Don Juan
For the better part of almost 16 years up until the pandemic hit in 2020 and we lost touch, since our high school years I was friends with a girl I always had a crush on since day one. So a lifelong crush you could say, and one that somehow someway I never truly gave up on. I met her when I was 17 and she was 15. Occasionally put her on a pedestal, occasionally didn't, its been a roller coaster of a friendship. I was just always extremely attracted to her from the start and there's not much else I can say to explain. I'm 40 now btw, while she's 38. I was a full blown AFC when I was a teen and even well into my twenties, so I never really stood a chance with her anyway. As we got older I'd end up seeing people, as would she, but in between there would always be little subtle attempts at me trying to make something happen with her, all which led nowhere. She even befriended a long term 2 year girlfriend I once had back in the early 2010's. She was part of my friends group. She was just always there. It should be noted that almost every single guy she ever dated would treat her like sh-t, and I always had to sit back and watch it, shaking my head in the process until I finally just had a "f-ck it" type of attitude towards her as I reached my late 20s. I pretty much accepted friendship with her at this point too, but always kept my distance to a degree because of how difficult it was to be around someone I felt such a strong attraction to. To be clear, while we absolutely got along very well and have had a lot of fun over all these years which she knew and acknowledged, we would fight quite a bit too. Many of our friends always felt like we could have or should have been a couple, specifically at a wedding one night in 2018 where we were pretty much each others unofficial dates and danced with each other throughout the night.
Finally in what I beleive was late 2018 at the age of 34, when I was now much more mature and began perfecting my game, for the first time ever, on a few occasions she began entertaining the thought of possibly dating me. It was almost as if I felt like her failures in dating douchey guys in her younger years woke her up and now before it was too late she was maybe going to give things a chance with us. She explained how she'd be open to spending more time with me and sleeping over without sex to see how she feels, etc. All of these occasions of her talking about us dating would lead to her a few days or week later when she'd be back saying how she just views me as a friend. I did nothing at all to spark this and many times didn't even communicate with her in between. This was just how she was for years and years. Always reminding me that I was a friend and never being able to see past that. In reality, while I've always treated her amazingly and she's been thankful for that, I always felt that for the most part the thing was that she was never physically attracted to me. This was reflected in the men she would date over the years. They didn't look much like me. I'm a relatively decent looking guy for what it's worth. I'd give myself a 6 out of 10, whereas I'd put her around a 7.5.
So as the pandemic hit we finally kind of grew apart, only occasionally keeping in touch through small instagram DM's. She got married in 2023 and I felt that was the closure I needed. Wouldn't you know it though, and to my honest shock, in a little over a year after the wedding in January 2025, they split. Turns out he treated her horribly and wasn't the guy she thought he was. She's no saint, but she gave me many examples that really painted a picture of how awful this guy was. I know this bc I reached out to her in January and offered the info. The rest is history as over the next two months we reconnected nicely, even apologizing to each other for the few times we'd fight back in the day. We met for drinks a week ago and saw each other for the first time since late 2019. It was a really awesome night and a bit surreal to be back out seeing her. She looked hot as hell of course, even telling me that she got her hair and nails done today. I joked with her saying I'm flattered, even though if pressed she'd probably say it wasn't for me, and of course I went the extra mile in trying to look my best. It was nice reconnecting as now more older and mature adults, enjoying drinks and laughing and conversing for nearly 3.5 hours both at my place and then a local bar. As a woman who just recently had a dramatic split from her husband, I only briefly mentioned something about the idea of dating for us, telling her that I "Of course you're an awesome woman, but I cannot relive the 2000's and 2010's with you and all I ask is that you just keep at least 1% of an open mind with regard to the two of us". She didn't say anything back but instead just smiled. She then started going on about all her shortcomings and how I wouldn't want a woman like her and how we might not be a good match (i.e. she's messy, I'm neat, etc). She's done this in the past as well.
The conclusion is simple though- I'm going to ask her to come over for dinner one night soon and will ask if she thought about what we talked about (i.e. the 1% thing). I'm not going to press her or put any real pressure on her, but if she starts in with any friends only talk, that will have to be the end and I will have to finally walk away for good, which I'm fine with doing. That is the difference between who I am now and who I was years ago. While I do have this small afc-like idea in my mind that everything thats happened between us maybe leads to this and we finally get to try dating, I also know thats rather unlikely. But what I definitely know is I will be able to walk away in peace. I already did that for a few years anyway when we lost touch and she got married. I know for certain that the thought of dating me still lives in her head at times, even if its miniscule. I guess my only question is, how do I get her to become more comfortable with it in the event she actually makes it seem like she's open to cracking the door of dating open with me, what could be the best possible ways to turn a long term friendzone situation into romance? Seems like a slippery slope especially with this one, but I'm still confident it could be done. Thanks in advance.
Finally in what I beleive was late 2018 at the age of 34, when I was now much more mature and began perfecting my game, for the first time ever, on a few occasions she began entertaining the thought of possibly dating me. It was almost as if I felt like her failures in dating douchey guys in her younger years woke her up and now before it was too late she was maybe going to give things a chance with us. She explained how she'd be open to spending more time with me and sleeping over without sex to see how she feels, etc. All of these occasions of her talking about us dating would lead to her a few days or week later when she'd be back saying how she just views me as a friend. I did nothing at all to spark this and many times didn't even communicate with her in between. This was just how she was for years and years. Always reminding me that I was a friend and never being able to see past that. In reality, while I've always treated her amazingly and she's been thankful for that, I always felt that for the most part the thing was that she was never physically attracted to me. This was reflected in the men she would date over the years. They didn't look much like me. I'm a relatively decent looking guy for what it's worth. I'd give myself a 6 out of 10, whereas I'd put her around a 7.5.
So as the pandemic hit we finally kind of grew apart, only occasionally keeping in touch through small instagram DM's. She got married in 2023 and I felt that was the closure I needed. Wouldn't you know it though, and to my honest shock, in a little over a year after the wedding in January 2025, they split. Turns out he treated her horribly and wasn't the guy she thought he was. She's no saint, but she gave me many examples that really painted a picture of how awful this guy was. I know this bc I reached out to her in January and offered the info. The rest is history as over the next two months we reconnected nicely, even apologizing to each other for the few times we'd fight back in the day. We met for drinks a week ago and saw each other for the first time since late 2019. It was a really awesome night and a bit surreal to be back out seeing her. She looked hot as hell of course, even telling me that she got her hair and nails done today. I joked with her saying I'm flattered, even though if pressed she'd probably say it wasn't for me, and of course I went the extra mile in trying to look my best. It was nice reconnecting as now more older and mature adults, enjoying drinks and laughing and conversing for nearly 3.5 hours both at my place and then a local bar. As a woman who just recently had a dramatic split from her husband, I only briefly mentioned something about the idea of dating for us, telling her that I "Of course you're an awesome woman, but I cannot relive the 2000's and 2010's with you and all I ask is that you just keep at least 1% of an open mind with regard to the two of us". She didn't say anything back but instead just smiled. She then started going on about all her shortcomings and how I wouldn't want a woman like her and how we might not be a good match (i.e. she's messy, I'm neat, etc). She's done this in the past as well.
The conclusion is simple though- I'm going to ask her to come over for dinner one night soon and will ask if she thought about what we talked about (i.e. the 1% thing). I'm not going to press her or put any real pressure on her, but if she starts in with any friends only talk, that will have to be the end and I will have to finally walk away for good, which I'm fine with doing. That is the difference between who I am now and who I was years ago. While I do have this small afc-like idea in my mind that everything thats happened between us maybe leads to this and we finally get to try dating, I also know thats rather unlikely. But what I definitely know is I will be able to walk away in peace. I already did that for a few years anyway when we lost touch and she got married. I know for certain that the thought of dating me still lives in her head at times, even if its miniscule. I guess my only question is, how do I get her to become more comfortable with it in the event she actually makes it seem like she's open to cracking the door of dating open with me, what could be the best possible ways to turn a long term friendzone situation into romance? Seems like a slippery slope especially with this one, but I'm still confident it could be done. Thanks in advance.
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