R19 said:
Also, would like to hear more on 'willingness to leave'. There are a lot of chicks I meet where I have an I don't give a fvck attitude all throughout. I have split out with no problems in other situations,
Ok,you see that part of your thread I put in bold? That shouldn't be. There shouldn't be any "other situations". A LOT of guys do this. They act and behave one way with one type of girl,and another way with another. They'll treat a 7 one way,then treat a 9 another. And I'm not talking about the way you approach her,I'm talking about once a relationship has been established. Usually when a woman is extremely attractive and she's the hottest you've ever dated,you'll put her on a pedistal. You act different because you dont wan't to "mess the up". Of course the girl sees you acting that way,and she'll lose attraction for you,but she won't leave you.....not yet. First,she push and push and push,and get away with as much disrespect as she can(or as much as you allow her to do). She'll do this up until she gets bored with you,until another guy comes along,or until you finally grow a backbone and put her in her place.
R19 said:
but maybe I don't convey this 'willingness' enough or in the best ways. How is it done most effectively?
Well the BEST WAY is to establish it FROM THE BEGINNING. What I'm about to say is hard,very hard for most guys to do,but in order for you
and her to be happy in a relationship,YOU HAVE TO PUT YOUR PRIDE AND SELF-RESPECT
ABOVE YOUR DESIRE FOR SEX. In other words,a woman treating you right,treating you with dignity and respect has to be more important to you than having sex with her. If you make sex number 1,and her treating you right second place,what will happen is you might get sex,but you won't get a relationship. The reason is because for sex,a girl just has to be attracted to you,but for a relationship,she needs trust. And if you're willing to sell your pride,self-respect,and dignity all for a roll in the hay,what woman would trust being in a relationship with you if all another woman has to do is just walk by you to have you drop everything and go after her?
I'll give you a example of what said to a woman one time when we first started dating. What happened was we got into a discussion about sex,and I tell her what I wanted and what I expected from her. This was at the very beginning of the relationship....
me:The things I'm looking for in with a woman are this,this, and this. If you cool with all this and you don't have a problem with it,then fine. But if you don't feel comfortable with it,or you have a problem with anything I said,then I'd appreciate it if you'd just tell me right now. This way we don't have to worry wasting each other's time. I can go my way and find a woman who'll give me what I want,and you can go your way and find a guy who'll give you want you want.
Yep,I actually said that to a woman....and I meant it. She said she was ok with everything I said,but if she had said no,and she didn't want to do what I wanted,I would have said "Adios",and moved on. This is what I mean by putting yourself (pride,self-respect,dignity) above sex. If you do this,a woman will not only respect you,but she'll have a strong,strong sexual attraction for you. Women like guys who stand out. Well,how often do you think women run into guys like this?
Man,this is a deep,DEEP topic to get into. I could really break this thing down farther,but I'm tired man.
Anyway,good luck.
This one got to me sooo hard because she is right on, my most desired style type in every aspect in looks and personality.[/QUOTE]