How To Create A Social Circle In 2025!


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2024
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The type of woman you want( good mother , old fashioned, feminine and ladylike marriage material) will also demand that YOU do the masculine chasing...
I'm just lucky that those kinda of women actually approach me, or just send me obvious signs.

But I do understand what you mean.

Actually I'm more focused on getting "exposure" with women, rather than "chasing".

As a man, we want to get exposed as much as possible to women beforehand.
Then we are in the position to make the move.


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2024
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Another thing to add to this fantastic post is the need to face reality:

When your friends, and those you know, become parents and have children because they are couples, forget that they will still be interested in going out with you, a single man with no children. You will no longer have much in common, and they may start to see your presence and contributions in their group as strange. They will want to talk about breastfeeding, diapers, toys, strollers, vomiting, and more.

The women, in addition to feeling resentment because there are men in the group whom they had chosen before their current partners, who are now assigned to their female friends, will also discuss the lovers they secretly slept with while their partners were at work and they were at the gym "watching the little girl in the pool" while her friend was the sentry. (its crazy how these horny moms would give a stranger a ******* but not a kiss).

I know a group of 30 people who have been together since elementary school. Now there are 28 couples and only 2 single individuals who have been marginalized from the group. One of them recently got engaged and rejoined the group, while the other has lost all those years of friendship.

You have to find social circles of single men. After 30, it becomes increasingly difficult, but they do exist. If you are lucky, you will find men who are on the same wavelength, those who focus on building their careers, studying, enjoying life, and also learning to navigate the complexities of dating and gaining experience. The more you'll grow, the more opportunity to meet incredible people You have.

  • Fashion, Art, Festivals/Events/Shows/Conventios – The ratio of women to men is 3:1. I used to love this scene because it was easy to meet women
  • Sports Leagues – Tennis, running, bicycling, hiking. etc.
  • Church – Yes, church. If you attend a great church, you will meet some quality people. I know this one will be controversial but this pertains to my lifestyle
  • Volunteering Events/Parties – The ratio is often 3:1 women to men as well
  • Networking Events – Conventions, meetup groups, niche events, etc.
This is what I'll definetly try

For my specific scenario, I've noticed a great community of 50 people building around a CrossFit Box in my town. They have all shared interest such as hiking, workout, fit lifestyle, and there are 20ish young women there.
You might want to spot those circles, and decide to try out.
Maybe I'll do 2 gym days, instead of 4, and 2 crossfit days and see How it goes.

But How the hell you select Fashion, Art, Festivals/Events/Shows/Conventions ?

I do live in Rome
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New Member
Jan 28, 2025
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I started an account here on the strength of this thread - great to be here.

I'm a year divorced and in my late 30s. I do have brothers that I've known for decades in some cases, we have been there for each other through thick and thin. For this, I am truly blessed. However they are on a different path to me - family, suburban home, kids and so on. I don't have kids and as such don't get the invitation to Christmas lunches, big couple events and so on. I don't have a 'social circle' in the true sense of the word, more a bunch of friends and acquaintances here and there.

I'm working on this now, more than I am on game in fact. I'm really just winging it and putting myself out there in all kinds of situations to see what happens. Taking classes, outdoor activities, volunteering in my community, learning new skills that get me out in the real world. I noticed that during my marriage I developed a weird antisocial tendency, so I'm doing everything I can to shake this now. Basically going out and talking to EVERYONE, when I leave my place I get in the mindset that life is an adventure full of opportunities and I actively look for surreal and humorous things throughout the day.

Still got a long way to go but the mental shift has been very good for me. I'm not sure if it's possible to have a tight early 20s style friend group now as a bachelor nearing middle age, but one thing I've learned is that most friend groups are circumstantial and will fall apart much easier than most people want to admit. If I can make more good friends here and there, people I can relate to and catch up with when our busy lives permit, then I'll consider that a success.


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2024
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tight early 20s style friend group
They're tight by your POV.
When you enter those groups, there are many hidden, filth and creepy things you don't know.
Those groups are born because of proximity, not because of shared interest

tight can be a group of 3 people doing what they love for real


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2024
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We can think of our career as a social circle, because it puts us in contact with people who have the same goals as us in terms of education, work ethic.

I would like to focus on building relationships in this field.

Men, I just wanted to let you know that I am trying my best to find something that I enjoy doing at least at a minimal level and that can make money. I am busting my ass trying to find it


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
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Nashville, TN
One struggle I had with social circles is that if guys perceive you as a threat then they will keep you away from events involving women. If you find yourself only being invited out to Boys nights, then this may be the case unless you are aggressive/creepy with women already.


Master Don Juan
Oct 7, 2013
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Miami fl
this is a post we all need.Get whatsapp and network on their as well .Must be able to network with a party of twenty or so people coed leagues help as well.


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2024
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Social circles are full of people, offering so much variety.

It's like cooking: if you use the right ingredients, you'll make a great dish, but if you use the wrong ones, you'll still eat it, though the taste will be different.

Now, the taste represents your threshold of happiness and contentment when you find people who are great for you, rather than just filling a space.

Social circles are often united only by the desire to share superficial experiences. True friendships, built on genuine connections, are there to share life. Many times, these friendships aren't found in high school, soccer, or local neighborhood circles, but you have to seek them out.

That's why I don't see much value in letting people know that I'm well-known in the neighborhood, but we know that it's necessary to connect with local people and appear socially active. These are the people with whom I usually set more boundaries.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
Bumping this thread because People ask me questions in the DM's But let me address Cornbread's question first

One struggle I had with social circles is that if guys perceive you as a threat then they will keep you away from events involving women. If you find yourself only being invited out to Boys nights, then this may be the case unless you are aggressive/creepy with women already.
What you're saying is indeed true, there are some men who want all the women's attention and validation to themselves. The thing is If you are not being aggressive or creepy is this a circle you want to hang around truly? I've been in circles where guys tried to hook me up with single women in the group, heck I even was in a circle where I got a job that I would have never got if I didn't know the person. In my opinion any person who views you as a threat or denies you opportunities is not really a friend. Personally I woldn't even want to hang around a person like that as their actions are showing you they don't trust you.

Question I got recently How To Recognize Successfful man and not A Business man (who is only good with business but not a DJ)
Markers of Authentic Success

Consistency Over Time – True success isn’t overnight. Look for people who have a consistent track record of achievements over years, not someone who suddenly “made it” out of nowhere. People who are consistent, once they trust you have no issue sharing how they got there. People who are wishy-washy will be vague. There was a guy I know who we all thought was successful because of Crypto. However he kept conversations very light and superficial. To most people, his answers were reasonable but to a person like myself who has been in crypto for several years, his actions didn't always line up with a person in the know. Which leads me to my next point
Knowledge and Execution – They actually know their industry or field. If you ask about their business or career, they can break things down logically. Fakers use vague buzzwords. Going back to the crypto guy come to find out he was a scamer, he now is doing years in jail for scamming old rich ladies ut of there money. He would "launder" the money on crypto exchanges to wash them.
Financial Discipline – Real successful people aren’t always flashy. They invest in assets, not just flexing on liabilities. If someone has a crazy lifestyle but no business sense, be wary.
Quality Network – Who do they associate with? If their circle is full of high-achieving people, that’s a good sign. Fakers tend to only hang out with other flexers or people who admire them.
Resilience and Work Ethic – They’ve likely failed before but bounced back. If their story is all wins and no struggles, they’re probably lying.
Calm Confidence, Not Bragging – Real success doesn’t need validation. If someone constantly needs to prove how great they are, that’s a red flag.
Value Exchange – They offer value and are willing to teach or mentor, rather than just taking from you.

A person who is a business person only or Redlfags to look out for

  • Too Flashy, Too Fast – If their money came overnight and they have no clear source of income, it’s either fake or shady.
  • Always Selling Something – If they keep trying to recruit you for a “business opportunity” or some vague investment, run. A lot of people who are into MLM (multi-level marketing) are like this. I don't bother with those types as they tend to be insufferable.
  • No Real Network – Their "successful" friends are just other fakers who only show off online.
  • Avoids Talking Numbers or Details – A truly successful person can explain how they make money. A faker dodges specifics. On the flipside, it's a red flag when a person wants to talk about salary or how much money you make. You wouldn't share your bank account amount with people right? Now of course they are friends that you trust you may talk numbers too but from my experience people who always have to tell you how much they make or have. Tend to be insecure. They want to know that they are doing better than you. These are also people who tend to be jealous if they find out you're doing better than them. To me it's a major red flag if a person is always asking about how much money I made on a deal, or what I'm buying and how much it cost etc.With these types of people, you have to establish your boundaries and do it very early and strong on!
  • Only Shows Wealth, Never Work – If they only post about their vacations, cars, or watches but never about their business grind, they’re probably not the real deal.
  • Victim Mentality – If they blame everyone else for their failures instead of taking accountability, that’s a sign of a loser mindset.
  • Girlfriends/Wives- Successful men see relationships as an extension of decision-making. If you choose a woman who’s high-maintenance, chaotic, or attention-seeking, it signals poor judgment, which raises doubts about your ability to make solid business decisions. Also if you see a guy who is around unattractive, uncouth women. It shows a guy with low standards and insecure. Now there is a flipside to this he may have been with this woman since day1 before the success. However typically men even before they become successful if they are with unattractive women they tend to not be uncouth, loud and trashy.

If you never see him with a woman whatsoever, successful people tend to see it as a signal of lack of commitment and not being reliable. You have to understand that most successful people view everything from a business or transactional lens. Doesn't mean their not genuine but they pay attention to the stuff that most people probably wouldn't give a care about, hence they are successful. Successful men know that a high-value woman is a filter for other high-value men. If no quality woman has vetted or chosen a guy, it raises doubts: Also the stereotype of being prepuallty single and the fear of you banging their wives and girlfriends is a real thing. as well

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
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Some social circles in my high school had women that would act as a sex doll to be passed around, sometimes upon request.