it is not about being offensive , it is about that guys try to convince other guys why East Asians are better than western womenyou comment often on this point. why is it so offensive to you?
I know lots of Western European men in Asia that are ..decent dudes living great lives. Germany, UK, France, Ireland. Most of them its a reboot and good ones. A few screws up, but hey... it's like that.
The thing is that we tell men to move to the city from the country all the time because the prospects are better. How is this different, to move to a location that has a higher percentage of in-shape single young women? guys 5.6 and above in height will be taller than most of them and slightly taller than the average man. At say 5.10 or 511 towering over most, but not ALL.
I should just leave this one, but so interested as to why..., not sexpats, Dudes rebooting life and living large and happy. Some move to open company offices for western companies. How is any of this bad??
I'm not offended at all, have heard it before.
which basically based on this stats , they are not
one thing is to be true to yourself and admit that you can not get laid in the developed world because you lack certain traits and most importantly are too stubborn to admit it , and one thing to rationalize all the garbage that eastern Asian women are feminine and more traditional and bla bla
clearly the 2nd option is not the case
What I am trying to say is that for men , at least here , they would rather vent that women this and that , while they think that they are good as they are . Which clearly is not the case . They lack things , you lack things