motivation, goals... interesting words. break it down.
if what you really want is to just lay about and not do anything, then your actions may indeed be contributing to fulfilling that goal.
and hey, that might be completely VALID! maybe that's what you want out of life right now.
if it is NOW though, you also have to remember that you'll have to live with the consequences when you're older.
this is the thing about life though - there are STAGES in life and there are opportunities in certain stages that don't exist in other stages or gets MUCH MUCH RARER! easy example is JOB OPPORTUNITY - if you have any intention on being wealthy, that's gotta start early if at all! it takes a long time and if you're 50, you may have missed the boat on the wealth thing.
THERE IS SUCH A THING AS MISSING THE BOAT(s) (opportunities). don't miss them.
so the key is identifying what you want.
not what other people tell you you should want. or what your folks tell you you SHOULD do. WHAT DO YOU WANT? and if you identify something you want, YOU WANT TO GET IT RIGHT? instant fire under your a$$.
if you are completely satisfied with your state in life, then your motivation would rightly be zero.
but if there are things that you want that you don't have, MAKE A LIST OF EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO DO TO GET IT...
...and THEN DO IT!
i think another reason why people don't apply themselves sometimes is that they have early experiences of not getting what they wanted no matter how hard they tried.
but most of the times, these kinds of things can be avoided by carefully considering what it actually takes to accomplish or get something. sometimes, the first step is getting educated on what it REALLY TAKES!
and as a man, it is vital that you start becoming a person that never whines about not having something.
it's gotta become like robotic or something - you want something, identify what it takes, do it, get it.
first step - WHAT DO YOU WANT?