I have actually heard that and I agree, im more of the calm one out here now a days, quit drinking, i make websites, chill out, im old now,35 so is what it is but at the same thing in the younger generation yes, everyone "acts" hard. All of NY does, i hate it with a passion. Im sick of NY and everything about it, hence why i move all over the country so much. And FYI my parents, arent from LI, they're from Brooklyn, the actual ghetto part of Brooklyn from the 60s-70s, so thats probably why im so calm now days(learned what NOT to do or act), they have the typical Brooklyn ill kick your ass attitude, fact is, my dad, me and him got into physical fights growing up many times. To many to count because we are similar in many ways so we clash but, that being said, yes Long Island is a cesspool of dumb-asses with most that have nothing to show for their lives.