Poor mouth. While I disagree about actively trying to hide who you are (if I'm going to a Charlie Trotter's type place.....I'd be going there anyway.....don't go to Red Lobster just to pretend you aren't a Charlie Trotter's guy for example).....I also think it is worthwhile to help someone understand the obligations and responsibilities of having something includes.
Last week I dropped 3K on repairs to a rental unit and 5K on oral surgery for my daughter. Many people don't make that in 2 months. I talk about having to put those things on cards (and downplay that I pay them off quickly.)
I do not share financial details with anyone who is not of similar level of wealth than I, and I'm somewhat opaque even then. People can see that I drive a very expensive car (bought used), wear expensive clothes & jewelry, bought mostly used, and I pay attention to someone's ease being around affluent people. I don't gush about someone's plane, or yacht, or racehorse or expensive home. I get uncomfortable when someone is unaccustomed to the trappings of wealth, because that demonstrates a lack of discretion and a sense of "OMG he has XYZ......"
So you'll have to cypher who doesn't have the elegance to navigate that world (or lacks the discretion to ask privately about things she doesn't know)......
You also would do well to avoid women who feel entitled to what you have worked so hard for (if they never make an effort to pick up the check or if they expect shopping trips or you to cover her rent/gas/bills etc.)
And you'd also do best to avoid women who think they deserve your resources in exchange for her looks. That is more subjective. So use your judgement.
The way to figure out these things is to listen, pay attention and downplay your wealth while still living your life as you were already doing. Poor mouth around those whose motivations you do not know.
I out earn my man by a multiple. He had very little idea and I still do not discuss specifics with him. Our finances are individual, not joint because we had lives prior to one another.
Trusts are your friend. Protect your wealth in advance from others who would take advantage.