how to become popular?


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
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Speak to as many people as you can and try to alternate between different groups of people when you get the chance. Be nice to people and make them feel good about themselves when they talk to you.


Don Juan
Oct 24, 2004
Reaction score
Seriously here it is bro

Workout until you can kick 70-80% of people in your schools asses

Play on 1-2 Sports Teams

Smoke pot and wear Abercrombie/Ae etc

Be funny


Master Don Juan
Feb 2, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Limitless
Seriously here it is bro

Workout until you can kick 70-80% of people in your schools asses

Play on 1-2 Sports Teams

Smoke pot and wear Abercrombie/Ae etc

Be funny
He nailed it. But if you don't want to smoke pot, drinking is as helpful, if not moreso.

I know it sounds bad, but you're gonna have to break the law a little if you truly want to be popular.

A few more tips:

Be laidback and "chill"

Talk to a lot of people and make friends with everyone

Don't be uptight about anything, but that doesn't mean let people walk all over you

Read over the High School Bible and that will help you out with chicks. If you can go out with or hook up with a hot chick your popularity will rise significantly

Don't wait too long to do any of this, act now. I made the mistake of not doing a lot of those things until about the end of my sophomore year, and while my popularity has definitely risen, it would have been much higher had I done it in my freshman year of HS like I assume you're in. Though now if you read my thread I'm kind of in a social rut I think.

Oh and one more VERY important thing that a lot of people tend to overlook or not mention at all:

DO NOT CALL PEOPLE TOO MUCH OR SOUND NEEDY! A lot of people have mentioned how much this hurts you with girls, well guess what, it has the same effect with guys if you're trying to hang out with them. If you call someone every weekend or several times a night (even if they say they'll call you later and they don't, or if they say to give them a call if you feel like it) they will think you are needy and annoying. So after you've applied the other stuff and have started making some more friends, don't scare them away by calling all the time.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2004
Reaction score
yes everyones advice is great....

But what i just learned is that the CELL PHONE is a powerful tool. If you want people to call you, you must call them first usually. Invite people (even if its in a group, not just one on one) to dinner before a party or like sunday afternoon. It helps a lot. Then at parties you will have an easier time talking to people because they know more about you and vice versa.


Don Juan
Dec 28, 2004
Reaction score
Playboy Land
This is my opinion on how to become popular in high school:

-Talk to everyone in the school (Be talkative)
-Date a very hot girl
-Social and Party animal.. (Expand your social circle)
-Get into athletics/gym
-Be funny and wear the BEST stuff
-Have a good body language dont walk and talk like a monkey, always try to be relaxed and calm.. mimic Pierce Brosnan if you wanna perfect your body language
-Never ask how to become popular :p


Senior Don Juan
Dec 18, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by the-tiger
how can i become really popular in high school..
you get friends outside of your high school.

for many reasons.
mostly because if you dont go to school together and still chill, you know they good friends, but if u go to skool together and set up a lot of things to do while u meet up at skool, it might just be a thing where your there so u get invited.

basicly, theres life outside the hs walls.


Don Juan
Nov 10, 2004
Reaction score
dont worry about being popular... often by trying to be popular the opposite happens... just relax and have fun.


Don Juan
Oct 24, 2004
Reaction score
Make sure you also have a good group of friends from other schools.


Don Juan
Feb 5, 2004
Reaction score
The advice that you need to drink or smoke to be popular is total bull s***. If you are popular enough you determine whether or not it is cool to smoke or drink. If i toldl one of my stoner friends smoking weed is dumb I dont get the response OMG your a looser, they will say something along the lines of yea dude i know, im trying to quit (even if they arent). I am not so much against drinking, however, I have never gotten any sh*t for not doing it. So if you dont want to drink or smoke you dont have to and people will respect you for it, and if they don't your not hanging out with the coolest kids anyway.

As far as being popular be talkative, take care of yourself, be CONFIDENT, have lots of energy, and dont worry about things.


Don Juan
Apr 22, 2004
Reaction score
if your not really into sports, and you can play guitar or bass join a band. that worked for me.

still workout though. don't be lazy.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2001
Reaction score
Exactly where I want to be.
Suck d!ck for coke money. Never tested it personally, but it should get your name out there.

Or, if the Coke-Fiend-Bordering-on-Homosexuality title doesn't float your boat, just do something you enjoy doing and find people that like doing it too.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2001
Reaction score
Exactly where I want to be.
Also, there's nothing wrong with smoking weed/drinking beer. You certainly don't have to, but there's nothing wrong with either. Those gay Freevibe commercials take a few liberties with reality when they put them together, so disregard anything you may have seen by those people.

Chances are, the more people you begin to hang out with the more likely you'll eventually be in a scenario where someone's probably gonna make an offer of some kind. Im not gonna act like your dad, but it's a good idea to get a little heads up.

If you ever meet someone who tells you smoking weed or drinking alcohol is going to ruin your life or make you into a loser, immediately run and hide. These people have a very tragic - possibly dangerous - skewed view on reality involving said intoxicants. The only time these people ever stray near something that could be considered a rational arguement are the few outlier cases of people that live their lives in a constant blur of intoxication. These examples, of course, are very misleading when you look at the "big picture" of people who use these things and are almost unnoticably different in their day-to-day lives than anyone else you'd meet on the street.

Sorry for the little rant, and I'm definately not advocating either to someone unexposed to their effects, but it would be wise to have at least a little knoweledge in an aspect that will probably surface itself from time to time.

Uh..Knowledge is power.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 15, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by CableLight
Also, there's nothing wrong with smoking weed/drinking beer. You certainly don't have to, but there's nothing wrong with either. Those gay Freevibe commercials take a few liberties with reality when they put them together, so disregard anything you may have seen by those people.

Chances are, the more people you begin to hang out with the more likely you'll eventually be in a scenario where someone's probably gonna make an offer of some kind. Im not gonna act like your dad, but it's a good idea to get a little heads up.

If you ever meet someone who tells you smoking weed or drinking alcohol is going to ruin your life or make you into a loser, immediately run and hide. These people have a very tragic - possibly dangerous - skewed view on reality involving said intoxicants. The only time these people ever stray near something that could be considered a rational arguement are the few outlier cases of people that live their lives in a constant blur of intoxication. These examples, of course, are very misleading when you look at the "big picture" of people who use these things and are almost unnoticably different in their day-to-day lives than anyone else you'd meet on the street.

Sorry for the little rant, and I'm definately not advocating either to someone unexposed to their effects, but it would be wise to have at least a little knoweledge in an aspect that will probably surface itself from time to time.

Uh..Knowledge is power.
since he is a 14 year old, i would tell him not to drink or smoke, just because hes so young.

my opinion on the issue in general may be different though.


Master Don Juan
Feb 2, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Bombshell
The advice that you need to drink or smoke to be popular is total bull s***. If you are popular enough you determine whether or not it is cool to smoke or drink. If i toldl one of my stoner friends smoking weed is dumb I dont get the response OMG your a looser, they will say something along the lines of yea dude i know, im trying to quit (even if they arent). I am not so much against drinking, however, I have never gotten any sh*t for not doing it. So if you dont want to drink or smoke you dont have to and people will respect you for it, and if they don't your not hanging out with the coolest kids anyway.

As far as being popular be talkative, take care of yourself, be CONFIDENT, have lots of energy, and dont worry about things.
True, you don't have to do it, but it certainly makes it a lot easier. Once you get in to high school more and more peoples are going to be drinking and/or smoking, and more and more parties, get togethers, etc. involve at least one of the two. Now, you can still go to drinking parties and not drink and people won't make a big deal of it, but if you want a chance of popularity you can't be against smoking and drinking. If people know this you won't get invited to a lot of parties and whatnot.

So basically, you don't have to do them, but at least be cool with other people doing them. And have some good reason for not doing them. Don't say you just are afraid to get caught or people will think you're a p*ssy.

And if you're straightedge don't go wearing those stupid tight clothes and start listening to emo music. I hate those kids with a passion.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2001
Reaction score
Exactly where I want to be.
Originally posted by shagnscoob
since he is a 14 year old, i would tell him not to drink or smoke, just because hes so young.

my opinion on the issue in general may be different though.
It was more for people in general than just issued to him, but it's all good...I know of a couple people who blazed in Jr High and came out alright. Like I said, though, I'm not going to advocate doing either to someone who either hasn't done it before or doesn't know what to expect. If people are educated about what they're using, often times that'll be the best/safest way than "diving head first," if you will.

As familyguy said, a lot of those scenarios in High School will, more than likely, involve one of the two, if not both and possibly some others. Sadly, unless you're going to bible study people probably are going to raise an eyebrow if you say you're outright against drinking/smoking without some decent reason (i.e. "Well after getting my stomach pumped and saying the night in jail..."). Though I will advocate being a DD and whatnot from time to time, as those are aways appreciated.


Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2004
Reaction score
The best time to get popular is to come back from a vacation -- a short or even long period of time away from school -- with your "new" look. With all that fake crap listed above. That will increase your chances of being popular. It gives it a more "legit" appearance.

One cannot change overnight.


Don Juan
Oct 6, 2004
Reaction score
never ever smoke dude. being popular is not very important. the most important thing in life is your body and your body health. don't forget that. don't damage your body to become popular. the most valuable thing is your health and the time you realize that is when you lose it.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2001
Reaction score
Exactly where I want to be.
Christ smoking a J isn't going to give you terminal lung cancer over night. Remember those commercials Freevibe ran a few years ago about 1 Joint being equal to about 5 cigarettes in terms of toxicity? Even if that is true, not many smokers smoke just five cigarettes in a day, or a week, or two weeks. There are people who smoke over 2 packs a day (1 pack = 20 cigarettes = 4 J's x 2 would equal around 8 J's a day, which is insane). Keep it in proportion and you'll see the numbers become much more fair.

But yeah, stay away from cigarettes, as those are much more deadly than smoking the occasional bowl. Glad we could clear this up :cool: