How to Recover from Job Loss


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
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4,402's also a one way road to the retarded "end the fed, taxation is theft" mindset... Whatever, it's fine that tax write offs are 'legal'(because they benefit those who stand to profit the most from them)but don't try to wear the defect of our social system as a badge of honor.
Non-Sequitor Translation: Don't wear your legal methodology of mitigating expenses as a badge of honor.

Further, tax mitigation for the self-employed is hardly a "social" defect. It is/was deliberately and prudently created to incentivize more entrepreneurs to create businesses to stimulate economic growth and create jobs.


Oct 20, 2006
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Non-Sequitor Translation: Don't wear your legal methodology of mitigating expenses as a badge of honor.

Further, tax mitigation for the self-employed is hardly a "social" defect. It is/was deliberately and prudently created to incentivize more entrepreneurs to create businesses to stimulate economic growth and create jobs.
Thatfeel celebrates welfare and hates the free market! And she wants to standardize a $15 an hour minimum wage, and pretends Obama created jobs!

Does thatfeel realize that this keeps costs lower? Prices would be 50% higher for ALL goods and services if we couldn't deduct business expenses. Does thatfeel really believe that Dell should pay taxes on computer parts that it buys to assemble our computers? These are the types who support the welfare state. Not only do they provide zero useful information but they outright condemn anyone who still manages to make a good living despite their grand theft.

tax write offs are ....the defect of our social system
I'm sure you'd rather have me pay to bring your mama here, but keep your communist propaganda to yourself before we kick your ass back to Mexico City like we did the last time, you reverse racist. Here in America some Americans still thrive despite parasites like you.


Oct 20, 2006
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* thatfeel will lie and say income tax pays for schools. But that is property tax.
* thatfeel will lie and say income tax pays for our roads. But that is gasoline tax.
* income tax is in reality nothing but an INTEREST PAYMENT to private, off shore bankers (that have nothing to do with the Treasury).
* thatfeel will lie and pretend it's a zero sum game where the money goes back into the country. It doesn't. It goes to private offshore banks. That is, the richest 1% (not those who earn among the top 1 or 2% like me).
* thatfeel wants to give all my money to the people who OWN more than 99% of people, not people who EARN more. Big difference. Like a Trillion dollars difference.
* thatfeel prevents me from hiring YOU, by forcing me to give money to his crack addict sister.

All told, Americans pay 78% of their income in taxes. That's right - nearly 4/5 dollars they earn are stolen and used to fund welfare moms, illegal aliens, and wars (most via inflation). Over 5 times the amount that caused the peasants to revolt during the Renaissance.

* And thatfeel will say "I don't mind paying 100% tax as long as I get my children fed and my Prozac refill, especially because I don't work anyway".

But don't worry, when America collapses and the dollar is useless, just remember that people like thatfeel told you with a straight face that everything was going to be ok.


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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In Texas you don't pay franchise tax at all until you reach 1 million dollars in revenue. That obviously includes not only profit, but for a consultant it means 0 franchise tax liability.

This allows the very smallest businesses to hire people and provide jobs to someone else.

I make about what Big Neil makes as a consultant and employ similar tax advantaged strategies...but I have doubled my total income with income real estate. My gross income will approach 400K this year. Close to half of that is passive. Because I choose to live somewhere rural that is super cheap compared to say, NYC or even Atlanta, housing & cost of living are a fraction of Metropolitan area costs so I can vastly accelerate my debt service and reach a free cash flow state independent of my consulting income much faster. My only debt period now is mortgage debt on income producing property...and I hold a 45% equity stake in a sideways market(s).

I will be financially independent before I am 50.

The only issue for me is that there is no dating pool for me in my area whatsoever. Median incomes here are 26K annually but I make that in 45 days or less, and I out earn most of the doctors & lawyers in town. So if I want a man in my league I'm doing LDRs, which are iffy at best. So I expand my social networks on my travels and make lots of friends.

Once I reach my near term goals I'll pick up a second home in a better area, which will solve the dating pool problem.

Life is about choices. When contracts wind up I am far less stressed than in the past...A. Since I'm in high demand & B. I always have more than 1 client, & C., I have passive income streams.

Life is about choice. Find a way to make the best choices for YOU & never look back.


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2016
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1) You can get a Tax ID for free online. Don't pay accountants, lawyers, or agents for this service.
2) Delaware corporations are fine, but require annual taxes and registered agent fees. You can incorporate within your own state to avoid DE's superfluous fees.
3) Incorporate using an LLC, not a C-Corp., and file your LLC operating income in your personal return, Schedule C (if multi-member, Schedule E). Here you save $600-$800 annually by not having to file a separate corporate return.
4) If your contract requires it, maximize deductibles to decrease insurance premium.
5) Keep one corporate card, and expense all corporate expenses through the card to streamline annual summaries. No work required here. Keep receipts in case of audit.
6) See No. 3.

You don't need a degree to be self-employed.

1) Research local, state, and federal subject business, licensing, and solicitation laws to ensure compliance.
2) Learn the skill set.
3) Incorporate.
4) Secure a virtual phone number, address, and e-mail.
5) Create business cards and letterhead.
6) Create subject contracts.
7) Find, solicit, and close prospects.
8) Do phenomenal work and go beyond to keep clients happy.
9) Solicit clients for other jobs.
10) Ask clients for referrals.
11) Go to No. 7.
#8-10 are priceless to anyone who is self employed. You do good work, appease the customer, offer 100% customization to needs or close to and your word of mouth is gonna skyrocket. Most of my small time business deck/fence jobs are all referrals from other clients.

Having a job is one thing, when your own name is on the business you set yourself at a higher standard because all you have is your quality of work and your honest word. That's the way I feel since taking over from my dad. Job is a job, but your ass is in the line you go 150% balls to the walls to make customers happy

Speculator E

Master Don Juan
May 6, 2007
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In Texas you don't pay franchise tax at all until you reach 1 million dollars in revenue. That obviously includes not only profit, but for a consultant it means 0 franchise tax liability.

This allows the very smallest businesses to hire people and provide jobs to someone else.

I make about what Big Neil makes as a consultant and employ similar tax advantaged strategies...but I have doubled my total income with income real estate. My gross income will approach 400K this year. Close to half of that is passive. Because I choose to live somewhere rural that is super cheap compared to say, NYC or even Atlanta, housing & cost of living are a fraction of Metropolitan area costs so I can vastly accelerate my debt service and reach a free cash flow state independent of my consulting income much faster. My only debt period now is mortgage debt on income producing property...and I hold a 45% equity stake in a sideways market(s).

I will be financially independent before I am 50.

The only issue for me is that there is no dating pool for me in my area whatsoever. Median incomes here are 26K annually but I make that in 45 days or less, and I out earn most of the doctors & lawyers in town. So if I want a man in my league I'm doing LDRs, which are iffy at best. So I expand my social networks on my travels and make lots of friends.

Once I reach my near term goals I'll pick up a second home in a better area, which will solve the dating pool problem.

Life is about choices. When contracts wind up I am far less stressed than in the past...A. Since I'm in high demand & B. I always have more than 1 client, & C., I have passive income streams.

Life is about choice. Find a way to make the best choices for YOU & never look back.
Why did you have to post this.? It's just gonna piss him off.

I built trading programs for wall street. Most of my income come from running these programs in the stock market. I could make more but I'm under 30 and have a day job.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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In Texas you don't pay franchise tax at all until you reach 1 million dollars in revenue. That obviously includes not only profit, but for a consultant it means 0 franchise tax liability.

This allows the very smallest businesses to hire people and provide jobs to someone else.

I make about what Big Neil makes as a consultant and employ similar tax advantaged strategies...but I have doubled my total income with income real estate. My gross income will approach 400K this year. Close to half of that is passive. Because I choose to live somewhere rural that is super cheap compared to say, NYC or even Atlanta, housing & cost of living are a fraction of Metropolitan area costs so I can vastly accelerate my debt service and reach a free cash flow state independent of my consulting income much faster. My only debt period now is mortgage debt on income producing property...and I hold a 45% equity stake in a sideways market(s).

I will be financially independent before I am 50.

The only issue for me is that there is no dating pool for me in my area whatsoever. Median incomes here are 26K annually but I make that in 45 days or less, and I out earn most of the doctors & lawyers in town. So if I want a man in my league I'm doing LDRs, which are iffy at best. So I expand my social networks on my travels and make lots of friends.

Once I reach my near term goals I'll pick up a second home in a better area, which will solve the dating pool problem.

Life is about choices. When contracts wind up I am far less stressed than in the past...A. Since I'm in high demand & B. I always have more than 1 client, & C., I have passive income streams.

Life is about choice. Find a way to make the best choices for YOU & never look back.
What makes you think you wouldn't be happy with a guy who works?


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
The only issue for me is that there is no dating pool for me in my area whatsoever. Median incomes here are 26K annually but I make that in 45 days or less, and I out earn most of the doctors & lawyers in town. So if I want a man in my league I'm doing LDRs, which are iffy at best. So I expand my social networks on my travels and make lots of friends.
Quite the bind. You set the bar up so high for yourself, very few can complement. Conversely, for men, dating down the socio-economic scale maximizes long-term compliance, respect, and loyalty. I struggled with this a bit with my current GF. She's beautiful, reasonably smart, but on a different socio-economic scale. But, as I learned from previous relations, I don't mesh well with a combative partner, nor a continual battle of wits, which is more prevalent in like (or reverse) castes. Hypergamy is not an unequivocal influence, but it sure plays a significant role.
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Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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Piss who off? Big Neil? I doubt it.

The point I'm making is that we all make choices. I totally get what @bigneil is saying because I completely get where he is coming from. Other people make more than I do, than he does, and push him (and me too frankly) to have more expansive thinking.

My choice is to stay in a small town for now (since like Big Neil I'm home office based & can be anywhere), to maximize my dollars and service debt on income properties. That way I have my freedom faster and then I have even more choices. My kids are also stable here and the community has benefits from a family perspective. In LA or NYC my income still provides a good life but not the ability to get ahead like I can where I am now.

But yes the dating pool is non existent here for me. I have no desire to be a sugar mama whatsoever. I already had that dynamic in my marriage and the marriage was a casualty. I'm also from a well connected family where correct diction, grammar & education are important. Lots of doctoral degrees in law, medicine, and other fields in my family. So I'm from a sophisticated background and prefer to date men who are from a similar background and have a similar level of success. It's an observation not a complaint.

Those men are not single in my area. A few exist and they and their wives are friends of mine.

When I am in Orange County, LA, Austin or NYC there are plenty of people my caliber whom I can compliment and defer to. I meet them all the time. My friends are always wanting to set me up. My current interest is in LA. I respect him a great deal and we relate very well to one another. Men do date down the socio-economic spectrum. They prefer to do so in most cases because men expect (and should LEAD the relationship.)

I simply recognize the framework for what it is and understand that it limits the dating pool for me. It also means that I defer from a place of choice to the right guy rather than from a place of need. I don't need a man's resources. I have my own, so the men that choose me tend to find that a refreshing change. Men who I date run into gold digger types constantly and like that I am not all about their money. I am free to appreciate them for who they are and do so from a genuine place. I am happy to submit in the best sense to a man worthy of my submission.

And I know what it's like to have client turnover. It can be unsettling so that's why I noted some of my strategies to deal with it (alternate income streams, more than 1 client, etc.) I have children and an ex who depend on my ability to earn so I take financial stability quite seriously.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
Piss who off? Big Neil? I doubt it.

The point I'm making is that we all make choices. I totally get what @bigneil is saying because I completely get where he is coming from. Other people make more than I do, than he does, and push him (and me too frankly) to have more expansive thinking.

My choice is to stay in a small town for now (since like Big Neil I'm home office based & can be anywhere), to maximize my dollars and service debt on income properties. That way I have my freedom faster and then I have even more choices. My kids are also stable here and the community has benefits from a family perspective. In LA or NYC my income still provides a good life but not the ability to get ahead like I can where I am now.

But yes the dating pool is non existent here for me. I have no desire to be a sugar mama whatsoever. I already had that dynamic in my marriage and the marriage was a casualty. I'm also from a well connected family where correct diction, grammar & education are important. Lots of doctoral degrees in law, medicine, and other fields in my family. So I'm from a sophisticated background and prefer to date men who are from a similar background and have a similar level of success. It's an observation not a complaint.

Those men are not single in my area. A few exist and they and their wives are friends of mine.

When I am in Orange County, LA, Austin or NYC there are plenty of people my caliber whom I can compliment and defer to. I meet them all the time. My friends are always wanting to set me up. My current interest is in LA. I respect him a great deal and we relate very well to one another. Men do date down the socio-economic spectrum. They prefer to do so in most cases because men expect (and should LEAD the relationship.)

I simply recognize the framework for what it is and understand that it limits the dating pool for me. It also means that I defer from a place of choice to the right guy rather than from a place of need. I don't need a man's resources. I have my own, so the men that choose me tend to find that a refreshing change. Men who I date run into gold digger types constantly and like that I am not all about their money. I am free to appreciate them for who they are and do so from a genuine place. I am happy to submit in the best sense to a man worthy of my submission.

And I know what it's like to have client turnover. It can be unsettling so that's why I noted some of my strategies to deal with it (alternate income streams, more than 1 client, etc.) I have children and an ex who depend on my ability to earn so I take financial stability quite seriously.
I think you are short changing yourself by your mindset. Plenty of people who know how to use grammar properly and are intelligent don't make 500K a year...just saying. Typically from what I've seen in situations like that is people get what they want, then realize they aren't happy with it.

It leads to him having women on the side, her having guys on the side and people being together because it "looks good" to their friends and associates...and not to mention they have plenty of money for staging "unfortunate accidents" as we gave seen far too often recently...having money doesn't make you a good person, just like not having money doesn't make you a bad person.

Not saying that's what would happen to you, but I'm just saying that's what I've seen happen.

And it makes you sound stuck up, snobby and elitist, which most guys would roll their eyes at and keep it moving.


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
Reaction score
I think you are short changing yourself by your mindset. Plenty of people who know how to use grammar properly and are intelligent don't make 500K a year...just saying. Typically from what I've seen in situations like that is people get what they want, then realize they aren't happy with it.

It leads to him having women on the side, her having guys on the side and people being together because it "looks good" to their friends and associates...and not to mention they have plenty of money for staging "unfortunate accidents" as we gave seen far too often recently...having money doesn't make you a good person, just like not having money doesn't make you a bad person.

Not saying that's what would happen to you, but I'm just saying that's what I've seen happen.

And it makes you sound stuck up, snobby and elitist, which most guys would roll their eyes at and keep it moving.
Grammar, manners and taste are things taught in the home within families who place value on that sort of thing. But not everyone understands or knows what kind of value grammar, manners and taste confer to a third party.

All other things being equal people will choose the more well spoken, well mannered, tastefully appointed person over the less in all sorts of settings. This is not news. This is true in education opportunities, professional opportunities, and dating opportunities. How one speaks, acts, and presents oneself confers all sorts of intangible signals to others including assumptions about education level, intelligence, and status. Human beings compare one another. This is not news either. Smart people are wise to care about this sort of thing to their benefit. Why else is one of the big messages of SS to dress your best and work out to look your best? It's additional manifestations of the same thing. Stand out by creating value when compared to someone else by maximizing what it is one has to offer. The added and more important benefit is the intrinsic value this creates in oneself. To be proud of oneself and one's accomplishments radiates out in a genuine way that people are drawn toward.

No one who meets me finds me stuck up, snobby, or elitist. Quite the contrary. If they do I could care less, honestly. I am wholly myself at all times but it doesn't matter what folks on the internet think either. I treat people with respect whether they work for me, work with me, rent from me, know me, or don't know me. I know what I want, I know what I need, and I am patient; I would prefer to be single rather than settle (I love myself and I love my life) and I make no apologies for any of that. My mindset is positive and uplifting. Frankly I am not sure I would ever want to remarry. If I did I would require a prickly pre-nump and would be happy to sign one for a prospective suitor. I don't want anything to threaten my ability to handle my affairs as my kids approach college age and as I look at my own future.

I do think some of you guys find it fascinating that someone like me exists. If I was another man who made all the same comments nobody would bat an eyelash. But the fact that I exist and that I am a woman challenges some of the belief systems held by some people on here. I think that is a worthwhile thing. I've been an outlier all my life. I'm accustomed to it and am comfortable with it. If whatever I have to offer gives someone food for thought, great.

I actually hoped that seeing a woman accomplish these things would send the message that if SHE (after all she's just a woman) can do it, then I (a man) certainly can too. Maybe I'm giving y'all too much credit? I hope not. I think the forum is valuable. I for one find more salient wisdom here about success and successful thinking here than a lot of other places.
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Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
Grammar, manners and taste are things taught in the home within families who place value on that sort of thing. But not everyone understands or knows what kind of value grammar, manners and taste confer to a third party.

All other things being equal people will choose the more well spoken, well mannered, tastefully appointed person over the less in all sorts of settings. This is not news. This is true in education opportunities, professional opportunities, and dating opportunities. How one speaks, acts, and presents oneself confers all sorts of intangible signals to others including assumptions about education level, intelligence, and status. Human beings compare one another. This is not news either. Smart people are wise to care about this sort of thing to their benefit. Why else is one of the big messages of SS to dress your best and work out to look your best? It's additional manifestations of the same thing. Stand out by creating value when compared to someone else by maximizing what it is one has to offer. The added and more important benefit is the intrinsic value this creates in oneself. To be proud of oneself and one's accomplishments radiates out in a genuine way that people are drawn toward.

No one who meets me finds me stuck up, snobby, or elitist. Quite the contrary. If they do I could care less, honestly. I am wholly myself at all times but it doesn't matter what folks on the internet think either. I treat people with respect whether they work for me, work with me, rent from me, know me, or don't know me. I know what I want, I know what I need, and I am patient; I would prefer to be single rather than settle (I love myself and I love my life) and I make no apologies for any of that. My mindset is positive and uplifting. Frankly I am not sure I would ever want to remarry. If I did I would require a prickly pre-nump and would be happy to sign one for a prospective suitor. I don't want anything to threaten my ability to handle my affairs as my kids approach college age and as I look at my own future.

I do think some of you guys find it fascinating that someone like me exists. If I was another man who made all the same comments nobody would bat an eyelash. But the fact that I exist and that I am a woman challenges some of the belief systems held by some people on here. I think that is a worthwhile thing. I've been an outlier all my life. I'm accustomed to it and am comfortable with it. If whatever I have to offer gives someone food for thought, great.

I actually hoped that seeing a woman accomplish these things would send the message that if SHE (after all she's just a woman) can do it, then I (a man) certainly can too. Maybe I'm giving y'all too much credit? I hope not. I think the forum is valuable. I for one find more salient wisdom here about success and successful thinking here than a lot of other places.
Manners, grammar and taste doesn't create sexual attraction. All those things are "nice" in a guy, but it's no different than the guy who spends all this money on dinner, flowers, etc on a first date versus the guy who takes a woman out for drinks or a simple date that costs nothing.

Attraction isn't a choice. A guy can either give you the tingles or he won't, but his manners, taste and grammar while being important logically will not be the deciding factor in person. Of that I'd bet a significant amount of money.


Mar 10, 2010
Reaction score
The Wacky Races
I do think some of you guys find it fascinating that someone like me exists. If I was another man who made all the same comments nobody would bat an eyelash. But the fact that I exist and that I am a woman challenges some of the belief systems held by some people on here. I think that is a worthwhile thing. I've been an outlier all my life. I'm accustomed to it and am comfortable with it. If whatever I have to offer gives someone food for thought, great.
As long as you are a Trump supporter, you could be a dykesquatch moon monkey and it wouldn't bother me.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
I do think some of you guys find it fascinating that someone like me exists. If I was another man who made all the same comments nobody would bat an eyelash. But the fact that I exist and that I am a woman challenges some of the belief systems held by some people on here. I think that is a worthwhile thing. I've been an outlier all my life. I'm accustomed to it and am comfortable with it. If whatever I have to offer gives someone food for thought, great.

I actually hoped that seeing a woman accomplish these things would send the message that if SHE (after all she's just a woman) can do it, then I (a man) certainly can too. Maybe I'm giving y'all too much credit? I hope not. I think the forum is valuable. I for one find more salient wisdom here about success and successful thinking here than a lot of other places.
Can do what exactly? Focus on making lots of money? If that was my passion in life, then I'm sure I could do it very well. Anything I want to do and put my mind to doing, I do exceptionally well. I just don't have any real interest in making money just to make more money. My two real passions are working out and computer programming. Both of them I do quite well at. At some point I likely will be in a position to make a bunch of money from my computer programming but that will be a result of me doing what I love to do rather than me focusing on doing something to make money.

Do you come from one of those well off families that would shame you if you didn't pursue making money like your life depended on it? Or is it just something that you kind of picked up on growing up, that you are supposed to have lots of money to fit in? Just curious. I grew up in a family that didn't have a lot of money. We weren't poor but we were lower middle class. Money wasn't a big thing to us. Health, family and being a good human being were what was important to us. Not that these are mutually exclusive things, but I just find it strange why people who come from family's that have money feel its so important to have money. Is that what makes you happy in life? Or is that how you define yourself? By your money?

My happiness doesn't revolve around material things. It never has. I have 2 cars that are paid off, I own a house, I have enough money to do what I want to do on a regular basis and almost no debt. And that's enough for me. Pursuing more money just so I can buy more things and have more problems just doesn't have any appeal to me. I know plenty of people who make more money than I do that are strung out on drugs, hate their life and hate their spouse. Must not be all its cracked up to be.
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Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
I'm glad to hear BeExcellent is doing well, and for the speculation that Speculator E is doing well also.

Unlike Socialists, I realize that the the more people who make good money there are, the better for my business. Who else will be our customers?

Most people who have more money than me (including many family members) achieved it through real estate. Meanwhile a lot of people lost a lot of money (or whatever they gained previously) in real estate. Personally, I don't like the real estate market. It seems like Wall Street to me. Rigged. Scaled to inflation it's barely broken even over the past 100 years. I chose to invest in software technology and also to avoid the Venture Capital route. When you live free of any debt whatsoever, you don't tend to have exciting houses or businesses, but it doesn't mean you have less than someone who is in debt. My company was evaluated at $10 Million in 1999 but someone else owns you in that situation. They can "call in" the loan, which is a lot like when your wife wants to divorce you and you must sell your gold records to give her half of what she claims they are worth. Had I gone that route I would have went down during the Dot Com crash of 2000. I might end up not making anything on the software, but on the other hand, it allowed me to self produce an App in just a few weeks, and got me the current job. Several clients have used it. There is great resistance when you try to set a new standard. Lots of egos who try to crush you to defend the status quo. Maybe it will take off someday, but I have no regrets if it doesn't.


Mar 10, 2010
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The Wacky Races
One thing I will say about jobs is that HR depts are wo-manned by fvking useless ****s.. I called this trucking COMPANY... a fvcking transport truck OTR company job ad. I can't believe men put these types of people into positions of power over others.

I said "Please put me through to your Driver recruiting division"

HER: "My Driver recruiti-what?"

ME: "Do you have a special section that deals with Drivers?"

HER: "Huh sorry, what? I don't know what that means."

ME: "This is a transport company right? Do you have trucks?"

HER: "I don't think so, not here, maybe that's a different department"

ME: "Right, so can you transfer to someone who deals with that"

HER: "I don't know, um, Omigosh, um"

ME: "Is this Human Resources?"

HER: "YES, Just hold on a second, gawd. So what is it you want? "

ME: "Could you transfer me to the person who deals with driver recruitment please?"

HER: "Ok hold on"

- Transfers to 3 different departments and finally BACK TO HER.

ME: "So you hire drivers?"

HER: "I guess so.... look why don't you just use the website its easy."

ME: "But aren't you the person who does the hiring?"

HER: "Yeah but you need to send in a resume!"

ME: "I already did, that's why I'm calling"

- Click -

Sends me to an answering machine.

HR broads in 99% of companies I have been with have all done some version of this. And when you need them to do something, its on their time between the Texting, lunch and going to the lunchroom to decide what they want for lunch.... you know what, **** it, I'm gonna go get my HR certificate because apparently you can get paid 60 to 80 grand a year for doing absolutely nothing.


Another time I recall I had an interview at this one place, so I go there and the secretary is sitting outside the office talking on the phone. I ask them where the Driver manager is and they point to the office. I go to walk into the office and a voice from behind "HEY, YOU HAVE TO WAIT TILL I GO BACK IN THERE".

So I wait.... 20 minutes. She is talking to no one special.

She finally gets off her ass and walks into the office seemingly pissed that I interrupted her conversation. There are other people in the goddamn office, a couch to sit on, 5 vacant seats, A/C and some old broad sitting there having a pizza. I walk up to the older woman who is eating and I ask to speak to the Driver manager, she says she's busy and she'll deal with me in a minute. So I go to sit down and this woman says "You should probably go wait outside until he gets here."

ME: "I can't just sit and wait here? [it was 32 out and a dry heat]"

HER: "No, just go drive around or something for half an hour"

I finally get back, the door to the office is locked. I knock and it takes about 5 minutes for them to open it... the office is full of broads and I see the Driver Manager in his office, so I walk directly in... he tells me I'm late for the interview.

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