Turuwal said:
I love meeting guys like you in the field. You are confident within the narrow boundaries of your own tiny little piece of the world. You have a smug look on your face that says "this girl next to me loves me because I have money and status and power". You generally follow your girl around, your body language betraying who really has the power. Because of the way you position yourself, and the fact that you are too scared to look me in the eye, you cannot see her eye flirting with me. Your guarding behaviour works most of the time, but you cannot be on guard in every moment. When I meet you after making your girl scream, you start off as condescending to me. I smile and make friends with you. I ignore your girl, and when you boast about how hot she is I say "she's alright". Over the course of a few hours the reality finally dawns on you, but there is nothing you can say because it is all in subcommunication and is easily deniable. You slink off into the night, defeated.
This is my personal fvck you to you and your type.
Yes, I love meeting guys like you in the field as well. You're self-righteous, judgmental, and condescending and think you have everything figured out based on your own little world. Yes, guys like me are very proud of our accomplishments - both the money and power and never do we think girls "must" love us for it. Instead we see them as assets to share with beautiful women who have no problem offering something mutually beneficial.
No we don't follow girls around, we invite them to join us and generally they gravitate towards us. Sometimes it's for our charming personalities, other times it's for what they think they can get from us. Either way, we welcome both types of women with open arms.
Yes, we look hypocritical, self-serving jerks like you dead in the eye and if our girl even thinks, much less proceeds to flirt with you, we cut off the very instant and she better hope you have the gas to drop her cheating ass home. Your delusions of thinking our women would even make eye contact with you, much less give you sex are based on your own desperation, not reality.
See, unlike guys like you - we respect women, particularly women who are comfortable with their own sexuality and know the worth of their vagina. We do not believe in terminologies like hoe, slut, *****s etc. Instead we see women who are open-minded, sexually empowered and in touch with their sexuality. We see women, willing to sleep with guys like us who are willing to offer them wealth and power in return as confident, strong, and supreme. They are the ones who have no succumb to dogma and propaganda of men like you who, for thousands of years have f*cked with their minds and brainwashed them into believing sleeping with guys like me in exchange for resources that will benefit them in life is somehow the foundation of all things "unethical," "unprofessional," "manipulative" or "dishonorable.
In stark hypocrisy, you see no problem with running "game" and literally f*cking with their minds so that you can get sex from them as well.
Yet, in some weird, f*cked up, delusional twilight zone your arrogance and straight up spuriousness leads you to believe you have some kind of "moral" ground to judge me! HA! I laugh in the face of guys, like you!
The reality is you, and all of the others that have responded negatively to this thread are exactly like me. The only difference is that I have the decency and courtesy to be honest about my intentions right from the beginning - making me, far more ethical, professional and honorable than you'll ever be in this or any lifetime.
Yes, this is my personal f&ck to YOU and YOUR type.