I don't post much on here anymore, or even come on here that much, but I'd say the progress I've made has been due to a few things.
- Eye contact. I drilled this into my head. I used to never do it, then I said fvck it and got sick of being a pvssy so I started maintaining eye contact with
everybody - yes, literally everybody. Old people, young people, teenagers, kids, guys, girls, everyone. I made a point to maintain eye contact with everyone until they looked away. If they didn't I eventually worked up the courage to start smiling or saying hi. Nowadays, I do it almost without thinking about it. It's really affected my personality, because I'm a lot more confident and open now, partly because of this.
- Making what I call "event horizons". Sounds stupid, I know. Basically, what this means is setting it in your head that if a girl does xyz thing, it's game over for her, you know that she is
for sure down to fvck (get the name now, science nerds?) and at that point you just say fvck it and go for it. The easiest one for me to set was, obviously, if you invite a girl over for whatever reason and she accepts. Slowly you expand this line out. This also sort of goes with assuming that every girl wants you.
- Don't get comfortable. I was juggling seven chicks a few months ago. And *POOF* like that I lost them all. It shook my confidence pretty badly; then I realized that all of the confidence I had was fake, that it was entirely dependent on those girls, it was coming from outside, not from within. Since then I've been working on inner confidence, on not relying on others to be confident and happy. Which leads me to my next point
- Take every failure you have as a learning experience. Every single failure you make with a girl, you need to learn something from. There is a lesson to be found in every single situation in life. You learn from your mistakes and you will advance.
- Stop being so focused on women. Find joy in your own life. Do what you love. Focus on your hobbies, on your job, whatever. Don't look to women to fill a void in your life. If you're fulfilled in yourself then women will smell that sh!t and you'll be drowning in pvssy.
- Quit smoking. Eat healthy. Work out. Dress nice. Smell good. Be clean. Keep your house and car immaculate. All obvious to most. The way you carry yourself, the way you look and smell, these are the very first impressions that people get of you. Don't fvck it up in the beginning by being gross. Same goes for your belongings and where you live: outward cleanliness is a reflection of inner peace. A cluttered house reflects a cluttered mind. It also shows that you don't care about what you own, and that is a terrible
message to convey.
When in doubt, don't respond. This is a huge one that I'm just learning. If you ever have the SLIGHTEST doubt about returning a phone call, sending that text,
whatever, your safest bet would just be to not respond. If the girl is attracted to you then this will increase her desire for you; if she is not attracted to you, then you'll be spared wasting your time. Not responding builds attraction over time; this eventually peaks and starts declining. However, this only happens with extended periods of not responding (i.e. no contact), so you shouldn't be worried about losing her attraction (in fact you shouldn't be worried about that at all,
she should be worried about losing
your attraction!).