How many of you would take back a cheater ?


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2012
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Not a one time one but one who cheated on you consistently .
If you did how long long would you last with her?


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
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That's like getting your house robbed and then removing all the locks.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 16, 2013
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Once I would have but with experience you learn things. So no and never regardless how 'high quality' a woman may be. If one was such high quality, then they would not stray nor put themselves in such a situation nor would said man screw up. Slowly I'm starting to realise just how many options out there in the world there really is and how no point getting yourself worked up over one.


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2012
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Not even if she begged and said it was first time and vowed to never do it again?

user name

Sep 24, 2013
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would you let a paedophile babysit your child? even if he begged, said he only did it once and vowed never to touch children again?


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2012
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user name said:
would you let a paedophile babysit your child? even if he begged and vowed never to touch children again?
On the contrary. She begging me to come back because she seen the error of her ways.

I guess you are still gobbling covk. Happy 2014 Phaggot.


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2012
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user name said:
would you let a paedophile babysit your child? even if he begged, said he only did it once and vowed never to touch children again?

NO I WOULDNT LET YOU babysit my child.


Don Juan
Nov 18, 2013
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user name said:
and i gave a legitimate answer. go play white knight elsewhere.
Go play with your kids then you AFC moron. I can smell your betaness a mile away.


Don Juan
Nov 18, 2013
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I took a girl back who cheated on my only once. She said it was a one night stand thing so I forgave her. 3 months later I found her cheating again.
The point is once a cheater ALWAYS a cheater. Even if you take her back the relationship wont last because you will always be looking over your shoulder. Eventually she will cheat again. Its not worth the hassle. Take the pain and move on. Anyone who takes a girl back after she cheats is a pure AFC who thinks he cant chicks. Self respect is more important than girls.


Don Juan
Dec 5, 2013
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i could never take back a cheater... she been gobbeling some other dudes c@ck... how could you take that back?

how could you trust a girl who did sh@t to you.


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2013
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user name said:
would you let a paedophile babysit your child? even if he begged, said he only did it once and vowed never to touch children again?
I think the point of this comment is: You've seen someones true colors, they have shown you who they really are whether they be a cheater or a pederast. You cannot trust them again. So why would you take back a cheater?


Senior Don Juan
Nov 13, 2012
Reaction score
Don't do it.

Most men who cheat know they are cheating and that it is wrong, they just choose to do so anyway and live with their consciences. There have even been studies that show that there is even a possible genetic predisposition towards infidelity in men. I heard about this from a childhood friend I reconnected with a few years ago. His grandfather cheated, so did his dad and uncle and so did he. Screwed up every relationship he had until he made a conscioys effort not to. Now he's married and he hasn't cheated, but he says he has to make an effort not to. Bottom line, they know they have a problem.

Women who cheat, though, also have a need to feel good about it. It just simply can't be their fault. It's always your fault for doing or not doing something or the "relationship just wasnt working," otherwise she wouldn't have felt the need to throw a leg for some dude that made her taco tingle. They are chronic RATIONALIZERS, plain and simple, and those are the ones you gotta watch.

Those are the crazies....The psychos capable of anything and blaming it on some complete bull****. Like shotgun you in half because she thought you were "verbally abusive" or drown all 5 of your kids in the bathtub while you are at work because they overwhemed that day her or stab you 50 times and shoot you in the shower because you broke up with her or (my personal favorite) despite being one of the most highly educated, physically conditioned, and emotionally stress tested women on the planet, she might throw a knife, rope, a shovel, and a bag of lime in her trunk, and put on a diaper so she doesn't have to stop on the 12 hour drive to kill her astronaut collegue because she thinks you two might be having an affair. Those are all true stories.

I took back a cheater once and it ended badly with her cheating again. I got blamed, of course. And it was a waste of several years of my life. Given the big picture, I think I got off easy. If you take back a cheater, cheating on you again is the least of your possible worries, imo.


Don Juan
Dec 5, 2013
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Don_Dom said:
Don't do it.

Most men who cheat know they are cheating and that it is wrong, they just choose to do so anyway and live with their consciences. There have even been studies that show that there is even a possible genetic predisposition towards infidelity in men. I heard about this from a childhood friend I reconnected with a few years ago. His grandfather cheated, so did his dad and uncle and so did he. Screwed up every relationship he had until he made a conscioys effort not to. Now he's married and he hasn't cheated, but he says he has to make an effort not to. Bottom line, they know they have a problem.

Women who cheat, though, also have a need to feel good about it. It just simply can't be their fault. It's always your fault for doing or not doing something or the "relationship just wasnt working," otherwise she wouldn't have felt the need to throw a leg for some dude that made her taco tingle. They are chronic RATIONALIZERS, plain and simple, and those are the ones you gotta watch.

Those are the crazies....The psychos capable of anything and blaming it on some complete bull****. Like shotgun you in half because she thought you were "verbally abusive" or drown all 5 of your kids in the bathtub while you are at work because they overwhemed that day her or stab you 50 times and shoot you in the shower because you broke up with her or (my personal favorite) despite being one of the most highly educated, physically conditioned, and emotionally stress tested women on the planet, she might throw a knife, rope, a shovel, and a bag of lime in her trunk, and put on a diaper so she doesn't have to stop on the 12 hour drive to kill her astronaut collegue because she thinks you two might be having an affair. Those are all true stories.

I took back a cheater once and it ended badly with her cheating again. I got blamed, of course. And it was a waste of several years of my life. Given the big picture, I think I got off easy. If you take back a cheater, cheating on you again is the least of your possible worries, imo.

woman will always rationalize there slutty whoring behaviour, by blaming YOU and convincing themselves that you deserves it...

avoid these scum bags... if she has done it once, she will find BLAME in you & another excuse to do it again.... drop her ass!


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2003
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You've given us two different scenarios there Mikey, but ok.

I'm gonna go against the crowd here (a bit). If it was a one-off, I might consider taking her back. But it would have to be someone who I've been with for years and years (10+), there would have to be some pretty serious grovelling on her behalf and she would have to accept being on a tight leash until I felt she had learnt her lesson.

If it ever happened again and I found out... gone! That's a mistake you only get to do once.

I think like anyone I'd be fairly disgusted and upset about it, but I don't think this is an absolute black and white.