How to become more sexual? First of all learn to quit being sooo desperate!
1. Be
not :nervous: relax, fool, nobody is going to kill you!
stop checking out girls! Let them check YOU out. If you're "getting laid" left and right will you even have your eyes DART around to spot a femme? Hell no!
3. Remove all feminine and "geeky" aspects from you. the first thing that should pop into ANYONE'S head when they see you is not "he's a geek/dork/nerd" or "he's shy/nervous/desperate" but "He's just too cool!" How, you ask?
Clothes: wear clothes that fit you and match. best things to wear? Collared shirts (if full, roll hem up to mid bicep), polos, and good t-shirts, no ****ing star wars get it?
Hair: shaved, spiky, messy, NOT scruffy!
Physique: hit the gym, do some excercise? do you want your babae to be flabby? they sure dont want us like that? a six pack= low body fat and high muscle definition, THAT's why they love it, just like we love girls with a nice @ss, cuz it usually means that everything around it is nice too!
attitude: like i said before, remove the creep out of you, NOW!
any weirdness in you has got to go. be a sane human being.
i practice what i preach:
seriously which one you guys think is more sexy?