Tenacity said:
These are SIGNIFICANT details that were left out of the "motivational rah-rah" speech that determine if (or if not) someone can duplicate your success. Trust me, Lil Ray Ray or Tyquesha from Chicago CANNOT do what Guru did. Tyquesha is not going to call 400 people a day, Tyquesha is not going to structure equity deals, Tyquesha is not going to get a merchant to increase his sales through an innovative twist she brings to the table, etc.
So saying that "you will win if you don't give up" and "all you have to do is believe in yourself" are empty words because if you LACK the skills and competency, there's no way in hell you are going to duplicate what Guru just did. Tyquesha can "believe" in herself all day, that dumb broad is not going to duplicate what Guru just did.
Now, Tyquesha might be able to do some hair

, she can make some money off putting weave in somebody's hair lol. But do you see my point? It's much more productive to give people realistic, tailored and individual advice rather than generic, bland, "rah-rah" speeches that serve no productive purposes.
I believe that every individual has their allotted, individual path. I wouldn’t teach Tyquesha to pick up the phone and start pitching, as that may not be in her cards. Instead I tell Tyquesha the following:
Begin with a goal. Own the goal. Become one with the goal.
Now Tyquesha knows not where to begin. She just knows, she WILL own a chain of hair salons. Preventing her from accomplishing this today, though, is her lack of funding and education in how to secure, operate, and be profitable in the hair salon industry. So what does she do?
Tyquesha begins with the fundamental: “I WILL own a chain of salons.” Tyquesha now becomes AWARE of the day-to-day operations in the current salon she works for. This AWARENESS is only realized as she now NEEDS to know how a hair salon operates. So she observes the boss, the employees, the communications, the products, the marketing. She begins to ask questions. “Why does this truck come every Monday?” “Well Tyquesha, this truck is for the hair gels and hairsprays.” “But why do we use Avalon products. “Well Tyquesha, they are the cheapest and most effective for their price.”
Tyquesha notices the boss is gone March 13 and 14. Somebody tells Tyquesha the boss is at the accountants. Tyquesha asks the boss upon his return, “Why were you at the accountants?” “Well Tyquesha, corporations have to file taxes on March 15 and sales taxes every quarter with the state.” “Why were you at the bank this morning?” “Well Tyquesha, we needed to secure financing for capital improvements in the other salon.”
We can go on and on until Tyquesha owns a billion-dollar corporation, but you get the point. Tyquesha has the motivation to learn and ask questions only because she put the goal in motion, believed and became one with the goal.
I knew nothing about VCing when I started. I knew how to sell stocks and about stocks. What did I know about equity buyouts or augmenting revenue for private corporations? What did I know about reverse mergers to publicly-traded shells? Why did I know about pitching my way into ownership of companies without one dollar invested? What did I know about private placements 504s and restricted stock? ETC. I took what I did know (which was pitching), incorporated it into my agenda. And because nobody formerly trained me as a VC, I wasn’t slave to their thinking models. Instead, I self-taught, approached VCing with a blank slate and operated in a manner that was unconventional (because I didn’t know the conventional methods), thus thinking outside the box, and got involved with some lucrative deals that other VCs did not foresee possible (I told you about one of these deals in another thread).
It ALL begins with the motivation—the goal. This operates in the same way Schwarzenegger with barely the grasp of the English language went from bodybuilder, to movie star, to Governor. He was not given the HOW-TO-DO. He made a goal, went after it, learned, and made it happen. Likewise, I’m not going to instruct Tyquesha on the step-to-step methodology in how to make money. She will create her own
modus operandi, which will align with her energy and individuality. Guru provides the canvas. Tyquesha does the painting. I tell Tyquesha only to make the goal, own it, and become one with it. The details of HOW will manifest thereafter prompted by her motivation.
ITDG said:
Guru, I have a question for you:
What if my belief is that I am going to grow much much taller and much much stronger (both physically and mentally), does that mean that it will happen? The stronger part is understandable, but if I have the belief that I will grow taller, will that actually come true?
ITDG, don’t confound motivation and action. Plants need to be watered. They will not grow on their own accord. But someone needs the motivation to water the plant.
You begin with the goal that you will be taller. Then you start drinking milk, lol. Nothing happens. Then HGH; nothing that noticeable (depending on your age). Then you stumble onto:
You can only find the solution once the goal is cemented, owned, set in motion. Any other feats, I mean miracles, I, the magician, can manifest for you?