I don't chase women before sex and I don't chase them after sex. There is consistency in how I communicate with them before and after.
Rules of dating:
1. Only deal with high interest women
2. Don't chase. Show intent and let them invest.
3. Date to make yourself happy first and foremost. Learn to say "no".
4. Stay somewhat mysterious and be unpredictable. You want her wondering if you like her or not.
Nothing changes after sex. And if it does, a woman will either perceive the change of personality as 1. A man who used her for sex (if you just drop off the face of the earth) or 2. You ramp up your communication with her after sex and act like you've never had @ss before......cringy/beta attitude. She will RUN, not walk.....to get away from you.
Be chill/fun and laid back before sex, be chill/fun and laid back after sex. Keep it the same. She liked you well enough to fvck you, so why would you stop being that person afterwards?
DONT give in after sex but also don't ghost. Just remain friendly as before.
Keep it light and fun. Both before and after. That's how you keep them around (for a while) in a rotation. Or at least how I do it anyway. It works for me.
Occasionally you'll just get your hands on a horny woman that wants fvcked and nothing more. Fvck her and if she disappears, oh well. That's not the type of person you want in a rotation because she will NEVER be submissive to you.
Rotations = test driving to see if they are valuable enough for a relationship. Kicking the tires and checking under the hood. If something seems wrong with it, move on to something that has more value and better suits your needs.
Happy Hunting