I have a gal I see that is top 2, very physically attractive to me and she’s a great lay, she, however is very much a Dunning-Krueger case. She thinks she’s smart, she simply isn’t.
Like you’ve described my humor is lost on her 75% of the time, I end up having to ‘splain jokes to her sometimes. I would not use the word vapid to describe her, she just has those doe, dumb eyes about her, it’s almost cute if frustrating.
Often, when I try to have a philosophical discussion or one that requires complex thought I can tell I lose her after the first few sentences - I can see her eyes trailing off into the distance. She will often, as I’ve discovered miss a very important and blatantly obvious statement in a discussion and I’ve noticed her looking up words I use sometimes.
We often have arguments over her inability to critically think about things. In the past I’d get myself upset about things with her sometimes especially when it’s obvious she’s trying to maneuver in a discussion. I’ve learned to accept this is her way of coping, especially knowing that I’m of superior intellect. Now I just smile and let things flow. Amused Mastery is a term that isn’t used much anymore in the manosphere, but it fits this situation perfectly.
In short she’s highly attractive to me, submissive, a great lay if not particularly inspired. Where I am a woman with her looks is a standout, like unicorn level, so I just adjust because I want to continue to spend time with her naked.