How to stop being needy


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
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I'm not going to sugarcoat it, I'm a beta. I want to progress but keep getting stuck with the same issues.
Im 21 and got with my SO last year. I played into her hands at all times and ended up having a child with her 2 weeks ago.
She wouldn't like me going to work as it takes time away from us, and when I'm out she seeks the attention off of everybody that will give it her.
I don't trust her and I'm aware that I need to do a lot to change. But every time I go to leave, or even go out to see my dad or friends, I feel like she's going to betray me and it consumes me. To the point I don't want to leave the house or do anything.
I spoke to a professional and they reckon it's because I have an abandonment complex learned from my younger years. - I just don't get how I can switch off and get on with my life without feeling so anxious and like my world will fall apart if she strays.
Feel free to call me what you want, it's pathetic typing it out, but it's real and I'd appreciate the help
Meditate. Learn about Buddhism, zen, taoism. Read Let Go by Dr D. R. Hawking. Check books like way of the superior man by David Deida. Moreover, you must ho through the fire. The alternative is to be delusional to thonk once upon a time, you had balls, and got one girl.

In your defence, we live in a world where false accusations, soyboy, and low testosterone betas play house with *****s. Men raise the alpha male baby.

Start today. Start small. Set boundaries. Regardless of what you experience, in the words of Blanc, get better. Not bitter.

Women actually hate betas. Listen to how women talk of their husbands.