Originally posted by elvis aint dead yet
While women can abort, use more protection and on and on,
Who ever said a man has NO responsibility? Who is advocating a male to walk away from his children? And how should a man "take responsibility" when the ONLY responsibility people seem to think he has is to spend cash on kids he doesn't get to see very often, if the woman gets her way.
Having said that, why is it acceptable in many circles for a woman to ABORT her unborn child, but if a man refuses to support his offspring, that is a terrible thing?
Women can choose to be mothers. Men ARE CHOSEN to be fathers--by women, whether they want to or not.
Could that be an example of ANOTHER situation where men are judged more harshly than women?
If you BANG some chic and she gets pregnant, DONT GO AND BLAME EVERYTHING ON SOME CHIC
If your gf tells you she is using the pill, are YOU still going to use a condom? How about if she tells you your condom usage suggests to her that you don't trust her, and since she is on the pill, you don't need to use it anyway?
If you are a DJ, your woman may feel insecure. She just might be ruthless enough to let your guard down and get her pregnant, even though you don't want to be a dad at this point.
Does this happen? You bet, but don't expect anyone to warn you about it.
Yeah she might be another %HORE, but you BANGED her. Take some damn responsibility.
ANd i dont care what statistics you dig up, there are many DEADBEAT fathers in the world.
why? cause they thought they were PLAYA's who didnt have to take any responsibility.
It is interesting how men will tell OTHER MEN that they have to accept responsibility for actions that have unwanted outcomes. But where are women telling OTHER WOMEN that she should accept responsibility for her behavior?
Your post proves my points yet again:
1) Men are more concerned about women then women are about men
2) Men as a group have a more highly developed sense of responsibility then women.
Yeah my daddy was a DJ, but he's also a FREAKING AZZHOLE.
Hell, my father WAS a deadbeat. I've never even met the man. But that doesn't mean men as a group aren't at a disadvantage when itcomes to reproductive rights.