and for every guy who is single there's a girl who is single too.

I agree strongly with what you say that people should become what they want to be.

Dementioa: None taken. You can always meet hot women through hobbies. The more you do the stuff you like the more people will get to know you. This way you can get HBs through friends (or acquaintanses). I'm not against approaches, I'm against approaching for approaches sake.

so many ways: Good post

Vincent: nice quotes. :] I liked reading your post.

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