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I am in a REALLY messed up situation and feeling the lowest I ever have in my life


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
Reaction score
wherever I lay my hat
Originally posted by Player_Supreme
Here is some more pimp style advice youngster:

shi.ting on a byatch:

I took this phrase from Pimp_Supreme. This is how I break a confident ***** down:

1. I let her know that I've had better. This will fu.ck them up and make them work harder to please you. ex: 2 of the last byatches I told them that my ex gave the best head. I then told them don't ever try to do that to me. what do you think they always wanted to do after that.

I told them that my ex gave the best massages and they would have to do better. byatches hate to be compared to other byatches and they are competitive as f.uck.

You don't have to use the phrase my ex: I told one ho she didn't know how to make love just f*ck or rutted like a goat. She begged me to teach her how to...Of course I fine tuned this byatch to the way I wanted shyt done up in my bed.

2. I pick apart their bodies and their style of dress. Hell bytches do it to men after they land them. I'm just reversing the game.

3. I catch a quick temper at the slightest piece of shyt. bytches are use to mutha f.ucka's bowing down. I don't bow down to no ho'

4. I tweak them into being addicted to me. I do this by being unpredictable. One day I'm nice the next I'm moody and shyt on them. They never know what they are getting. There have been studies that shows people do become addicted to unpredictable situations. These studies showed how people who become gambling addicts due to the unpredictableness of gambling. You never know when your up or down. Emotional highs & lows. Ever wonder why abused women stay? and will beat a cop down who trys to take away her man?

*****es learn to tip toe in my presence. You ever see a dog whine and bow down low? Now that's what this nigga's talkin about. I aint wolfin about my shyt either. I will leave my picture on my screen name for a few more days so you can see who your actually dealing with.

Anyone else wanna add some of their shyt to this post? Hit me up with your flava.


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
Reaction score
wherever I lay my hat
Originally posted by Player_Supreme
I'm going to sprinkle some more pimp style game on ya:

1430.1 Let me start by stating an obvious fact. Bit.ches love to talk. Go anywhere, ie a coffee shop, lunch, chat rooms and you will find the truth of this statment.

So I have found that the art of the mouth piece isn't being able to converse with them as much as it's being able to give the impression that you are truely listening. Before you mutha ****a's start. I am not talking about becoming a symp!

The only way to get her life story is to do active listening. I know we fella's hate to listnen to *****es blather on & on about nothing of substance to US, that's why I said "give the impression" that your listening.

Here's a simple model of what I mean:
* she talks
* you listen
* you repeat some of what she said
It's that simple.
While the bi.tch is giving you her life story you say one of these:
* Hmmmm
* Damn you don't say
* Uh-huh
Every now & then add:
* Damn, that's sounds "twisted" or "crazy" or some shi.t along those lines.

There are 2 almost magic words that will cover most of the topics the ***** is going on & on about.:

* Frustrating
* Exciting

70% of the time bit.ches are feeling some form of unpleasantness in their little ****ed up lives. Saying : Dam that **** sounds frustrating as hell will fit most occasions.

Most of the other time a ***** is feeling "pleasant", so "Yeah that sounds exciting will fit.

Or try this phrase: "Dam you must feel___________". You can use either positive or negative. Like Furious, or mad as ____ (a skin head watching the Jeffersons) (don't use that one). Or positive: "you must be feelin thrilled boo".

All you gotta do is listen and from time to time say a couple of syllables or comment on a feeling she's describing.

For you shy mutha fu.ckas like I used to be...fu.ck that. You don't have to be afraid to listen. They love to talk, just bring the two of you together and there you go. Todays special is pus.sy on the platter served to your perfection" A bit.ch will do anything once you get control over her funky ass.

The whole time your managing the bit.ch. Letting her talk her way into your web. Remember your not a symp who ends up in the FRIEND catagory you gotta get those panties also. That's what I mean by managing.

Next time a bit.ch approaches or you approach say:
"how are you feeling?" Do not use "doing." Women love to tell someone how they are feeling. If you give the apperance that you are actually listening then BLAM you ass is in there. You become stored in her little head as a good memory.

Add this to the stuff in my other article the What, where, why when **** and you become unstoppable. Boom baby you blow up. Freaks over hear,freaks over there.

Who do you thing she is going to call for good memories?
Now I don't go around soliciting every ho's ear. I combine this sh.it with my: aggressive male dominating, super confident, ****y as fu.ck, I will fu.ck the hell out of you until you scream jesus, then I will make love to you until you hear the birds singing ,attitude and you can see why I call myself the ZenMack. I will go all zen on a bit.ch when she tries to start somethin (you know those dam tests they like to try).

If your feeling what I'm spittin then holla at a playa.
One last thing DO NOT TRY TO FIX A BIT.CHES PROBLEMS!!! Leave that **** alone. If she wanted advice let her ass write to Dear Abbey or some sh.it. I know it's hard for us Men not to fix problems but believe me she isn't looking for advice. You make will place yourself into symp zone when you try to. Your not in the problem solving business, your pimps.

When you come to the table you come to own the entire building it's in. Symps come to the table to help them so maybe they might on a day the bit.ch is feeling good about herself and has nothing else to do and the alpha male dude she is really diggin is fuc.king someone else, just might let the symp rub her funky assed feet and then send his sorry ass home, after listening to him blather on & on about she should do this and she should do that when she knows good and dam well she's gonna do what she is gonna do. Do you feel me brotha's?


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
Reaction score
wherever I lay my hat
Originally posted by Player_Supreme
It’s pimp or be pimped in this world.

In the world of business you have a company. The head or CEO is the pimp. The managers are the bottom *****es. The ho’s are the employee’s. The Johns are the customers. The pimp rarely talks or spends time with the ho’s, instead he spends his time with the managers to make sure the business is on track. Rarely will he go out and party with the ho’s (employee’s).

In every situation that you enter you will either pimp or be pimped. I was talking to my buddy who is a beginner in this game. He has a coffee date setup for March 19,2003. I explained to him that either he will pimp this girl ie; get past her road blocks and talk his way into copping her, or she will pimp him. Get him to accept her contract ie let’s be friends first and shyt.

I was further explaining to him that when he goes into movie or tv deals he is either going to have to pimp or get pimped by the stations or producers who hire him.

Back to his coffee date. I told him that he was going to have to raise above the just getting ***** goal and to focus on enjoying the game, in order to take the pressure of himself and to allow him to relax.

In Mickey Royals book he talks about having to give up your loves and lusts. He stated that a pimp is not impressed by money, sex, or items of self indulgence. A pimp must raise above everything in his life.

The masses are ho’s and tricks who are subconsciously driven by their insecurities and inadequacies while they meander down the road of life. The pimp is the awakened one who sees what is really going on and uses his sight to get what he wants out of life.

Pimps really are born not made. If the game is in you then it will manifest itself. You just need game to bring it out. You sharpen and hone your game by going out their and playing on the field of life. Whether it’s actual pimping of a ho or just copping the punany it’s still a game.

I further explained to my buddy that when you are in the heat of laying your rap down your brain spins so much faster than normal. Your observation and thinking skills elevate themselves. You say the right words more often than not. When you **** up you quickly correct the situation and bring it back on course during your convo’s.

Mickey Royal stated that “To peep game means to see something for exactly what it is, to read between the lines-to properly assess a situation because you must peep game before entering.”

For me my desire is not for copping pus.sy. My desire is to obtain control over a bit.ch, because either you have it or she does. There is no equality in this world. In a dance two people can't lead.

The only way to develop game is to crawl into the game and wait tables until you can walk in and be seated like a prince. My buddy is at the waiting on tables stage.


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
Reaction score
wherever I lay my hat
Originally posted by Player_Supreme
Most men just do not know how to talk to women. I am going to tell you about a technique to use on women to make you a master at conversation.
If you ask women open ended questions and you will never be at a loss.
All right mutha ****a's, you are probably thinking, what the hell is an open ended question (unless you've been in sales before)? An open-ended question is a question that begins with one of the following words:
What, Why, Where, When, and How.

An open-ended question cannot be answered with a one word answer and you can get a woman talking for an hour if you ask the right questions. If you become an expert at asking open-ended questions you will never again be at a loss for words on what to say to a woman.

Here are a few examples:

What was your last boyfriend like...this will give you clues as to how much abuse she will take...if she say's he was an ******* I paid for everything...let your pimp brain do the rest.
**I know some of you don't like to ask about negative subjects and all that speed seduction stuff*****

When were you last in love and what was it like for you....this type of question puts her into a state of remembering what love felt like and it makes her more suggestable to your direction.

There are probably dozens of questions you can ask but the important thing to remember is to keep the b*tch talking.

This type of questioning allows you to get inside her head. *****es will percieve you as being genuwine (and your not), Real (don't make me laugh), and Personable (if only they knew the truth), and really interested in them (need I comment).

We know you only have one goal and that is to play the game and play it well.
For you beginners out there try formulating 5 open-ended questions before you speak to a b*tch.

You can take one subject matter and work it to death by just breaking it down...for example:

1. where do you live
a. do you like it there?
b. what do you like about living there?
c. how long have you been there?
2. where did you live before
a. how long were you there
b. tell me about living there
c. why did you leave

ect ect...just one subject and you will get hoards of info from her little mind. And you will be elevated in her's for taking a deeper than shallow interest.... Whom would you like to spend your time talking too...someone who gets nervous and asks you plain questions or someone who seems to take a true interest in the real U..

Getting a mouth piece is all about taking the spot light off you and putting it on her. Some big mouths will f**k this sh*t up for example take the first series of questions above they will ask it and they tell there sh*t like Oh yeah I used to live there and boy was it...blah blah blah...you get the idea
Don't do this sh*t. Keep that light on her and remain a mystery to her... When she asks you questions deliberately joke around and be vague in your answers.

So you see there is really nothing to talking to fine women except taking a true interest in the real person before you and not her tits & ass.

There are no magic 1st liners...forget that sh*t it doesn't exists. Nothing beats walking up to someone and say Hello! What's your name....Hey Susie, my name is Pimpin, nice to meet you...are you from here? and off you go.

You gotta learn to use the surrounding to spark off a topic. I like to take something in the area and make a funny comment on it as a way of introduction. This way your coming at her from a side angle instead of straight up in her face, then begin my attack.


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
Reaction score
wherever I lay my hat
Originally posted by Player_Supreme
Some more game tips:


Ho’s can make up their mind and make a decision real quick on if she is going to give you some or not within a few minutes of meeting you. It’s a known fact that we have 2 separate sides to our brains. We men our feeling side is less developed than womens, which is no secret. Ho’s brains are different. For some reason both their sides of the brain work together. In men we access our analytical side with ease, but have difficulty using the emotional side. Ho’s brains work faster and more efficiently. We have been educated since birth to be analytical and analyze things and sh*t. If it’s broken fix it kinda thinking.

A ho’s brain can take a thought and put it to both sides of her brain and come up with a decision about you in mere moments.

So the lesson here is look good , sound good, be on top of your game before you approach fine assed women


Dimes want men to talk about their feelings more. I read this one in a book on picking up beautiful women once. Even though this is hard to do, Ho’s want this sh*t. I was brought up to hide my sh*t and “be a man”. I have had to retrain my brain in order to write emotional sh*t that will reach women’s brain centers. Learn to speak ho’ ese and you will have no problems getting them.


Fine assed women think they are old even when they aren’t. Society is rough on women. They are old by 25 years of age while we just get more distinguished looking. Look at your TV anchors and you will see the truth of this fact. This fact can work wonders in your favor. The finer the biatch the more you have to manipulate her low self esteem.


Fine women have fewer choices to date than plain assed women do. Most fools are intimidated by fine dimes. You will see an average chump fall down on his knee’s quacking and shaking when a dime smiles at him as if some biblical prophet from the sky had bless his sorry ass. My ex-girlfriend who works for M.A.C make up told me this secret. Most of the fine assed women who bought the hottest makeup line on the planet didn’t have boyfriends cause fools were too skerred (scared) to approach them. These ho’s had to settle for male friends to take them out dancing. How many times have you heads seen fine women out with some fool you thought was their boyfriends only to find out he was just a friend?.


Most of the fine assed women you see have been hurt in past relationships and are usually afraid of it happening again. How many times have you heard about some fine women who had dated a bad boy and got her feelings hurt. Well a lot of these girls are a little scared to date again. And that’s where the fun and challenge comes in. It’s up to you to make her believe that you are the one for her, at least until you get the panties. I don’t’ feel bad for these women. I figure until they change what’s inside they will keep on attracting guys like me. I remember meeting this one dime years ago at a club. I took her out to a Denny’s afterwards and talked to her for almost 2 hours about how I wouldn’t just f*uck her and then not call her. And I had actually planned on seeing her again. Low and behold she ended up in my bed early that morning and cause she kept emphasizing how I wouldn’t’ call her the next day….I didn’t just to make her sh*t come true.


Most fine honeys do not think they are so beautiful. Yeah thank god for ego’s. this gives us players room to manuver in. These women will work for hours on their make-up, dress, hair and all the rest and still think they are ugly. And don’t even talk about their competitive nature with other dimes. If any of you have ever dated a stripper, model, actress then you know what I’m talking about. They are the most dissatisfied women you can find anywhere. Of course I like to keep them on the edge like that. I love to tear their self-confidence down so that they become dependant on me. Selfish... Hell yes. But getting laid all the way and paid.


Fine women are always available, even if they are on a date. Yeah that’s my old player days speaking when I didn’t care if she had someone with her. I would catch her attention and flirt behind her boyfriends back. Often just the two of us laughing and sharing a private joke. Then she would go to the bathroom and I would make my move. Most women are bored in their current relationships and are looking for excitement. Most will go outside of their relationships to achieve this excitement. Don’t let the image of a good girl fool you. There are really only a few true good girls out there. The trick is you gotta be on top of your game to approach them. Women are attracted to a man who knows what he is doing, what to say, and acts like he knows how to treat her how she really needs to be treated. And I’m not talking about symp behavior either.


Ho’s will judge you in 5 seconds flat how you dance or how you kiss. If you dance stiff they will assume you do everything stiff. If that first kiss isn’t passionate then you can forget the panties bruh’s. Ho’s love a man who is passionate. This shows in the way you dance. For years I had no game other than my ability to dance real well. I have even gotten women off sexually on the dance floor. This is a fact. I have had bouncer friends of mine confirm this sh*t. Dancing with me is like making love. I don’t just hit the ass on the floor I move them sexually and tease them erotically. When I know they are turned on I will almost brush my lips past theirs and breath my pheremones on them when I do. By the time I feel like kissing them they are so aroused they will nut right there on the floor.

Believe me I have felt it soaking through their clothes. The key is to find women who are passionate to begin with. You’ve seen them on the floor looking sexy as f**k when they dance with a man. It’s in the way they look at him as if they want to devour them right their, it’s in the way they move…kinda slow and sensual…it’s in the way they touch their dance partners…as if begging to be taken. I don’t waste my time with stiff stuck in their issues types of ho’s. Too much work breaking past their locks and barriers. Go for the sexy women out their and you will increase not only the quality of sex but your chances for getting it to begin with.


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
Reaction score
wherever I lay my hat
Originally posted by Player_Supreme
And from my posts at Playaz University:

As a player you gotta develop rapport with your women. You must make them feel comfortable around you. You do this by giving them positive attention. Remember we are talking about being a player, not a pimp. What this means is that you must develop rapport through attention.

To accomplish this you must use compliments to get inside her guards. As a player you must learn to play the game. That means being able to adapt to each situation at hand. One of my techniques was to appear really interested in the woman that I was pursuing. When I danced with her I only had eyes for her. I would give the woman my complete attention on the dance floor. This caused her to get in sinc with me. I developed the ability to read her every movement on the dance floor and new exactly when to push her a little harder. Just this weekend I was able to break through a woman’s defenses within 8 minutes and get her to give me some “sugga” . I did this by adapting my movements to hers so that it appeared that we were actually vibing together.

Women are all about feelings. They want to feel good. As a player your goal is to constantly give them pleasant feelings about you. Your goal is to get her to associate good feelings in her subconscious mind with images of YOU. What I want all of you aspiring players to do is take a lesson from the pimp game.

Get her life story. What that means is ask her questions about herself, during your convo. Then listen to what she says. In her conversation she will give you the clues that it takes to get those panties. She will give you a blue print for mastering her body. Women will even provide information on what kind of atmosphere that they want when you seduce them. This process does take time but it’s well worth it in the long run.

I want you to mold your being to appear more compatible with her. That doesn’t mean lying about yourself. If she says she loves scuba diving and you tell a fat lie about doing it also your gonna look pretty stupid when it’s time to put up or shut up.

What I would do is pretend to be interested in the sport and act like I’m really impressed with her knowledge and mastery of what she is into. A player must learn to keep the woman smiling and feeling good about herself. One way is to tap into her sense of humor. Women love to laugh, and they love men who make them laugh.

I’m not asking your to actually “symp” (sympathize) out with women. As a player you actually don’t really care what she is feeling, as long as she is feeling like breaking you off some and doing all the freaky things that you have in your heads for her to do for YOU!

One of my best techniques which is sweeping the net is the ****y but funny technique. This is actually an old style from way back when that has been coined and being sold by a smart internet marketer in the dating arena. What you do is adopt a persona of being extremely competent, and crack jokes on the woman. Not serious put downs but funny little things about something humorous about her. For example: Recently I was at a night club, there was this breezy (really fine girl) standing near me. She was the type that turned heads everywhere. Well the girl was dancing around behind me and I turned to her and said “I wanna see you dance”, she though I asked her to dance and said “ok” I said “no I don’t wanna dance with you I just wanna watch you back it up on the dance floor”.

You gotta look for your opportunities with this technique to create an opening line to get her attention and create humor. You can’t let fear stop you. Fear is the biggest weakness of players who are new to the game. To overcome your fear you gotta go to the source.

Your mind! When you look at a fine woman, what are you really afraid of? Go on ask yourself what are you really afraid of. Then ask yourself how can you get rid of this fear since it no longer serves you. Fear is designed to protect us from harm. But in our game it only does harm to us.

I say that fear is for the Symps out there. As players fear has no place in our lives. I read some motivating words recently that stated: As a player you come to deal with a stacked deck. So what if that broad didn’t cough up her phone number. She has no importance in your life than a bag of dog food and you with no dog. It means nothing to you cause you are the center of your universe. Nothing can harm you unless you allow it. This woman means nothing to you. And it is her loss when she says no. She is a thing that is easily replaced, so you will not waste one minute of worry over her behind.

We players are not in the business of looking for approval or love from other people. You are in control of your life. The symps who watch you have no power over you. So what if you have to walk away from the girl in the night club with them watching. You are a player, you have plenty of women to chose from.

Aight peace, players.


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
Reaction score
wherever I lay my hat
Originally posted by Player_Supreme
By now you should know that its common knowledge that women are indeed stimulated by words. Womens communication side of the brain is in high development compared to men's.

Look in the bible where it is said that the snake whispered in eve's ear.
Have you ever noticed how women can hear all of the words in songs where we men only grasp half of it if that.

Research has shown that womens auditory skill are infact very highly developed. Think back to cavemen times when the men hunted and women sat around cooking and communicating. We needed visual skills in order to catch game while women were advancing far ahead of us with communication stuff.

Through words a womens mind can be stimulated to sexual arousal. Look at the number one selling books on the market, Romance novels. A multi million dollar a year industry just to give women words they imagine that was being said to them, that their tired assed men never say.
If you can't say it write it.

I have written romantic sh*t and just plain raw sexual sh*t and it all works planting seeds deep in womens minds. I know this sounds like that NLP sh*t but I think they are onto something. Here is an example of an email that I got back from a girl whom I communicated with online.
***you know this if you've read my example live case study*****

"I just now read your emails from late last night. I am a bit frustrated right now because I am so far away from you so it is hard for me to prove my love and commitment to you. I need to be close to you right now and it is very difficult for me. I need to look you in your eyes and explain to you what my intentions are because I want you to have faith that I can take care of what you need. I can understand why you wouldn't trust me completly. But, every single piece of me...everything in my body mind and soul is absorbed right now with thoughts of making you happy, keeping you close, and not letting you go. ALL of me...100% of me ...dedicated to you and your happiness. I don't want anything else. I don't NEED anything else. No One else could possibly come close to making me feel like you do. TRY ME. I won't back down...I won't turn away."

Too bad I ruined this one by pimping her out for money!

In closing I would like to state that if you can master the art of communication, either written or spoken then the world of women will be your play ground.


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
Reaction score
wherever I lay my hat
Originally posted by Player_Supreme
Like I stated before there is a difference between copping (a pimp term) and catching (a player term). I like to copp vs catch. This process is longer and does require time but you will have a totally enthralled woman at the end.

I. The whole things starts with the catch.
A. You get this by:
1. looking good when you go out.
2. Doing the eye contact thing to gain attention
B. Then you do your approach
1. You engineer a contact once the door is open, and only then
2. You then get the basics ie her name and a few details
3. When you start to leave "hey I gotta find my buddy why don't
you put your number in my celly real quick and I will hit you up
soon" or "here's my card give me a call Monday after >>>"
II. Now is when your copping process starts...
1. You find out her life story ie phone contact 20 minutes
2. You look for elements of exploitation
3. You set a date to further get her story 60 minutes or less
4. If your pimptight you spit your contract at her

Belive it or not almost everybody around you ar potentials for your team.

At the beginning of this process your looking for what's missing in the girls life...ie...adventure...lack of attention..romance....a need to be dirty and nasty cause she is bored outta her ****ing mind....or maybe she just wants mental or physical stimulation.

You need to identify what's missing and then let her know that your the one who can supply it. To do this you need to look beyond their appearances and look deep within them.

Your next step is to take them away from their boring existance with promises of pleasure. It is also in this process that you will begin to add the element of confusion.

By digging into their lives you have created a bond between you and the girl. She will start becomming intrigued by you. You will find her desire to please you will start showing up. You gotta tread carefully at this point cause this is where she could blow out and decide your too dangerous to mess with.

Your goal is to mentally lead her butt off to the side. Create emotions within her and then add confusion. By now you shoulda got the panties, or she is begging you too do her like all the others have before.

Some players like to use the 2 steps forward and then back away to highthen her attraction untill she is literaly begging to be ****ed. Me I prefer to just take the p*ssy and do it so well that she can't think of anything else but me. That is when I start adding confusion by backing away then coming forward again.

I try to keep her in suspense about what will happen next between us. I will let her know that I've had better and that she is just only ok...Then I will switch it up by complimenting her and making her feel good.

Like I said you gotta mix it up here. I call one day then let days go by before I call again. I may return her calls or I may not. By the end of this process she is a total basket case, wondering where she stands in my life.

Never ever let what happens become routine. Read this sentence again until it is burned in your brain. I have made many a mistakes letting my actions become routine with women in the past...to my own downfall of course. Don't make this mistake. They crave this kinda roller coster rides. Women need emotional stimulation the way we need sex...so give it to them.

When you start bringing her into the fantasy world that she is craving...don't take her all the way in...let it ride...make her beg to go deeper...this will keep her begging you for your time and attention.

Establish your Daddy/girl relationship during this proccess if you haven't already done so. Let her know that you have the power to give her what she really needs.

You will also begin to isolate her from everything that she finds comfort in during this phase. You want her world to revolve around only you and your words. Your words should be her highs and lows in her life.

Let the following be your banner or moto of who you are:

The Romantic Predator
The sexual predator, that dark and mysterious figure, the "stranger", unpredictable, hinting at danger, tinged with violence... what is there that so attracts women to him? Truly, there seems something almost magical about those few men who seem able to mesmerize women at will. What secret do they possess that gives them this power, this intensity, this animal magnetism?
Users and manipulators is the key phrase. Such men have learned to spot and sniff out vulnerable women, the "wounded birds", the ones most susceptible to their particular brand of sorcery. They have mastered the art of "pushing the emotional buttons" of their fellow humans, exploiting the feelings and weaknesses of hurt people (and is not most everyone hurt?), playing women like a musical instrument. In their single-minded pursuit of pleasure, of self-gratification, they leave behind them a string of victims.
These ... fancy-grade hit-and-run drivers leave numerous victims in their wake...
Roger Shattuck, Forbidden Knowledge

Can I get an amen brothers


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
Reaction score
wherever I lay my hat
Originally posted by Player_Supreme
More on copping:

Let me remind you that the term copping refers to getting someone to fall deeply head over heels for you. As one pimp stated once “when your words can bring her heaven and hell”. This means I am not talking about simply picking her up. I am referring to the complete destruction of her will and total owning of her soul. So lets continue.

The copping process does take time. From the first approach to the full ownership of her soul will take you the player some time to achieve. But let me say the road is a fun one to trod, with delicious rewards at the end of the path.

In my previous post I talked about choosing the right person to cop. Pimps have a saying “ stalk a ho”. That means study her and learn as much as possible about her before you approach.

I also talked about approaching indirectly and sending mixed signals. I believe I also covered using other people in your bag of tricks. Let’s move on to the next thing.

By now you have met the person. You have had conversations with them. You need to get their life story and dig deep into their character. What your looking for is that deep void that everyone has. You want to find out those deep rooted insecurities or problems that every person possesses. These are your tools for burrowing yourself deeper into her mind.

Your goal is to create tension and disharmony inside her little head. Softly remind them of how their lives are boring or how they are getting old and set in their ways. Remind them of how they were as kids free and fun. Stir up feelings of unhappiness at what ever circumstances that they have at present. Play on her feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt.

These feelings that you will stir up will give you the room in her mind to become her savior. Make sure she knows that you are the only salvation to what ever problem that she has. I read recently that pain and anxiety are the proper precursors to pleasure. To keep your upper hand you will need to learn to manufacture a need that only you will be able to fulfill for her.

Once I start getting to know a new catch, I will find out her weakness and begin to use them against her. I will over time destroy her self-esteem so that her only light becomes me. Here is a recent posting where I wrote on this subject:

“****ting on a b*tch:
I took this phrase from Pimp_Supreme. This is how I break a confident biaatch down:
1. I let her know that I've had better. This will fuack them up and make them work harder to please you. ex: 2 of the last biaatches I told them that my ex gave the best head. I then told them don't ever try to do that to me. what do you think they always wanted to do after that.
I told them that my ex gave the best massages and they would have to do better. Biaatches hate to be compared to other biaatches and they are competitive as fuyck.
You don't have to use the phrase my ex: I told one biaatch she didn't know how to make love just fuyck or rutted like a goat. She begged me to teach her how to...Of course I fine tuned this biaatch to the way I wanted shiyt done up in my bed.
2. I pick apart their bodies and their style of dress. Hell *****es do it to men after they land them. I'm just reversing the game.

3. I catch a quick temper at the slightest piece of sh*t. *****es are use to mutha ****a's bowing down. I don't bow down to no ho'

4. I tweak them into being addicted to me. I do this by being unpredictable. One day I'm nice the next I'm moody and shyit on them. They never know what they are getting. There have been studies that shows people do become addicted to unpredictable situations. These studies showed how people who become gambling addicts due to the unpredictableness of gambling. You never know when your up or down. Emotional highs & lows. Ever wonder why abused women stay? and will beat a cop down who trys to take away her man?"

Here is a recent posting of ways to become unpredictable:

1. How about planning sh*t and then cancelling at the last minute.
2. Returning phone calls sporadically
3. Being nice one day and distant the next.
4. Being passionate in bed and then refusing sex next time.
5. General running hot & cold or moody
6. Being at home some times around the same time for a week then disappearing for periods of time.
7. Inviting the biaatch over, then when she shows up be too busy to spend time with them...example:

I had to go collect this sh*t that came in yesterday and today from a ho I put on stand by cause she started acting out. I let her take me to a chineese dinner and drop some doe then she started whinning when I drove her volvo too fast or some shyit on the way to my crib...I decided to fyuck her up and ignored her aszs the rest of the night and didn't give her any sex that night...the next day I told her to beat it, I wasn't playin any more. Then I wrote the ho one of my famous emails breaking her azss down and here is the results: ***her frantic emails to me***
like the fact that you are honest with me...

I never new that I was being a whiner, self-centered and selfish....

I feel terrible and I feel bad....I really do.....

I always think about me and my problems...my life and you do not need
to listen to that.....I am sorry...

I am sorry....I am sorry for everything......

I just missed you and hanging out with you.....I wanted to really have
fun on Friday....

I know I have not been fun to be around....

I hope things are ok with you....

I am here for you if you ever need me....

I am sorry...I have no right to complain about you...and your
and how am I self centered?? I clean your house and I do ever get a
thank you.....

I hope one day you can let me try again with you....

I did not realize how I sound when I whine....I just do it for fun...I
never ment to push you away or bother you by it....

All I wanted to do was to have a fun weekend with you last weekend and
have some crazy wild sex......

Is there anything I can do to change your mind.....Can I suck your
d*ck...??? and make you explode???

this should give you an idea of running hot & cold and how pulling away at times make a b*tch desperate.

8. I have a ton of more ways to f**k with ho's but this enough to chew on for now. As you pimps can see I do get results. The ho's are enthralled to me. "

For some reason when you tear a woman or person down they become enthralled with you. When you point out their flaws and weakness it creates thoughts in their heads...especially when what your saying is true and they know it's true.

Oh one more thing most of my tear downs are done with a humerous tone to them. I softly break them then I start doing serious damage to their ego's.

there is a dating program sold on the internet now that promotes being ****y but funny. This is some old style pimpin from along time ago that has been marketed, coined and sold to help shy guys get dates. It still works today, believe me!


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
Reaction score
wherever I lay my hat
Originally posted by Player_Supreme
And here is my last piece to pull ya coat kid:

Ideas in the area of Persuasion.

Players who stay in the game will develop their powers of persuasion over time. The art of persuasion is a powerful tool in the game. Your objective as players is to persuade that fine assed woman in the club to leave with you and no one else.

Most women when they go out to a club do so with the idea that they will be going home alone. But what you don’t realize is that they would love to meet a man and stop for a late night cub of java or a snack or even just exchange phone numbers. But you have to persuade her butt to make this choice. And if you know anything about women making choices then you get an idea of it’s complexity.

Women want to meet a real man. Your job is to convince her that you are the one. She has gotta feel that she is going to be a happier person for meeting and leaving with you.

Take a moment to step into that fine ho’s shoes. She needs a companion and a friend. She most likely lonely, vulnerable and in need of emotional excitement in her life. It’s up to you to prove that you are the man who can give this to her. Sell her the dream, nobody says you actually have to deliver it.

You don’t want her thinking your just trying to get into her panties. You gotta make it easy for her to leave with you to have coffee after your done at the night club. The key is to make her feel safe. Tell her to drive her car and pick a well lit restaurant to go to.

You want her to start making choices that she will feel good about. What’s going through her mind are little fears that you must address such as:

· Fear of being alone with your happy ass where there are no other people
· The problems with driving alone to a far off diner
· Will she get enough sleep to get to work on time
· Does she have enough money to pay for coffee
· Will this fool try to get too close to her over coffee

Deal with these before hand to eliminate any possible resistance. Now since your still thinking from her perspective, do you think that fine assed woman enjoys being alone for the night? Do you think she took a shower, got hella dressed up, put on all that makeup, and drove to the club alone just to end up being alone at the end?

These ho’s will drop kick their best friend across the room for a chance to meet a real man. So when you see a group of fine women out having a good time, well guess what, most of them really are not having such a good time after all. Most of them would love to meet you and enjoy your company.

Ok now back into your own heads. You know these women need companionship. What they are looking for are relationships (ohh the pain of that word). You must make them realize that you are what they are looking for. By hanging out with you they will get the promised land that they have been waiting for.

When you step up to her, make sure you look clean, confident, and capable. Look like your easy to talk to. She will be wondering “oh **** another one”. This is where you let your confident aura and slightly ****y smile win her over.

After your approach, you need to continue the persuasive process by giving her little rewards. Get her to feeling positive. I will give her a little side ways compliment. Nothing about her looks because that’s too obvious. For example with the recent catch, I told her that she was very passionate and sensual. That was the first time anyone had ever told her something like that, now she is on my team. Make sure your compliment comes from truth though. Nothing stinks worse than a fake assed compliment.

Here is a little trick that I read about. After you find out what her name is, ask her what her friends call her. Then start using that name. This will make you seem like a close friend instead of a stranger.

In your conversation you need to dig into her life story. I like to look for areas of commonality that will tie us together closer.

Your job here is to give her positive vibes, either in conversation, dancing, having a drink with you or whatever. Keep your conversation away from anything negative. If she refuses to go for a drink or coffee somewhere else then settle on just the phone number and be happy with it. She may have a hundred reasons for not going and not a one of them has anything to do with you.

Keep your **** simple. Women can’t make up their minds about anything. Don’t try to get all complicated on her and give her a long list of directions to someplace. Keep is easy and simple. You gotta stay in step with her pea brain…LOL.

Let’s take a moment to step back into Her head. Women are loaded with fears. You can use these fears to come out on top. They get pressure from their families, friends, pastors or whomever to find a decent fool to hook up with. Add to that the stress of getting past their prime, I think ya’ll can see where I am leading with this.

Play on her doubts. Subtly let her know she is passing up a great opportunity to get with someone who isn’t like the other fools out there. Remember they only want relationships and to be loved. Women do not crave sex just for sex, the way we do. A lot of these fine assed women aren’t interested in your money. All they want is your companionship and friendship and to feel “safe”.

Ok armed with this information next time your out in the club scene, step up without hesitation


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
Reaction score
wherever I lay my hat
Originally posted by Player_Supreme
I can't go to bed without sprinkling this on ya and since my ho is caught in traffic jam from them working on the freeway here is something else for ya stocking:

You mutha's know how I am always talking about alpha male this and alpha male that. Here is some **** that I found on that subject:

"The Alpha male - I use this phrase a lot... Here is quick run down of what it means to me. If you watch animal shows on PBS or Discovery Channel, many species have a dominant male who has sex with all the females in the group, while the other males get none while waiting for him to die or until they are tough enough to kick his ass and become the alpha male themselves. Many males never get to be an alpha male (never get laid, let alone get to the pimp status).

Often it seems like you know guys who are always getting laid and other guys never get laid. You'll even see women talking to/hanging out/being friends with the average guy, but then sleep with some other guy (even if he is a jerk, sleeps around and doesn't respect them). The guy who gets laid is playing the role of the alpha male, while the other guys are submissive males. We here on the PN know them as SYMPS or sympathizers.

I'm saying be the guy who gets laid (and paid). That guy is confident that he's going to get laid, because he knows he's an alpha male. He knows that women and people in general want to be with him so he doesn't shy away from conversation and meeting new people. He doesn't worry what others think about him when he's doing his thing. He takes control of a situation with authority. He knows he's fun to be with because he is always having a good time and therefore he _is_ fun to be with (too cool to trip). He knows that if he is in a group of guys and a group of girls, he will be the one the girls choose to be with, and by having this to be the expected outcome, it is a self fufilling proficy. (Sounds like pimp status to me-ZenMack)

Ok here's, how I did the Alpha/Dominant Male thing.... First I created a model of what I thought a Dominant Male should be. Much the same as the one stated before. Then I used it to change my frame of reference about myself, ie I stepped into my model of the Dominant Male. I claimed what I knew to be my genetic right. nd I didn't care who knew it. I didn't make excuses for it either. I just excepted it as the natural order of things. This is not an out.ward. thing that you do but rather an inward change that radiates in. ward in everything you do.
**from Zen...fake it until you make it********************************
Being the alpha male is all about attitude and projecting the image that you are fun to be with and the woman should want to be with you. Being the alpha male is self perpetuating. The more you believe you are the alpha male, the more you become the alpha male.

"There's an attitude to take with Dimes (and all women really) that is pure gold. The thought is that "INSTINCTUALLY women KNOW their role." The key word here is INSTINCTUALLY. What this means is that on an "instinctual" level women ARE all the same! They get their juices flowing when they are in the presence of a MAN who is living HIS ROLE. MAN is the dominant one, NOT woman. And deep down inside women KNOW this. This has NOTHING to do with being an ass.hole. This is about being a MAN who is NOT afraid [which doesn't necessarily only have to mean the usual "TARZAN NOT AFRAID!!.

You have to be the MAN who has all the sexual power. And when a woman (no matter how fine-assed) sees and feels the presence of a man whom she recognizes as the dominant one while SHE isn't, she does what every woman does - that is SURRENDERS to the more powerful being. And all that acting like she's hot and knows she's the stuff and all those other "head up in the air" tricks are just a test and a way to weed out all the men who are less powerful than her and don't know their role as a MAN."
This is for those who haven't gotten tight on their game yet.


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
Reaction score
wherever I lay my hat
Originally posted by Player_Supreme
I'm diggin this thread cause it allows me to dig into my old files of my old assed posts from the pn and sprinkle some real pimpology on youngstas...

Copping Fresh Ho’s

The first thing you want to do in your copping process is study your prey. The right prey are those for whom you can fill a void in their miserable little lives, or who will view you as being something special.

You are looking for prey who are somewhat isolated or at least somewhat unhappy. I look for women who have a quality that attracts me. This helps make my copping become more natural. Your prey is the destroyed ones who have deep seated issues.

The perfect prey will be open to what you appear to have to offer. Women who are not open to you, you must leave alone and hunt only those who respond to your presence.
You can tell which ones are responding to you by those involuntary responses they will show. For example they begin to mirror your body language, or may blush when you look at them, or start becoming extremely shy when your around. I’ve even had some show anger towards my presence. Yeah even anger shows that I am having an effect on her, even when she isn’t aware of it. Here is a list of their choosing signals:

The whole process is a dance that occurs. The perfect cop will start with resistance to you, which makes getting the goods more sweeter. Don’t be fooled by a woman who is trying to play you with false attention, she is only trying to get something from you.

That is why I said study your prey. Learn all you can about them. Sometimes it’s good to hover in their vicinity to learn about them from a distance. Some players will pretend to become their friend to win their trust first then lure them into their trap.

I call this an indirect approach. But you gotta be careful not to actually end up in the friend zone. In my previous post on the pn I stated that I like to use what I call engineering a contact, which is another indirect approach. For example I will position myself at the bar where my prey goes to order her drinks. I will happen to be there next time she does and start up a conversation about something meaningless. That way I’m not in her face trying to score. This type of sneaky approach wins you past the womans guards.

You will lull your prey into thinking she is secure and then strike like a mongoose on a cobra. You need to develop the skill to move your prey in the direction you want her to go in. In previous post I mentioned managing the convo.

Still one of the most powerful approaches is to make them come to you. This means you need to give them space. Hang out in the periphery of your prey. Let them see you at various places that they attend, but never approach them.

When they do approach you, don’t suddenly poor it on. This will cause them to blow up off you. Too many players get desperate and blow it when the ho approaches. Most young players and women have hang ups on meeting new people. You gotta get past those barriers first before you can go any further. You gotta win that trust over, even though you are really a snake in the grass.

One author on dating suggested using the preys friends and associates as pawns to get you in the door of her mind. You do this by dropping hints to her friend or thoughts that you have about your prey. You know how much women love to talk, so don’t think that friend will not tell your intended victim.

Next is where you gotta have the gear to get that attention. Your dress has to be above what is around you at the time. Women love clothes. Dress for success. If you don’t know what that means pick up a copy of GQ magazine.

Next you wanna stir up the pot. What this means is that once you got her attention you want to get her thinking about you. Women love mysteries. So appear to be mysterious. Send out mixed signals. By doing this you will appear to have depth of character (even if you are as shallow as shallow Hal). She will become confused and intrigued by your very presence.

I do this by appearing extremely manly, but when they talk to me I am very intelligent and passionate. This intrigues them to know end and make them want to know more about me. Once I even had one young thing tell her friend she was surprised that I could read since I look like I just stepped off a football field.

You gotta develop your own style here. The masculine approach may not work for everyone if their really not overly macho inside. Some women love a combination of maleness and femininity in men. But what matters is creating an aura of something more too you than meets the eye.

In your personality you gotta run hot and cold. Fun then aloof at times. This constant change up will confuse the **** outta a woman and keep her enthralled with you.

One of the most powerful tools to take to a club to win women are other women with you. When you walk in with a bunch of fine women, don’t think all the other fine women will not start competing for your attention. They will wonder what you have that makes these other women want to be near you. So cultivate fine women to use as bait for other dimes. I learned this one from this Chinese guy years ago. He walked into this popular hot spot with 4 fine babes with him. Don’t think those babes weren’t also working to set him up also. Don’t’ think he didn’t score either.

If you have a fine woman, other women will also try to win your attention. This makes them feel good about themselves if they can win this other woman’s man attention away from them. You can use this flaw in women to create a cop.

I used to date this breezy back in the days. She taught aerobics and did body building. Her style of dress was to show off her perfect butt and legs (mostly mini skirts). Women would see me with her and for some strange reason throw themselves at me when she wasn’t around. I never thanked her for getting me so much punany. What I would do is play those female players who were trying to win attention right back. I even made my breezy compete for my attention over other women in the area. This kept her inline for many a years of abuse.

Competition is a powerful tool to use against women. They are competitive as hell and they hate to loose. When they would think another woman was about to take their man they would double the effort to keep him, or should I say yours truly.

With the aerobics teacher I started openly dating another teacher who even had the same name. I kept the two of them highly motivated for over 3 years, before finally deciding to just play with the first one.

I believe I posted before how this woman said being with me is like being on the edge of a cliff all day. Exciting and dangerous. Women are emotional junkies and you gotta keep those emotions primed to keep em.

When you appear to be a person other women want to go out with you have increased your power of attraction tenfold. All you must do is just appear to be. Most players want to keep what they do a secret. Don’t! One of the biggest players I know of in my town is openly a player and women actually line up to go out with him.

Imagine a restaurant full of people, now imagine a restaurant that’s empty. Now which one would you want to dine in? People want what others have. Simple fact. This player whom I spoke of was know as the biggest player in town and women loved him. They all thought they would be the one to change him.

I have used this same technique. I make sure women see me picking up women left and right. I will go to one certain club for a while always meeting new people. Now my reputation around there is that of a player, but I am still not at a loss of new victims. Go figure!

Women figure that I must have something that other men do not have and they line up to see. I use them and if they are good I keep them for a while and then discard them like a Miki D’s wrapper in my trash can.

That’s all for now…


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
Reaction score
wherever I lay my hat
Originally posted by Player_Supreme
Role Playing and it’s importance to the copping process.

I recently read that folks who have experienced a certain kind of pleasure in their lives will try to repeat or relive it. Most of those deep rooted and most pleasurable experiences from earliest childhood, are often revolving around a parent. For most women the ultimate fantasy is the chance to have an intimate relationship with their daddies who ignored them while they were growing up.

While your getting the ho’s life story, your really will need to dig into her background. You need to know how her relationship with her parents were. And really listen to how she talks about it not just the words she uses.

Look for any nervous tics or stuff they just don’t want to talk about, or deny, especially stuff that makes them emotional. I have run into some chicks who hate their fathers and I recently read that a lot of times that is a sign of hiding disappointment, and actually probably loved their fathers too much but could never get enough attention from him.

While your digging into this **** try to keep your pose distant, unemotional and quiet. Every now and then make nonjudgmental comments to keep her talking. I have learned that women will do what’s called transference on you. That means she will transfer the emotion to you that she is feeling so be careful. If she is really hating dad make sure she isn’t hating you.

Once you get deep into her story you then begin to recreate a kinda fantasy thing with them. With an ex of mine along long time ago, who had been molested by an uncle I became uncle bob. That was before I switched to becoming their daddy role for them.

I have a couple on my deck who after not getting the amount of love from their real daddies are only too happy to try again with me. I recently read validation on this ****. Years ago I had met a lady who was a prison guard. When I met her I didn’t know it at the time. Myself and a younger playa (I was 33 & he was 25) were competing for the same ho in a night club. What won me over was I came up behind her and put my hands around the back of her neck. She later told me that my control over her reminded her of her step dad and she melted in my hands.

Of course I broke that **** down that night with her, but that was after going home and talking to her on the phone to get her life story. Then at 3am I went over and pretended to be the daddy she never head. I whispered at molest type of fantasy in her ear while doing the deed and she went nuts. Since her own step dad had tried some **** with her she had a lot of unresolved issues from her childhood. Infact most women have unfinished business left over from their childhoods. They are full of disappointments, lack of attention issues, painful stuff buried dead in their pretty little heads.

Your job is to uncover this **** and use it. Don’t just talk about it, you gotta get her to act out her old **** in the present time, without her really being aware of what your doing..

With another ho, her mom and dad divorced at a prime age for her. Being the middle child and 2nd daughter was hard on this one. To make up for her lack of attention, she traded her body with over 100 men during her life time. She is currently on my deck as my special freak. I am her Daddy and she is my Babygirl. I chastise her when she is bad and reward her with attention when she acts good. My rewards are some of the best sex I have ever head, dinner, movies, money, use of her mustange convertible that I use sometimes to catch other ho’s with. She is ok with my status, she knows what I do, as long as I remind her of how special she is every now and then.

She was my visitor today (wed) whom I sent those emails I wrote about last night. With me she gets to act like a little girl at times and get all of her Daddies attention for short periods. One day she was explaining to some co workers of hers (she is a doctor), our relationship and she was amazed how many women were actually turned on by it.

My bottom line is you need to dig for the empty spaces in their lives and learn to exploit them to your benefit.



Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
Reaction score
wherever I lay my hat
Originally posted by Player_Supreme
Why You Need To Build A Team

As a player, you need to build a team of women consisting of at least 3 different women. You should never set your sites on just one woman. When you let yourself fixate on just one woman, then you will begin to base your ideas of success and failure in the game on the momentary thoughts and actions of one person. You will end up basing your own happiness on the thin cord of one persons passing moods.

Recently I read about a philosophy called “culture of poverty”, this is when a person talks himself into believing that this one moment is their only chance for happiness. Or that this is the one person who will make them happy, or that this one thing or action is the only thing that will lead to happiness.

Don’t fall for this self destructive thinking. It’s ok to have multiple women in your lives. The player who puts his happiness on one woman while playing the game is like a blind fool sitting by a stream complaining about being thirsty.

Finding women for your team is easy. They are everywhere. But you must learn to recognize them. They are the ones who need what you have to offer. They may be single or with boyfriends or even married. You can achieve benefit from all of them.

The problem facing an awaken player is not scarcity but exclusivity. Managing my own team I am often challenged by problems of scheduling. Women want attention. They crave attention.

Women are not roving the streets looking for sex, so get that out of your minds. They will be happy to provide you with it, but that’s not her basic motovation.

No women are trudging through life, working day in and day out, waiting for the man who will touch her in ways she never thought really possible. She is waiting for the man who through his words, thoughts, feelings can touch her in ways she has always needed and craved for. Why do you think romance novels constitute 54% of the book sales in North America.

Women are dying to be touched in ways other than physical. Women being emotional creatures need their minds and emotions stimulated and waken up.

Societal pressures lock women down, and with additional pressures from church, family and friends most women have few opportunities to express their inner sexuality in a healthy way.

Most women are encouraged to shut down and she is even rewarded for shutting herself down and learning to do for others before she tends to herself. This is a key issue as a player that you need to take advantage of .

Remember most women are boiling cauldrons of emotions beneath their surface. You must learn to stir the pot to get the real flavor to raise to the top.

Your goal is to touch each one on a deep emotional level. When combined with sexual intimacy you will create an emotional bond that will have her on her knees for you. But your not going to get the treats unless you open the emotional wrappers covering her mind.

Women become attracted to the man she desires. You don’t need a corvette, long hair, buffed out body, or tall good looks. All you really need is SELF-CONFIDENCE, a dash of charisma with a willingness to listen to her babble on about ****. Of these 3 things self-confidence is my number one tool. I have heard comments like: “you look tough”, your intimidating, but I like it” and similar ones to that effect. I always try to put out the energy of being extremely self confident. Women love this. Most men out there are symps and weaklings. When a real man comes along women are naturally attracted to him.

Most younger players thing “ you mean I gotta listen to this ho babble on & on just to get laid?” As she is babbling her life story your collecting evidence for her demise. In her words you will find the key to her inner kingdom. Once you open this door she will belong to you. So I say yeah, sit and listen and direct her thoughts where you want them to go. Notice the word direct. That means you stay in control of the conversation. You let her think she is but it is really you who is managing the flow of conversation.


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
Reaction score
wherever I lay my hat
Originally posted by Player_Supreme
What Kind of Girls for Your Team Do You Choose

The single most desirable characteristic of women that I select for my team is intelligence. Intelligent women have wonderful imaginations. When I am spitting sexual conversation at her I am engaging her active imagination. The smarter she is the more powerful my words will be. Stupid women just don’t get it the same way. Also smart girls will use their imaginations to think of new possibilities, new adventures, new feelings to share with their daddy (me).

At the time of this writing I am going to a 3 day stay away at a romantic place on the coast of California, paid for by one of my team. Since she works for a major hotel chain our rooms are free and she is supplying the rest of our festivities. This person has a masters degree and her BA in accounting.

Smart girls come to realize that when something special comes into their lives they need to go for it and get some of that special something for herself. This kind of thinking takes intelligence and realistic thinking that dumber women just don’t possess.

So your number one criteria for your team is intelligence. Most fools choose by looks only and end up getting played. I recently read that men fall for women they are attracted to, and women become attracted to the men they have fallen for. Read those words carefully. They tell you that women don’t base their choosing over looks alone.

Women look for qualities that excite them. I attract women who are looking for men with my qualities. I don’t look like a book worm and most are extremely surprised that I am as well read as I am and can carry on a high level of conversation on almost any subject.

In conclusion, when building your team I hope you make the right choice and not choose just by looks alone. You will have much more fun with smarter ones. Not only do they earn more but their imaginations and sexual energy is more exciting to tap into. Now when you can combine good looks with brains then you’ve got a winner.


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
Reaction score
wherever I lay my hat
Originally posted by Player_Supreme
The Game

What is slowing a lot of players down is that they falsely believe that they are harming someone by being a player. You need to think the game as a world that you enter. Think of it as a separate world from the world that you live in with it’s own set of rules.

In the real world you have a balance of power, democratizing, political correctness. Rules that say you should act humble and modest and do not offend others.

In the game you need to be more of the real you. If you think that timid, humble, overly polite person is the real you, then you need to think again. “No one is born timid: timidity is a protection we develop. If we never stick our necks out, if we never try,, we will never have to suffer the consequences of failure or success, If we are kind and unobtrusive, no one will be offended- in fact we will seem saintly and likable.”

“In truth, timid people are often self-absorbed, obsessed with the way people see them, and not at all saintly”

In the game you need to take off that false face you wear out in the world and be more of the real you. Yes you were born self absorbed, self centered, selfish, an ******* as I’ve been called numerous times. You need to let your shadow side that needs expression free. “In a dance, two people cannot lead. One takes over, sweeping the other along.”
In the game holding back cause you think there is some kinda need to share power is stupid and will get you played and nowhere…actually in no ***** land.

This arena is not for the stupid and faint of heart, cause you will get played by craftier women for all you have. You will get taken on an emotional roller coaster ride with a crashing finish at the end, instead of the reverse.

In this game you “man up”, that means step the **** up. Don’t worry about the consequences or the other person. “console yourself with the thought that the pleasure of the one who surrenders is often greater than that of the aggressor.”

In this game the end result is your pleasure. That is all you care about. Like I say when your in the game you’re their to play. “this is chess not checkers”-Denzel Washington.
In this university you need to learn to leave the normal world that you live in and take the correct pill to a new reality.



Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
Reaction score
wherever I lay my hat
Originally posted by Player_Supreme
It’s your game that counts!

“Pimps have two ways of holding on to women. One is verbal abuse, psychological beatings where they make you feel like you are worthless, like you're trash.

Beatings are the other way he'll keep her because by having so much fear in her heart she is afraid to leave him. “

1. I use honey more than vinegar. I do psychologically destroy my women’s confidence in themselves by making fun of them. Exploiting their weaknesses.

“Yet by that time I was so much in love with him it really didn't matter as long as he was there. When he put his arms around me nothing could hurt me.”**exert from a recent interview with a street hooker.

1. That is what I strived to do. Make them fall so deeply in love with me that they will do anything for me. No contracts, reciprocation techniques or any of that **** can beat getting into a woman’s heart.

2. If you can’t put her ass to sleep, then what good are you.

According to anthropologists Christina and Richard Milner, "A pimp wants his woman's mind more than her body. It is love, loyalty, and obedience he requires as well as a capacity for self-discipline." Brock, a pimp, put it to the Milners this way: "You create a different environment. It's a brainwashing process; the whole thing is creativity."

1. The mind is the most important battle ground. You’ve got to win here before you can go further. This is my whole problem with that whole PT (pimp-tight) attitude think. That fool Clout talked some big sh*it about not letting ho’s do this & that. But nothing about how he conquers a ho’s mind.

2. Women think in emotional terms. You gotta learn to do the same in order to worm (yes worm) your way into her head. You can’t crash your way in with some fake assed attitude, that comes later. You gotta be like the snake in the garden of eden. Seduce her ass. Seduction is aggressive not passive. I’m not advocating becoming like a symp until you get there. You gotta be smooth like a pimp is suppose to be.

“All the promises made in the first meeting -- glamour, travel, money, affection, protection, even child care if she is on her own with a small child -- turn out to be means of enslavement.” -Christina, Richard Milner

1. This is where getting her life story is important. You followers of the PT thing think you are going to sit there and holla at a hoe and order her to do this & that right off the bat (Pimpospher). That **** doesn’t work in most situations.
2. You gotta learn about the person inside. That attitude that I’m so great that a ho will notice me and bow down cause I am wearing Gucci or have this car is fake assed and will lead to your getting played by gold digging ho’s. That is why I laugh at some of the big names in this rooms posts.

When the pimp controls his woman's body and soul, then ……………you fill in the rest!

1. Ask yourself do you control your womens mind body & souls?
2. Have you delved so deep into her soul that you own it?
3. Does she believe that she can’t take a breath without you?

“Hi daddy I sent you the e-mails you didn't receive the first one was written right after I got your see ya letter so I was a little upset as you can very well see I understand kind of what you are saying ……….My heart **** is with you always I close my eyes and look inside of myself and there you are.You are my warmth when it's cold and my cool breeze when it's hot,right now I need your body to be my blanket hehehe”

“I got so excited I turned on my computer and it said I had one e-mail I thought it was from you it was from some stupid Red dragon football thing that's what I get for hoping. what's the saying silence is power you have all the f...ing power baby”

“LOL:LOL: Oh god daddy you crack me up. Good thing your a smooth talker huh! God I want to kiss you soooo bad right now you fu.ckin drive me crazy even through an e-mail.”

Enough said. I think you get the point from these various people who emailed me. It’s your game that counts. Game :
1. how well you speak to her
2. how well you fu.ck her
3. how well you connect with her
4. how well you use all of the above to your benefit.


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
Reaction score
wherever I lay my hat
Originally posted by Player_Supreme
words from current working PI:

1) I view my family and friends as the same... either they down with it or they not..i turned out my first ***** while still livin at my moms and had her there until i was on my way. Lastly i dont make nobody do anything they dont want to do
2) i am CEO of Infinite PaperChase Productions if you pimpin right and you have only 1 girl, you will not have to work for nobody cuz you will make $100s a day.
3) My character is unique. Thats what makes me ME... i let a female know from the start that they never met nobody like me...
4) For me, it just seemed logical.. but the only way to learn to pimp is thru other pimps and kickin it with real pimps and doin the damn thing for real. this isnt something you just wake up and say "ya i want to be a pimp". just like you dont say i wanna be a gangster one day or a drug dealer... its got to be in you not on you... that means you gotta be for real cuz if you fake these females will smell it a mile away... if you not gettin 100% of every dime every time, then how you supposed to be 100% pimpin?


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
Reaction score
wherever I lay my hat
Originally posted by Player_Supreme
1. They get comfortable while in the conversion stage. The stage where they are just learning the rules of the house. That is when they get comfortable with me. You have to remember... most of these girls are in Love with me. So if you have ever had that in a relationship, you know how they tell you everything without you even asking. Same way goes here.It's easy to break the ice once they are in Love. Because they will do anything to keep the love between us. So I can tell them if you love me so much, you will be willing to do whatever i say. In this case. Make money. I really don't have any good questions i ask them... i just break it to them straight out. Remember... I have nothing to lose. I have many girls already. I don't sweat losing a potential.

2. Ha ha ha. I really don't have to tell them much. They can see how I am living. They see how the other girls are liking it. They really never question me. They know i'm a pro. They just trust me i guess. But if a hoe does say that to me. Tell me my your life story I would say, Listen to me. First off... I didn't come in here wanting to know your life story. You did that **** volintary. The only thing you need to know about me is i'm the mother****er running this ****, and i'm going to show you how to make big dollars. Don't ask me **** about my past...just go out and make the money. It an't that hard.

3. Umm.. check out some of my beginning post. Most of these questions are already answered in full detail.

4. (Charmers fade into the background; their targets becomes subjects of thier interest.To be a charmer u have to listen and observe.Let ur targets talk, revealing themselves in process.As u find more about them-thier strength and especially thier weaknesses-u can individualize your attention, appealing to thier specific desires and needs, tailoring you flateries and insecurities.) All of this is what a pimp does... I listen to their lifestory and then tailor what they need... pretty simple, rather is money, love, or excitement. I give it all to them. Charismatic display more of a follow me type of mood...which eventially happens anyway because of their love for me. They will follow someone they love. I'm their leader.

5. No i use the con game on newbies and pros. I use whatever i have to to get that hoe. I go to the extreme. You have to in this game. I have no limits.

Look up some of my post.. and read them. I have put alot of info about da game and mines already. Look at them.. and then come ask me more questions if they are not clear.


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
Reaction score
wherever I lay my hat
Originally posted by Player_Supreme
Listen the bottom line is letting the ***** choose. A ***** is always looking for the better man. ya the free **** is cool but a ***** still wont feel satisfied having some weak ass homo around 24-7, come ahhnn you know that, for *****es its all about emotions. she may keep the symp on the side but thats how PIMPS get paid through tricks spending all there cassh on a breezy. How do you think a hoe pays you, with all the money she don't pull in? If your doin your thing right her mind will colapse eventually.
And yeah I don't get tired of a hoe keeping me full a ice but thats because I'm only after material things, *****es are after something totally different(emotional) and thats why its so easy to control them. If we were pimping dudes it would be a different story but women use different reasoning, Real pimps understand this and its the backbone of the game.