how many of you guys......

Nov 8, 2005
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***** palace
ryannath said:
All I've ever done is drink and I have tried pot once. I just took one hit and it was from some so so weed. It wasn't strong weed and since it was my first time, I kinda lost coordination and kinda was stumbling, but once I sat down, I felt really relaxed and just started laughing at the stupiest things that wasn't even funny. I felt kinda stupid laughing at things that wasn't even funny though. Then I layed down and bed and I kept thinking, "wow, i feel so relaxed. Weed is not as bad as ppl make it out to be."

Now, with alcohol I have noticed that it really messes me up ALOT worse than weed. Alcohol makes it to where I can't really walk at all and can barely talk and everything is slurred and plus the headache that alcohol sucks and so does the 7 trips to the bathroom the next day.
Maybe your really lightweight and need to moderate the amout of drinking... I got a friend who gets drunk off few shots. I don't really find being sh*tfaced to the point of throwing up fun or worth it... you get a hangover and it just sucks.


Master Don Juan
Mar 31, 2003
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yeah i find that even with me, alchol and pot have really effected my motivation. It really does hurt your potential when you do it 2 much. I wasnt a heavy drinker like every day, but i'd do it a few times a week, and that was enough to make me into an angry depressed person. Along with it i'd smoke dope as well.

I wanna get off both and return to how i used to be. I cant get that drunk anymore anyways. I'd drink and drink and drink and could only get drunk to a certain point.

i was supposed to go camping this week and i prolly would have been **** faced everday, adding to the beer belly which is not 2 big but if i keep drinking it will be.

So i actually feel better that i did not go out. I am going to try and stay sober for a few weeks. see what happens


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
PeterNorthisawesome said:
Wow dude so you only did cocaine? or did you do crack too? You must have done a lot if your nose started to bleed. My friend does it in highschool and he told me that one line costs 50 bucks for him. It's def a drug for rich ppl. I'm def sticking to alcohol, seen way too many kids f*ck up their life on weed and shrooms. They can't even think straight anymore and a lot of dropouts tend to smoke weed everyday.
not necessarly... good coke will make your nose bleed assuming you do more than a couple of lines... esppically if you don't do it often. it's not like it hurts or anything.

if you do too much coke over an extended period of time (i.e years) you can actually ut a hole though your nose

lol, **** up your life on weed? that's funny.. you have alot better chance of ****ing your life up on drinks than weed. a hell of alot

my gosh you need tog et out of la la land if you think a line costs 50 bucks. either you need to get out of la la land, or your friend is getting it up the ass. That's about a 1000% profit margin.

50 dollars will buy you about a gram, give or take of coke (at least good coke, and more if there is a drought). a gram will make the avg person about 8-10 lines, no less than 5-7, and one can easily stretch it out to about 13ish lines, but the effect wuldn't be as great so what's the point.

lol, 50 dollars a line.. in a way, snorting is more cost effective than drinking... at lesat if you drink lke me. I can spend 100 a night on drinks and not blink if I'm in the mood. A gram will last me a night an di don't drink when I dused to do coke.... so alot of what you here are literarly myths or frabications.. eihte rthat or his dealer really loves dealing with him


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
per rick james....cocaine is a hellofa drug

it's one of thoose things everyone has to do once.... because you've never done anything like it nor will you ever...b ut it's nothing you should do often, nor do I want to... but you owe it to yourfself to just free up one night, stay at home, maybe with a friend, grab a gram, maybe even an 8ball and just have fun.... Cocaine isn't addictive (crack is) so you won't have to worrya bout wanting more.. I mean you might WANT more but you won't be feending for it


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
did you know Freud was a cocaine addict? There are alot out there