best thing is to say.. "okay if breaking up makes you happy that's all that matters, probably shouldnt talk for awhile to avoid weird drama no hard feelings!"
go no contact for life.
unless she walks back into your life by her own will alone you will never see her again.
but from now on you are to say no and invest NOTHING into her. not even your thoughts should be invested, no meeting her anywhere, no calling her or
texting, give absolutely nothing and make her do everything. since she cut it off and found a new cck to ride on.
read poons the power of saying no and apply that %100. (; works amazing. best feeling in the world saying no to your exs reaching out for attention and they come to your house in the middle of the night for a validation bang.
she will contact you soon. saying things like
"how are you?
you: busy no we shouldn't talk
"do you hate me now?"
you: no
"want to get coffee?"
you: no
"please just talk to me"
you: no
"I miss you alot and regret breaking up it was a mistake"
you: no you don't
hahaha at first when you have soft feelings for an ex it's actually a real challenge saying no.. you get adrenaline rushes and feel bad for being rude, horrible nice guy chode act.
you should report back to us the results if you choose to do so it's funny