guru1000 said:
When was this? You provided your story of restructuring equity deals, is that your explanation of HOW to make a million dollars? Everybody go out and do equity deals like you did?
So let's assume you don't have reading comprehension deficiencies and you Did set the BIG goals to be accomplished in five years, not retirement.
What is the goal?
I ALREADY said this. From Post #80:
I laid out my goal by Retirement (65) to have enough in principal to where the monthly interest off that principal in combination with Social Security (what's left of it) will cover ALL of my personal expenses even factoring in Inflation and higher health care/health insurance costs.
My goal was to have this principal be about $1 million but if not, at least $750,000 with about 4% interest being paid on it which is $30,000 a year. Then Social Security I would hope to get $20,000 (at least) from so I would have $50,000 a year to play with BEFORE touching my principal. I would estimate that my personal expenses might be about $40,000 - $45,000 per year by the time I'm at 65.
What thinking have you done as to enhance your current business model or did you decide you would jointly undertake another model?
How do you intend to secure financing, private or public? How much do you need?
Do you intend to bring the company public or sell privately?
Did you consult with any investment consultants or attorneys to work out the game plan, liquidity of your position, and legal ramifications (which can be quite costly) of your goal?
I ALREADY answered most of these questions to YOU as well.
I work in Commercial Finance and operate an Independent Sales Office, like I already told you Guru, in this thread and another thread. In terms of thinking to grow the office, I attend various industry conferences, network with other agents, and research changes/new products/new trends within the industry to take advantage of new opportunities as they come up or learn new ideas on gaining new accounts.
My cost of operations is very low, so there's really no need for serious financing but for any operational cost I run them through my Credit Cards on 0% interest for 12 - 18 month deals and pay everything off before that promo is over. Or I run costs through Credit Cards like normal but pay everything off before the grace period. There's no equity investing from another Partner, it's just myself as an Independent Sales Office.
No I'm not taking my Sales Office public, it's not relevant to what I'm doing. I do have the option to sell my portfolio and make multiples on it, but there's no reason to do that because the clients usually are with you as long as your technology, service, etc. continues to operate efficiently.
I consulted with Attorneys to setup my legal business structure and I consult with my Tax Professional (EA) for bookkeeping and taxes.
Tell me about your pitch. What exactly are you pitching?
What do you mean what am I pitching? I work in Commercial Finance, we provide commercial financing such as working capital, lines of credit, etc. to commercial clients.
If you have not contemplated any of be above, I expect that you have done other thinking in how to attain your 1 or 10mm in five years, correct?
I laid out a plan for you with explicit details countless times. I believe continuing to work in my current industry and current positioning can get to the goal I'm looking to get to.
Now damn it, I'm asking
YOU (the guy who creates HOW to make a million dollars threads)
how do I make more money and if you had other concrete ideas? After all, it was YOU who made this thread, I didn't PM you and bug you for information.
If you have done no thinking whatsoever, this would mean you have not set the goal and become one with the goal--and you are A KJ, wasting everyone's time, detracting from the subject matter with empty, straw-man, illogical rebuts that serve no abstract purpose nor motivate anyone else to take action.
Lol, what? This is bull____ and you know it. I have already told you every damn thing about me, I even think in PM I gave you my LinkedIN information before. If I didn't, I will provide it to you, I don't have no reason to hide behind made up Usernames. I am WHO I am, online and offline.
What empty straw-man, illogical, rebuts? YOU made this thread, but yet you don't want people to ask you for more concrete details on a thread YOU made?
It's like me making a thread that says, "How to lose 20 pounds". When people click on the thread, I talk nothing about specific diets, specific exercises, special/magical pills, special/magical supplements....nothing of the sort...but instead I just talk about "believing" in yourself and making sure you have the RIGHT ATTITUDE.
Believing in yourself and having the right attitude is surely apart of losing weight, but my thread title is HOW to lose 20lbs and
I would think that I would provide
SOME damn concrete, specific and actionable eating/exercise plans the person can implement
TODAY to start shredding weight.
I would think GURU would provide some
concrete, specific and actionable business ideas one can research and think about investing in
TODAY to start the road to making $1 million dollars.
But apparently GURU just wanted to talk about having the RIGHT attitude and believing in yourself...which if that's the case, like I have said before, the title of your thread is misleading.
If you bring absolutely nothing to this thread that helps others get out of their boxes, then stay out of the thread--and continue your journey in PIKERdom. If you have ANY material that will POSITIVELY influence the readers to take action, then you are welcome. What is your annual income btw? Quite frankly, your 250k net worth means shvt, and you are no authority of reference for most.
First off, it's not my job to "bring something to the thread" in terms of contributing material because it's YOUR THREAD, not mine. You posted it in the Discussion Section which means you DISCUSS/DEBATE the topic outlined, which is what I'm doing.
Secondly, MR. POSITIVE, One minute you want to throw out empty motivational "rah-rah" speeches to "help" people, then on the other hand you want to DOWN somebody's actual accomplishments? My current success level is nothing??
Really, I'm in the Top 1% of my age group (Millennials) and I have more wealth amassed then over 50% of retirees right now.
If you want to break it down to being an African American, it's even BETTER. The average net worth of Black Men my age is under $5,000 and for Black Women it's $5.
No I'm NOT a damn Millionaire, I'm working on it, but I damn sure can't become a Millionaire unless I'm a "200 thousandire" first.
Guru your responses to me are cheap and you always try to personally attack someone when you are questioned or challenged on something.
That's cheap, and makes me think you aren't a "Guru" at all, because if you were you would have provided concrete examples by now instead of trying to SHIFT the discussion onto my PERSONAL life like this is MY THREAD. It's not MY THREAD, it's yours, you got up here and said you knew how to make a million dollars, so fvcking tell us HOW.........