How to stop being such a loser.


Aug 22, 2006
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Well alright, even though I have several hobbies, I've pretty much always been a loser. Basically what I mean by loser, is not that I don't have any hobbies or anything, but it's that I don't have any friends. Let's start with my hobbies, band, jazz band, and wrestling. They take up a lot of my time, but I don't have any friends from any of the 3. With jazz band and band I just don't know what to talk to people about, it might feel awkward discussing the music. For wrestling, I just don't get along with a lot of people on the team. As far as classes go, my classes are small, and I pretty much already know I don't get along with everyone in my classes. It's not that I don't like most of the people, it's just that they don't seem like the kind of people I would like to chill with, however, there are some people I just don't like. There was this group of girls I use to sit with, and talk to at lunch, but they got sort of boring, so I had to let em' go. I figure maybe if I get a friend or two to hang out with, and become more social, that'll help me become more social with woman.


Don Juan
Jul 15, 2006
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Dude, if you think you are a loser, then you will be a ****ing loser.
If you think you are cool, then you will be. Has anyone ever told you to your face that youre a loser? If not, then its all in your head and you probably have psychological problems (haha:whistle:)....and if that is the case, increase your confidence (as your names implies) by working out, etc etc.


Aug 22, 2006
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Wanderer* said:
Dude, if you think you are a loser, then you will be a ****ing loser.
If you think you are cool, then you will be. Has anyone ever told you to your face that youre a loser? If not, then its all in your head and you probably have psychological problems (haha:whistle:)....and if that is the case, increase your confidence (as your names implies) by working out, etc etc.
Well, personally I don't really think I'm that much of a loser, it's just that I have no friends. I'm just saying, it'd be nice to have people to sit with at lunch, chill with over the weekends, and back me up when someone tries to joke on me. Plus, having friends shows social proof.I mean right now, you know, I got people who'll talk to me, and say hi, maybe start small talk, but there's no one that I know well enough to hang with. I have this awesome cousin who I get along well with who's around my age, and goes to another school which is about a 30 minute drive from here. Problem is, we can only hang like once every 2, or 3 monthes. But yeah, if I got friends, that would help me A LOT socially, and thus help me A LOT with getting girls. Also, on that working out thing, I actually work out a lot during wrestling and track season, and during the summer I have football conditioning. Bout' time mister Confidence lived up to his name, and stops being a *****.
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Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2006
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man, being a loser in this case is about being low in the social ladder, you need to climb up, just make friends with the more popular people make sure you dont try to make friends with the insecure ******* ones, it isnt gonna happen on its own, theres no magical cure you just go and work on it, find topics to discuss, chicks, sports, whatever even if you hate it you gotta learn about it, I had to learn about soccer and that got me right in talking with the more popular guys now Im a soccer fan, I got interesed in it, my point is that youre gonna have to get out of your way to do this, theres no magical do-this-and-everything-will-be-fixed cure here.


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2007
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I think the best thing to do is take in lots of info and tips from this site and seduce a (fairly)popular girl ,that has a good personality,your not picked on or hated so she's not gonna act in a horrible way,and then whether you end up as her boyfriend or just in the LJBF zone it doesn't matter your good to go ;) you will find yourself further up the popularity ladder
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Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
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Making small talk is more than enough, BUT you have to escalate it to something more. Ask kids what theyre doing during the weekend or break. I you want friends you have to get them, they wont come flocking to you.
Jun 20, 2006
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learn to accept people how they are

you said u used to hang with some chicks but you let them go cuz they were boring, well you shouldnt let them go, just keep them in so whenever you have nothing to do you can still hang with them


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2007
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Thunder Bay Ontario
Ok you need help..... Payne is to your rescue.

First thin you have to do, is try and talk to the people that you do stuff with, band, jazz band what ever you do, ask them to help you with something, gets conversation going, then converse in small talk, then go from there. It's all how YOU portray yourself. If you portray yourself as someone who doesn't talk to anyone, then noone will talk to you, and vice versa. It's all a mind game really. I know almost everyone in my school, I wouldn't say I am the most popular person in the school, Just the most well known. Haha and No I am not a loser. Everyone just knows who I am. Mind you I had sex in a janetors closet one day with a HB8 I walked out first.... I just stood there and waited for her to come out. and well she did. She literally came out of the closet, and I found out later she was bisexual, and that her and a few friends wanted to **** someone, I told them I would be it, because well she knew first hand, and a week later myself, her, and her 2 friends did the deed. So yea, a little off topic. Just talk to people let yourself be known, well not as an idiot, but just start talking to them about something. It's how it works for me.



Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2006
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los angles, calli
Its the same post every time, the only reason why youve gotten absouletly NOWHERE is because your such a negitive person. Trust me on this.


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
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I think you are probably not dressing very cool so people are avoiding being seen with someone who has such poor style. This is a total guess but i bet you I am right.

Also, start hitting the gym and get a person from your wrestling team to be your workout partner. That is a great way to make a solid friend who will back you up and you can help eachother get stronger.

The Shocker

Senior Don Juan
Dec 28, 2006
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With my parents
If you didn't think you were a loser, you wouldn't have titled the thread the way you did. Think about that.

Are you funny? If not, work on it. There's nothing wrong with that. Some people will tell you that you should just accept your nature and work with it. That's bullshiat, because people don't want you to improve yourself, because they're too lazy to improve themselves.

If you are funny, outgoing (actually approach people and talk), and a fun person to be around you WILL be a popular person.


Don Juan
Aug 12, 2006
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Like the others have said...if your negative about yourself, you will get negative results. Think positive, always be happy, cheerful and people will become sucked to you since you emit such positive energy.

I for one know a guy that is just like this. He always looks on the bright side of things and cheers everyone up. Everyone wants to hang around him since he makes them happy and brightens up their day. :)

True Wolf

Don Juan
May 28, 2005
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Dude, get a sense of humor, seriously, if you can bust on people and be funny, people will not only stick to you, but they will begin to flock to you until you need to STOP making friends. Seriously, this happened to me, i've always been pretty funny, but only to those who know me, so then i started working on my humor by watching funny shows, movies, people, and listening to and reading anything funny and it helped me hyper develope my very own and unique sense of humor that people now expect of me. Seriously, if you need to start with Chuck Norris jokes, plus by reading through them you'll see what a real man is all about lol


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
Reaction score
Youre such a troll.

Michele l'Arcangelo

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
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first, whatever your name is... change it... so you won't be recognized.

second, get liposuction... cuz you say youre fat.

third, get plastic surgery for your face... so you wont be recognized... still.

fourth, suck in some helium from a balloon... because you always said you had a low and slow voice of a retarded kid.

then, watch the Laguna Beach.... cuz ~omg~ those guyz are sOoOo dreamy and ~EVERY~ girl would want them!


Senior Don Juan
Jan 31, 2006
Reaction score
just do what Seth did in The OC, although your family will have to adopt a really cool kid straight out of jail. lol.


Aug 22, 2006
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If you are funny, outgoing (actually approach people and talk), and a fun person to be around you WILL be a popular person.
Not exactly looking to be popular, just looking to make friends.

I think you are probably not dressing very cool so people are avoiding being seen with someone who has such poor style. This is a total guess but i bet you I am right.

Also, start hitting the gym and get a person from your wrestling team to be your workout partner. That is a great way to make a solid friend who will back you up and you can help eachother get stronger.
I don't think I have a poor style, and I dress in a style simular to a lot of other people, so that would mean they had poor style too. I don't dress like a fashion maniac or anything, but I do dress nicely. So in my own opinion, I'd have to say you're wrong about the whole "poor style" thing. I use to have poor style, but then this one dude helped me by telling me how to dress nicely.

I like the other part of the advice, however, I can't really hit the gym, because I'm occupied with wrestling right now.

Youre such a troll.
I'm glad you think so. Yeah, if I was a troll I would really waste my valuable time typing all that.

first, whatever your name is... change it... so you won't be recognized.

second, get liposuction... cuz you say youre fat.

third, get plastic surgery for your face... so you wont be recognized... still.

fourth, suck in some helium from a balloon... because you always said you had a low and slow voice of a retarded kid.

then, watch the Laguna Beach.... cuz ~omg~ those guyz are sOoOo dreamy and ~EVERY~ girl would want them!
Horrible advice and a horrible attempt at being funny as I would expect from you.
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Michele l'Arcangelo

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
MrConfidence said:
Horrible advice and a horrible attempt at being funny as I would expect from you.
Darn it! Shucks! I forgot to state... that YOU are the loser... and anything that you aren't answers your question on how to stop being a loser... as in what my earlier post was: change everything about yourself, and you wont be a loser.

Even if you imitate all of the "cool" kids... copying what to do and style... you will not be cool... i mean... OTHER people may be "cool" if they copy... but you will NEVER fit in... if you can't even fit in at a forum, and you stick out even with a new username... what do you think happens in real life when you walk around with poser styles? you might as well end it all for yourself, you're a waste of life.

i hope you weren't a troll, so you can see how much of a waste you life is... and even being a troll... you still have no life.

MrConfidence said:
Not exactly looking to be popular, just looking to make friends.
You are a ****ing waste of life... just had to get it out again. but anyways... his advice was the same thing as whatever advice you were looking for you ****ing retard... popularity is the same as having friends... quit making excuses to reject ALMOST EVERYTHING people tell you.


i'd love to see you trying to be like everyone else... i dare you to walk up to some black kid and be like "what up nigga?"... theyll look at you like youre a white kid or something saying that to them.
Sep 18, 2006
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somewhere warm and rainy
MrC ive posted on ur threads before and u pretty much ignore mebut i refuse to give up so here it is

1) look for things ppl are doing in class (besides work lol)
ex. i was reading in class (Ric Flair book; WWE)
through this u can start convo

2)for wrestling go up to ppl u think u could get along w/ and complement them on a match and just be friendly

3) pretty much look for anything to start conversation