How to Navigate Dating When Rich Or Wealthy?


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
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Avoid scenes where celebs hang out and you won't deal with as many golddiggers. If you insist on hanging around these scenes and don't have extraordinary sex appeal or personality, you'll be dealing with these issues. If you're pursuing an LTR in this kind of scene, idk what to say except look for patterns and focus heavy on subtle cues when screening. You may have to rely upon a built repository of learned experiences OP as each person is unique even within a scene of like-minded people.

You hang around money and fame, you'll be dealing with low-character posers...

Granted, this is KJ-ing to a degree, but it's also largely obvious. I'm not loaded now, but I used to be but even when I was, I've always led with my c0ck and wit. Anything financial-related was lubrication to the end goal. I've always used kino as an in-person litmus test but if you're looking for an LTR it can be hard as both picky and reserved women can put up similar lukewarm fronts, but you can tell who has genuine interest in you as a person (asking personal non-financial questions, having deep convos, them revealing more abou themsevles, etc). If I were in OP's shoes I'd screen hard for high interest, but he's surrounded himself with a crowd of "poker players" while being naturally AMOG'd so not the ideal situation to be honest.

OP, ask yourself how can you DHV yourself in a way that has nothing to do with work or money?
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Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
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Poor mouth. While I disagree about actively trying to hide who you are (if I'm going to a Charlie Trotter's type place.....I'd be going there anyway.....don't go to Red Lobster just to pretend you aren't a Charlie Trotter's guy for example).....I also think it is worthwhile to help someone understand the obligations and responsibilities of having something includes.

Last week I dropped 3K on repairs to a rental unit and 5K on oral surgery for my daughter. Many people don't make that in 2 months. I talk about having to put those things on cards (and downplay that I pay them off quickly.)

I do not share financial details with anyone who is not of similar level of wealth than I, and I'm somewhat opaque even then. People can see that I drive a very expensive car (bought used), wear expensive clothes & jewelry, bought mostly used, and I pay attention to someone's ease being around affluent people. I don't gush about someone's plane, or yacht, or racehorse or expensive home. I get uncomfortable when someone is unaccustomed to the trappings of wealth, because that demonstrates a lack of discretion and a sense of "OMG he has XYZ......"

So you'll have to cypher who doesn't have the elegance to navigate that world (or lacks the discretion to ask privately about things she doesn't know)......

You also would do well to avoid women who feel entitled to what you have worked so hard for (if they never make an effort to pick up the check or if they expect shopping trips or you to cover her rent/gas/bills etc.)

And you'd also do best to avoid women who think they deserve your resources in exchange for her looks. That is more subjective. So use your judgement.

The way to figure out these things is to listen, pay attention and downplay your wealth while still living your life as you were already doing. Poor mouth around those whose motivations you do not know.

I out earn my man by a multiple. He had very little idea and I still do not discuss specifics with him. Our finances are individual, not joint because we had lives prior to one another.

Trusts are your friend. Protect your wealth in advance from others who would take advantage.
Something tells me you get a buzz from describing your charmed life in nearly every post of yours in a forum with disenfranchised and troubled men. Is that so, or am I wrong?
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Don Juan
Oct 7, 2024
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Disclaimer: I'm curious to hear from successful members about this. No shade to members that don't fit the bill but this is for people who actually experience this and not 2nd or 3rd hand accounts(keyboard jockeying)

I don't consider myself wealthy not even close. However, I'm doing far better now than when I started on this site as a broke 24-year-old arrogant kid working 2 jobs. I've noticed that in the last 4 years the more my income improves the more it brought me into spaces and circles I haven't had access to before(Thousandaires and multi-millionaires, including D-List celebs). In the last few years, I have dated women and/or gone on dates with women who wouldn't have given me the time of day before, with financial success discerning genuine interest can be challenging at times.

I would love to hear personal stories and Red flags to look for

I find Social Circle to be the best however it's not always the best. I.e. I dated a hot chick in 2023 my millionaire buddy introduced me too but she was bat**** crazy and my buddy didn't give me the heads up that she was psycho. Needless to say I stopped hanging out with said circle as much. Below are some actions that I'm already taken

  • Some Gold diggers are easy to spot, they tend to be so obvious and obnoxious that I avoid them no matter how hot they are
  • I don't do fancy dinner dates or take girls to fancy restaurants unless we are exclusive
  • I sometimes don't even bring women around my place as I value my privacy and yes I have rented hotel rooms as advised by my attorney at times
  • I find women who tend to do well salary-wise are much more relatable although I prefer submissive women, I find women who don't make money tend to fit the bill better
  • If I meet a woman in the field or online I present myself below my means although In social circles it's hard to keep it a secret

Some questions I have
  • Red Flags: What are the signs or behaviors that make you cautious about someone’s intentions?
  • Dating Strategies: How do you approach dating to ensure the person is interested in you for who you are, rather than your bank account? especially if they know you're doing well?
  • Balancing Transparency and Privacy: How do you handle conversations about your financial status early in a relationship? Do you keep it under wraps initially, or do you prefer to be upfront?
  • Advice for Others: What advice would you give to other successful men facing similar situations? Are there any specific strategies or mindsets that have worked for you?

Thank you
Same as broke:
- Don't put her on a pedestal
- Treat her as any other girl
- Focus on yourself first
-She's the icing on the cake
- Don't wave your money around, she'll notice.

But all of these things above you have to believe it in your heart of hearts.


Don Juan
Oct 7, 2024
Reaction score
Poor mouth. While I disagree about actively trying to hide who you are (if I'm going to a Charlie Trotter's type place.....I'd be going there anyway.....don't go to Red Lobster just to pretend you aren't a Charlie Trotter's guy for example).....I also think it is worthwhile to help someone understand the obligations and responsibilities of having something includes.

Last week I dropped 3K on repairs to a rental unit and 5K on oral surgery for my daughter. Many people don't make that in 2 months. I talk about having to put those things on cards (and downplay that I pay them off quickly.)

I do not share financial details with anyone who is not of similar level of wealth than I, and I'm somewhat opaque even then. People can see that I drive a very expensive car (bought used), wear expensive clothes & jewelry, bought mostly used, and I pay attention to someone's ease being around affluent people. I don't gush about someone's plane, or yacht, or racehorse or expensive home. I get uncomfortable when someone is unaccustomed to the trappings of wealth, because that demonstrates a lack of discretion and a sense of "OMG he has XYZ......"

So you'll have to cypher who doesn't have the elegance to navigate that world (or lacks the discretion to ask privately about things she doesn't know)......

You also would do well to avoid women who feel entitled to what you have worked so hard for (if they never make an effort to pick up the check or if they expect shopping trips or you to cover her rent/gas/bills etc.)

And you'd also do best to avoid women who think they deserve your resources in exchange for her looks. That is more subjective. So use your judgement.

The way to figure out these things is to listen, pay attention and downplay your wealth while still living your life as you were already doing. Poor mouth around those whose motivations you do not know.

I out earn my man by a multiple. He had very little idea and I still do not discuss specifics with him. Our finances are individual, not joint because we had lives prior to one another.

Trusts are your friend. Protect your wealth in advance from others who would take advantage.
Next time you do advice, remove yourself from the advice. The first paragraphs you were describing yourself and what you have. Nobody cares, say the advice in the third person for the point to come across.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
Reaction score
Last week I dropped 3K on repairs to a rental unit and 5K on oral surgery for my daughter. Many people don't make that in 2 months. I talk about having to put those things on cards (and downplay that I pay them off quickly.)
8K is nothing. The other day, I had to fix 40K worth of damage to genuine Brazilian Walnut hardwood flooring caused by an overflowing toilet. I didn't even have to write a check. I just gave the contractor a couple of front row seat tickets for the Taylor Swift Eras tour. No big deal, I've got a dozen more sitting in the safe for occasions like this.

I out earn my man by a multiple.
I out-earn my woman, her parents and their entire village in Venezuela, combined!
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It doesn't matter how good-looking you are, how romantic you are, how funny you are... or anything else. If she doesn't have something INVESTED in you and the relationship, preferably quite a LOT invested, she'll dump you, without even the slightest hesitation, as soon as someone a little more "interesting" comes along.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
Reaction score
@TheGambino is a millionaire. Probably in IRR, but still....


Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2023
Reaction score
Next time you do advice, remove yourself from the advice. The first paragraphs you were describing yourself and what you have. Nobody cares, say the advice in the third person for the point to come across.
Not to be the bearer of bad news, but much of the advice in the Manosphere is often based on personal anecdotes or exaggerated experiences rather than science. For example, when someone claims to have a 'harem' of women at their disposal, it may not accurately reflect reality. These stories could either be fabricated or rare occurrences, not backed by sustainable or scientifically supported behavior. The truth is, most people here are not what they claim to be, and the reality is far more complex than the perfect image they try to project. Moreover, much of the advice given is not congruent or practical—it’s often extremely vague and lacks a clear 'SOP' to actually reach the end goal.

It’s a pet peeve of mine. That’s why I didn’t offer any advice on this topic, nor have I done the necessary research to provide proper, science-backed guidance.


Master Don Juan
Jan 31, 2023
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But this thread is not about you...
A thread titled "How to Navigate Dating When Rich Or Wealthy" is not about rich forum members? The original post even spelled it out in bold in the first two lines:

Disclaimer: I'm curious to hear from successful members about this. No shade to members that don't fit the bill but this is for people who actually experience this and not 2nd or 3rd hand accounts(keyboard jockeying)


Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2023
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A thread titled "How to Navigate Dating When Rich Or Wealthy" is not about rich forum members? The original post even spelled it out in bold in the first two lines:
How can we prove that the people who posted in this thread giving advice are rich? (Not to single him out but as an example, by giving advice in this thread, Mr. Amsterdam is claiming that he is “rich”).


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
Reaction score
How can we prove that the people who posted in this thread giving advice are rich? (Not to single him out but as an example, by giving advice in this thread, Mr. Amsterdam is claiming that he is “rich”).
Am I claiming to be rich?
I think I wrote:
If I would get obscenely rich, I would probably hide my wealth and stay out to the limelight as much as possible.
There are levels of 'rich'. I'm at a comfortable level, where I don't have to worry about financial matters for the rest of my life, but that is partially because I live well within my means.

In my previous life I was a personal risk management consultant to people targeted because of their wealth. That is not a comfortable level to be in. And I've seen more than enough of the dark hedonistic side of wealth and success to know when I had enough and retired young enough to enjoy a quiet life.

Being rich doesn't mean anything if you cannot live the way you want to live.
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Don't always be the one putting yourself out for her. Don't always be the one putting all the effort and work into the relationship. Let her, and expect her, to treat you as well as you treat her, and to improve the quality of your life.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
Reaction score
A thread titled "How to Navigate Dating When Rich Or Wealthy" is not about rich forum members? The original post even spelled it out in bold in the first two lines:
I don't believe that Amsterdam Assassin has ever claimed to be rich. Quite the opposite, in fact. Sometimes it helps to read more than just the original post.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
Reaction score
I don't believe that Amsterdam Assassin has ever claimed to be rich. Quite the opposite, in fact.
By my own measure, I'm rich, but my wealthy friends probably think I'm a pauper. But good company and not a leech.


Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2023
Reaction score
Am I claiming to be rich?
I think I wrote:

There are levels of 'rich'. I'm at a comfortable level, where I don't have to worry about financial matters for the rest of my life, but that is partially because I live well within my means.

In my previous life I was a personal risk management consultant to people targeted because of their wealth. That is not a comfortable level to be in. And I've seen more than enough of the dark hedonistic side of wealth and success to know when I had enough and retired young enough to enjoy a quiet life.

Being rich doesn't mean anything if you cannot live the way you want to live.
Based on the title and disclaimer, I assume that everyone offering advice in this thread is "rich," which, in simple terms, means "having goods, property, and money in abundance." I chose your name because you can handle the heat, and everyone knows you.

However, the context you provided about interacting with wealthy individuals and their finances makes you knowledgeable enough to give advice, even though that’s through 2nd and 3rd hand accounts… I suppose :/


Don Juan
Oct 7, 2024
Reaction score
Not to be the bearer of bad news, but much of the advice in the Manosphere is often based on personal anecdotes or exaggerated experiences rather than science. For example, when someone claims to have a 'harem' of women at their disposal, it may not accurately reflect reality. These stories could either be fabricated or rare occurrences, not backed by sustainable or scientifically supported behavior. The truth is, most people here are not what they claim to be, and the reality is far more complex than the perfect image they try to project. Moreover, much of the advice given is not congruent or practical—it’s often extremely vague and lacks a clear 'SOP' to actually reach the end goal.

It’s a pet peeve of mine. That’s why I didn’t offer any advice on this topic, nor have I done the necessary research to provide proper, science-backed guidance.
Dude. Seduction is not science, it's feelings. Its emotions not logic.

People should share advice not referring to them, because its like a cars salesman "Hey look I am this or that, look how awesome I look/am" and nobody likes that $hit.


Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2023
Reaction score
Dude. Seduction is not science, it's feelings. Its emotions not logic.

People should share advice not referring to them, because its like a cars salesman "Hey look I am this or that, look how awesome I look/am" and nobody likes that $hit.
You should look into social psychology. It shows the dynamics of attraction and demonstrates that seduction is not only about emotions but also rooted in psychological principles. While it may offer a guide for manipulation, understanding these principles can also help navigate human connections more effectively.

Tell her a little about yourself, but not too much. Maintain some mystery. Give her something to think about and wonder about when she's at home.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Jan 31, 2023
Reaction score
How can we prove that the people who posted in this thread giving advice are rich? (Not to single him out but as an example, by giving advice in this thread, Mr. Amsterdam is claiming that he is “rich”).
There might be varying definitions, too. In the U.S., the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regulates investments. Investors in hedge funds, for example, need to meet the criteria for a "qualified investor", which is being a millionaire or making $200k/year.

In popular opinion, according to this article, you need to be a multi-millionaire to be considered rich:
And here's where the generations stand on what they think it takes to be considered rich, according to the previously mentioned 2024 Modern Wealth Survey by Schwab:

Baby Boomers: $2.8 million
Gen X: $2.7 million
Millennials: $2.2 million
Gen Z: $1.2 million


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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@Clockwerk50 and others:

You can tell if someone is telling the truth or spinning a yarn based on consistency of content here. My content is consistent over thousands of posts and some number of years here. I am as I say. My avatar is me, and the photo is an unretouched proof in my 50s.

Downplay your wealth but you do not need to be eating at McDonalds if a good steakhouse is more your speed and you can afford it. Pay attention to the motivations of those around you. That's my advice in short on this topic. Don't be blinded by beauty. Keep your wits about you.

Like the Dutchman I have much less wealth than many I know, but I'm also considered authentic and good company by those same people.

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
Reaction score
8K is nothing. The other day, I had to fix 40K worth of damage to genuine Brazilian Walnut hardwood flooring caused by an overflowing toilet. I didn't even have to write a check. I just gave the contractor a couple of front row seat tickets for the Taylor Swift Eras tour. No big deal, I've got a dozen more sitting in the safe for occasions like this.

I out-earn my woman, her parents and their entire village in Venezuela, combined!
My wife and I are just middle-class dirt people. We engage in some luxuries, like vacations and fancy restaurants on date nights. Sometimes after we hit up a Manhattan steakhouse, as I walk down the street, I’ll present my leftovers box to a hungry homeless bum, open it up, have him get a whiff of the delicious fatty calories, dangle a slice of succulent, butter-finished, greasy porterhouse steak, moan with pleasure as I eat it, laugh, say, “Sucks for you pal,” and then be on my way.