Texting sucks! Especially if you are pretty good in person. But, if you are like me and like younger girls or if ou are young yourself and date girls under 25 ish, texting is a weapon in the arsenal that you need to hone and use very,very carefully.
One trick I learned: There should be a setting on your phone that will delay messages by either 3 or 10 seconds. It wont save you from every "forhead slap" moment but it will cut down on your impulse speed.
Another trick I learned: Edit. Edit.Edit.
Type everything you want to send and then trim it. Then trim it again.
When you are triming you start to rethink the whole thing sometimes. Then you take time. Then you sometimes reframe the whole thing. Then, other times, you dont even reply at all. I have noticed...when that happens, 9 times out of 10, they end up retexting you. Better for you.
I have destroyed 3 very,very, strong prosepects and one very strong plate with texting non-sense. So be forwarned, text, but understand its a bull, and, when you f^ck with the bull you get the horns.
There is a pretty good audio book that helped me a good bit, but it goes against everything on this site. So... Look for it and youll find it, but I dont think I should post it.
However, never, ever, use the lines:
Emogies of any kind.
You can very sparringly use only this
OR ;-)
They are called softeners and can work, but only very rarely. Part of your editing. I think I have used them only 20 or so times in the last few months.