I can be the worst texter. Always fvcking up via text.


Master Don Juan
Nov 10, 2013
Reaction score
New York, NY
I have just realized that I text impulsively and end up fvcking up good prospects by texting stupid sh*t with smiley's and nonsense, and giving off AFC vibes.

I was wondering if you guys ever text a girl, and immediately after you send it you go "well that was retarded."

And also I need some tips for being more calculated with texts and less impulsive.

Anything would help! thanks brahs! :)


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2012
Reaction score
I've had my fair share of, "that was stupid as fvck; why did I send that" moments. Just take as much time as you need. That's the whole benefit of texting. If she's texting back quick, it's fine to be a little impulsive. If she's taking an hour, you take a day. Do and say as you please with no regrets. Try to be witty, and try to keep the text conversation short. Ideally, you should only use it for setting up dates or in the case you actually need to talk to her. But, I don't see the harm in the occasional rapport/comfort building spontaneous text.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 27, 2012
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Been there plenty of times. Every single text you send treat as if she is reading out loud with a group of her friends.

Be yourself. Be cool. Be smooth. but don't over do it with smiley faces, and flirty remarks, and compliments etc. Less is always more.


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
I've gotten to the point where I can usually recognize a lame text before I send it. There's a little voice in my head that whispers, "You don't really want to send that." It's soft but I've learned to hear it. When I don't listen to it, it turns out it's always right. :eek:

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
Reaction score
Just think before you hit send. Be straightforward and calm in your texts. Don't beat around the bush. Never, ever use smileys. Very rarely should you use lols or lmaos. Close the conversation once you've sealed the date or texted for a few lines.


Don Juan
Feb 23, 2015
Reaction score
Wait 10 minutes to reply unless in the moment conversation. A trick I use to not send stupid shet is the 'would my friends laugh at me if they saw this?' Test before sending a message haha, if your friends would laugh at you about a message, rewrite it :p


Senior Don Juan
Aug 15, 2014
Reaction score
First and foremost make sure it passes the jumbo-tron test. The jumbo-tron test suggests that if the text were to be displayed on the jumbo-tron of a packed sporting arena/stadium (80,000+ people) and everyone were to read it, you wouldn't so much as flinch because you know the text just shows how alpha you really are.

Of course, any ranting, smileys, impulsive, useless banter is going to make you CRINGE when put up against the jumbo-tron test, hence you shouldn't send it.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 25, 2014
Reaction score
I always have a general rule of not letting my texts to a girl be more than 3 lines maximum. If it's pushing three lines or so, I always go back and delete part of it.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
Reaction score
USA, Louisiana
Never text.... If I'm going to fvck up I do it in person. At least you can read the displeasure in her BL.


Master Don Juan
Oct 31, 2013
Reaction score
narci....i respect u

I only read ur title post.
...bruh... Ur just low on endorphins at the moment.

if I was ur home town homie I'd take u for a run or gym session.

don't worry bro. Ur the man...that little voice is fuel for the fire.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 14, 2014
Reaction score
Texting sucks! Especially if you are pretty good in person. But, if you are like me and like younger girls or if ou are young yourself and date girls under 25 ish, texting is a weapon in the arsenal that you need to hone and use very,very carefully.

One trick I learned: There should be a setting on your phone that will delay messages by either 3 or 10 seconds. It wont save you from every "forhead slap" moment but it will cut down on your impulse speed.

Another trick I learned: Edit. Edit.Edit.
Type everything you want to send and then trim it. Then trim it again.

When you are triming you start to rethink the whole thing sometimes. Then you take time. Then you sometimes reframe the whole thing. Then, other times, you dont even reply at all. I have noticed...when that happens, 9 times out of 10, they end up retexting you. Better for you.

I have destroyed 3 very,very, strong prosepects and one very strong plate with texting non-sense. So be forwarned, text, but understand its a bull, and, when you f^ck with the bull you get the horns.

There is a pretty good audio book that helped me a good bit, but it goes against everything on this site. So... Look for it and youll find it, but I dont think I should post it.

However, never, ever, use the lines:

Emogies of any kind.

You can very sparringly use only this :) OR ;-)

They are called softeners and can work, but only very rarely. Part of your editing. I think I have used them only 20 or so times in the last few months.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 15, 2014
Reaction score
RangerMIke said:
Never text.... If I'm going to fvck up I do it in person. At least you can read the displeasure in her BL.
But if you play it right texting can actually HELP you in the long run.

For example, some chick texted me the other night and in mid conversation I stopped responding. 40 minutes later she texts me "goodnight" and I keep ignoring. The next morning I just shoot her a text "Hey sry my phone died last night" and of course she says "that's okay!"

But you know it took her on an emotional roller coaster. She probably sent the second text out of desperation for me to reply. When I didn't she probably started going over everything in her head on why I'm ignoring her.

Truth is I ignored her because she already established she couldn't see me that night, it was late, and the conversation was meaningless. I had nothing to gain from replying, but quite a bit to gain from ignoring.

I understand some guys may see this as childish. And to some extent, I completely agree. But the fact is these girls will play games REGARDLESS if we do or not, so we may as well have the upper hand on them.

I understand at your age it may be different, but for younger girls ages 18-25, it's all a game to them.

And you know, I say this because texting is going to happen regardless. If a girl texts me I'm not just going to call her to respond. That's weird to me, and probably to her too.

Also, texting too much and coming off as 'beta' in texts has quite literally ruined relationships with me. It got real bad at one point. But now instead of just trying to "not text" I use it as a weapon to MY advantage.

The funny part is, using it to my advantage just really goes back to not doing it much at all, if ever. So in a way it's actually like you said. I only use it to schedule dates for a specific reason. I keep them very short and to the point. Never just "to chat" or rant, because as you said that can only hurt you. I never use smileys, I rarely joke around, and I take as long or longer to respond. In my experience these things actually DO matter, believe it or not. I'll save the joking around for my buddies sometime sure, but with a girl? I've learned from that. Definitely not again.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
Reaction score
Oh boy yea

With me its either hit or miss sometimes i can be an absolute boss at texting ......other times absolutely useless no other area of my game is as contrasting as my text game is

Usually all depends on the chick and how interested i am

There has been times in the past where I’ve literally spent hours thinking about what to say to raise her interest

Unfortunately I’ve learnt that if you’re in that kind of situation, your there because she isn’t interested enough in you in the first place and no amount of texting is going to change that

I tend to keep real life texting to an absolute bare minimum now ....short sharp and to the point often just to work out logistics between me and HB

Some girls don’t like it because you refuse to play into their frame , others will respond well to this but will expect you to pick up the slack when you do actually meet them in person

Tinder is an absolute waste of fvcking time


It serves as an excellent “trail & error” platform to test new stuff on i would recommend practicing on here


Jan 8, 2015
Reaction score
Mauser96 said:
The more you text, the quicker the relationship ends.

Keep doing it - in a few years, you will understand.

When she knows everything you are doing, all about you, can text you and you are ALWAYS available to respond - she never wonders, worries, nor is there any mystery. This has been re-hashed a million times, and life is too short to do it again.

Not to mention that ALL your texts get pored over by her and her girlfriends, while they plot strategy to make you chase. It is ONE BIG game, and by texting all the time, you play right into it.

No you can text when you want and wont end mystery. Losers dont matter if they have mystery the women don't care.


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2013
Reaction score
Text **** me up in person I am much more smoother compared to texting. Sometimes I beat around the bush and use to many smiles, then I get to blunt and "scare" them off


Senior Don Juan
Nov 21, 2012
Reaction score
All this sh*t about texting. Just text when you feel about it, don't watch the clock and wait exactly half an hour (or double as long as she waited to respond) or all that bull**** I read. If you have that great lifestyle we're all looking for, it automatically takes longer to respond to her.

I also read of in the moment conversations in this thread, this is true, you can text to each other where you are constantly texting, I have experienced this to be more positive then instead always waiting a couple of minutes, she might loose the vibe and start being more distant.

Moral: just do what the **** you want. If you keep thinking about time and stuff, you're still putting her on a pedestal and thinking she's better then you, which we all know is not what we want.


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2013
Reaction score
SayWhat said:
Moral: just do what the **** you want. If you keep thinking about time and stuff, you're still putting her on a pedestal and thinking she's better then you, which we all know is not what we want.
There is some truth in what you say here, but it's not the whole truth. Yes a lot of guys follow guidelines to fake it and pretend not to pedestalize the girl. However, just because you do in fact realize this is a game, and there are strategies to increase your odds of doing well, doesn't mean you think she's better than you.

No matter how Don Juan you are, if you completely follow your impulses you will not do as well than if you instead put some calculations into your moves. This is a game. There's strategy.


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2014
Reaction score
Miami, Florida
Every single guy here regurgitating the same bull**** information they hear. Just following the crowd. So let me stand up and say it. IF a girl is really interested in you, it will be EXTREMELY hard to **** up over text.
If she's not interested, doesn't matter what you say or the little games you try and play.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
This is why Harry and I always say texting kills relationships. It should really be, excessive or careless texting kills relationships.

Naturally texting is a necessity these days, but IMO a man waters himself down to commonality when he engages in excessive texting. Before you know it, you're just another girlfriend of hers, spewing nonsensical, whimsical comments between each other, just like her vapid friends.

Remember always that a women wants and needs her man to be better than she is. That means being scarce. She should innately understand that you consider texting to be a practical convenience and nothing more. You should be too busy building and running your empire to have time-wasting conversations via text.

Texting is a throwaway medium. An attractive man shuns thruway diversions and doesn't identify himself with the common, everyday things of life. How can a man be exciting to a woman when she carries him in her purse?


Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2011
Reaction score
Atom Smasher said:
excessive or careless texting kills relationships.

Naturally texting is a necessity these days

you consider texting to be a practical convenience and nothing more
This, This and This.

If you wanna practice your text game, OP, just get on Tinder. Best way to work on text game IMO. My text game improved when I got tinder, even if I only used it for a few weeks.