How To Steal a Girlfriend


Master Don Juan
Jun 29, 2001
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Albuquerque NM
Hmmmm I never made the monkies with titts comment. I like it though. As to some girls being independant well, some. Not the high quality ones. Not likely. No man is perfect. We all have flaws that a girl will overlook as long as she is excited and happy about being with us. As soon as she starts getting a lot of attention from a guy she likes more, or realizes that she has strong possibiblties to get a man she thinks might be better those flaws become enourmous in her eyes. Why? I say its because she has a reason to leave (she feels she can trade up) and she has to do it in such a way that she is not the bad person who dumped her BF because he is 20 pounds heavier or 6 inches shorter or makes 10,000 dollars a year less that the new guy. so maybe she starts being depressed for a while then comes up with something like 'you just don't communicate' or 'you just don't understand my needs!' Of course the problem can't be resolved no matter how hard the poor guy tries since the problem doesn't even exist. So the breakup comes and a few days or a couple of weeks later the girl is with her trade up and everyone including the poor guy thinks that he is the one that screwed up somehow. Tell me that doesn't sound a little familiar.

Shift: Maybe calling you an AFC was a little rough, but I just think that your whole argument against the GF stealing post could be summed up in this quote:

'Its not fair! It's a trick! You guys aren't NICE!' yeah. guilty as charged bro.

I challenge you to come out here and write a post with well developed paragraphs and examples from your experience that demonstrate why blue is wrong for stealing girlfriends, and I'm wrong for supporting his ideas. Also maybe why it is that you think a girl will fall for Blue's trick if she is already with a rich, handsome, successful non-break dancing heart-throb.

I stil say that either blue has to be a better man in some way that is important to the girl, or he has to somehow CONVINCE her that he is. No, I dont think blue could steal ANY girlfriend with his method. I do think he can get quite a few, and I think that if he delivers once he is in the relationship that its going to take a player and a half to get her away from him.

Its easy to call people 'full of sh1t' or whatever else. its easy to get all uppity and offended when someone says something you don't like too. Try stating your point of view and backing it up for a change instead of attacking other peoples ideas in a meaningless way. If you have a sound reasoning behind your argument I'd love to read it.

Also the whole thing about not pursuing a girl just becuase she has a boyfriend is something that I used to beleive and had to give up on out of sheer necessity. In my town I swear to you that nearly every 6+ girl you talk to has one or more boyfriend. So are you suggesting that I sit around and mastrubate every night or that I go out there and talk to several hunderd women every week just to get 2 or 3 lousy numbers? No way. A boyfriend is just some guy she is dating. Big whoop. Odds are very good that he isn't going to turn out to be the right one and she knows it.

When I ask for a number and the girl says, 'I have a boyfriend.' I still close once more. I either go for humor by saying 'Oh? So you two are living together?' If she says no then I put on my biggest smile and hand her the pen without saying a word. If she thinks I'm not better than what she has she wont give the number. If she thinks I might be, she will give it.

Another way is just to ask her about him (girls love to talk about this stuff). If all her talk is positive, then she likes him more than you. If its mixed or mostly negative, she is seeing you as a possibility. She might talk about her boyfriend in glowing terms to another guy that she doesn't like. Ask her for the number again in a minute or two.

Sorry, but I'm not confining myself to only women who are sitting around lonely. Those girls are ususaly alone for good reasons. And just cuase some chump saw her first doesn't mean he 'deserves her' more than me or 'earned' the right to her. Just means he was there when she needed a guy to help pass the time.


Master Don Juan
Jan 1, 2001
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Will you people all stop F-u-C-k-I-n-G arguing? I do not agree with people stealing others gf but I am just interested to know the technique of how to do so. If the technique is good, I will add it into my weapons arsenal so I may use it in future in case when needed.

Otherwise, I wont be such a lame@ss person stealing other's gf cause I have tried before. I used my DJ skills and test it on my buddy's girl. He got a bit uncomfortable but he still remains calm trying not to lash out his anger. I understood his feeling and back-off from stealing the girl.

So whatever you people do, DO AS YOU PLEASE as long as you do not get yourself into trouble.

Have a nice day!


Senior Don Juan
Apr 23, 2001
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The tip itself is not bad and is something that is worth reading. As for juking a friend, that I won't condone and would not do. As for a stranger that I don't know, especially if I know the chick is unhappy with the guy, then hell, I'll be all over that.

Most cases though I let well enough alone.

--Blaine Moore

"Look at all those stupid, stupid, self-conscious people..." -- John Tomac

The DJ Bible


Master Don Juan
Jun 29, 2001
Reaction score
Albuquerque NM
Stealing GF from your buds

is pretty low man. I've done it once and I lost a good friend over it. Also I've learned from experience that just because your buddy's GF is giving you the eye or flirting with you a lot doesn't mean she likes you.

Women love drama and they love being the star of their own private little soap opera. a lot of times she just wants to play one of you against the other. It feeds her ego to think that she could come between you and a friend.

you may make a move on the girl one night only to find that she immediately reports it to her boyfriend who will then be totally convinced of her loyalty and that you tried to stab him in the back for no reason. This even after the chick has done everything to let you know that she wanted you except outright say it. If this happens don't even try to argue, the chick will insist that she was only ever being friendly to you and that you mistook it for something else. The boyfriend, of course, will believe her since she demonstrated her 'loyalty' by telling him what happened.

I had a buddy a couple of years ago that this happened to twice. He had this girlfriend that would sit there and flirt outrageously with all of his other friends including me. He refused to see it and ended up losing TWO friends over this stupid chick.

and Intermediate DJ, chill. No I'm not going to stop arguing. thats part of what you do on a discussion forum.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 12, 2001
Reaction score
Anaheim California USA
hey relax people, this is a great tip. i think it deserves to be put into our arsenal, remember IN LOVE AND WAR EVERYTHING IS LEGAL so dont get mad at him i think we should THANK HIM for sharing this tip for us.

DJs keep an open mind and experiment with new things it will make you a better DJ.

Confidence is the key to women

BLuE eLf

Don Juan
Aug 6, 2001
Reaction score
I’ve just wanted to help you guys and i am glad if i succeded doing it .
I don’t use money to get chicks!

The old school is coming back in my country, that’s why breakdance is so popular between chicks!
Breakdance is just a way to make me special. I am not a guy who likes to be common – I dress, I behave, I talk with chicks, I like to be different from others.
If have girlfriends that I am sure that they will not leave me! Why? Because I make them fall in love and salivate for me first, and maybe after that I make them understand that “we are girlfriend and boyfriend”. My rule regarding this thing: I NEVER tell to a girl that she is MY GIRLFRIEND, I say to her that we are JUST FRIENDS because by this way I AVOID different things like – somebody STEALING HER
– and MAKES HER PURSUE ME . Should I write a tip about that ?

Live your life


Senior Don Juan
Aug 12, 2001
Reaction score
Anaheim California USA
this has nothing to do your topic but how do you do the green smiley face

Confidence is the key to women


Senior Don Juan
Aug 10, 2001
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this is a great place to exchange ideas & debate. Good ideas do not stand up to scrutiny which is the form some 'arguing' takes. As long as you don't slam the other person.

Now I'll take what I can from whomever I can in terms of dj tips.

I will say though, that Big Bill is wrong in saying all high-quality chicks are taken. I've known some that have gone without because they didn't want just anyone or sometimes guys just assumed they had a bf 'cause they were so hot & cool, anyway. So no one made plays on them.

I've also known the treacherous skank who is always out for what she can get out of a guy & won't let go of one guy until she has another. Sounds like you've known some of these, Bill. I have, too.

So does that mean you should limit your djing only to chicks you know have no bf?

Hey, that's your call.

peace out all you dons...even if you don't own parachute pants & wear adidas.



Master Don Juan
Jan 1, 2001
Reaction score
Come on man, BigBill can you please explain to me what it means by your previous statement " Women love drama and they love being the star of their own private little soap opera".

Maybe you can chill me down after explaining that statement. I do not understand it at all.!


Master Don Juan
Jun 29, 2001
Reaction score
Albuquerque NM
Some women go to more extremes

with this than other women do. A very extreme example is a girl I used to date many years ago. She had a boyfrined she was living with when I met her. We ended up dating and I had her. she was a real knockout and good in bed too, so I was really starting to get into her. So I told her that I didnt want to see her anymore unless she ditched the boyfriend. I knew from talking to her that her was physically and mentally abusive to her anyway. But since he was the father of her kid I didnt think she'd do it. well a couple of days later she did and we started seeing eachother. things were great until a couple of months later she left me to go back to the other guy. Then a day or so later she comes to see me and tries to get back together. I tell her what a uselss piece of sh1t she is and tell her to get lost. so she starts like, stalking me. Eventually we get back toghether. this would never happen these days but back then I was a little stupider. I end up falling in love with the stupid chick and for a few moths she keeps leaving me for him and vice versa. She leaves him, he calls her names, threatens her, beats her sometimes. she leaves me I verbally abuse her and make her feel an inch or so tall...

I finally realized that she was using both of us to get what she wanted. High drama and a lot of it. And we two saps just kept it up over her. And of course every time she got back with one of us shed tell all the horrible things the other one did and get all sorts of sympathy and attention. I mean I went into depression, almost lost my job, all sorts of stuff over this silly little tramp. So finally I mustered what self esteem I still had and decided to put an end to it. she was with me at the time and I had caught her in a lie a couple of days earlier about the other guy. she had said she was going one place and didnt go there so I knew she had gone somewhere with him.

I didnt get mad and yell at her or anything because at that point i really didnt have the energy left. So that couple of days later I called her and told her we were through for good and to get lost. she made some half-hearted attempts to change my mind but I think at that point she knew that I saw her and who she was and how things would always be. she knew that she was going to have to find another sap.

since then,I realized that most and possibly all women have a need for some sort of 'problem' to be going on in their life. If there isn't then they will start or invent one. Most have a more or less healthy level of drama, some go to extremes. This is one of the major reasons nice guys get dumped. No drama. Most guys hate that sort of crap. Life has enough challenge for us, when we are at home we want a little peace and tranquillity.

I think its sort of a competition thing too. when they get together with their girlfriends to swap horror stories of their lives, whoever has the worst gets the most attention, sympathy, time to talk ect. If nothing in their life is screwed up, other women will say things like 'Oh, there goes little miss perfect! I'll bet SHE has some skeletons in HER closet.' and silly **** like that. Having lives that don't work is what brings women together and bonds them. If the guy isnt beating her, yelling at her, spending all their money, cheating on her, causing a problem with her family or otherwise causing her life to be screwed up then probobly she is going to get bored and find someone who WILL do one or more of those things. If asked why she left the guy that took good care of her and had his sh1t together she will say something like 'well, we just wern't really compatable' or 'he just didn't understand what I needed in a relationship'. well at least the second one is true. he didnt understand the girl needed to be treated like dog sh1t from time to time.

remember this the next time a girl that would never give you the time of day normally, starts seeing your best friend. Remember it when suddenly she's looking at you like you are Tom Selleck in a speedo and suddenly all your jokes are funny to her and she hangs on your every word. did you turn from clark Kent into Superman? No. she just want to see if she can make you a supporting actor in her new soap opera.


Master Don Juan
Jan 1, 2001
Reaction score
Indirectly, you are saying that women like to use men or lead men on,right? If that is the case, based on your previous experienced, tell the DJ's here what they should do to avoid facing the exact problem that you once faced before.

Tell them how not to fall into the same trap like you do.


Don Juan
Sep 20, 2001
Reaction score
Hey guys! First, there's two ways of looking at this. If all you want is sex-than any girl who could be "stolen" from a BF is fair game. The old saying-:"it takes two to tango" couldn't be more apt in such a case. She would not be "stolen" unless she wanted to be. But beware, if you are looking for a meaningful relationship you are treading on thin ice. The fact that you "stole" her obviously points out the low level of importance she puts on loyalty. Honestly, why would anyone want to be in a relationship constantly fearing their partner would stray?


New Member
Jun 13, 2005
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Mike's KISS(keep it simple stupid) method for stealing GF's.

1. Spot chick you want
2. Observe if she has BF around
3a. If she does, wait , give it time until he's not around
3b. If the BF isnt around approach, be bold and blunt. (I find you very attractive, i'd like to get to know you)
4. Upon receiving the classic "I have a BF" declare that youre not interested in being her BF but you'd still "like to get to know her"
5. Game as usual but throw in small bits and pieces such as when exchanging digits tell her "type in my number under [female version of your name] so your BF wont suspect my calls or messages" in order to keep up the whole "secret affair" aura around your relationship with this girl.

That's how you "steal" a girlfriend.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 7, 2005
Reaction score
How about stealing a gf that you already know and is in your social circle as most of this thread is about how to pick up a gal at a club!

Especially if she says "I dont think My BF wouldnt be happy about us going to the cinema together"
May 28, 2003
Reaction score
Nodferatu's Lair
you should rename that Ten Steps to Getting Stabbed


Don Juan
Mar 11, 2005
Reaction score
1) Bills got it rite.

2) Its a damn forum where we may shout at one another. Disregaring his opinions is hypocritical and stupid, as he could say the same about you.

3) Stealing = bad

4) The way this 'dude' talks, Im not sure if id believe 100% what he says.

5) Dont make up agruments based on agruments ex: Person 1: I like this , Person 2: your such a stupid noob, go get a life cuz u dont know what ur talkin bout, person 1: well i have a life, etc............
Dont fuel the fire


Don Juan
Mar 11, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Dimebag_Darrell
you should rename that Ten Steps to Getting Stabbed

Lol im sure he hasnt told us that minor detail yet


Don Juan
Mar 11, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by mike123
Mike's KISS(keep it simple stupid) method for stealing GF's.

1. Spot chick you want
2. Observe if she has BF around
3a. If she does, wait , give it time until he's not around
3b. If the BF isnt around approach, be bold and blunt. (I find you very attractive, i'd like to get to know you)
4. Upon receiving the classic "I have a BF" declare that youre not interested in being her BF but you'd still "like to get to know her"
5. Game as usual but throw in small bits and pieces such as when exchanging digits tell her "type in my number under [female version of your name] so your BF wont suspect my calls or messages" in order to keep up the whole "secret affair" aura around your relationship with this girl.

That's how you "steal" a girlfriend.

Now, this makes sense since your not manipulating anything. Your leavin it to the chick to do that ;)


Master Don Juan
Dec 11, 2001
Reaction score
BluElf's 'tip' is a fvcking joke. Try that BS and you'll go down in flames 99.99% of the time.

I've had success w/ girls w/ BF's. Here is the deal:

For my money, unless she shows interest in you, you are wasting your time. A girl w/ a BF that wants to fvck you will make it abundantly clear that she does. She'll make it clear to YOU I mean, the BF will likely be utterly clueless.

I know you have to talk to her and carry on convo to get ANYWHERE, but I'm tellin ya I wouldn't work real hard on these chicks. A girl w/ BF that wants you will practically ask for you to fvck her. Once I changed my thinking it's amazing how forward chicks are about wanting to fvck you. Makes me want to cry when I think back on all the hot girls I could have easliy fvcked.

I had to attend another wedding this weekend. God girls in their mid 20's are dying to get married. One of the bridesmaids was doing what I mentioned above to me. She was begging me to fvck her, actually yea she was doing that but I could tell where it was really headed....Marraige. I had to bail on her when she began pointing her parents out to me and advertising the families social status to a guy she didn't even fvcking know, ME.

About the begging you have to learn to notice when they are doing this. My example from this weekend was a dead giveaway. I was dancing w/ this bridesmaid at the reception. She asked me where my wife was. That is when I knew for sure she was asking for me to fvck her. "No honey, I'm not married" Her: "Oh really, I figured you were married". Believe me, she was well aware that I was single.

Now this was a nice compliment from this chick. But trust me, it was really a BLATANT request for me to fvck her. You need to learn to pick up on their subtle little 'hints'. (when you learn this though, you'll likely avoid them, lol.)This chick was not subtle, you'd have to be headless to miss that one.

The bottom line: Boyfriend or not, if they want to fvck you they WILL let you know.

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.
