speed dawg said:
You're hitting on the big picture here.
Mainstream blacks seem to think assimilating into American or Western culture is a 'white' thing. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't, but it is reality. I get it, blacks won't to keep their culture. Well keep it. But you still can't rant and rave like animals. No other race has had as many problems doing this. Hispanics, Asians, Indians....all have successfully kept their cultural traditions while assimilating peacefully into American society. Their biggest hurdle has been the language barrier.
I listened to David Banner the other day, because I like to get an insight into what other groups are thinking. He literally wants to kill white people, physically and financially. I swear some groups of blacks want to fall back into that Bantu African crap, and just be a bunch of tribal groups going around f*cking sh*t up acting like warped 5-year olds. It's like they have to have an emotional cause so they just invent a bunch of problems. Similar to women. Suppressing that emotion is part of being men.
I feel for you Tenacity. I know what you are up against. It really is the wealthy elite pushing all these agendas more than anything. Much of this is going to push a lot of blacks toward Islam, which I believe is the point anyway. And the underlying theme will be killing whites, which is what will attract them because they are taught to believe we are still oppressing them. We will have a real war then, one I personally would stand up and fight myself.
Yeah, it gets rough as my closest family members are mostly like this as well. I told them I was voting for Mitt Romney over Obama in the 2012 campaign and they damn near wanted to crucify me.
I believe that as Blacks we SHOULD keep our culture, but the question is, WHAT is our culture?? Is our culture based on the African descent related historical information? Is our culture Motown? Is our culture that of a group of civil rights activists fighting for what was already put in place for us in this country in terms of Freedom that we were NOT receiving?
OR, is our culture this Thug, ratchet, ghetto crap that you see today?
My argument is that as Blacks, we have LOST our culture. Our culture was based on African descent and having came here unwillingly as slaves and helped BUILD America and the "American Dream" from nothing, but we were being denied access to that American Dream which based on the statues put in place by the Founders of this country, WAS ILLEGAL. The point of the Civil Rights Movement was to remove this illegal banning and to see us as equal citizens under the law, not this separate but equal CRAP which banned us from the very resources that we helped to establish and bring in during the slave trade.
Once we found and won with Civil Rights, THE NEXT STEP was to embrace Group Economics, Higher Education and the Political Gaming/Networking System which we were previously BANNED out of to gain POWER. That power would allow us today in 2014 (if we would have stayed the course) to be on equal footing as Asians when it came to Education acquisition and Income. Asians as individuals are the most educated and make more money individually (give or take) than whites depending on the data being reviewed.
INSTEAD of doing this, Blacks embraced THUG CULTURE. Apart of Thug Culture came the Drug Game, the Welfare Game, the Abandonment of Education Game, the Abandonment of Capitalism Game, and the Abandonment of Political power game. Basically, every damn thing we just marched and got dogs sicked on us for during Civil Rights, was thrown down the damn drain.
Until Blacks get on Group Economics and start playing this Capitalistic and Political game like other groups do, we will continue to be slapped in the face, continue to be disrespected, continue to be IGNORED.
Instead of Blacks listening to people like me and Dr. Claude Anderson, we instead get called Uncle Toms and Coons for participating in this Economic System and WINNING....instead of embracing a dumb a.ss Thug Culture which does nothing but keeps you broke, on welfare and in PRISON.
Speaking of Prison, that's the new 2014 Slavery. So while I'm called the "Coon," I'm the one speaking about Freedom over here and you can't be Free until you gain Economic Power.